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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 1:00am-1:35am MSK

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no, you don’t have to be a professional, we define it as just a family-friendly, interesting, active excursion, so i’m saying, if you know how to ride a bike, if you like to walk through the forest for a walk in boots or sneakers, then you are our guests, i will teach you in 2 minutes, in 5 minutes, we have very good modern boats, we have a very beautiful river, it is picturesque, beautiful, at the same time we call it completely safe . glory to the guests who want to stay with us and spend the night, we offer two houses. this is our main guest house, it accommodates 8-10 people, so the two of you will be very comfortable here, a lot, yes, it’s very warm, cozy, in the summer it’s cool here, the sound of the waterfall can always be heard, we sleep on the second floor, well, who gets the most comfortable good bed , let's see, i'm the first, how cunning she is, i'm the first, but let's be honest, i'm on the right, and you? to the left,
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the big one, well, and tai, everyone will have their own room, well, that’s it, i won’t argue, wow, my bed is quite nice here, it’s very cool, here too, you can sleep for 5 minutes, no, we’ll go right away, already work, let's go, then, then we'll go on a vacation, so girls, now the most interesting part of our vacation, our program begins, this is a kayaking excursion, why do we call it a kayaking excursion, and not some kind of hike and extreme activities, because that our river is absolutely not wide, not deep, not dangerous, but it is very beautiful, picturesque, all very crooked, it’s called the uzlyanka, if you look at our river from above, it’s real...
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“it was very cool, i’m not a bit tired, so what, andrey, you have improved, but wait, i saw that kayla didn’t do anything, the captain should do everything, and i was lucky with the sailors today, today i will have two wonderful sailors, whom we passed with five points, we did well, it was super, i’m glad x you’re the first time and i managed so-so, but i liked it very much, that’s it, five, five, and we’ll see you next week, chao-chao, bye, one sings, two sings, three sings, the little horse sings pitifully.
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twenty traditional songs are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. young cossack, young cossack, i'll take my self. i want to show you horses,
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specifically from my homeland, this is a kambardian breed, a very valuable mare, a breeding mare, with all the documents, she is a horse very close to me, she is the mother of these other horses of mine, kabardian, she herself its own breed, close - in spirit, let's say, it was brought from the caucasus, hardy, unpretentious, in all respects, it is very close to us, to everyone, not only to me, but to everyone. bordinsky, circassian - this is a very valuable breed, there are very few of them in belarus, here we are we value this,
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this is alaska. a mare, her father is a lithuanian breed, half, half kabardian, but from kabardinskaya she got strong legs, a strong hoof horn, a beautiful exterior, color, endurance, she got all this from her mother, good quality, this was the next thing. wait, wait, like this, like this, his eyes are very different, they are very smart, they are so intelligent, they are different from others. i come from the north caucasus,
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the republic of kabardino-balkaria, i'm from there by birth, by nationality kabardian, circassian. i ended up in belarus in the nineties, when at that time we were transporting horses from the soviet union, it was during this period that i began to come here, they brought horses of different breeds, soviet breeds, these are itera, this is budenovsky, these are trotters, our kabardian breeds , the city of brest - this was the place for - transhipment of these animals, for customs clearance, veterinary clearance.
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such local girls from brest competed in various sports competitions belarus. then i left for my homeland in 2000. i was there, working, and had to return here at the invitation of my fellow countryman, friend. suddenly he died in an accident, the question arose of what to do next, to develop some kind of business, or to leave for his homeland, but i chose the first, at that time i found out that... not far from kobrinoy there was an old empty farm, i bought the premises and started prepare it for a stable, the idea was realized within 2 years, i started purchasing and importing the first horses already in the thirteenth year, i registered as an entrepreneur, and that’s where
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it went from there. yes, this year, unfortunately, the weather is so hot, there is no rain, this is reflected in our grass, we live in such a time, if before we quarreled, there were neighbors over a meter of land, but now there is no such thing, so they came up with such a relationship when they, the owners offer me, we cultivate the land together, prepare it in advance, they plow. i harrow or cultivate, then i sow grass, and this land will be looked after for three to four years, the grass will be mowed calling animals when you have an assistant, it’s more fun and you have time to do more, but
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my son has no time, he’s studying, he’s a student, when he comes on vacation, then he can only help, the rest of the time... basically he does it all himself, but soon the season will end, there will be no more grass anyway, we will only feed with hay, which we have already prepared for the winter. he is also studying a specialty related to agriculture, animal husbandry, he studies at the vitebsk veterinary academy, so if he is interested, he can i have to continue and develop this business, since childhood i don’t know, in probably the sixth grade, my dad took me to the sinokos for the first time, i remember how i broke his braids out of anger, that i would have at 5 in the morning... lucky sinokos, i even took exams after school, first i came to sinokos,
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then at 9 in the morning i came to take exams, sometimes, especially after winter, you come and ask for your hands, because when you study, you sit there, kid, you do nothing, you get bored due to some kind of activity, it happens. older generation, who ran their own special farm, they always kept horses with them for work, well, in some farms, collective farms, and in almost every district there were sports schools where young people who were interested in this could study, but over time, collective farms, state farms , as such, they have stopped paying so much attention to breeding. people, little by little private traders like me began to rise,
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farmers who privately began to breed and deal with horses, i belong to this category, we have not yet become strong, we are not so there are a lot in belarus, but we exist, this is a layer, let’s say, we seem to provide a small, let’s say, need of people who gravitate towards animals, towards nature in general, we seem to exchange energy, they receive energy from us , from horses, from animals, and we get the same positive emotions from them. this is a stable that has just been... mowed down, now we will please our horses with anyushina,
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let's go, i'm carrying, i'm carrying, i 'm carrying, i'm carrying, that's it, move over, move over, asa, just like that, that's the appetite with which they eat, just like that, in general, i come from a family of hereditary horse breeders, it all comes from my father, my older brother and i, we studied, first we worked, and then we studied at a specialized university, say, the temeryazev agricultural academy, at the department of horse breeding, this is the only department of horse breeding that was in the former soviet union, so, this craving for horses comes from there, it will come here, as if naturally, having such... skills, some knowledge, then you are drawn to this, naturally,
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plus horses, this is the purest, purest beautiful animals, and how differently? we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. people started making the first weather forecasts back in ancient times. what modern technology and equipment do you use to make weather forecasts today? weather radar data, satellite data, and numerical modeling, and i want to say that forecasts are still not made without qualified specialists. we share interesting facts and ask the most exciting questions. well, after a lull
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of almost 10 years, they literally rekindle them cary beetles. where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build tunnels inside the thickness of the wood. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only crap. see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. hello, my roll, hello, eclair, hello, my potato, how i missed you, how i want to hug you all and, of course, eat you. let's find out more about historical past of belarusians. the dish is called patata, which translates as potato.
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well, from english, probably from spanish, from any language, potatoes, and even. in south africa potatoes. it turned out to be a very simple and understandable dish, this is the kind of food we usually order in restaurants. something that is simply understandable. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. tell me, what kind of desserts are these on our holiday table? makovnik, mazurka and orhas. and these are all the dishes that are described in the poem pantadeous. i definitely need to re-read it. look project, food at least. where on the tv channel belarus 24. nowadays this generation, unfortunately , is probably more passionate about gadgets,
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computers, and for them for the most part, that i... see it comes to them as if their eyes are opening, they see nature in a new way, this in itself is everything that was created by the almighty, these are trees, these are animals, mostly young people now, and not just with horses, in general with all kinds of animals, the youth seem to be distant, distant, and for them it is interesting, i have some sheep running around, this is there’s a lot, it’s a novelty for many to come close,
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he brought his own, and i gave mine away, such an exchange is needed so that in the herd there will be no closely related ones, well , he’s still a bit wild, he probably doesn’t fit in as well as ours, you see, he’s scared, the first hour when i brought him, he was completely butted in turn,
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first with rams, then with sheep, that’s how he got acquainted, now with fresh grass... we feed him while there’s fresh grass, then we’ll move on to hay , for dry and other concentrated feeds, there will be a lot now people, especially young people, who cannot find themselves in our difficult, difficult times, yes, and, of course, for them this is what we have, what we show, what we offer, this can be like one of options for them to look at this life differently, not just like what is shown on tv on the internet, but live, maybe this will help someone, i hope so, this is my favorite horse , her name is basma, her mother is kabardian, purebred, brought from
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the caucasus from the mountains, and her father is also from kabardians, my father and i thought there were about 63%. since childhood, for some reason, i communicated with her most of all and became attached to her, probably because of her character, she drives everyone away from horses, she is calm, patient, kind towards people, when i have been without horses for a long time, i somehow have moments that i’m nervous, constantly depressed, something else, when i come here, i notice that everyone goes through... these are some kind of mental confusion, and i calm down, at least with horses, i’m with second grade, i think i communicate with them.
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well, i’ve already finished my second year, i would still like to continue my work with horses , but we don’t look too far, so to speak, how life will lead, the son himself chose this specialty, he voluntarily went, it seems like, well... there is an interest not only in the veterinary line, but specifically in specialization, specifically in the treatment of horses, he said several times about this that he is more interested
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in the horse breeding direction, specifically in the treatment of horses and so on, and he wants to continue this line further, so his son. gets carried away, is doing this, god forbid, if anything happens. he has not lost this desire, for him to develop further, to develop himself, that would be very good, but everything is in his hands, everything is in his hands, how he will behave further, i gave my children the same opportunities, namely in terms of communication with animals , yes, but every person from birth has his own purpose, every person finds something to do, some like this activity, some... don’t like it, in my case it’s my son who seems to be more interested in this, he like it and he he’s studying for this business, it’s his, and the girls are already a little different, they have different passions,
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not just horses, let’s say, now i ’ll give you a horse, well... we can learn from the right-wing architecture, for example, from synkavich and malamazheika. we dachify the round pots there on the tanks
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of the budynka. and all for this period of time round velvets are characteristic. hanna, my little wife was no less famous than the genus of the plyatars, we are here recognizing emilia, the plyatars and all the astatine uzelniks of the past. they floated to the pharmaceutical eco-chemical centers of the country. the same plaster with the same cannels, but they are the basis for the great jumper of the dekaravanaga belt, which is a hot spot for
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this space, as seen on our tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. this is a very interesting job, because when we come to work in our department, and in other departments, we are constantly... introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still produced, it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor , this is such pride and such happiness as from manufacturer, you have no idea. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. what is vinegar production? this is actually, to be honest, a specialty that holds the most responsibility for people in an enterprise. work for me is joy, it is pleasure and results, it is stability, confidence. days are scary my work is life for me, they always say to me: you go to work, smile, you leave work, smile, we go forward, we move, and we are here too, so come to us, see how
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we live, look about... our family came from the caucasus, we have our own culture, our own cuisine, i would like to tell you about... about our oriental traditional drink, it is called kolmytsky tea, it can be prepared from those products , which can be found on the shelves of belarusian stores, i take tea, pour it into a saucepan and pour water, the tea can be poured cold, boiled
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, add sour cream, and butter, salt, spices to taste, i take butter, since it’s still oriental cuisine, uh, here for the slavs, not for everyone the taste of such tea will be familiar, but i still advise you to try it, kolmyssk tea is unusual in that it is not sweet, on the contrary, salty, that is, we add salt and spices to it, some, by the way, add garlic, as far as i know, but we we drink it without garlic, because in the east, people really love this tea, it can be found in stores in different formats, that is, you can find crumbly ready-made, where all
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the ingredients are, you can... tea in briquettes, but also can be prepared from regular black or green tea, my tea is ready, all that remains is to pour it into mugs and serve it to the table, we prefer to drink it with khichins, these are flatbreads with cheese filling, or with kaburda lokoms. the first people i had were young mothers with sick children, children with special needs, so they pushed me even more, let’s say, to develop this business, because there was such a need, and parents with sick children, they were constantly in search of, where
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to find, ride... a child, this is where we started, gradually the rest became grow, over time we have already worked out a route through the forest, through the forest along the mukhovets river, other people, young people, newlyweds have already begun to come little by little , parents with small children have already begun to come with their families, that’s how the whole process is little by little. let's go, let's go, for the rides, naturally, i chose suitable horses, calmer, more pliable, which everyone could calmly approach, so as not to be afraid to put any person on this horse, and a small
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child, an adult, this is very important , that's why that the people who mostly come to us have either never met horses at all, let’s say, haven’t ridden, had no contact with animals, or communicated very little, so the choice fell on the horses of the belarusian draft breed that i already knew, belarusian, they calm, phlegmatic, you can safely seat any person, child, on them, of course, in the process we taught them to react calmly to all people, but they themselves are smart animals, they know their voice, they know intonation, this is where our route begins, further through the forest let's go, literally 5 minutes after
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we leave from... from the territory of the base, no matter how inexperienced the person is, still after 5-10 minutes this fear goes away, the person becomes more relaxed. the confident ones are already starting to get some kind of pleasure from horse riding itself, this is very important , the route itself helps us with this, it so happened that we are located next to such a forest, next to such a river, it all worked out wonderfully, and these forest roads have a very calming effect with some kind of calmness, some kind of... action , all this is perceived, this is good for our life today, with such - let's say, some kind of fast current, when you travel along such a route, then this is a special pleasure
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, many vacationers, when they drive like this, they pay attention to what is growing, i ask: are these mushrooms, what kind of berries are these, what birds are flying and singing there? well, i myself am not a fisherman or a mushroom picker, as if i only have one passion, horses, that’s enough, we don’t do mushrooms in the east, as if there is no gathering of this we haven’t had a culture since childhood, we don’t have this in our culture, we somehow treat it calmly, this mukha river runs right next to us, there are a lot of fishermen here. here there is always, yes, a different landscape, of course, in the caucasus there are mountains, naturally, there is their own beauty, special beauty, grief, here in belarus
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there is also its own woodlands, forests, everywhere there are beautiful places, you just have to be able to see it, beauty is everywhere there is. in belarus, in the caucasus, whoever wants to see it, i ’m generally here in belarus, about 30 years old, anyway with age, maybe it’s even a craving this is how it goes, this closeness is not lost with my historical homeland, i come from the north caucasus, and it all affects, this is my upbringing, this and well... most likely genetics also has its own enormous significance, its origin, so, but nevertheless, we found, like me, we still found some kind of purpose or calling
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in belarus and we found ourselves by creating a family, being here, i’m not alone, there are many like me, multitude, and we find that society, we found it. society where we could realize to the fullest. i feel this myself. the belarusian mentality is very close to our common caucasian, ordinary people who are concerned, think about starting a family, raising children, having a job, benefiting society, serving society, that’s all, it’s one. universal human values, they are typical both for local belarusians and for caucasians, i will say, in belarus, what is very valuable to me, what i like, is that no one shows fingers, says who you are, where you are from,
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why you came here , that's what i stand for everything during my stay in belarus, it was about 30 years, i never heard from ordinary people, and this is a very high achievement for belarusian society. when every person of any nationality, any religion, can come here to realize themselves calmly, be here and not be afraid of any pressure, this is a very valuable achievement for belarus.


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