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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 6:15pm-6:31pm MSK

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why? because, look, there is a good stunt part, there are magnificent clowns, that’s the training, first of all we are going to surprise the viewer with energy, ah, an indefatigable thirst for extreme sports, let’s say, and well, with the high professionalism of our business. the performance consists of equestrian acrobatic stunts, on horseback, this is energy, right, this is the correct presentation, this is drive, or something extreme, again, a looker.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four sacks of loaves of wealth are among the elements of intangible cultural decline belarus.
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pantamima's clown theater is a unique theater of sign songs, where children and adults sing with gestures of the hearing impaired, that is, anyone who comes, he can try himself in everything and find the path in which he will be comfortable, on which he will be supported by the leaders and members of the club formation , and will keep pace with him, help, understand and accept him for who he is.
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our schedule is built solely according to needs and so that it is convenient for our children, so that it is convenient drive parents so that they can keep up with their children.
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for development is the creation of a barrier-free , accessible environment, and support for talented youth with disabilities . and today in belarus there are a lot of festivals for people with disabilities. health. in fact , it seems to me that i did not choose this profession, but the profession chose me by will and fate. i once worked here as the director of the theater of clownery and pantami, a person who was hard of hearing brought me to this. you know, as vyacheslav polunin once said, study that thing that makes you smoke. so this makes my soul tingle in my heart. and i understand, even during rehearsals, and i now. i am doing, i understand that i am resting, i am sated, i am satiated from relaxing, even doing a three-hour rehearsal, communicating with children, i am sated from communicating with children, adults, a wave of defants - this is for everyone, i’m not saying that’s all , if you
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have a desire to achieve something, if you have a dream, and a dream is the same goal, then we go there, one day he...
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when they say what a leader should be with a hard fist and you need to use a tough glove, here it doesn’t work, here it doesn’t work, here you have to be a director, you have to be a mother, you have to be a psychologist, and a sister, a friend, understand how, when and with whom to talk, and if you come to work, and the guys are already joining the club formation, you can’t just practice, for example, dancing, like in a queue. together, together, together, this is not a pompous phrase, but we will always be with you, just
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let us help you, let us be near with you, and in all your endeavors we support you . they see that we support, we will support everything, and then the result is very cool. in fact, we are all special, what is our specialness? in character, we all have different characters and we sometimes have to put up with characters, sometimes compromise, and also here in inclusion, each one is special, but we must learn to accept them as they are. when you see a person with disabilities, his actual capabilities and you understand that they are not limitless, they are unlimited, you understand that if he can, this is how i can become limp, how i can give up, but i just don’t have the right, one
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of the indicators of the attitude of my children happened not so long ago, when there’s a lot of work, and you’re sitting in the morning... evening, and you’re busy, busy, the phone is ringing, there’s so much to do, sometimes you put it aside, you don’t understand what you ’re putting off, then the phone rings, and i say: daughter, i’m so busy, let me call you back, she says: mom, i’ll tell you in 5 minutes i’ll bring you a sandwich, because you’re hungry, and i understand that work, well, isn’t so important when you understand that a small child takes care of you and he understands the whole burden, the importance of what a mother does. throw a little firewood, coal, well, into
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this locomotive you just need to sometimes in the furnace relationships with people, it’s probably some kind of attention, care, support, like a mother, then this is a mother, in which everything in this word is all capital letters, she’s right mom, she’s behind the... clowning plantonym, and before that she was also involved in modeling, so i decided to become photographer, start taking pictures, because i saw a lot of beautiful people, i heard their story, i decided through photography to convey their story, my mother is creative, versatile, kind, beautiful, i have like my best friend, my closest person, in my studies, let’s say i got some bad grades, she helps me, my mother is good. she can always help, i always come to her with advice, she helps me with homework, homework there
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, support, often our dad replaces dad and mom, and he takes care of them and lessons fall on dad, too, and health care at the clinic, dad goes, well, it’s like i have such a husband, that in fact, i say, here it’s long been necessary to take crushed stone somewhere and pour the foundation, so my husband is very supportive, and... i understand that in difficult moments, when they come, and they are always at work, i call and say, zhenya, somehow i give up, he says: well, i’m with you, and i’m nearby, i understand that that’s it, he says, you’re so strong, oh well, he ’s like, oh well, you’ll become a little limp, there i got ready and went, well, support, man, he radiates some kind of warmth, some rays. positive energy, when you realize that you give at least a little
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feeling of happiness, then it returns, everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan. kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey,
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iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite azer space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours in... and discover belarus.
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