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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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to add six belarusian regions to them, he will need, 95 years old, each person can form his own impression about russia, about belarus, what a wonderful country we have, what a wonderful culture we have, nature, project say, don’t be silent, don’t miss new releases on tv channel belarus 24, in order to become one of your own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, as if you came to
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some seaside resort, cool, clean, yes, welcome, just behave at a party, like the hosts of the show, like at home, and we have arrived to the farm, we were told that here they prepare very tasty yut from natural products, have you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to... edishki, hello, the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy, we are studying the history of belarus and exploring its sights together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine, this is the image of the mother of god of braslav volodarka ozera. watch on tv channel.
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belarus 24. we are located on the shore of the largest lake in the republic of belarus, lake narach, this our pearl. we can even say that sunset therapy is one of the types of treatment, because... we have charming landscapes, in the evening our guests go to the shore of the lake and admire that unique natural beauty, which is certainly also one of the elements of healing. my name is natalya falevich, i am the head of the marketing department of the sosny sanatorium, where i have been taking care of your relaxation and health for almost 50 years.
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my every working day is different from the previous one and from the next one, it starts at 8 am, i go around a semicircle near the lake to the stream, that is, it is already a charge of such positive energy, such beauty, natural charm, so you come to work already in a good mood. specialists in the sale of tours are directly subordinate to me. also, the employees of my department are administrators. the first impression of our institution upon arrival is formed precisely from communication with the administrators. the work of an administrator is not only the moment of checking in a guest and issuing him keys to the room. work with the guest continues
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throughout their entire vacation. administrator - it's like, say, an information desk. is there a pharmacy on site? there is no pharmacy on site, but please contact us if you have any questions. medicines or any requests, you can contact the duty nurse post, she is located behind me along the corridor at the very end, she works around the clock. oh well, thank you. i am already a reserve airfield, when it is not possible to resolve the issue locally quickly, then i go directly to the guest, when the issue is more complex, i know many of our regular clients personally, that is, some good feelings are already developing relationship, upon arrival at the sanatorium next time we... meet as old acquaintances, lyudmina sergeevna, hello, i’m glad to see you, how you’re resting, tell me, you’re having a great rest, tell me about the changes this year, what makes you especially happy, they they talk about what happened to them over the year, what their
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grandchildren are there, where they entered, and in general the atmosphere of such sincere human communication is inherent in us, and well, thanks to this... they love our sanatorium, sanatorium treatment, its prototype is generally very ancient, kind pastime, in belarus the first mention of this type of treatment dates back to 1514. initially, sanatorium treatment was limited to treatment with mineral water , then mud was added. after the seventeenth year, the soviet government actively began to engage in health improvement, directed a lot of efforts to the development of the sanatorium business, and the sanatorium itself, in the form in which they have reached our time, probably began to develop in
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belarus in the seventies of the 20th century. this system has developed excellently, unfortunately before the collapse of the soviet union. then many health resorts not only ceased to exist, they stopped developing, but here in belarus, this direction of sanatorium and resort treatment was preserved, historical places in belarus for the construction of a sanatorium were chosen based on natural factors, that is, the presence of a healing effect from mineral water against mud , so sanatoriums are mostly located in picturesque places. on the shores of lakes, on the banks of rivers, in forests , so the choice for recreation is explained by the fact that vacation in belarus is not implies some difficulties of acclimatization, temporary travel expenses,
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that is, belarus is not so big, and getting to the vacation spot is quite easy and not stressful for the body, this is attractive. and for our guests from russia, from the baltic states. i came from riga from latvia, i was born and raised there, in belarus i go to a sanatorium for the purpose of relaxation and maintaining my health, due to the fact that i work a lot and my work-rest schedule is not balanced, i have problems with the autonomic nervous system, and i got out too sanatorium, because one of the treatment profiles here is the treatment of this nervous system, i come, i start with...
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plus, of course, the cost of services is significantly lower, and i have something to compare with, because i visited the sanatorium in different years up to the fourteenth year in other countries.
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guys, each of them has a question for an adult: please tell me, what did you
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dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty, well, i probably won’t do advertising, i’ll tell you i’m just inviting you to a meal at our sovorod military school, the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all... original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions: is there friendship between show business artists? i can’t say that our sphere, right here, is the one that is shrouded from head to toe in intrigue, it’s true, it’s a myth, it’s true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, to say a lot time, well, i probably don’t need to say, what...
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tv channel belarus24 only for ours , look at the project 100 questions for adults on tv viewers, we choose the best routes at that very second the merchant decided to give praise to the gods nearby. he controls the light like a wizard. strangling lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day. permanent, like the sun and the moon. you are entitled to a vacation or you have a double to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger. who she is is still unknown. locally she is called the patroness of small
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towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain, issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the tv channel "belarus 24". the most important thing, the main thing, is, of course, medical building, where the largest
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number of employees are employed and a large number of offices operate. we are constantly working to equip our medical offices with the most modern, in-demand equipment; we are studying the issues of some new products and introducing new treatment methods. we are located in the medical building of the sosny sanatorium. the medical profile of our institution is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, a hydropathic clinic, where more than 25 types of therapeutic, health-improving cosmetic baths are presented. also there are many massage rooms, a dental office, there are halotherapy rooms where guests breathe salt, this procedure is very useful for respiratory diseases, it is indicated for allergy sufferers,
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there is also cryotherapy, this is the effect on the body of cold temperatures up to 200°. simulator of artificial sunlight, sea pebbles, seascapes, noise, sea waves recreate the impression that you are at sea, sunlight replenishes our vitamin d3 deficiency, staying in this room improves the general condition of the body, strengthens the immune system, improves our
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mood, of course, in the summer it is less popular, because quite ... the permeability of blood vessels is improved, we use the application method of applying grace, we put the grace on a certain area, the patient lies in our capsule, we wrap him, we turn on the capsule to whom the doctor prescribes, this is also a capsule prescribed by the doctor, then lie down for 15-20 minutes,
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it helps well with musculoskeletal diseases and injuries. neurological diseases, i work in this sanatorium 40 over the years, according to my observations, thunderstorm applications give very good results, even people who come with injuries after an accident with sticks get back on their feet, next year they come to us specifically for the graces, in order to cover the effect of the thunderstorm treatment in general. this is not the first time in belarus in a sanatorium, but this question was very important to me, to get there even on the mud, because i know that the mud helps a lot, and i was worried, you know, in the spring. the feet of the legs really bothered me, this is the hip, so i i’ve been lying down for 2 hours and it’s very painful when i came here, the doctor prescribed eight
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procedures for me, you know that i’m afraid of what to say, not to jinx it, but i stopped hurting. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. through the window of the carriage, i noticed the walls of the gomel repair carriage factory, the thought flashed inside me that i wanted to work here, i was drawn here, well, that’s how it happened. and at school during labor lessons.
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to enterprises in the republic of belarus for the production of sheet glass, in general such there are few enterprises in the cis, we are investing in improving our technologies, well, we must, we simply must keep up with the times, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. please don't be offended. i mean it in the good sense of the word, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, no matter where you look, your gaze falls everywhere, everywhere there are some kind of man-made, these are everyday objects,
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the leader from the capital has to know everything the delights of rural life, a lot of people come, because even some say that you have a good life here, you can relax mentally here, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, here you can go out and take a walk to see how..
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basically, all sanatoriums are located next to sources of mineral water, we have one, a well is located at a depth of 420 m, every mineral water in every sanatorium is studied, of course, scientifically, the doctors of every health resort know to whom and how to prescribe the correct intake of mineral water. water, at what diseases, when it is indicated, when it is contraindicated, on the doctor’s recommendation i was told to drink mineral water two to three times a day, 100-150 ml. it's difficult to describe, but of course it tastes different. from ordinary water, which is rather salty, but it is healthy. we
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recommend everyone to take mineral water with special milk cups or bevets; the shape of this vessel is specially designed so that the liquid goes directly into our esophagus and does not come into contact with tooth enamel, because the effect on tooth enamel is not always shown and i don’t always make you healthier. our mineral water is indicated for iron deficiency anemia; it is used to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract in general. the doctor also selects food for each guest individually and determines what type of diet to follow. we make the following... tips for vacationers, where it is written what the dish contains, what diet it is, we take into account an individual approach,
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there are questions such as: someone uses a gluten-free diet, they contact me, and we work individually with people in this area, some do not eat onions, we also take this into account, basically we have a basic diet, a basic diet, this is diet b, which is prescribed for disease conditions that do not require any other standard diets. then we use diet p, this is a chemical and physical relief, it is prescribed for people who have digestive problems, when either an exacerbation of this problem or an unstable remission occurs. diet m is also prescribed, this is a high protein diet, it is used in those
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in cases where, for health reasons , it is necessary to consume more protein, this diet is also used for first-degree diabetes. santurium is generally a year-round establishment and guests arrive all year round, but depending on the season, of course. some peculiarities, of course, the most popular are the new year and summer periods, well , school holiday periods are also popular, it often happens that you meet a guest at the beginning of his stay with us, then you see him off and say goodbye, when you see the visual effect of the fact that being with us has changed him, he
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looks at the world with different eyes. you can feel that he has rested, he looks much better, he is calmer, these moments certainly make me happy, because i understand that my work activity and the activity of my colleagues is important and necessary, and brings benefits, and of course, it inspires and i want to come and coming to work, meeting new and new guests, i really want to see the same result for everyone. every sanatorium in our country certainly has its own history, i am pleased to note that our sanatorium also has a rich interesting history, once this place was chosen for the construction of a health resort for honored people of our country and...
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initially, the santorium belonged to the council of ministers of the armed forces of the soviet socialist republic, in the distant seventy-sixth year it was opened, at that time it was a semi-closed institution to the public, where political figures, artists and cultural figures rested. there is a legend that these roots appeared in our sanatorium, thanks to pyotr mironovich masherov, he i was once visiting fidel castro in cuba and... i saw something similar there from marinated oak, i was eager to bring the same thing here, according to his order, a folk craftsman built it , made it from roots located in coastal areas such is the creation that we still admire, and this is the decoration of our sanatorium, well, probably
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the fact that at the moment... family members, even pyotr mironovich masherov, come to us every year, that is, this is probably an indicator of that that we have our own brand we have been keeping it since those times, and we, of course, gladly and gratefully welcome such guests, the territory of the sanatorium is very large, it is 57 hectares, and today the sanatorium -


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