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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 11:15pm-12:15am MSK

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this belarusian strawberry is known among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. its history, its nature, its culture, its faith.
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her people and her generosity. you will feel it once and never forget it again. everything is real here.
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zhenechka, where are you? i’m already here, in the center of the hall, at the information desk, and you? i just came in, but you wouldn’t have had time to pick me up anyway, by taxi, i got there just fine. don't worry, i won't get lost. vanya, look up. see see. zhenya, my zhenya, you and i are flying rest, let's go.
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you've had blood pressure, rom, for 2 months already, neither here nor there, neither right nor left, the same thing, tangerine, you want it, i want you, roma, rom, stop it, do you hear, i'm after you, i'm after you i’ll be waiting for flights, i don’t know until what time you are. gennady lvovich and i are flying together for a test, i don’t like this gennady lvovich, together with two planes or together with one, together with one, why don’t you love me, a great guy, cheerful, strong-willed, a wonderful pilot, i don’t like him at all, i ’ll dress you tonight i'll show you, mom and i instead of a veil, they bought flowers for my hair, it’s very beautiful, you’ll like it, and i ’ll like you in anything, even a helmet. a pilot wearing
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an oxygen mask. all. “i have to run, until the evening, well, little siskin, let’s fly with you today, let’s fly, gennady lvoevich, let’s fly, once in your life you will see what a real flight with a doctor is like. let’s fly asshole, rom, wait, i wanted to give it to you, i forgot , my grandmother gave it to me when i was little, put on the driver's seat, please, thank you, katyosh,
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that's it, run, you'll follow, uh, you're getting younger, well nice, hug, katerina, well, you’re not seeing him off to war, what are you doing? tenderness was dissolved, romka, quickly the car, come on, come on, come on, run! if only you knew, if only you knew how happy i am, i’m incredibly happy, it’s
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beyond words. “all the words are kind of empty, flat, for a whole week, just you and me, check-in at 4035, moscow lonna, check-in. located at stand 4b, i repeat, defending ourselves, let’s go, zhenya, check in while we’re checking in for the flight, when we arrive,
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keep quiet, don’t we need to talk about this for now, i agree, no, the best place to talk about this topic, let's go, great, listen,
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402 parsage 402 fly in, what's up, let's go? he will say thank you, his wife helped you organize your vacation so quickly, oh, sorry. by the way, i’m listening, stanislav vasilyevich, you will be rich, they just remembered you, van, romka amelchenko died, crashed, can you
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hear me, can you hear me, i hear. so ivan sergeevich, you decide for yourself, i understand, i ’ll be there soon. and little wife, i have to be at work tomorrow, someone crashed, no, no, no, no, what are you, what are you, everything is fine, everything, everything, everything, everyone is alive, vanya, listen to me, nothing will ever happen to me, you hear, never and nothing, you must fly alone. no, i won’t fly anywhere without you, no, no, vanya, zhenya, my dear, do you hear me, you
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must fly alone, you will fly and wait for me there, i will return to you very soon, very soon, we have in stock enough days, i beg you, do you hear, very good, very, good, i will fly alone, i will wait for you there, just please come to me with a drink.
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we couldn't cancel the test, someone had to half an hour ago he was supposed to land, he was supposed to fly instead of romka. managed.
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hold on. hello, hello, hello!
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good morning, ivan, from the flights, good morning, vich, yes, the flight is in the evening, i’ll go again, look, it’s four, but what about the rest when
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you fly to the sea, well, i don’t know yet, listen. he can tell everyone to hell and rush, and tell everything to hell, a military man like this tells me, well, they are animals or something, well, in fact, they need some medicine, squeezed lemon, otherwise i ’ll call zinovy, he’ll quickly clear your skorokhodov’s brains , but skorokhodov doesn’t need brains clean, he has them clean, clean, you fall asleep while moving, you can also fall asleep at the helm, walk. there is a general. lani, in short, i'm on your side.
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mom, what are you doing, everything is fine, the ring fell, bad hello, and we’re definitely carrying a banana, the goods are definitely in order, i told you, what’s actually going on here, but it feels like we’re not carrying bananas, yours the task is not to think, but to follow the instructions of the management, or we cooperate, or, i think, you will celebrate the next birthday of your wife in prison, take your pick, you were too noisy your investigation, now you have to die, three, four five, six, i beg you, please show me the body, i beg you, i need to look at it, you will hear, this is impossible, your hands, they
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look so much like the hands of my husband, this doesn’t happen, arina, you’ll forgive me, but your husband died. 2 years ago, watch the series native hands on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our viewers we choose the best routes. at that very second, the merchant decided to praise the gods on the nearest island. he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded a city. berestye. and we set off on an exciting journey. he is like a magician, controls the light, suffocates the light. permanent like the sun and the moon, you are entitled to a vacation or you have a double to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger, who she is is still unknown, locally she is called the patroness of small towns. behind the walls
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of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes. ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program “cities of belarus” on the belarus 24 tv channel . oh, good morning country, why froze,
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actually i’m sleeping here, yes, actually, you’re still my husband. okay, i’ll go to the living room to sleep, but stand there, cats, it doesn’t fit crazy, well, stop putting on plays, your hormones are playing, what the hell with it, you want to hang around with women, hang around as much as you like, i don’t forbid you, you can always cover yourself up on night flights, or maybe not cover up at all, and you know, you don’t interest me at all as a man, but if you want to have a mistress, have it, go ahead, and at least a whole harem, if so. you just can’t cope with even one, you understand, because of your overloads, all the pressure from the lower parts has gone to your brain, vanya. forgive me, forgive me, kitten, i, i won’t do it anymore, don’t go, for god’s sake, natasha, please go away, i won’t let you go, i
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will never let you go, you understand me, i’m worse than kapkan, yes, no, cats, there’s something else here. “you won’t just hang around with women, this is not your case, you’re an idiot, you’ve lost your head, but i have an animal’s sense of smell, it’s her, yes, she, dad’s doctor, move away, i hate you, you creature, stop being hysterical, more me in this house i will never..." appear, you creature!
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vanechka, i already called you today, my dear, but you didn’t pick up, you were probably in the air, yes, i, well, how am i, oh, everything would have been fine ok, but i don’t even know how to ask myself, when will you be there, will you be there at all, you only have 3 days left.
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do you remember what you told me as a child, when we swam in the river? well, zhenya, i said a lot of things, don’t laugh, i’m serious, you told me then that you have two dreams, one is to become a pilot, and the other. “other thing is to always be with you, and you told me that it’s so dishonest, because this is your dream, and you told me that we have one dream for two, and i also said that the dream
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should come true. hello, hello, kind day, no i need to break into the door, it’s closed, hello, arkady borisovich, but i’m not breaking in, i just came up, chatted, no one is answering, well, i decided to check, let’s go, but i need evgenia andreevna, come in, sit down, please. evgeniy andreevna is not here, i operated on your father, so address all your questions to me, what about stepan alekseevich’s health ? is everything okay with him? with your father, did you come
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to talk about your neighbors? i need evgenia andreevna on a personal matter. evgenia andreevna, unfortunately, no. and when she will? i can come over tomorrow. and tomorrow she won’t be there either, she’s on vacation. yes. how are you on vacation? what surprises you so much? he will be on vacation on monday. do you have everything? by the way, you never said how your father feels. wait, i really need evgenia andreevna, please give me her phone number, arkady borisovich, no phone number, i won’t give it to you, ask her to fly, which means she ’s flown away, what a coincidence, excuse me, i have to go, bypass me, yes, goodbye,
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how did i wait for you?
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had a great rest for 3 days, what is 3 days, alone test flight and you’ll completely forget that you were at sea, you had a happy day, i had it, i had it with you, what happened next, i don’t remember, i don’t remember, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen,
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board 151, refusal. 151 otd. 151 understood you, if possible, inform about the actions. 334 search engine is waiting for instructions for
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takeoff, ready to take off 334. i can’t approach from critical angles of attack, i’ll try to distort the control system, everything is too bad in me, 151, try switching the control system. i try, this is all i do, and so far nothing works. on board voltage normal? yes, it’s normal, for a long time. 151, eject. 151, i'll wait with
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ejection. i'll try to find a way out. ejected? not yet. why the hell not? let him eject immediately. i gave him the command. he's trying to do something. he tries, he tries a month. calmly. i got it. we wait. no candle, please. which one? i don't know. any and tell me where to put it, and what do you want to put it for, for what? for a person, for a loved one, he is sick, no, so that he lives,
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so that he has everything, everything, everything, everything, everything it’s good that... something ends with a landing, a pilot, a test pilot, okay, so put it on nicholas the wonderworker, or you can put it on the savior or the mother of god, over there to the right, see?
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334 334 i answer port 151 is at a distance of 28 km at an azimuth of 150° while it is in the air. 150 kg left. 151. there is very little fuel left, if anything happens, i’ll jump right away. van, we understand you, we understand. 151, entering the clouds.
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if he jumps now, i’ll jump immediately. got it, van. okay, don’t let me down, you and i still have to live,
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not a damn thing, after all, i got a little crazy, and not understood. i sat down, i said, i sat down, ivan sergeevich, your tail section is destroyed, right? well, you can still live without a horse, without a head.
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stanislavich, you still imprisoned the asshole. you'll give me a heart attack, my voice is gone, and i
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think i'm deaf, with you everything will go to hell, let's go, let's drink some vodka, let's go, no, i still have a flight report waiting for me, your zinogiv will be trampled, what a fuck the report, the main thing is that you sat down, do you want to live? let's go, like this, you see, on my word of honor on one wing, let's go, you, and parallels. water flows freely, yes.
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evgenia andreevna, and arkady borisovich, with your baptism of fire. thank you, arkady borislovich, and forgive me if you ever decide to write a letter of resignation again, you know, it’s an empty matter, i won’t take you anywhere. i won’t let you go, hello, hello, hello, hello,
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well, how did the first operation with our novice cardiac surgeon go, van, great, but how was your day, went well, day like a day, an ordinary working day, for you today the new aircraft was tested, tested, landed? terribly you’ll be bored, let’s go home, we’ll definitely stop at the store on the way, otherwise the mouse in your refrigerator has died and we’ll buy something to drink, you and i definitely need a drink today.
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watch on tv channel belarus 24. secrets of good morning and good mood. good morning belarus. on the air of the tv channel belarus 24 and the program “good morning belarus”. my name is svetlana barovskaya. how pretty you are. can i pet them? oh, what flowering trees. these are probably cherries.
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a new athlete is creeping towards you. acquaintance with amazing people. anatoly leonidovich, hello, guys, hello. and there is also a lot of useful and interesting information, it was installed precisely in memory of the tank crews who gave their lives in july of the forty -first year, one might say, which became a shield and a sword here during the tank battle, the brass band is a very difficult genre, no , it’s amazing that you keep this orchestra, someone leaves, comes here... i love passionate people, now the kryvie folklore club is on stage, if you remember, we we met this group at the slavic bazaar at a dance tournament, say: mom, i don’t wander the streets, i’m with anatoly, so i want to say, this is the third generation, watch good morning belarus with svetlana
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borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel. admiral kuznetsov has on board a modern granite missile system and dirk and dagger anti-aircraft missile systems, so it can perform combat missions on a solo voyage. during these maneuvers, we are on combat readiness. you see that we have here only on the starboard side in the stern is to create? why did you turn it off, and this? you fell asleep, hello, daddy, hello, hello, i'm taking a nap, the news lulled me to sleep, where i was, and i went to moscow, to moscow, listen, you walked today, to moscow, and why did you go,
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well, i wanted to talk to your doctor, only in vain, it turns out, her operation was running around, i didn’t wait 4 hours, why did you need her, dad, since she went, i asked why she needed you, this is like an interrogation, i wanted to talk about your medications, i could have tatar to consult, not time, natasha, what do you want from her, i ask you, don’t do anything stupid. no, it’s like that with us, we have such awareness, i didn’t think that vanka would devote you to his amorous affairs, nadashka, i ask you not to interfere there, leave them alone,
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you’ve already lived like a dog all your life this morning, dad, by the way, i, i’m your daughter, not vanka, and you stand up for him like a mountain... oh, dad, dad, daddy, i’m asking you, i’m begging you, make sure he doesn’t fly , please, i won’t touch them, let them live until they are old, but only make sure that vanka doesn’t fly anymore, what are you talking about, he’s a pilot, this is his life, daddy, i know, i know this very well, so i ask. please speak to zenoviev. i beg you. dad, clip his wings. let him live and love another. let him marry her, but just let him not fly anymore. when did you lose your temper, what zenoviev, what wings, or do you think that your father is the last brute,
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and so, natasha, because of you i ruined his whole life, i beg you, i beg you, don’t do them harm , leave him, give him a divorce, no, no, no, dad, do you think he spat in my face, and i’ll just wipe it off like that and go in silence? your vanka didn’t attack natasha, that’s it, dad, the conversation is over, don’t want it, don’t need it, don’t want it, don’t do it, only then don’t regret it, what kind of animal are you, natasha, quiet, wa, what about me, i’m about you i beg you, let her go in peace, i... i love you, just don’t worry, you can’t do it now, i ’ll do everything as you want, daddy, minutes, now, daddy, now we’ll take the medicine,
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daddy, now we’ll you are the medicine, daddy, dad, dad, daddy, neliki, no, no, help, help, dad, dad, dad, vital, that the cats went to land, oh, he’ll change the oxygen sensor, yeah?
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everything is tip-top, tip-top, no comments, ivan sergeevich, are you there? as always, vital, no comments, golubtsov’s son has already grown up, why, i say, golubtsov’s son has grown up, his pants don’t blow, and you still haven’t used his diapers, oh damn, you screwed up, screwed up,
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hugging the sky with strong hands the pilot gains altitude, the one who, right from childhood, has been friends with the heavens, well, i’m lying about the motive, yes, well, a bear, bear, my ears, what kind of concert are we having, igor, that you are with him, and what am i, i’m nothing. you go and talk to vasilyevich, maybe he’ll love you too, if you knew, if you knew, great, guys, the weather is good today, van, you ’re shining like a copper coin, ivan sergeevich, wait, well, share your joy with us,
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hello , i see you ’re in a wonderful mood, you’re staring at me so much that i ’m starting to blush, why did you come, i could say hello, by the way, we haven’t seen each other since dad’s funeral, okay, i’m not at your place... for a long time, i wanted to tell you everything on the phone, but you don’t answer my calls, van, i, without you, know that i am to blame for my father’s death, i came to say, in general, i’m giving you a divorce. that’s what dad wanted, he asked me about it before he died, well... be
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healthy, cat doctor. it was your wife who gave you the flowers, evgenya andrevna,
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and then what do i do with this unit? to live, boris grigorievich, there are a number of restrictions, but believe me, many people live with pacemakers and feel great, you can’t even imagine, how much easier will it be for you, and when will the operation be? the operation is at the beginning of next week, while we prepare you. boris grigorievich, don’t worry, the operation is not complicated. i ’ll come see you again, hello, yes, vanechka, zhen, you won’t have a couple of free days for me, a couple of free days, yeah, but if only the next two, then on thursday i have a planned operation, but something happened, no, nothing, that means tomorrow you and i are flying to transbaikalia,
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transbaikalia, yes, we’ll hit the road to ours. well, vanechka, this is wonderful, this is very, very ok, come on, i caught up with you, how interesting, come on, catch up, leave me where you are, i’ll be glad, right?
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the pit is gone, but our memory is there. dad was very proud of you, you know, i once promised him something, what?
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when, vanya, when yesterday. you have done everything you promised in this life. after all, it's above us. our sky, do you remember how we hugged it as children, i remember everything.
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born on october 10, 1929 in the village of stankova near minsk. his military biography began immediately after the death of his mother, when he was with his sister.
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