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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 12:15am-12:31am MSK

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morat kazei was born on october 10, 1929 in the village of stankova near minsk. his military biography began immediately after the death of his mother, when he was with his sister.
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joined the partisan detachment named after the twenty-fifth anniversary of october, where he became a scout. for his battle in january 1943, when the wounded morath led his comrades into the attack and fought his way through the enemy ring, he received a medal for bravery. in march 1943, the young hero actually saved a partisan detachment. when the punitive forces surrounded the partisan village, it was marat. could escape from encirclement and bring help. on may 11, 1944, near the village of haramitski, a reconnaissance group of partisans was surrounded by the germans. the group commander, mikhail larin, died immediately. and marat began to shoot back. when the cartridges ran out, the hero threw one of the grenades at the enemy. despite the losses, the germans wanted to take him alive. as they approached, fourteen-year-old... marat kozey blew
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himself up with a grenade. for his heroism in the fight against the nazi invaders, morat kazei was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. agro-industrial complex construction industry sphere.
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the author's view of the problem. the delegation of the altai territory focused on the development of regional ties in belarus. let's summarize. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. veronica buta is with you. hello. ashkahabat and minsk are strengthening business partnerships between belarus and turkmenistan. today there are a number of areas in which there is mutual interest. it is important to build a scheme for effective interaction, primarily in the agricultural, industrial, construction and transport sectors. at a meeting with...
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but this is only for now, trading houses are actively involved in trade, contracts are constantly concluded by large enterprises and private businesses. yes, the distance is not close, but direct contracts increase the overall trade turnover. and today, logistics are gradually being built, our prime minister spoke about this in turkmenistan. they discussed in detail both the present day and the future of our economic relations with the president of this country. it was stated that currently belarus. and turkmenistan are at a very important stage economic recovery in the post-pandemic period, mr. president highly appreciated the level of trust and partnership that has developed between the republic of belarus and turkmenistan. i briefly described the main directions and promising areas for development. our relations
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primarily in the trade and economic sphere. scientific and technical cooperation is also one of the areas of cooperation. scientists have begun to work more actively on import substitution, and here mutual experience comes in very handy. our products sell well in turkmenistan butter, yoghurts, sour cream, as well as woodworking products, and of course, sugar, since the confectionery industry is developed here, and the industry needs our sweet component, and in general the palette of interests today is wide. we really wanted to resume supplies to the turkmen market of products from the engineering industry of belarus, these are buses, trucks, tractors from the minsk tractor plant, of course, well, there are still certain issues with this, but we need to. we work for them. in general, if we talk about bilateral trade, then in our market turkmen bed and table linen, dishes, clothes made of cotton and textiles are very popular. uh, in recent years there has been a significant increase in the supply of tomatoes. because
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a number of programs are being implemented here to build greenhouses and grow vegetables in them. so, not only the demand of the domestic market is satisfied, but also supplies are made for export, including to the republic of belarus. as for our supplies here, dairy products from belarus are very popular, meat products, and food products are a kind of sign quality for the turkmen consumer, and if it is made in belarus, then it is considered tasty, and not only tasty, but also healthy. activity is also visible from the business side, delegations are increasingly coming for negotiations, mainly missions from each region in different areas, and...
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the university is bntu, bsuir, bsu, naturally, so the demand for training at these universities is very high, and belarusian higher education is very well perceived and valued among turkmen citizens, and as i have already said more than once, a higher university diploma is in demand here; in principle, people find decent work afterwards. returning from our country. a big push in the development of dialogue here is associated with the holding of the next meeting of the bilateral intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation. during negotiations with the president, shkhabadze agreed to hold it this year. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh, area of ​​interest. the government procurement market within
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the eurasian union is growing rapidly and belarus expects to occupy this market its significant share. true, so far the main suppliers of products for ias are third countries. but in integration they hope to reverse this trend. belarus has always been at the forefront of integration processes. we pay close attention to the development of the eu common market. the public procurement system is one of the important components of the single market - it is a tool for developing competition, saving budget funds, and increasing the efficiency of economies. however, the protection of national interests sometimes takes precedence over the development of the four freedoms in is. and this makes it difficult to compete on equal terms. how does it work? olga onishchenko will tell you about the market and what obstacles there are in the way of suppliers to buyers. the eurasian five is a huge market of manufacturers and buyers. and the main buyer in terms of the scale of
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potential spending is the state budget. all eu countries carry out public procurement, their volume is huge, according to 2022 data - $190 billion. and in the best interests. for belarus this is generally extremely important, without successful sales abroad, economic development and growth impossible. government procurement is a growing market, judging by the figures, in just a year it increased by a quarter, and almost all countries added it, belarus more than the other 65%. another thing is the volume of mutual budget purchases in the eurasian union, that is, between countries. five amounted to less than 2% of the total volume, that is, countries, despite the well-known principle of a single eurasian space, with its free movement of goods and services, a declared barrier-free environment, give preference to imports from third countries, this almost 80% of all government purchases.
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the remaining 20-odd are government purchases of national goods, that is, their own producers; again, only a percentage of eu countries purchase from each other. belarus is compared to... kazakhstan, for comparison, has almost 50; russia has 84 altogether, why is this happening. the eu gives preference to national goods. however, the law does not prohibit this. for a short time they protect their producers during purchases; this can be done for a while if you need to give an incentive to the development of, for example, an important city-forming enterprise, behind which thousands of jobs. one way or another, countries take advantage of this to stimulate domestic production. on the other hand, states may use separate mechanisms for restrictions on import purchases. thus, an offer with goods from third countries will be rejected if there are at least two similar eurasian products. for this purpose, by the way, there is a eurasian register of industrial
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goods, a single point of access to everything that is produced in the eurasian space. while there are more than 20,000 products from more than 160 manufacturers, belarus is more active than others. 60% from what is stated, these are our manufacturers. their interest is understandable; this is a huge russian government procurement market; to enter this means to stake out export supplies for the long haul. there are a number of legal ones. nuances that hindered the development of government procurement within the eurasian economic union. just one example: to sell and buy online, the parties must sign documents with an electronic digital signature. there were difficulties with this, but minsk and moscow resolved them by signing the corresponding agreement and it takes a little time to dot all the i’s. another important point is equal conditions access. belarus has sensitive access to russian government procurement of automotive products. we have something to offer, but certain legal norms created a hindrance. for our goods, in particular, strict requirements for the level of localization, some contradictions
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have already been removed, but not all yet, however, our industrialists are working to trade with each other on equal terms, as required by the eurasian rules of cooperation, supporting not opponents, but trusted partners and allies. now let's take a break for a short advertisement, then about our interests. v altai region, stay with us, we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, they will say this thousands more times, breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently, i, of course, highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast in order for you to have
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the energy to work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but it seems to me that it is difficult, these are proteins, good, unsaturated fats, and what omega 3 will give us what will give us a good hormonal balance, beautiful elastic skin, and we will get a boost of energy. energy for the whole day, you can spend a great time in a way that will give your body what it really needs, which is energy, health and vigor. while charging, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. over the past 30 years after the collapse. soviet union concept of democracy so distorted, on the one hand, this is
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a good advertisement on the part of the collective west, which it sowed in the post-soviet space, saying: “come to us, we have a lot of democracy, but in reality there is the power of capital, so our democracy is focused on every citizen, the collective west has modern technologies to shake up society, destroy the economy, engage various technical personnel, and thus you can lose the state, there is no international law, it is destroyed, which means. who is right, well, only for the one who has more power, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons is precisely the most important, deterrent factor, and which does not allow these hotheads to start some kind of provocation or military aggression against our country. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this is an area of ​​interest, we continue, now about exchange rates, the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the russian one. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 21 kopecks. the euro is now 3.47 at the national bank rate, for 10 yuan they are asking 4.41, 100 in russian. rubles costs 3.57. focus on the development of regional ties. this week , a large delegation from the altai territory, headed by the governor, visited our country. one of the main events was the working meeting. collaboration groups. trade turnover is growing, but not at the rate we would like. last year only 2%. the launch of new projects will allow the numbers to increase. the main emphasis is on import substitution. also interesting are the supplies of passenger equipment and its maintenance. anton malyuta will continue the topic.


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