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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 7:25pm-7:56pm MSK

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natural conditions, we create for them exactly the same conditions as for native horses, so that they do not forget how to behave in the wild. in the belarusian program, we will meet the married couple who own a century-old apple orchard and nursery.
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words, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, no matter where you look, your gaze falls everywhere, everywhere there are some man-made, these are everyday objects, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, very a lot of people come because even some say that here it’s good here, you can relax mentally here, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, here you can go out and take a walk , see a roe deer, see that one...
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i want to show you horses from my homeland, these are the kambardian breed , a mare, very valuable, breeding, with all the documents, she is a horse very close to me, she is the mother of these ... other kabardian horses of mine, she is her own breed, close in spirit, let’s say, she was brought from the caucasus, hardy, unpretentious in every way, she is very close to everyone, not only outside, but to all kambardians, circassians, this is a very valuable breed, there are very few of them in belarus, so we value this.
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this is alaska mare, her father is a lithuanian breed, half, half kabardian, and she got strong ones from kabardian. color, endurance, this is all from the mother , a strong hoof horn, a beautiful exterior, inherited, good quality, this next one was basma, wait, wait, like this, like this, his eyes are very different, theirs is precisely their intelligence such intelligence distinguishes him from others. to balkaria, i am from there rodon, by
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nationality kabardian, circassian, i ended up in belarus in the nineties, when at that time we were transporting horses from the soviet union, it was during this period that i began to come here, they brought horses of different breeds, soviet breeds , these are terek, this is budenovsky, these are trotters, our kabardian breeds, the city of brest. this was a place for - transhipment of these animals, for customs clearance, veterinary clearance, we often had to be here stop in order to simplify the task of transporting animals, we decided to create several such bases here near brest, where we could accumulate some number of horses and from there, having prepared customs veterinary documents in advance there, we then offered them to our european partners, since we often had to ... to travel and decided
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to settle here, opened my own farm, i had a sports school for boys and girls, a local from brest competed in various sports competitions in belarus, then i was leaving for my homeland, already in 2000, i was there, working, i had to return here at the invitation of my fellow countryman, a friend who stayed here in belarus, at that time he was building an ostrich farm, so he suggested nearby build a horse farm like this, unfortunately my friend died in an accident, the question arose, what to do next, develop some kind of business, or...
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yes, this year, unfortunately, the weather is so hot, there is no rain, this is reflected on our grass stand, these are the times we live in, if earlier we quarreled, there were neighbors over a certain meter of land, but now there is no such thing, so they came up with such a relationship when they, the owners, offer me, we cultivate the land together, prepare it in advance, they plow, and i either cultivate the harrow, then i sow grass, and this land will be looked after for 3-4 years, they will mow the grass, feed it to animals,
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when you have an assistant, it’s more fun and you have time to do more, my son has no time, he’s studying, he’s a student, when... .comes on vacation, then only he can help, the rest of the time he basically does it all himself, well, soon the season will end, there will be no more grass for hay, we will only feed with hay, which we have already prepared for the winter, he is also studying in a specialty, as if connected with agriculture, animal husbandry, he studies at the vitebsk veterinary academy, so... if he is interested, he can continue and develop this business. since childhood, i don’t know, in the sixth grade, probably, the first time my dad took me to the sinokos, i remember how i broke his braids out of anger that i was at 5:00 it will be in the morning, the sinokos is lucky, i even
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took exams after school, first i came to the sinokos, then at 9 am i came to take exams, sometimes. especially after winter , you come and ask for your hands, because when you study, you sit there constantly doing nothing, you miss people like that, some kind of activity, it happens that the older generations, who ran their own separate farm, always kept a horse with them. for work, well, on some farms, on collective farms, almost every district had its own sports schools, where young people who are interested in this could engage in this, but over time , collective farms and state farms as such stopped paying so much attention to horse breeding; little by little
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private traders, like me, began to rise, farmers who privately began to breed and engage in horses , i belong to... this category, we have not yet become stronger, there are not so many of us in belarus, but we exist, this is a layer, let’s say, we kind of provide for a small, let’s say, needs of people, which tends to animals, in general to nature, we seem to exchange energy, they receive energy from us, from horses, from animals, and we receive from them... the same positive emotions, this is a stable that has just been mowed, now
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we will please our horses, stables, let's go, i'm carrying, i'm carrying, i'm carrying, i'm carrying, move over, move over, asa, just like that, with what appetite they eat, just like that. in general, i come from a family of hereditary horse breeders, it all comes from my father, my older brother and i, we learned, first we worked, and then we learned a specialized one at a university, let's say, temeryazev agricultural academy, at the department of horse breeding, this is the only department of horse breeding that was in the former soviet union, so, this... the craving for horses comes from childhood , as if and naturally having such skills,
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some knowledge, then you are drawn to this, naturally, plus horses are the purest pure beautiful animals, but how could it be different. now this generation, unfortunately, is probably more passionate about gadgets, computers, and for them, for the most part, what i see is that it’s as if their eyes are opening, they see nature in a new way, this in itself is everything that was created by the almighty, these are trees, these are animals, mostly young people now and not just with horses, in general with all sorts of animals,
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young people seem to be distant, distant, and for them it’s interesting, i have sheep running around, that’s a lot, for many people it’s a good idea to come close to the decoration, pet them, feed them for a period of time, not only horses, i don’t say at all, this is also a lot of things to come and pet them, i have a lot of kittens, dogs are running around, these are all the animals in the complex of the territory , it seems like this - it causes in children - a surge of emotions in children of any age, practically children, when children have such emotions, then naturally the parents do too, haha, haha, haha , let's go, let's go here, in fact, they all have names, this is worth the world, this is standing - a redhead, this is a snowball, today i exchanged rams,
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the rams were brought, i haven't given a name yet, this shaggy ram, here he is standing on the edge, we he was only exchanged in the morning with another farmer, he he brought his own, and i gave mine away, such an exchange is necessary so that in the herd - there is no closely related one from baptism, well, he is still a little wild, he probably doesn’t fit into our hands yet like ours, you see, he gets scared, the first hour when i brought it here, he completely butted heads one by one, first with lambs, then with sheep, so he got to know each other, now we feed him fresh grass, while there is fresh grass, then we’ll move on to hay, dry food and other concentrated gorma, what will happen? there are a lot of people now, especially young people, who are not can find themselves in our difficult, difficult
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times, and of course for them this is what we have, what we show, what we offer, this may be one of the options for them to understand something they looked at this life differently, not just like this, not only what is shown on the internet, on tv, but live, maybe it will help someone, i hope so. this is my favorite horse, her name is basma, her mother is kabardian, purebred, brought from the caucasus mountains, and her father is also a kabardian, my father and i thought that there are about 63%. and for some reason, since childhood, i communicated with her most of all, and became attached to her, probably because of her character, she drives everyone away from horses to people. calm, patient, kind, when i’m without horses for a long time,
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i somehow have moments that i’m nervous, constantly depressed, something else, when i come here, i notice that all these things go through - then mental misunderstandings, and i calm down, at least with horses, i seem to communicate with them since the second grade, at least one was a horse, this is my father now he studies everything, so i also have some light knowledge; i probably knew from the eighth grade that i would associate myself with animals. and i thought and thought about where i would go, at first i thought that i would go to moscow to the temeryaziv academy, where my father studied, but then we saw that we have a good option closer, this is the vitebsk veterinary academy, well, i’ve already finished my second year, i would like with the horses, we’ll still continue our business further, but then we don’t
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look too far, so to speak, how will life lead? the son himself chose this specialty, voluntarily, he went, it seems, well , there is an interest, not only in the veterinary line, but specifically in specialization, specifically in the treatment of horses, he said several times about this that he is more interested in the equine direction, specifically in the treatment of horses.
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i gave my children the same opportunities in terms of communication with animals, yes, but every person from birth has his own purpose, every person finds something to do, some like this activity, some don’t like it, that’s in mine in this case, the son seems to be more interested in it, he likes it and he studies for this business, it’s his, but the girls are a little different, they have different passions, not just the horse. tell me, now i’ll give you a skate, well , about yes, hit.
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our family came from the caucasus, we have our own culture, our own cuisine, i would like to tell you about our oriental traditional drink, it is called kolmyssk tea, it can be prepared from those products that... can be found on belarusian shelves shops, i take tea, pour it into a saucepan, fill it with water, tea you can also pour cold, boiled water, there is no significant difference in this, the tea needs to be boiled, my water has boiled, uh, now
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i need to add sour cream - and butter, salt. spices to taste, i take butter, since this is, after all, oriental cuisine, here the slavs, not everyone will be accustomed to the taste of such tea, but i still advise you to try it. kolomyssky tea is unusual in that it is not... on the contrary, salty, that is, we add salt and spices to it, some, by the way, add garlic, as far as i know, but we drink it without garlic, because in the east, people really love this tea, it can be found in stores, uh, in different formats, that is, you can find uh
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crumbly, ready-made, where all the ingredients are, you can find it in briquettes. tea, but you can also make it from regular black or green tea, my tea is ready, all that remains is to pour it into mugs and serve it to the table, we prefer to drink it with khichins, these are flatbreads with cheese filling, or with kaburdin delicacies. the first people i had were young mothers, with sick children, children with special needs, and here they were. by... they even pushed, let's say, to develop this business, because there was such a need, and parents with sick
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children, they were constantly looking for where to find, take the child for a ride, that's where we started and gradually the rest became grow, over time we have already worked out a route through the forest, through the forest along the mukhovets river. other people, young people, newlyweds, and their families began to come little by little; for the rides, naturally, i chose suitable horses, calmer ones, more pliable ones, to which everyone could calmly approach, so as not to be afraid.
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belarusian, they are calm, phlegmatic, such that you can calmly put any person, any child on them, of course, in the process we taught them to calmly react to all people, but they themselves are smart animals, they know the voice, they know the intonation, here they have the route begins for us, we will go further through the forest, literally 5 minutes after we leave the territory of vasa, no matter how inexperienced the person is, still after
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5-10 minutes this fear goes away, man becomes more relaxed, confident and begins to get some pleasure from horse riding itself. this is very important , the route itself helps us with this. well, it so happened that we are next to such a forest, next to such a river, it all turned out wonderfully, and these forest roads, they have a very calming effect, with some kind of calm, with some kind of goodness, all this is perceived, this is good for our life today like this, let’s say,
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and naturally there is its own beauty, special beauty, grief, here in belarus too woodland, forests, everywhere there are beautiful
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places, you just have to be able to see it, there is beauty everywhere, in belarus, in the caucasus, whoever wants to see it, i’m generally here for... my purpose or calling is precisely in belarusians found themselves by creating a family while being here. i’m not alone,
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there are many, many like me, and we find that society, we found that society where we could realize ourselves to the fullest, i feel this myself, the belarusian mentality is very close to our caucasian simple, simple people who are concerned about starting a family, raising children, and having a job. to benefit society, to serve society, that’s all, it’s united, these are universal human values, they are typical both for belarusians here and for caucasians, i will say, in belarus, what is very valuable to me, what i like, is that no one fingers does n’t show, doesn’t say who you are, where you’re from, why you came here, this is something
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i’ve never heard from... ordinary people during my entire stay in belarus, about 30 years, and this is a very high achievement for a belarusian society, when every person, of any nationality, of any heritage, can come here to realize themselves calmly, be here and not be afraid of any pressure, this is a very valuable achievement for belarus, this should be treasured. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult, please tell me, what did you dream of becoming
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when you grew up? “i wanted to become a flour truck driver, they say that in the army the food is healthy , filling, but not always tasty, well, i probably won’t advertise, i’ll just i invite you to a meal at our svorod military school. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. is there friendship between show business artists? i can’t say that our sphere is exactly the same one that is shrouded from head to toe in intrigue, this is true, this is a myth, it is true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, there is a lot to say time, well i probably don’t need to say that it’s a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it takes, you can teach me, my chin is higher. shgm is a preliminary
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command, correctly, the body moves forward. look, the project contains 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . president of belarus alexander lukashenko will make a state visit to mongolia from june 1 to 4. official negotiations with the president of mongolia will take place in ulaanbaater in
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uzkoy. expanded compositions. the leaders will discuss promising areas of cooperation for maximizing the full potential of bilateral relations. first of all, we are talking about the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the trade and economic sphere. supply of in-demand food and industrial products from our enterprises to the mongolian market, joint work in the agro-industrial complex. it is expected that as a result of the negotiations , a number of documents will be signed that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with: the history of the original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. in parallel with the events state visit , a business forum will be held in ulaanbaater. representatives of the business community will be able to familiarize themselves with each other’s capabilities in more detail and discuss practical issues in specific areas. deputies at the meeting of the first session of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the eighth convocation adopted in two readings a bill on amnesty in connection with the eightieth anniversary of liberation.


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