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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 10:15pm-11:15pm MSK

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my children happened not so long ago, when there is a lot of work, and you sit from morning to evening, and you are busy, busy, the phone is ringing, there is so much to do, sometimes you put it aside, you don’t understand what you are putting off, then the phone rings , i say, daughter, i’m so busy, let me call you back, she says mom, i’ll bring you a sandwich in 5 minutes, because you’re hungry, and i understand that work is already, well, it’s not so important when you understand that a little child cares about you and he understands the whole... the whole load the importance of this, this is what mom does, somehow she started talking about the children, she even brought it up, she’s just like a locomotive that rushes forward without stopping, probably in this locomotive you just need to sometimes add a little firewood, coal, well, into the firebox relationships with people, this is probably some kind of attention, care, support, like... this is a mother, in which everything
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in this word is all capital letters, she is just a mother, she is caring, she can spend a lot of time with children when she has it freely, he tries to carry it out at home with my family, the whole family is creative, my dad, the presenter, my sister sings there too, i also do my mom, pantamime clowning, and before that i was also involved in modeling, so i decided to become a photographer, start taking photographs, because i saw a lot of beautiful people, i heard their story. i decided to convey their story through photography, my mother is creative, versatile, kind, beautiful, i have like my best friend, my closest person, in my studies there, let’s say i got some bad grade, she helps me, my mother good, always can help, there i always come to her with advice, she helps me there, with homework, doing homework there, supporting, often our dad s... replaces both dad and mom, and he takes care
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of them, homework falls on dad too , and health care to the clinic, dad goes, well , it’s like i have such a husband, that in fact, i say, here for a long time we need to take crushed stone somewhere and pour the foundation, so my husband is very supportive, and i understand that in difficult moments , when they come, and they are always at work, i call and say, already somehow he gives up, he says, well, i’m with you, and i’m close, i understand that he’s all... “you’re so strong, oh well, he’s like that, oh well, you get a little limp, everything got together and went, well, support, man, he emits some kind of warmth, some rays of positive energy, when you understand that you give at least a little feeling of happiness, then it comes back"? how long has it been since you
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held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word, from all manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention. these are books, in books the thoughts of past times live, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic on the pages of books, a person experiences... reading brings generations together,
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we value the past for our present. belarus 24. everything that you want to know, the right meaning of the holy rat, these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin of the faith, the greatest significance, in everyday life, this is the shortest expression of our faith, the faith of god, aytsa, who loved the world so much that he gave the son of his adzinaradnag. about the importance of religious holidays, we celebrate the victory of life over death, the victory of righteousness, purity, light over evil, and the need for spirits to be right,
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necessary, because children should breathe at least church air, about the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to the divine liturgy when they take communion. there, in some sense, in some sense , a certain sacrament of our unity with each other with the living and the dead takes place, we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air, in the studio are victoria popova and tatyana
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shcherbina. and today our guest is alexander rengevich, deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime of the ministry of internal affairs. good afternoon, alexander, good afternoon. country, therefore, of course, unfortunately, not a single unit of ours can boast of such growth, in quotes, because often the operational situation in the country as a whole, it of course stabilizes, but we are seeing such trends that crime is moving into the digital sphere, more and
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more of our citizens are involved in the internet, one way or another, payments are made remotely, and we are all used to it, this is good. these are the benefits that allow our citizens to feel more free and relaxed, but at the same time, the risks have simply increased, of course, they have become different, the vast majority of the population, we need to teach them the basis of our own information security, in order to they felt in security in those new realities, and since not all people are trained, yes, a large-scale strategy to combat online fraud has been developed in belarus.
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the block of time, which was due to the fact that in august last year the head of state signed the corresponding decree, only in march we began direct work, was due precisely to the fact that we also needed time and our financial institutions in order to build an effective system of interaction with each other, that is, not by sending paper requests, waiting for some answers via regular mail, and so on. we have built appropriate technical channels, we have organized duty services, both here and in every banking institution that provides relevant services to our citizens, everyone works 24x7, and as soon as even in remote corners of our country
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an applicant contacts law enforcement agencies about that something happened to him, our employees have every opportunity to provide this information to the banks... the institution where the person has a bank account payment card, from where this or that theft was committed, and so on, transfer it there, banks also interact with each other, share information that funds from one account were transferred to another account, and so on, we track this chain and are ready as soon as possible , provide it to our employee there on the ground, who directly works with the relevant applicant; in the morning, so to speak, our employee already has information about all the persons who participated in the uh making these uh payment transactions, and also make an informed decision to suspend the flow of transactions on these accounts, because the most important goal of this decree is to preserve the funds of our
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citizens that were stolen, to not give the opportunity to criminals, through false accounts, such as -otherwise, to withdraw these funds outside our country, withdraw them there into cryptocurrency , or in some other way take measures to take possession of this money, we want to save citizens’ money, this priority task, let's clarify, there is... a card one way or another, trying to save the funds, if they are still there , we block the application, call the
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bank, but so to speak, in order to call the bank you don’t need to remember the number or write it down somewhere, take a bank payment card , turn it over, there is a number there, this is the number, so we work around the clock, yes it works around the clock, they will always hear us when they call, they will help us in this part, but the second thing is, of course, to contact ...precisely for this purpose so that we can quickly launch this mechanism for analyzing this incident, what happened to a person in order to find his money in other accounts, and accordingly make a decision to suspend spending transactions on this account, the attackers transfer money from one account controlled to another, sometimes it’s not difficult, but this rush of those... some measures that they are taking in a hurry, knowing that in the near future there will be some kind of decision
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accepted, leads to the fact that they also make mistakes, they transfer accounts where funds from various victims can be accumulated, this is how we force them to be in the most uncomfortable conditions, make mistakes and naturally save funds transfer the account from the account, no, while i will block, call, get through, the measures that we are currently taking lead precisely to the fact that we have a certain a category of citizens who, for a small monetary reward, go to banks, issue bank payment cards for themselves, transfer them for use to third parties, including understanding that they are some kind of accomplices in these illegal actions; someone may be participating without realizing it happens that the victims... they are so deceived that they also issue cards for themselves, yes, they hand them over to
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these criminals for use, we have this toolkit that is in use criminals, including putting them out of action, suspending their debit transactions, accordingly, of course, they begin to make mistakes, and transferring an account from an account when this is some kind of controlled activity is quite quick, which is why we urge citizens. contact us quickly in order to be on time, one of the measures that we have introduced is the so-called cooling period, as we call it ourselves, but the point is that a person is not given a loan every day if you apply today , then only in a day the person will be given money, this is due, among other things, to the fact that everyone is on an equal footing, no one has a competitive advantage, just like one bank. does, the second one doesn’t, this is a general message so that our citizens do not take out
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loans, which are later transferred to someone else, a day is enough to talk a little somewhere with relatives, cool your head, sleep, well, somehow come to some sense, a lot of our citizens still refuse to receive a loan in the morning, cancel relevant applications, we work very closely with sotru. banking institutions, and we try to instruct those who work with clients in terms of offers, issuance and consultation of these loans against... the so-called obvious signs indicating that a person is under the influence of third parties, an excited state, additionally some incomprehensible actions with a mobile device, some kind of nervousness, these all sorts of phrases about what i need faster now and so on, to no one don’t say anything and so on, if
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employees identify something like that, we have always called on everyone and are still calling on them, to the point of calling 102, we will come, we will explain to the person that there are certain threats, that he can to be under the influence of third parties, it happens that when they see a person in uniform, then they somehow have that puzzle that the attackers so diligently put together for them, it falls apart, so he says, and here i am with some imaginary there i’m talking to the colonel on the phone, and then we’re already an employee says, here’s a paper, you’ll still read it, the person reads it, oh, yes, this is exactly the scheme that you ’re writing about here, oh, thank you very much, so it’s kind of normal, we’re not giving up on this work either, but we also conduct additional training sessions for bank employees, in order to promptly identify such a heightened emotional background among our citizens, well, banks are banks, but
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there is another way to drive a person to madness, there is no other way you name it when... it’s exactly the same scammers are scamming you on the phone and forcing you to go blow something up, set it on fire, that is , commit essentially terrorist acts, here’s how to counteract this, a certain extremist component is unfortunately present in some cases, that is, last year we had several criminal cases in which damage to property was brought as an additional corpus delicti. because indeed our citizens were making so-called molotov cocktails, cars were damaged there, well then there were people told that you were participating in some kind of special operation , almost an intelligence operation of some kind, but you need to understand that the most important thing that the attackers want is money, the main thing is self-interest, after when self-interest
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ends when there is nothing left to take from a person, often all the persons who performed these additional... actions, they already sold everything, even their own property, the apartments in which they and their relatives live, that is, there was no more nothing, take it already, as they say, there is nothing, so the attackers added this extremist component, because they understood that the person , unfortunately, is completely in their power and is not aware of what he is doing, because of course, if you just call a person and offer to commit certain actions, well... in the vast majority of people , of course, the person will not react, but this is a long process, often it can even take a week, maybe two, look at the diagram, they took the apartment, now you need a person - remove him, that is, put him behind bars, and how to put him behind bars is to go and force him to blow something up, yes, but often this is also accompanied by a call for the production of appropriate photo and video materials, it is possible to use
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certain paraphernalia, color schemes and so on, that is, complete self-disclosure, so that...
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the so-called hello mama accident scheme, mine, your grandson or granddaughter allegedly got into an accident there, you need to now pay some amount of money in order to compensate for the damage caused there , and so on , here now and so on, this the calculation is for pensioners who did not hear, did not understand, did not hear well, and so on, there is a scheme designed for women in the overwhelming majority, this is a fraud, reduced. already own sales, very often women sell children's things, strollers, things that are generally in good condition, but are no longer needed, they have lost
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relevance, they use message boards, some kind of sales resources for posting ads, there attackers very actively find them, write them off, and this is the next such method, well, the so-called phishing, when they are provided with a link to a fake internet resource. supposedly follow this link, take the money, i’ve already listed everything there, enter the card details, now the delivery will transfer a certain amount of money to you, and i talked to such mothers, and often they understand that something is wrong , it’s still as if they’re entering their card details under hypnosis, and then there’s our mentality, we’re very kind, approachable people, and in a situation where someone does something for us, we reciprocate accordingly, and then often... the pretext is this: i have already transferred the money, no one except you can take this money, but you will help me here, because it’s like i
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’m being held hostage, that is, i’m the money i’ll lose then, and the person becomes uncomfortable, somehow awkward, something doesn’t seem right, well, how can you refuse someone, it’s precisely due to this, such a good part of our mentality and character, that the attackers are just -very often people. ok then, alexander kadimirovich, in the case when a person goes, opens a card of himself in order to provide it to third parties, this is what part of our mentality is triggered, but this is still self-interest, this is already a desire to earn money, without doing anything, yes, that is very often, even, unfortunately, we meet them quite actively, our children who want, in accordance with the legislation that we are initiating to make appropriate changes. from him, but at the moment our children from the age of 14 can issue bank payment cards, therefore, even at the moment, we are just holding a decade of cybersecurity in
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the country and working separately with children before they go on summer vacation, telling them, including about responsibility for certain actions, so that they they understood that this is not just like that, they are often deceived there, they say: here you go, you are looking... for additional income, here is an offer for you, go, we will transfer you some insignificant part of the money, the maximum that the child can to ask why, so that our children are not used, not so much against their will, but somehow so that they understand that this may not just be the case, that on the internet not everything is true, what they say is written, in order to develop this critical thinking, we do this for them too, that is, you are saying that this is a criminal matter.
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perhaps the police officers invited them to see them, it became known, the bank called for questioning, that is, at some point they realized that certain payment details are used to commit a crime, from now on they are accomplices, that is, from now on a person has the opportunity to come to a banking institution at any time, block this card, which he gave to an unknown person, refuse service, take active measures to , so that... a tool that has become available to attackers, so that it stops functioning, but if a person, it happens that we suspend expense transactions, these people are sent to
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the bank, they say: go, write a statement so that the money was returned to you, for example, there are some controversial situations, they carry out these active actions aimed at withdrawing these stolen funds, in which case they are, of course, accomplices, what is the punishment for this, let’s say this is the most cutting-edge? he was compromised and there seemed to be some kind of text messages, and we understand that the attackers created this account remotely, of course, such a person is not subject to responsibility, we explain in the process of work:
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he knows that the attackers have accounts registered in his name, and in 99% of cases the person himself first goes to the bank, blocks these accounts, realizing that he has nothing to do with them, naturally he does not need them, but the next thing is what citizens need to know: as they say, those who sell these details, remember that there is also the concept of taxation, that is, this is a certain income that a person.
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we have a telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected! the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime of the ministry of internal affairs aleksandrevich.
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sometimes on whatsapp, and wrote, i offer to buy, ah, after which he dropped a phishing link, through which he stole card data , subsequently money from them, deceived about 10-15 people, in total, he earned from eight to 10,000 belarusian rubles, well, here you go actually from 8 to 10,000 rubles, but i would not say that these are fabulous sums, but fate is broken, that’s what threatens these comrades? you know, first of all, first of all, of course, necessity...
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the decision is below the lowest limit, so to speak, that is, but there will still be a punishment, a punishment associated, as they say, simply that you don’t do this again, this won’t happen, but a thirteen-year-old, he’s also the responsibility begins with 14, yes, here the question already arises about administrative responsibility in relation to parents for the improper upbringing of their children, of course, the child is placed on the appropriate register with him, of course, work is carried out as in an educational setting...
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children i earned on the internet believe that this is generally quite enough, they can also praise among neighbors, friends and acquaintances that my child is like this, such a great guy, but you shouldn’t simplify it, you still need to look at what it is and how ? even if the parent doesn’t understand, well, it’s possible , everyone received an education, they studied at school, so in general, some basic things can still be understood, if you don’t understand, it’s always recommended,
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you know, the internet has no boundaries, this is what attackers very actively use , they try to distribute members of their criminal group, including even in different, not just regions, but even in different countries, precisely in order to maintain communication remotely, no one knows anyone, perhaps to some extent they are trying to protect themselves in this way, because i understand that if there is a failure at some link, it will be clear. that the next link is accordingly under threat, so they distribute information about employment, so to speak, to such communities on the internet, whoever reacts to this will react accordingly work, it coincided that the organizer and
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many members of this criminal group were on our territory, but we have facts, including on similar cybercriminal communities in which we worked. we have direct performers, and we even go to other countries to find organizers, but tell us about this cooperation, that is, when you said that the main thing is for the money to stay in belarus, i realized that, in general, it’s difficult to get it - then why there is no interaction yet, the problem is that our country is very compact, and somehow it turns out that, in general, everyone is aimed at a single result, all law enforcement agencies, the banking sector are completely aimed at protecting our citizens.
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interaction with financial institutions of other countries, there are alternative channels, here , by sending the appropriate ones , one can say, manually build requests, receive information through official channels, but this is not as fast as we managed to organize and build on the territory of our country, and there are , of course, more criminals there time in order to implement it more calmly, but on the other hand, it seems to me that we live in such a transparent world today, but it is not difficult at all... to keep track of where the money was transferred, you are completely right, that is, you need to understand, despite the developed, this current opinion that everything is anonymous on the internet, everything can be hidden here and so on, no one will know anything, this is a lie, because in the digital world
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everything leaves digital traces, unlike ordinary traces, them, as they say, it’s impossible to pick up a broom, they will still remain, because if you delete information about yourself in one place, it will suddenly be saved. it may be with them, but with us the victim is the opposite, so the exchange of information is a key point in this part; our colleagues fully support us and we are actively working with them...
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of course, collecting any information about us is elementary, starting from some discount cards or information about where and how we once ordered tickets there, and so on, because we register everywhere, so all this, of course, accumulates, so on at the moment, there is such a special attitude towards personal data, including in our country, the focus is on safety, the expediency of collection, what is collected, why? where is it stored, because any database, one way or another someone owns it, how
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will he use it or how will he use it, let’s say some employee who works in this organization, tomorrow he quit, what he took with him on a flash drive , remains a big big question, so such information, of course, appears in hidden segments of the internet, such databases data is regularly sold, so it is always worth understanding. if we registered somewhere, we voluntarily provided information, then the question is, to whom? if this is some kind of trusted organization from a banking institution and so on, the limit of trust is, of course, higher, if it is something incomprehensible, yes, then we need to understand that after some time they may call us, they may write, well , it’s not clear for men, for women it’s understandable discounts in stores with perfumes, cosmetics, household chemicals, and so on, only... the top, but in general any woman walks around with such a pile of discount cards, really,
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well, that is, that’s all, she’s already provided her data, yes, she’s already provided her data, of course, the owner, who collected it from this information, he is responsible for the safety of this information, of course, according to the law, he has no right to throw it away, sell it, and so on, but it is worth understanding that how reliable is the security system of this or that...
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the green traffic light and stand on red, this is the same thing, we must learn correctly , well, once upon a time people learned to switch to using this, everything just needs to be understood, everything that we left somewhere on the internet has remained on the internet forever, so the rule of good manners for a person of the 20th century is to have at least several bank payment cards, one of which is used to credit us with our wages, we go to the store with it, withdraw money at... amat and so on, we work physically, yes, that is, it’s like a kind of second wallet, a second bank payment card the card can be any physical, virtual, whatever, well, at least two, uh, with its help we make payments on the internet, these must be different accounts, in which banks, it doesn’t matter, it may not be physical, namely virtual, exist only in the corresponding application, but when there is no money on it, there is a conditional 1 kopeck on it.
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would like to connect already living people, but the previously
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existing mechanism made it possible to do this at 3:00 in the morning, apply for an online loan and so on, everything was quite simple, but the point is that our card, from which we have regular receipts, is very strong, this is the maximum level of trust it has from the banking community, if you try to apply for an online loan on a card that has one kopeck and practically no turnover. it won’t, well, they’ll literally give you, maybe a few hundred rubles at most, maybe they’ll refuse it altogether, because here it’s not clear at all who owns it, and the banks will also give out money. i think it would not be amiss to talk about the moment when the call is heard, yes, or from a bank, but now another scheme is working, first the caller introduces himself as a police officer, how to recognize a fraudster, because sometimes they actually call from a bank, sometimes police officers call, it’s clear that
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they don’t call in instant messengers, but how recognize which ones, you know, the most simple thing, of course , is what we started with, what the malicious intent was from. started, they called, it was the employees of banking institutions who introduced them, it seems they taught everyone that the details of their bank payment card, the card number there with the reverse side of the code, it doesn’t seem necessary to tell, yes, but attackers are such a very dynamically developing sphere in our country, so changing the pretexts, changing the line of behavior a little, it’s just changing the words, the tactics, so to speak, the acquisition of personal information does not fundamentally change anything. but the attackers change tactics, they begin to introduce themselves as some kind of law enforcement officers, some period of filing a declaration is approaching, they begin to introduce themselves as tax officers there inspections, some state control committees or something else, now calls are coming from cellular operators, yes exactly, that is, we tell people this a little, they already
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introduce themselves, they develop separate applications for themselves for remote access, they call them using logos or partially the names of cellular operators under the guise of operators they begin to spread, this is sent to our citizens and calling on them, here we have an updated application, here you go, install it, we are here for you now, we will make everything beautiful, everything, everything will be fine with you, this is just one of the ways of deception, there are many such methods, the key thing is to explain to citizens what we are doing one way or another, friends, we are talking about developing critical thinking, we do not believe everything that they say , we believe some objective things, employees of the bank, telecom operator called us, we talked, found out what the problem was, if they were allegedly trying to steal money from us, found out all the circumstances, hung up,
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took the bank payment card, turned it over independently, called the phone number indicated on the reverse side, but did not call back to the same phone number. i received this information, i want to make sure that everything is fine with me or that something needs to be done, if they tell us that no, this won’t work, we need to do it now, block, we say, block my account, that’s it, accept it here now the decision is made, the bank employees have the opportunity to do this, some additional messages. they don’t need communication and so on at all, or we block it ourselves through a mobile application, pick it up funds from the bank, we can simply come to the bank with a passport, there will be no difficulties, the funds will come out here now at our first request , supposedly law enforcement officers are calling similarly, who, what, where should i come or
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come, call me with a summons or a summons is required , not necessarily a summons, but... such that they specifically understand that a person lives in one city, they call him in , but if the person is inconvenient, because there is another city, okay, let me come according place of residence, you explain everything to the employee there, and i’ll come, the fact is that 99%. most of the calls are, of course , scammers, so this is a solution to the problem, for our employees there will be no problem, if someone needs you to carry out some work with you, a conversation, explanatory work, and so on, come to you and they will be able to come, but if they can’t come here, here now, they
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will really do everything to make you understand, or they will simply invite you, well, okay, then come there at some time, but no one will come to such and such an address... let's go on a trip to belarus! hello travel lovers! today it will be hot, despite the changeable weather, i
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am going to the southernmost and warmest region of our country, the brest region. let's take a historical excursion. morse key, you can try it, it works, amazing! we will also visit bright attractions. a resident may be jealous, don’t be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, everywhere you look, there’s falling everywhere
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look, everywhere there are some kind of man-made things, these are everyday objects, a person coming from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, a lot of people come, because even some say that you have a good life here, here you can relax mentally, that is, here is nature, this is not a park.
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander rengevich. you have already told us, alexander kazimirovich, about what is better to have. two, or even three cards, do they exist? are there modern ways to somehow increase their safety? what do you say about this? yes, of course, there is, first of all, the most important thing, again, it all starts with us, we must clearly establish that with this card, rules of conduct for ourselves, with this card i pay in stores, at atms, with this i pay, for example, on some internet resources, i use this card for internet subscriptions, because if we once subscribed, we then have funds through at the end of the free trial period
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, the paid period begins, money will be withdrawn from there, it’s worth remembering, but many of our citizens, of course, forget about it, first of all, when applying these rules, you should pay attention, it’s not for nothing that attention is drawn to atms whether there are any additional devices, whether it’s on... a computer, and so on, we practically don’t have such situations in our country, but at the same time it’s still worth being vigilant, you shouldn’t use, for example your banking payment card, if we see something incomprehensible attached to an atm, some people are nearby, so to speak, well, we should understand that certain risks in this part still exist, since the plastic itself is protected, that is, will anyone be able to count there? let's say a magnetic stripe and how much, of course, it costs, but cards with a chip, which are basically everything nowadays, the only question
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is to counterfeit the cards, you know, they can be counterfeited , they are common in our territory, they have a much higher level of protection, and to say that at the physical level the protection is higher, of course, we can say, therefore, we also recommend that for registration, for regular use of a card with the appropriate chip, it will be more effective, that we use the internet for payments, it doesn’t matter here, of course, it doesn’t matter at all, it may not physically exist in general, the question here is that you should understand that it’s not worth saving information about a bank payment card on websites, it’s okay , if we enter each time, this is new, yes, it may be somewhat inconvenient, but it will improve. security will protect us from any thoughtless purchases, because if we saved information about the card in our virtual google account and
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our child is trying to download some game. including to our mobile phone, don’t pay attention that it’s paid, we will have money withdrawn from the card attached to the corresponding account, so we shouldn’t do this, keep it if we want to take a taxi, yes we can attach our card and there she is leave it, but it’s more correct to attach it anew each time, well, at least you should not forget about those risks, well, if there is exactly as much money on the card as... we need for a trip or we understand that we don’t have much to do we take risks and are ready, consciously ready for the fact that after some time our card may appear somewhere in the hands of criminals, but it’s worth understanding this, you can use the card you talked about, a spare one for, you see, for all occasions there must be a spare card, it’s inconvenient what you say, plus we don’t refuse sms notifications everywhere, this is an important thing, in
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fact, precisely as a trigger that there’s something wrong with... the card, yes, it costs a few rubles there month, perhaps somewhere for free and so on, but we don’t refuse, because if at some point we receive information about, as they say, some kind of write-off, but we didn’t carry out this write-off, that’s it, this card is compromised, this reason to take it right now in the mobile application, block it until conducting their own investigation, because the first thing the attackers do when the details, namely the cards, fall into their hands is...
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which is already so much involved, the attackers gain access to this email, to all the correspondence that is there, and naturally they try this password to social networks, to some kind of our messenger, they try to get in everywhere, if we use the same password, unfortunately, for all occasions, naturally it will gain access to the leak, which will hurt us
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from this, of course, much higher, this again. yes, we click on settings, go to either security or privacy, often it is located in those sections, and there will always be so-called two-factor authentication, turn it on. next we will be asked: enter the phone number that you will link to this account. the bottom line is that if someone, even knowing the login and password for mail or something else, tries to access
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the corresponding information on the internet. our account without entering an additional code, which comes to a phone number that is physically located with us, it will therefore not be able to do this, accordingly it will be much more difficult for an attacker to get into our account, and if we do not disclose the information from the sms to anyone, as is often written there, then in this case we will be much safer, well, thank you very much, of course, for today’s conversation, to remind once again that everything depends on us, this is important, and as you told us before the start of the conversation that this is akin to gypsyism, the old one , kind when a person cannot explain why he performs certain actions, unfortunately, the internet probably also sometimes has a hypnotic effect on us and clouding occurs when we provide all the information about ourselves for some reason, so of course we would like to protect ourselves, but also our children , who
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are also becoming participants in these today. games, yes, let’s put it mildly for now, despite, of course, the fact that our children are still sometimes more developed, but attackers here also find approaches to them and commit crimes. illegal against them actions and, unfortunately, they are drawn into committing these illegal ones, well, we also want to thank you for your work, because well, it’s really calm in belarus, as the top word-thinkers tell us, they prefer to act in other countries, because belarus is like- then, probably because of our compactness and your professionalism, they are calculated very quickly, and we tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova say goodbye to you for today, goodbye. goodbye, alexander ringevich is speaking now. i would like draw the attention of our citizens to the fact that security begins directly with you, with the actions that you carry out on the internet, with the information that
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you see, hear and post about yourself, do not post unnecessary information, do not do those actions on who are pushing you to be malicious and just be vigilant. alexander kazimirovich, i will not ask you for your card number and three digits from its back. just leave your autograph and some wishes, please. i would like to do it again remind our citizens that security begins with us, so be vigilant and do not trust everything that happens on the internet.
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sunny belarusian salomka is famous in the world. element of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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its history, its nature, its culture, its faith.


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