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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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mongol will take place in ulaanbaater in a narrow and expanded format. the leaders will discuss promising areas of cooperation to maximize the full potential of bilateral relations. first of all, we are talking about the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, supplying the mongolian market with in-demand food and industrial products of our enterprises, and joint work in the agro-industrial complex. it is expected that as a result of the negotiations , a number of documents will be signed that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with the history, original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. in parallel with the events of the state visit , a business forum will be held in ulaanbaatar. representatives of the business community will be able to familiarize themselves with each other’s capabilities in more detail and discuss practical issues in specific areas. deputies at the meeting of the first session of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the eighth convocation adopted in two readings a bill on amnesty in connection with the eightieth anniversary of liberation. belarus
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from the nazi invaders. the difference between the current bill and the previous ones is that those released under the amnesty will be maximally involved in the country’s economy. according to preliminary data, when the bill is implemented, the amnesty will be applied to 7,850 convicts. the main conditions for the application of the amnesty are full compensation for the damage caused by the crime committed. positive characteristics of a person while serving a sentence. amnesty is a manifestation.
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the main efforts are aimed at solving problems to cover government and military facilities from enemy attacks. in addition, at aviation training grounds, the crews will have to practically work out a number of issues in the interests of covering ground forces units. this exercise involves both aviation units of the allied forces of the republic of belarus and units and units of the russian aerospace forces. respectively. an episode of managing the interaction of heterogeneous aviation groups while performing a single combat mission is being worked out, a hot apara for graduating students, today the second centralized exam took place, just over 44,000 applicants wrote russian, 11,500 belarusian, and at the same time centralized testing for graduates of previous years or colleges took place. the results of the ce will be known no later than ten working days, and the results of the ct within two weeks. this year, the entrance
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campaign in belarus is taking place according to new rules. traditionally, on the last thursday of the month, labor inspectors from the federation of trade unions of belarus travel around the country and provide consultations at enterprises and organizations on issues related to the protection of labor rights and socio-economic interests. if necessary, prosecutors may be involved to resolve the issue. monitoring compliance by employers with labor guarantees and the procedure for payment of wages. receptions are held. labor inspectors are highly qualified specialists in their field of legislation, trade union lawyers will be able to advise any person who contacts the district city association of trade unions on issues of interest to them, mainly this issues related to labor legislation, pension legislation, issues related to the calculation of benefits, and specifically for each person, if he works in an organization, there is some question, then specifically for the situation with this employee.
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in addition to consultations, a person can claim that some kind of procedural document will be prepared for him, for example, in court or in some government agency. start of the creative summer of work. the ceremony in nesvezh brought together hundreds of young and active people, the celebration took place in several locations, in the hall district cultural center and open air format, opened the event symbolically, in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war , young people laid flowers at the foot of the memorial. there are a number of new host organizations. for the first time this year, a detachment will start at the belgzhi plant, it is planned to send the guys to the leningrad region, that is, we already had a joint detachment, it has already worked with the leningrad region at the mound of glory and we plan to send the guys to a labor project there.
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socio-political talk show in essence, today we will talk about parliament, about how did it change after we had the institution of the all-belarusian people's assembly? in order to participate in our program, find the qr code on the screen, point your smartphone at it, connect to the chat, write and ask questions, if you just want to read and see how the program and its editors live behind the scenes, connect to the second one. code and our telegram channel will be there. in the studio today, as usual, are alena syrova and kirill kazakov. hello, let's get started. well, basically, 3 months have passed since single voting day. we elected deputies
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at different levels. well, roughly speaking, a month has passed since the all-belarusian people's assembly, and we are already fully equipped with our most important ones.
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that is, everyone is doing what we were doing, if we take it to explain for ordinary citizens, the parliament both passed and continues to pass laws, the functions of deputies did not become less, the functions of the executive branch, and there was no redistribution, but in essence we were a presidential country , they remained that way, that is, we didn’t break the system, now all-belarusian people's assembly, what is it? the president replied, just recently, i really liked this phrase, i even remembered it, that the vns is a strategic nuclear weapon, political. this is the country’s development strategy, if suddenly the country goes in the wrong direction, moreover, we did not hide here in
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this studio that in the national assembly, we will need this body even more in 10 years than now, that is, today everything is clear, we have always they said, there is a president, we know how to work, people at meetings asked the question, why are you changing everything, why are you removing the vns as a constitutional body, when everything is working, so, my friends, we are thinking about the country in 10-20 years, there are no guarantees that there will not be... there is no guarantee that there will not be a new yeltsin, there is no guarantee that some kind of then a political party will deceive people, they will not promise one thing, and then they will say: the russian language is not needed, we want to join nato, we want to join the european union, we are destroying the union with russia, that’s why the supreme national assembly is for this, so that it can correct any branch of power, but today they won’t interfere, now about the citizens’ statement, there’s nothing terrible, it’s great, this is the trust of people, if people began to write statements to the spc, if they... believe that their problem will be solved there, there is nothing bad, but the mechanism for solving this problem will not
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change, because the delegate of the spc is either a deputy or a representative of the executive authorities, or an ordinary person who has contact with a local deputy, with members of parliament, so i summarize, the most important thing is that we achieved what we talked about, we did not break the country’s political system, because the worst thing would have been if people would get confused if powers were not clearly distributed. for their voters or for their people who nominated, these are different people, that is
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, relatively speaking, in minsk the delegate of the supreme council, well, yes, he is an important person, but here there is still such a concentration of people, power, acceptance of authority, everything else, and if, relatively speaking, a delegate of the supreme council comes somewhere in the outback, then for me, i may be deeply mistaken now, but there this delegate of the supreme council is even more important than a deputy of parliament, so the fact is that, firstly, this delegate is believed. he arrived and he says, it was i who was there, i saw it, i heard it with my own eyes, i listened to the head of state, and i was there, that is, he is, roughly speaking, a guide and the head of the all-belarusian meeting at home, literally our turov delegate, zhidkovy district, this is a person who came and literally, with a wide, i always imagined it, when i imagine it was the polesian picture that came back, yes.
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that’s how it seems to you, how parliament, how much more it has become in this convocation political, i’ll explain my logic, again, returning to alena’s question, we really talked about the fact that the parliamentarian of the last season before last, and indeed they were primarily concerned with their constituencies, now with the condition that... we have everything- a new political party system, with the condition that the supreme national assembly is a strategic political body, with
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the condition that a sufficient number of very famous media people have entered this parliament, yes, for example, you, yes, of course, we understand perfectly well, yes , former a minister who becomes a deputy when he comes, naturally, this, well, there is probably some kind of history in this, in your opinion, what is the political nature of it, well? a few words about the vns: firstly, it still seems to me that the vns is a natural development of the philosophy of our society. it seems to me that all roads led to this meeting. i don’t agree with irina in the part that...
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settlements, leaders of rural areas and so on, and who brought this main mission to every corner of our country, which, in general, we saw today at the all-belarusian people’s assembly, look at the sociological assessments of our society, in april the population showed how they, well, keenly perceive the international situation, that’s what the president did, those conclusions, those messages to society, they, well, at least calmed down this society .
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agriculture, industry, that is , absolutely everything, we made it so that if a person has a political position, he must have the tools to express it in a civilized manner, not on the street, not on squares, not in some terrible unconstitutional way, there are parties, there is parliament, there are local councils, there is a supreme national assembly, that is, there is no country with one opinion, this is a terrible country, there must be different points of view, discussion, then the decision will be more correct , remember the president’s words at the national assembly? god forbid that if everyone says the same thing and is afraid to speak out, it’s scary, i really like the phrase: you can only rely on what resistance gives, if it is so pliable, has no opinion, the country will never be strong, so this is a civilized instrument, we are coming to a civilized policy, to a normal policy, to a normal expression
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of political thoughts, this is wonderful, this is probably the main thing in this reform, well, oleg sergeevich, i would like a little more. before entering the oval hall, colleagues will not let you lie.
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in terms of the fact that one of my colleagues was asked what district is yours, yes, when we met, she said a very good phrase, a good phrase, my district is the whole republic belarus, yes, territorially i belong to the grodno region, but i am responsible for the entire republic of belarus, she is a member of the parliament of the entire republic of belarus, logically, so she is, in principle, responsible for the entire republic of belarus, she represents the person and competently her own, as for such gestures, yes, that occur in parliaments or others. legislative bodies of other countries, well, i’ll say this, well, this is the childhood that we went through, experienced, lived and grew out of it, that’s right, as our president said, we grew up from that,
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what was happening then, we are now older, smarter, perhaps wiser, now we present the result of our work, you say that this is some kind of vigorous activity, evidence of vigorous activity, so we show not the activity, but the result, one of mine the manager said, you don’t report with work, you report with results, that’s all. we were preparing these changes to the constitution, there were a lot of meetings
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of the constitutional commission, public and non-public here at our site in that including, even before we gathered in full force there at the head of state, the discussion was heated, so i once said that it was a pity that not everything could be public, i remember at one of the meetings of the constitutional commission, when we directly... listened to it in its entirety in the palace of independence and rebroadcast it on air, then there were so many reviews and responses about what you know, but we didn’t think that there were discussions like this, when people see someone who stands up and speaks one opinion , second opinion, and we ultimately we get the final document, and you understand where it came from, what it contained, what the arguments for and against were, this is of course much more important, but as for the all-belarusian people's assembly, i agree, yes, we talked about the fact that this is a constitutional body rather in all, we have grown, that is, we, we have yet to realize his role, it is important that there are people there, including alexander grigorievich who spoke a lot about this, who are able to
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stand up at a critical moment to say, it is clear that it is easy to say, to lead ourselves of people aksakals of our political life, yes, i have no doubt that many of them are able to express their opinions there, but besides everything, nearby in the same room there are representatives of less...
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a commission gathered, we recently discussed the law on veterans, listen, stormy discussion, commission meetings were held several times, and this is the worst thing, if i came, so i went to this commission meeting,
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my colleagues were there. so if we came, and silence, everyone is in favor, everyone raises their hands, okay, everything is fine, no, discussion, rum, it’s okay, rom, you are a representative of the minsk city council of deputies, and you know, in fact, again for journalists, it suddenly turned out that the minsk city council this season, yes, this, this year, turned out to be even more media than, for example, the house of representatives , well, bandaruk, okay, krivosheev, the king, pustovoy, our colleague, yes, that is, strictly speaking, people who. the fact that the entire minsk city council has become why this is necessary, here we are again talking about the delegates of the supreme council, maybe to some extent it’s impoverished for colleagues, i don’t know, but personally yours opinion, why was the minsk city council given such an honor, in fact,
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this media torpedo, which was prepared for... the city council this season, what does it give? well, firstly, i think that since it is a city of two million, yes, according to this, there are probably 60 deputies who will represent the opinion of the people and, most importantly, in the future for the people, convey the messages that were at the all-belarusian people's assembly, if so look even at the deputies who, well, all entered the all-belarusian people's assembly, various deputies, various people occupy positions and ...
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let's go, it means that something is happening in the country, they seem to occupy large positions, they seem to be able to do something, but they cannot vote, they want to vote, they understand, that the country is in the hands of everyone, that we cannot let this go, we remember the composition of the previous city council, you remember where many of them ended up and are today, therefore it is the responsibility for the place that you occupy to resolve issues during discussion. .. venues specifically by parliament a decision was made and a separate bill was adopted to amend the law on mass events, where responsibility was clearly defined in administrative legislation for participation in unauthorized mass events , plus, we again plunge into the supreme council in a separate line, who are our delegates, these are representatives civilian want
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to participate.
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serve in the belarusian army there 10 years ago, when the situation was,
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say, right around our borders much calmer, it certainly always caused alarming fear, because we understood that we were under close understanding, but at the same time, this was one story, and a completely different story... it’s not difficult, but if we assume that the powers there are of the same our all-belarusian people’s assembly, this is 5 years, this is a very long period of time in our difficult, turbulent times, if we allow
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some kind of chupel, some kind of aggravation, august of the twentieth repetition, well, let's just say, anything can happen, is there any confidence that the all-belarusian people's meeting in... in this composition will she be able to hold the country and not repeat the fate of the supreme council? firstly, i would like to support the youth a little and challenge kiril a little, we have active youth, active youth, they are active not because or not only because they want to become a delegate of the supreme council, or to get promoted, there’s nothing wrong with that, it seems to me, well, just to be nominated as a delegate.
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what i don’t want, don’t worry, they’re crazy, or i’m lying, so you have to want, the question is that in addition to this there must also be desire to serve your country, if this is combined with the ambition that you want to become someone, to achieve something, this is wonderful, we begin to form certain political leaders.
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how candidates for deputies spoke before labor collectives, before citizens, our voters, there was always such a question, here was a deputy of parliament, a regional council, a city council, in rural areas , village councils everyone asked, andrei viktorovich, this is who, please explain who next to you there either behind the podium, or on the same poster, and not that i had to, but simply said that these are the people who are walking next to me, very much respected by me personally, because firstly, i know that they are high professionals, i know that they are now.. .
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to some head of some service, right? and i had to explain to people that this person achieved this, family, children, the result of work, where he was in the twentieth year, everyone knows perfectly well, where we were next to him in the twentieth-twenty-first year, how hard we worked, we achieved those results, this, as you say, background of what we have achieved probably allows us now, as parliamentarians, to represent the interests of those people who have entrusted us with it, now can i also talk about the background, because many people are talking about this too to you both.
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there is one more reason, i bet, it means, in addition to the request for security, there is also the concept that prestige, i remember the nineties, when my grandfather, a kgb colonel, cried while watching tv, when they told him that everything he did was for no one no need, no need his shoulder straps, there was no need to fight, there was no need to erect monuments to derzhinsky, and i remember how the officers lost everything in the ninety- first year, my father... made up his mind, there was no salary, there was no damn thing, everything was destroyed,
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today, thanks actions of the state, the prestige of the army has returned from the special services, the ministry of internal affairs, today in all countries of the world, 20 years in the future, this profession will be one of the most significant, and of course, these people are voted for, what is it, people choose those they love, they they love the military now, they love now employees of the ministry of internal affairs, how after the twentieth year the ministry of internal affairs saved the country, that’s why borsukov is in parliament, other representatives there...
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the lieutenant colonel was the head of such and such a unit, of course, they give him additional votes, they vote for him, that’s normal, well probably again the notorious human factor, after all, military people, they are able to make decisions, at a critical moment not to fall into a stupor or, like a military man, not to be shy.
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any incomprehensible situation, i will write another letter to the president and to the council of the republic at the moment what is he talking about when you give a specific example, and he is refracted to you, if he is a pensioner, then tell him about pension provision, that if it were not for the deputies of parliament, who consolidated the norms that are now on you here today, as on pensioners are influenced, this is thanks to your deputy, and well, baby, then yes, that’s when...
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and sometimes crazy people come, and this is normal, and a person with a sick psyche, and healthy, and young, and good, bad, we don’t share people, this is our belarus is different, there is no division, come with whatever you want, the deputy will listen and direct according to his competence, if i can’t paint the bench myself, then i’ll find someone who should do it, but we won’t fail here , dear friends, we’ve turned ours into something society in writers, because the bulk is normal.
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history, but when do these opportunists get involved in this politicization, who in august of 1920 took everyone out onto the streets and people didn’t understand why? well, you know, they write from all over the country, they see that you are media people, i’ll give you an example again, he was elected in a specific district, the whole mogilev region will write, because they write to me from all over the country, they come to me from sosha, from vitebsk, from gomel, i won’t accept them, that is, this is another thing back side.
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listen, but after the twentieth year we really had a request from society that means we, we also want to influence the processes taking place in the country, well here you go, we voted together for changes to the constitution, we shared this burden together, this responsibility, we have more powers at the local vertical of power, we now have delegates of the entire belarusian people's assembly in the status in which they have, with simply unprecedented powers, including the ability to impeach the head of state, martial law, to actually block any legislative act, and of any body, so a society of...
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20 people, and some immediately say, well , everything is clear, we’ll read it all, because there are different audiences, because everything is with the internet, we just read it the topic of your report, please tell us about you personally, what did you do before, where did you work, and how did you come to the point that you are now a candidate for deputy or already a deputy, sometimes simple human communication, sometimes you will need to correct your necktie lower it a little and communicate with people, in a normal human language that is understandable to the audience in which you communicate, sometimes not high in...
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we talk about what kind of country it will be in 20 years, in fact, for this vns, that in 20 years, and if by this period we are not if we had not started preparing now, after the twentieth year, if we had not adopted a new constitution, we would never have been ready, that is, then one day we would have woken up and there was no country, that is, this option was also possible, therefore today we are moving, political culture is growing, parties are only on the initial path, civil society is only on the initial path, i remember a meeting with the president dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary... of the constitution, he said clearly, we closed the issue with civil society and he himself answered: no, we just we’re starting to do this, we’ll see what happens
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in a year, in two, in three, then we’ll adjust something, but we’re right in doing this, because otherwise the manager would have done it, they would have done everything for us and the parties both civil society and elections would be organized, as we have seen in other countries, georgia is a good example, they want independence, they are being stifled, interfered with. they don’t give it, thank god, what we do ourselves is that if you don’t take care of the garden, and the political field is a garden, the tsarnyaks will grow up, and then we’ll have to weed, so let’s return to the oval hall, what our respected deputies are working on, the amnesty law, yes, what else, well , the second reading of the law on veterans, what’s new in them, a lot of new things, i’ll tell you this, as a deputy who has already served one convocation, i’ll share my personal impressions, first, there was no frontier, so...
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women raising children, this is particularly for students, mothers, we are raising payments from 50% of the budget-living minimum up to 100% of the budget-living minimum, this is today there are new approaches to decree number 18, today in almost all legislative acts and codes that contain norms on marriage and family, we are implementing the eighteenth decree, the decree that
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has proven its effectiveness and works great.
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who does not want these sanctions, i no longer have parliaments and more european business will come, i’m talking about africa, about asia, about the distant arc, but this is also very important work, so the international work of the parliament, it will be brought to a qualitatively new level, this is the task president of the country, the head of the parliament, today, tomorrow, yesterday there are international meetings, every day, that is, this work is in full swing,
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the isolation of belarus has failed on all fronts,
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“aleg sergeevich, we have presidential elections next year, well, maybe a stupid question, but sometimes a journalist asks stupid questions in order to get a smart answer: are we ready for these elections, here you are as a deputy corps, we ourselves understand that it seems to me that in august of the twentieth year, well, my personal opinion, the parliament may be , in fact, how and journalists, i didn’t expect this, we had to taxi on..." since we taxied and taxied, thank god, with the help of the security forces, with the help of deputies, all together, but did they take into account the mistakes, let’s say, they taught us a lot, so let it now listen, that means they are taking notes there in poland and lithuania, never again in presidential elections, the fifth column, traitors, crazy idiots will not participate, we must come to a political civilized system, when systemic political parties, civil
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society participate, when each candidate does no harm country, and...
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belarus, no matter what threat comes to us, i will stand with them, as an officer, let’s go together to defend belarus, if necessary, and we will defend verbally in parliament, in all representative bodies of power , both in word and deed.
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right, maybe not, but our main task is not to reject them in any case, but to go to them, hear them, and despite the fact that their point of view may not correspond to our state position, but the most important thing is that we these we heard people, we didn’t push them aside in any case, we also need to convince people, although there’s no other way, we also gathered here for this purpose, to start convincing people, we need to talk, because i think that after all even despite the fact that today it’s already the twenty-fourth year, still in work collectives, when we meet...
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always, and he was at least at his workplace in the twentieth year and at least did this work with high quality, he certainly doesn’t hang up medals of the order yourself yes as a merit that he did something supernatural, he did what he probably should have done, any citizen of our country was obliged to do, but as for the elections of 2020-2025, it seems to me that there is certainly no need to be complacent. we may have foreseen closed some gaps that we had, there is no magic pill, they will definitely come up with something new, yes, we tried to play it safe
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this year, and maybe even later, but the most important thing is what they taught us and those events, in general, that are called for all the time alexander grigorievich, so that we understand and are aware of our responsibility, regardless of whether we wear a deputy badge or a delegate badge.
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on our southern border, the special services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs, today all conditions are being created in our country to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of all nato countries okay, but it's probably different. there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, well in addition, one polar one departs.
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ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on belarus24 tv channel. live panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, thoughtful crop rotation and adherence to technology are the key to a good harvest. the president inspected experimental fields in his small homeland.
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