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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 4:20am-4:50am MSK

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from myself, you can probably say, understanding, i began to go to volunteer in orphanages, and fortunately i came across the director of an orphanage in minsk, who told me: what good charity do you do? so he says: you ask for candy there, feed him and what, take one child, it will be something really significant, i’m getting a divorce and so god blesses me, i was working at a school then and i’m taking a child with me , after that i’m all alone with four. children, well, at what age did you take your daughter, at i mean, how old is she, 11 years old, now she’s 20, now she’s 20, she’s a mother herself, a mother herself, yes, glebushka, handsome, a mother herself and a wife, they married her off, what kind of relationship do you have now, i can’t say right now , that they are just sweet, well, there are so many of them, after all, an orphan is an orphan, and a lot of this pain, this pain needs to be with her... she will close it, or she will blame everyone.
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anastasia speaks with pain about her adopted daughter; now the relationship is, to put it mildly, strained. let's not talk about sad things, it's time to finish preparing the traditional croissant from kevin, the final touch. well, an hour and a half later, the dough has noticeably inhaled a little, but no more. everything became a little more than it was. and now i understand what the point of waiting for these one and a half hours was. now everything is clear to me, we need to re-coat it, right, because everything has dried up in these one and a half hours, yes, we’ll smear it a second time and after that we immediately need to put it in the oven, so well, then let’s anoint it a second time, like maestro, please, give me half so that then you had someone to push it on, if something suddenly didn’t work out, you’d say, the policeman came and smeared nothing here. don’t understand
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how everything is, like this, now we have to immediately put it in the oven for 15 minutes, 15 minutes, 180°, and 15 minutes, somehow we’ll twist it, twirl it or not, we’ll turn it over either or not, i do i realized the first few days in half, 7.5 minutes on one side. there is water, wow, that is, in the oven itself we put some kind of pot to have moisture, yes, uh-huh, and thank you for this,
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this is when we feel something bad, we we can’t say it right away, so we won’t say it, yeah, that means it’s better, yes, that is , later, when you’ve already found the right words, it’s as if you don’t want to, yes, the temperature has already dropped and these are more constructive conversations, but this is also a more mature relationship, we spent an eventful day together with our heroes,
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christianism and orthodoxy in humility. yes, we see all this beauty, but we cannot try, but there is one question that i have not yet had time to ask, it would be very important to understand it, on the one hand small, on the other not. why do you live so close? close to the monastery, why is this so important for us, you could choose absolutely any place, and i understand that you - you love to travel, you love to move around, this is already clear, but you moved exactly here, why? for me, zhirovitsa, recently, when i was traveling with... local residents of izhirovitsa, he also suddenly asked me this question, but i actually remember zherovitsa from my childhood, because the formation of the orthodox church, it began, among other things, with zherovitsa , the zheroevsky monastery was never closed for
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throughout what seems like a huge period of its existence. a modern belarusian village may be like this: she studies psychology, he prepares traditional french pastries, she... does not know french, and he doesn’t know russian, but this does not prevent them from being together and loving each other. let's not disturb them and go to meet new heroes.
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we say, sily, thus, to your brotherhood, care for your sick family, hail our land, bright name, hail to the peoples of the fraternal union, our love. having matsi prodina vech sewed, our beloved mother, give birth, of course live and belarus, at times with
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wounds, husbandly. valogradel union, our beloved, motiradino, live forever, sorry belarus, our
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beloved mother, radima, live forever. belarus, the friendship of the people, the strength of our people at the end of the day. our beloved mother, probima nech, vashinila,
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our beloved, matsi, pravdiva, all ours, good. live panorama, in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, thoughtful crop rotation and adherence to technology are the key to a good harvest. the president projected.
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german-fascist invaders. on the agenda there were also economic bills and the ratification of international agreements. our report on the nuances of important decisions. it's time for a green harvest; the country's farms have begun mass procurement of feed. over half a million hectares of fields have already been cultivated; the scale of the first grass cutting can be seen in the panorama. the second centralized exam was held throughout the country today. we will tell you in the material how many applicants came to the tests in which... subjects. borderline disorder. warsaw continues to appeal
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with false theses in order to justify tightening military equipment and soldiers to our borders. about the eastern count: details in the periodic table. journalists from twenty countries of the world broke through the information blockade in leningrad and united in a dialogue of cultures under the arches of the hermitage. does the abolition of russian culture have a place in their discussions? agency. the main ground of the tennis season, where the belarusian events are in sight roland goros in the edition of the sports day program, as well as the honoring of the biathletes of the belarusian national team from the ministry of sports and nikita vailupov, who won in hungary handball championship title. president of belarus alexander lukashenko will make a state visit to mongolia from june 1 to june 4. official negotiations with the president of mongolia. will take place in ulonbater in a narrow and expanded format. the leaders will discuss promising areas of cooperation to maximize the full
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potential of bilateral relations. first of all, we are talking about the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, supplies to the mongolian market, popular food and industrial products of our enterprises, joint work in the agro-industrial complex. it is expected that as a result of the negotiations, a number of documents will be signed that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. mongolia is a state in the north. russia and china, minsk and ulanbater are separated by almost 7.00 km, but despite the distances, there are enough points of contact between our countries. for example, the mongolian emergency situations agency has been using belarusian special equipment for a long time. our tractors, mining dump trucks, road construction machines are also familiar in the region. residents of mongolia fell in love with belarusian milk powder, butter, cheeses, and confectionery. today the country is in need. in trains, fire fighting equipment and dump trucks, belarus is ready to offer them, and
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these are just a few items that can significantly increase our trade turnover. in addition, belarus is interested in creating joint assembly plants in the region. alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with history, original traditions and customs people of mongolia. in parallel with the events of the state visit , a business forum will be held in ulaanbaatar. representatives of the business community will be able to familiarize themselves with the opportunities in more detail. they are experimental. every year, right here, at the junction of two regions, farmers conduct experiments that are important for the whole country: they sow different varieties of diverse crops, compare ours and imported ones, and strictly adhere to the technological principles of the entire turnover. the best experience applies to the entire republic; this year corn was sown for grain different varieties of grass: clover, alfalfa,
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timofeevka clover, the president inspected the fields and gave his assessment of the sowing. here. this is chamomile, yes, this is a harmful plant, already after the first taste, it does not change, look, here you have, as soon as a flower appears, yes, so what, rosette, this is a color, yes, it will stay for several days, then it will be removed sinazh.
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the grass here is big, juicy, we started using technology earlier, we need to mow it now, then it will outgrow it, the enterprise has allocated more than a thousand hectares of perennials for the first mow herbs, this is alfalfa, clover, timofeevka, to date about 200 hectares have been mowed, fodder procurement continues, the plan is fully to harvest more than 18 thousand tons, everything is going according to plan, the first leaders of the green harvest have appeared, in the magilev region - these are krichevsky, cherikovsky and kirov districts, the rest are catching up, so the gorets region will be prepared. domestic forage harvesting complex alexander grekov from the grain growers dynasty. well, the working day starts at 6 o’clock, refueling, blowing, sharpening, all this by 7 already at 7 o’clock in the field, we work until 8 o’clock in the evening, we try to prepare food so that in winter we have something to eat for our little cow, without rushing,
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rye, winter mixtures with vetch in the spring, sown annual raygrass, we are waiting for regrowth, in 30 days it will grow from one they plant cereal grasses, bone erysipelas, in principle a mixture of good quality, humidity is 54-53%. the weather is good, so our grass is drying well. valentin marchuk from the krovsky kobrin district, together with his brother, has known first-hand how important the preparation of feed is for a quarter of a century. in the family farm, adherence to technology, discipline, this is the only way to get a decent result, an experienced machine operator is sure, of course we try, we work from morning to evening, because the weather, if it rains, we all stand, because it’s raw, it turns out, it’s impossible to be raw, a certain humidity there, it is necessary that it was harvested
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well, normally, and there was a lot of it, this year the seed mix from the first mowing in pokrovsk otver is almost one and a half. hectares, over 4,500 tons of cutting material have already been harvested. the machine operators were free after sowing, we take out the combines, take them out of storage, prepare them for technical inspection, carry out repairs, get ready for harvesting, prepare fertilisers, take out the presses for straw harvesting, and hope to at least get last year’s harvest. high-quality feed is an investment in large milk, so the green harvest is an important stage of field work in the country. half of the fields of the first mowing have... it turns out that our grain is like a bone
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across the throat for some, the council of the european union approved the decision to introduce protective customs duties on grain imported from belarus and russia from july 1. this is about a significant increase in fees for grains, oilseeds and their processed products. the eu council noted that the measures are aimed at prevention. european grain market and a demonstration of solidarity with ukraine, while clarifying that prohibitive tariffs will not affect transit through community ports to third countries. the wisdom of this decision by european politicians raises questions, but is not surprising. citizens of the european union, especially on the eve of the elections to the european parliament, will duly appreciate it. in his comment, mit belarus reminded the european authorities of the retaliatory measures to their sanctions steps, some of them negative for... if the consequences happen naturally, there will be an increase in food prices, ordinary farmers, entrepreneurs and other
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taxpayers will feel a number of negative consequences. there is also the issue of global food security, the topic of food supplies to the poorest countries, on which the eu council dealt another blow with its decision. this decision is also an obvious violation. russia is absolutely let's get over it calmly, our countries not only ensure food security for their citizens, but in fact treat world food security responsibly. it seems that the grain of discord is just an excuse to delay attention to what european gardeners actually intend to sow in ukraine. as you know, total mobilization in the ski resort. in the active phase, in deserted settlements it is impossible to find those willing to go to the slaughter, now there is also a water stream through which draft dodgers are running decided to mine it. we are talking about the tisi river, in
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which 30 conscripts who tried to escape to romania drowned this year alone, local media reported. its shores will be littered with american anti-personnel mines, which the us army used in the vietnam, iraq and bosnian wars. as for american curators? the us president is getting closer to allowing the kiev authorities to strike with american weapons deep into russian territory, the new york times reports. at the same time, the publication clarifies that biden - quote, weighs concerns about over an escalating conflict with a nuclear-armed adversary and is considering whether ukraine will allow american weapons to fire. another american vassal of poland so sincerely believed in the outpouring of his susann that he hastened to self-isolate.
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leads the walls to draw forces to the belarusian borders, where the funds allocated for the so-called strengthening of the border go; who will be responsible for the death of the disadvantaged from european hospitality, details in the author’s section meddeleva’s table. eastern shield poland again. once i undertook to strengthen borders, what billions will be spent on and how they cover up their own aggression. let's consider all the political elements and put them in their places, this is the periodic table. let's
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figure it out together. border disorder, our restless neighbor continues to appeal with false theses in order to justify the accumulation of military equipment and soldiers to our borders. the polish prime minister again spoke about a buffer zone on the border with our country. let me remind you that it was created back in 2021 and operated for about a year and a half; now it is expected to be restored next week. we were recommended by those who serve here with you every day to restore the buffer zone in this two-hundred-meter strip as soon as possible, where it is necessary from the point of view of the effective operation of the services of the polish state at the border. services of the polish common border. own militaristic ambitions, the desire to master the budget in the border zone naet. an employee
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of an army unit involved in border protection, armed with this terrifying homemade spear. the serviceman’s life is not in danger, but the story has been exaggerated loud. for donald tusk and, well, the polish authorities in general, it is better that the poles, the poles, the polish people, have a feeling of threat. an example now is the fight between a polish soldier and some refugee. uh, they immediately started talking about the unleashed border genocide of troupes of refugees that poland kindly throws onto belarusian territory, something the polish media don’t write about while their authorities continue to beat up people in need of shelter protection. the militaristic ambitions of warsaw know no bounds, they spare no expense, no matter what the eastern shield plan costs. the answer is known: $2.5 billion to build new fence reinforcements.
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also changes in the topography of the land border. $375 million will be invested in strengthening the fence on the border with belarus. the already existing wildlife killer thorn turned out to be only a temporary solution. in other words, get your money ready, another round of funds is overdue. in general, western partners should be grateful to poland for its tough position on border protection, divel reports. an immodest hint that they could support it.
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confirmed the minister of foreign affairs. to unfortunately, some countries, including our neighbors, are also trying to force minsk to become part of the conflict, and i am talking here about real actions, which you have obviously already heard and know about. funding for military needs is increasing, the number of armed forces on our borders is increasing, offensive weapons are being purchased, and so on. at the same time, there is an accelerated transfer of nato troops. moreover, it is carried out on the territory of neighboring states.
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from the baltic countries is beneficial to external players-arsonists. family of a student from algeria accuses the french police of beating which led to the death of the student, egyptian media reported. the young man was detained at a rally in support of palestine in front of the paris institute of political studies on may 7. i returned home with numerous beatings and told my relatives that doctors came from... but they could not revive him, a week later we received the results of the autopsy, the doctors said that my brother died of a stroke, we realized that the doctors were lying to us, that they're just covering for the cops because we saw my brother's body and what the police did to him. relatives claim that the police are refusing to open an investigation and are putting
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pressure on... to recognize the death as natural. an act of humanism on the part of the state. deputies in two readings today adopted a bill on amnesty for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the document was prepared by the ministry of internal affairs, the supreme court and the prosecutor general's office on behalf of the president. by advance.


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