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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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formed in the shortest possible time, the humanitarian cargo, which included essential items , was agreed with the receiving party, the belarusian rescuer was entrusted with delivering it, the humanitarian cargo in the amount of about 56 tons and about 260 m3. the humanitarian cargo includes food, essential goods and other medical supplies to assist the population in the wake of a natural disaster. humanitarian cargo will be delivered by road to the kurgan-orenburg region of the russian federation. belarus constantly helps states affected by emergency situations. since ninety- nine, assistance has been provided to 34 countries. last year it was provided to turkey, russia, cuba and syria. the state grand committee has published new data on visa-free travel. how many residents of the european union have visited belarus since the beginning of this year? they took advantage of belarusian visa-free travel. more than
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88 thousand citizens of the european union from three neighboring countries, most often they come to us from lithuania, over 4100 people, belarus and latvians, this year almost 22 thousand citizens and more than 6 thousand non-citizens of latvia have already visited the republic, almost 1900 poles have visited the republic. the visa-free regime for citizens of lithuania, latvia and poland was introduced back in twenty-two and is extended every year. during this time , 888,000 foreigners traveled to belarus. the pain of the belarusian people in... a monument to the tree of life will appear in all regions of the country. what will this monumental project be dedicated to? a single sign will be installed in memory of the victims of genocide during the great patriotic war. the project was created by vitebsk by sculptor ivan kazak based on real events. an eyewitness to such stories told him about the atrocities of the nazis: hands frozen in bronze, reaching from the ground to freedom, a symbol of hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed. this project became the best in the republican competition, where they were selected.
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more than 100 works were inspected, in january we were given a working model of this memorial sign, our sculptors and enlargers began enlarging and laying out this memorial sign, it was made in clay, after it was made in clay, advice accepted it, and somewhere in march the plaster molds were removed, which later moved to production, the height of the granite-free paste monument is almost 3 m, weight.
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about 3 tons. the first such sign will soon be installed in gomel, on uprising square. on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders , a presentation of the book “for you belarus” was held at the national library. what is unique about this publication? the documentary text of the book is supplemented with entries from diaries and poems by famous belarusian authors who experienced war. the collections contain materials about the main events of the great patriotic war on the territory of belarus in chronological order. there was no such book before, there were a lot of zennyk’s notes, dareches , and letters during the great aichina war , there were more than 250 people on the dandies, many did not come out, but their creations were caught, good faith we are partisans, because many writers were in partisan events, and all yanka kupala wrote to partisans, partisans, belarusian sons, many...
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by, as well as on social networks, i’m with you i say goodbye, all the best, for a moment i want
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to stop running to see the rain falling, the leaves moving, glowing. the sun, and how our life is built from all these little things, we want to look at this world differently, to discover something new every day, it’s so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus.
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socio-political talk show in essence, today we will talk about parliament, about how it changed after we had the institution of the all-belarus people's assembly, in order to take part in our program.
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and they said that the current convocation will not be like others, at least, because delegates will not live from meeting to meeting, roughly speaking, but this will be constant routine work, well, i’ll say, probably, as it is, for most people, after all , the all-belarusian people's assembly still causes slight confusion and, perhaps, not complete understanding, because we have... deputies of local councils, we have deputies of the house of representatives, and there are people there, senators, yes, it’s clear, they manage to get confused and asking some to steal benches, while in general, probably, as we determined, some are about strategies, others are about
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some more mundane moments, then the all-belarusian people's assembly is added to all this, and irina viktorovna, well here’s a question for you: as a long-liver, you had opportunities. how did this affect you, maybe people started contacting you less, maybe you feel competition with your colleagues, delegates of the supreme council, and the deputies of the house of representatives are delegates by default, one way or another, of course,
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the most interesting thing is that, firstly, probably from the first part of the question in general, taking into account whether there is a difference, of course there is, of course there is, and i am sure that even... all the previous six all-belarusian people's assemblies had one main goal : the approval of the program of socio-economic development for the next 5 years, for the next 5 years, is absolutely correct, today even the first dash is seventh, the first in the new article, as a completely new political institution, the all-belarusian people's assembly has completely new powers, and we even the very first meeting has already been implemented, except for organizational issues. when we have elected a chairman for a minute, this is the head
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of state, and this is absolutely expected, issues that relate primarily to our security, the first, the main two of its powers, the all-belarusian people's assembly has already implemented at the first meeting, this is the approval of the concept of national security and approval of military doctrine, these are powers that have never been in... a single vote until the day of a single vote that under no circumstances should we break
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the country’s political system by introducing the supreme national assembly as a constitutional body. so, this didn’t happen, we didn’t break it, why? the fact is that the supreme national assembly does not interfere and does not interfere with the work of the legislative branch, the executive branch, especially the judicial branch, that is, everyone is doing what we were doing, if we explain it to ordinary citizens, the parliament both adopted laws and continues to do so.
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a delegate of the supreme council is either a deputy, or a representative of the executive branch, or an ordinary person
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who has contact with a local deputy, with deputy of parliament, so i’ll sum it up: the most important thing is that we achieved what we talked about, we didn’t break the country’s political system, because the worst thing would have been if people had become confused, if powers had not been clearly distributed, if the spa had really interfered the work of the parliament, or interfered with the work of the council of the minister, well, yes, this is an important person, but here there is still such a concentration of people, power, acceptance
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of authority, everything else, and if, relatively speaking, a delegate of the supreme council comes somewhere in the outback, then for well me, maybe i now i’m deeply mistaken, but there this delegate of the supreme council is even more important than a deputy of parliament, so the fact is that, firstly, they believe this delegate, he came and he says, i was there, i saw it, i heard it with my own eyes, i listened to the head .
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well, a few words about the vns: firstly, it still seems to me that the vns is a natural development of the philosophy of our society. it seems to me that all roads led to this meeting. i don’t agree with irina in that we not only approved the country’s development program, we also determined the ideologies for the development of our the state, you remember, food, housing and so on, that is, every belarusian thought about the meaning of the development of our society. i’ll argue a little more, i wouldn’t divide it into rural and urban.
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but well, he acutely perceives the international situation, that’s what the president did, those conclusions, those messages to society, they at least calmed down this society, valeriyvich, excuse me for interrupting you, but so since we already have a dialogue and discussion, so let’s figure it out along the way, we are talking about the fact that the delegate of the supreme council is the person which should, in general, relay these basic messages, these meanings, yes, but we actually watched the vns live. and i ’m sure that those who couldn’t watch that same day did listen, but you can’t really talk to the head of state in news clips later, you know, you said correctly, the composition of the parliament included a lot of media people, those who have been working with people for a long time who know how to conduct this discussion, this is
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very important, because today we live in a world where well...
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i remember every program, nothing should ever be decided on the street, remember, today we have made enough of a political platform to argue, why are there four political parties in parliament, everyone has a different opinion, are we in solidarity with everything, no, i don’t agree with belarus, there with the communists, they are with me in some ways, but we work together, because we have one country, one national interest, this is a political platform, political, then the supreme national assembly, isn’t this a political platform, everyone is represented there, not only. rural economy, industry, that is, absolutely everything, we have made it so that if a person has a political position, he must have the tools to express it
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in a civilized manner, not on the street, not in squares, not in some terrible unconstitutional way, there is parties, there is parliament, there are local councils, there is the supreme council, that is, there is no country with one opinion, this is a terrible country, there must be different points of view, discussion, then the decision will be more correct, remember the words of the president at the supreme council? god forbid, what if everyone says the same thing and they are also afraid to speak out and say, this is scary, i really like the phrase: you can only rely on what resistance gives, if it is so pliable, has no opinion, the country will never be strong, so this is a civilized instrument, we are coming to a civilized politics, to normal politics, to normal expression of political thought, this is wonderful, this is probably the main thing in this reform, well, oleg sergeevich, i would like more...
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now we are presenting the result of our work, you are saying that this is some kind of... that vigorous activity, evidence of vigorous activity, so we show not the activity, but the result, one of my leaders said, don’t report
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on the work, you report on the result, that’s all, when we come to the districts, we report to our voters about what has been done, what happened at the all-belosky people's meeting, they said: “viktorevich, everything is fine, everything is fine, we understand everything, tell us how it was, this is what conversations were on the sidelines, and how laws are prepared, and how they are discussed.” you come to a single point of view, when an interdepartmental commission meets with all interested parties, believe me, bring 30 people to a common opinion, it costs a lot, but this is a dispute that can be conducted at the table, and not somewhere on the street, and so on and so forth similar, but i’ll give you an example, when these changes to the constitution were being prepared, there were, in general, a lot of meetings of the constitutional commission, public and non-public here on our site , including even before... they gathered in full composition there at the head of state, discussion it was hot, so i once said that it’s a pity that not everything can be public, i remember at one of the meetings of the constitutional
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commission, when we listened to it in its entirety in the palace of independence and rebroadcast it on the air, how many reviews there were later and feedback about what you know, and we didn’t think that there were such discussions, when people see someone who stands up and says one opinion, a second opinion, and we end up...
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i want to go back to what you said, so that the audience understands, no, there are no fights in parliament, no, there is no chaos, but a discussion yes, why? yes, it’s simple, the recipe is simple, i can tell all countries where there are fights, remove the fifth column, clear the political field from those who are financed from outside, as soon as a fifth column appears in parliament, there will always be a fight, there will always be a mess, why is the goal they cannot strengthen the country, destroy it, destroy it, it
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should always be there, but people immediately remember, a stick, a stone, fools in the supreme council, fights, and this is not true, this is a fifth column and traitors, but there is opposition, what is opposition, any alternative point of view at a commission meeting, in fact, this is also good constructive opposition, this is wonderful, the worst thing.
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but they can’t vote, they want to vote, they understand that the country is in everyone’s hands, that they can’t let this go, we remember the composition of the previous city council, you remember where many of them ended up?
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we need to observe these people, how they showed themselves, where they are from, and so on, because today we should understand perfectly well, yes, that there were 400 people from civil society, namely delegates all-belarusian people's assembly, and for a public organization, since we
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are also part of civil society, 80 people, in fact this is very little, yes, but we must understand perfectly well that this number should include people of different categories, like... that’s right, this is normal, but you see, students should, and the guys who work at the factory, yes, different categories of youth, not just by age, but even by occupation, i want to return to the same human factor that we are talking about they said above, anatolyich will probably have a little discussion with you and draw a parallel with the army, go and serve in the belarusian army there 10 years ago, when the situation was... let's say, right around our borders was much calmer, she, of course, there was always concern, because we understood that we were under close attention, but at the same time, this was one story, and it’s a completely different matter now, when lyas-caterpillars, in the literal sense of the word, are clearly
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audible, even to those who the most deaf among us, in the same way, the all-belarusian people's assembly, now when your main task, well, forgive the frankness, is to convey the opinion of the head. state, which copes well with its powers as the president of the country and as the head of the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is also one story, let's say, it's not difficult, but if we assume that the powers there of our same all-belarusian people's assembly, this is 5 years, this a very long period of time, in our difficult, turbulent times, if we allow some... some kind of emergency situation exacerbation. august twentieth repetition. well, let's put it this way. yes, anything can happen. is there any confidence that the all-belarusian people's assembly in this composition will be able to hold the country together and not
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repeat the fate of the supreme council? well, firstly, i would like to support the youth a little and challenge kirill a little. we have active young people, active. to your question, alena, people have already answered, in what terms, we actually have 95% of the delegates of the entire belarusian people's assembly, these are elected delegates, these are people,
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in whom the people placed their trust, parliamentarians on a single voting day, local councils on a single voting day, the head of state at the elections, people are already well... is it fully, is it fully, wait, it’s standing, look, there’s a member of parliament standing , deputy governor of the magilev region, when people were elected, they looked. “i don’t want anything more, they are crazy
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or a liar, so you have to want, the question is that in addition to this there must also be a desire to serve your country, if this is combined, and the ambitions that you want to be someone to become, to achieve, this is wonderful, we are beginning to form some kind of political..."
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of the result where it is now, and there are people behind them, firstly, the most important thing, probably for me, these people trust the person who studied well, worked well and achieved became a member of parliament, so i became - went to the supreme national assembly, from their lips it will probably be
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better and, i won’t say more pleasant, but more understandable, yes, what they say, those who are those whom they know personally, and not just abstractly, some head of some service, that’s right, and i had to explain to people that this person achieved this, family, children, the result of work, where he was in the twentieth year, everyone knows perfectly well, where we were next to him in the twentieth, twenty-first year, how hard we worked, we achieved those results and... this, as you say, background of what we have achieved probably allows us now, as parliamentarians, to represent the interests of those people who have entrusted us with it, now i can also give you a background, because about this many people also say, come to you both of us have a question, why do we have such a large number of deputies, colonels and generals, so i’ll explain, look, and the supreme national assembly adopts two military ones, essentially documents for the people, this is so, and the concept of national security, and military doctrine,
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there is one more the reason, i’ll argue, means, in addition to the request for security, there is also the concept that prestige, i remember the nineties, when my grandfather, a kgb colonel, cried while watching tv, when he said that everything he did was not needed by anyone, not needed his shoulder straps, there was no need to fight, no need it was possible to erect monuments to derzhinsky, and i remember how the officers lost everything in the ninety- first year, my father lost everything, there was no salary, there was no damn thing, everything was destroyed, today, thanks to the actions of the state , the prestige of the army, the special services, the ministry of internal affairs, today in all countries of the world, 20 years from now, this profession will be one of the most significant, and of course, these people are voted for.
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positions and for them, rightly, people come to the polling stations and vote themselves, he looks at the background, as you say, colonel, the lieutenant colonel was the boss such and such a unit, of course, they give him additional votes, they vote for him, this is normal, well, probably again the notorious human factor, after all, military people, they are able to make
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decisions at a critical moment and not fall into stupor or like a military man, don’t be shy. they can’t they can’t with everyone i’m ready to go on reconnaissance both with everyone present here and with all the delegates and even here you use a military term really well yes yes yes conditionally valeriyvich i’ll be back again a little bit. to local authorities, you, as a person who worked in the regional executive system, the fact that, for example, city deputies of the city of minsk, they became delegates of the supreme council, for example, there is no, well, let’s say, dissonance with the fact that, for example, the mogilev regional representatives did not, that’s why this is so, in your opinion, again, the people are asking the question, rightly, well, fairly,
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we are talking about the representation of the population, these are only 60 deputies for a city of two million, so i think, absolutely. and what happened on the single voting day, and they also elected deputies of local councils and parliament, it was wonderful, as they say, i experienced it myself, when you come during the campaign campaign, sometimes deputy candidates were nearby, like a confidant, i can tell you, that’s how we
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worked, the people who come , voters, they immediately see the difference, they are clearly explained how a local council member differs from... so he comes and says: i want to sit on the benches, it’s called here, i’d better tell everyone about the benches, how it is, because in reality , many people really here the difference is not very ulam in any incomprehensible situation, i will also write a letter to the president back in the council of the republican moment, what oleg sergeevich is talking about, when you give
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a specific example and he is refracted to you, if he is a pensioner, then tell him about pension provision, what if not members of parliament.
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that well, the majority of citizens of any country should not be heavily politicized, they should work at their jobs, they should love their country, raise children, this is the most
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important story, but when to this politicization these opportunists are interfering, who in august 2020 took everyone out onto the street and people didn’t understand why, well, here it’s like they’re writing from all over the country, they see that you are media people, i’ll give you an example again, he was elected in a specific district, all the mogilev region will write: because they write to me from all over the country, they come to me from sosha, from vitebsk, from gomel, i won’t accept them, that is, this is also the other side of the media, that is, for example, they write to the belteleradiocompany on stv people because they watch us you have a tv, they write, help, decide, this is normal, by the way, this speaks of people’s trust in the state, the worst thing is if they didn’t write, if they thought, and what to write, no one will decide, no one will help, no one will do or only. president, remember, there was such a period, we moved away from him, by the way, in my opinion, when they wrote only to lukashenko, overwhelmed the administration
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because they believed only in him, it’s good that after the twentieth year we really had a request from society for what do you mean we we we also want to influence the processes taking place in the country, well here you go, we voted together for changes to the constitution, together we shared this burden, this responsibility, we have more. the main task of parliamentarians is to go and tell, as we said before,
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the process of lawmaking and the result of lawmaking, how we came to the need to adopt this or that law or amend it, and what the law was like in the initial stage, or rather in the final stage it has already turned out that it comes out of it, what rights and responsibilities will be the same as for us, as for the deputies you accepted, and for the citizens, then if you...
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with the internet, we just read the topic of your report, tell us about you personally, please, and what did you do before? , and where did you work in a normal human language that is understandable to the audience in which you communicate, and sometimes not in pompous phrases, which is what our deputies are working on now, dear alena, one remark, it means, look, an 18-year-old guy is ready to join the army if he is not ready to fight, to serve his homeland, then we teach him, and i in politics, i’ve always been angry when they say we’re not ready for parties, we’ll never be ready. let’s not deal with this, we adopted a new law on political parties, we began to develop, we began to be ready, the same thing here, you are right, we are at the beginning of the political process, but if
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we don’t start, we will never be ready, that is, today we are talking about , what kind of country will it be in 20 years, in fact, for this gnh, what in 20 years, and if we don’t prepare for this period now, we wouldn’t start then after the twentieth year, we wouldn’t accept a new constitution, we would never have been ready, that is, then one day we would have woken up, and the country. no, that is, this option was also possible, so today we are moving forward, political culture is growing, parties are only on the initial path, civil society is only on the initial path, i remember a meeting with the president dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution, he said clearly, we closed the issue with civil society and he himself answered: no, we are just starting to do this, we will see what happens in a year, in two, in three, then we will have something make adjustments, but we are right to do this, because otherwise we would have done it. yeah, they would have done everything for us and the parties would have organized civil society and elections, as we have seen in other
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countries, he is georgia, a good example, they are being strangled if they want independence. by the way, everyone knows that the chairman of parliament is also from the special services, well , everyone knows this, i hope they know, we will remind them that even the chairman of parliament from the special services is wonderful, igor petrovich sergeenko has a good background, therefore, today the parliament has a huge number of bills for consideration, there was no respite, the president set a lot of tasks, so we are meeting on thursday, we
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got 30 bills, we will pass this thursday in the oval hall.
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today, in almost all legislative acts and codes that contain norms on marriage, on the family, we are implementing the eighteenth decree, that decree that has proven its effectiveness and works great in our society, and today it is, in general, completely, so to speak, falls on our legislation, we not only dwell on the laws that were considered by the previous convocation, today in
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particular we are waiting... the introduction from the ministry of education of the law on the rights of the child, this is also such a very important document, and in many ways, well, controversial, and we have a certain amount of experience in working with this category, it is very important that i am proud that i did not get into parliament in this convocation, because the healthcare code, it also went to us, and we are part of the interdepartmental working group, this a most complex, unique document, its analogues have not yet been found in our political legislator.
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especially our enemies, so that they would be even more upset, europe is not closing itself off from us, we have enough contacts, in austria and germany, there are enough political forces there who want to work with us, members of european parliaments come here and european business will also come here, which is not i want these sanctions, i’m not even talking about africa, about asia, about the distant arc, but this is also very important work, so international work parliament, it will be taken to a qualitatively new level, such a task.
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analysis of law enforcement practice was a law that was very difficult, this is the law on the genocide of the belarusian people, a separate norm in this law was the general order. oleg sergeevich, we have presidential elections next year, well, it may be a stupid question, but sometimes a journalist asks stupid questions in order to get an intelligent answer, but are we ready for these elections, here you are as
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a deputy corps, we ourselves understand , what it seems to me that in august 2020, well , my personal opinion, the parliament, perhaps, as a matter of fact, like the journalists, did not expect this, we had to taxi to... but work for its benefit and there is no need to teach us democracy, they even worse, they sometimes don’t allow anyone to participate in elections, which is the difference between the parliamentary candidate tusk and kaczynski in poland, nothing, one is for abortion and the other
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is against, everyone is pro-american, everyone is for nato, everyone is against russia, but here they want people came who want to break the constitution, for this, including the supreme national assembly, the supreme national assembly, should no longer allow any presidential candidate, which we have had since 2001, that’s enough. we’ve played enough, but there’s no need to be ashamed of it, so this is the main difference between these presidential elections of the twenty-fifth year from the twentieth, that is, all candidates must be patriotic, there must be parties, different views, we’ll see who will be, this is the first, second, naturally, they will also differ in that the west’s fifth column, having exhausted any opportunities to influence our political field from within, will do relying on extremism, terror, and intimidation, among other things. presidential candidates, voters, the precinct commission, but we will stand, we will not allow this in any way, but they must hear my message: forget about participating in the elections in belarus, you, a traitor, for 100 years, and after 100 too,
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so that the next generations will not forgot. andrey viktorovich, here’s the same question again: will the deputies be ready, well, relatively speaking, again, returning to the work of the security forces who came to work in parliament, isn’t this connected with the fact that, well, the composition should to be, well, let's call it... combative in journalistic terms, you said correctly, it is probably impossible to be ready for everything, but we need to strive for this, here are those colonels and generals who came to parliament today, they know a lot, and we we discussed this, that well , there are things that do not need to be discussed publicly, but what these people know and what they can do, i am simply confident in them, as high professionals with the highest degree of competence, willpower, and spirit of patriotism , i know that they will defend themselves with their breasts republic of belarus, no matter what... threat comes to us, i will stand with them, as an officer, we will go together to defend belarus, if necessary, and we will verbally defend in parliament, in all representative bodies of power, as in a word, in deed, and through all
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sorts of different actions, in general it sounds good as a deputy as an officer, well, no, it really sounds good, well, there are no former ones, well, i agree, rum, again, it’s not for nothing that they even appeared in the city legislative power representatives of public association youth is the same. the question is, is there , again, some kind of taking into account the mistakes or i don’t know about the shortcomings of the twentieth year, will being in the city parliament give any advantages, including in organizing the youth movement? well, firstly, i think that young people will not repeat such mistakes again, but we all saw and lived in 2020, the twenty-first year, but we must understand perfectly well that there are young people who are negatively inclined, but there are also young people who rethought. everyone has their own opinion, that’s normal, thank god, but ours is the most the main task is to correctly convey the point of view of our head of state to our youth, the most important thing is not to be afraid to enter the audience, to hear these youth, despite the fact that they may be right, they may be wrong,
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but our main task is by no means reject them, but go to them, hear them, and despite the fact that perhaps their point of view will not correspond to our state position, the most important thing is that we hear these people, in no case push them aside, well, we also need to convince them , truth?
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on june 4 he will make a state visit to mongolia. official negotiations with the president of mongolia will take place in ulaanbaatar in a limited and expanded format. the leaders will discuss promising areas of cooperation to maximize the full potential of bilateral relations. first of all, we are talking about the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, supplying the mongolian market with in-demand food and industrial products of our enterprises, and joint work in the agro-industrial complex. it is expected that following the negotiations ... they are writing a number of documents that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with the history, original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. in parallel with the events of the state visit , a business forum will be held in ulaanbaater. representatives of the business community will be able to familiarize themselves with each other’s capabilities in more detail and discuss practical issues in specific areas. deputies at the meeting of the first session of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the eighth convocation. accepted into
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two readings of the amnesty bill in connection with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the difference between the current bill and the previous ones is that those released under the amnesty will be maximally involved in the country’s economy. according to preliminary data during the implementation of the bill, the amnesty will be applied to 7,850 convicts. the main conditions for the application of the amnesty are full compensation for the damage caused by the crime committed. positive characteristic. persons during their serving period punishments. amnesty is a manifestation of humanism on the part of the state in relation to persons who have committed a criminal offense. this gives them a chance to take the path of correction and start a new life. the issue was worked out by all concerned in order to exclude the occurrence of serious consequences, so that the criminal situation in the republic would not become more complicated after the application of the amnesty. a flight-tactical exercise of the air force assets of the air defense forces of belarus and the aerospace forces of russia is taking place in the country. maneuvers
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organized as part of the improvement of a unified regional air defense system in the interests of increasing interaction and training of control bodies and flight personnel. the main efforts are aimed at solving problems of covering government and military installations from enemy attacks; in addition, at aviation training grounds, the crews will have to practically work out a number of issues in the interests of covering ground forces units. this exercise involves both the aviation troops of the air force of the republic of belarus, and units and units of the russian aerospace forces, accordingly, an episode of managing the interaction of heterogeneous aviation groups while performing a single combat mission is being worked out. it's a busy time for graduating students. the second centralized exam took place today. just over 44 thousand applicants wrote russian, 11,500 wrote belarusian. at the same time, centralized testing was carried out for graduates of previous years or colleges. the results of the ce will be known no later than ten working
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days, and the results of the ct within two weeks. this year the entrance campaign in belarus takes place according to new rules. traditionally, on the last thursday of the month, labor inspectors. any person who contacts the district city association of trade unions on issues of interest to them, mainly issues related to labor legislation, pension legislation, issues related to the calculation of benefits and specifically for each person, if he is a document,
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for example, in court or in some government agency the start of the creative summer of work, the ceremony brought together hundreds of young and active people, the celebration took place in several locations in hall of the regional cultural center. in the open air format, the event was opened symbolically, in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war , young people laid flowers at the foot of the memorial. there are a number of new receiving organizations, for the first time this year a detachment will start at the belgdzh plant, it is planned to send the guys to the leningrad region, that is , we already had a joint detachment, it has already worked with the leningrad region on the mound of glory and we plan to send the guys to a labor project there. everything you want to know is the original meaning of the holy cross, this sign is so simple and extraordinary for the skin of the vernika, my great deep meaning, in everyday life, this is the
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shortest recognition of our faith, the faith of god, an angel, who so loved the light that he gave the son of his adzinarodnag. about the importance of religious holidays, we celebrate victory, life over death, the victory of righteousness, purity of light over evil, and necessity.


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