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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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morning news for belarus alone in the studio vladislav bunder, hello, that’s what we’ll talk about in the episode. make the foundation of cooperation with asia stronger. alexander lukashenko will go to negotiations with the president of mongolia. discord between america and ukraine. instead of nato membership, zelensky is offered only an agreement on security guarantees. lightning strikes a recognizable landmark. york, and the dome cathedral
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in riga may collapse. new housing is a million square meters larger than social facilities, as will be built in the minsk region. president of belarus alexander lukashenko will make a state visit to mongolia from june 1 to 4. official negotiations with the head of the asian country will take place in ulaanbaatar in a narrow and expanded format. the leaders will discuss the promising one. areas of cooperation to maximize the full potential of bilateral relations, first of all, we are talking about the possibilities of expanding interaction in the trade and economic sphere, supplies to the mongolian market, in-demand food and industrial products of our enterprises, joint work in the area apk. it is expected that as a result of the negotiations , a number of documents will be signed that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. mongolia is a state in northeast asia bordering russia and china, minsk.
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iulanbater is separated by almost 7.0 km, but despite the distance, there are enough points of contact between our countries. for example, the mongolian emergency situations agency has been using belarusian special equipment for a long time. our tractors, mining dump trucks, road and construction machines in the region are also well familiar. residents of mongolia fell in love with belarusian milk powder, butter, cheese and confectionery. today the country needs firefighting trains. equipment and dump trucks. belarus is ready to offer them. and these are just a few items that can significantly increase our turnover. in addition, belarus is interested in creating joint assembly plants in the region. alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with the history, original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. in parallel with the events state visit , a business forum will be held in ulaanbaater. representatives of the business community will be able to familiarize themselves with each other's capabilities in more detail. discuss
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practical issues in specific areas. replacement of an invitation to nato. american media report that biden will soon sign an agreement on security guarantees with zelensky in italy. this document will say that no one wants to see ukraine in the alliance yet. it also became known that biden gave kiev permission to shell the belgorod region using american weapons. however, other regions of russia remain prohibited. the pentagon confirmed this fact; according to the military, biden authorized responsible shelling as part of the counterbattery fight. at the same time, the american media report that relations between ukraine and the united states have deteriorated sharply; zelensky fired or removed from power a number of officials who were agents of washington’s influence. kiev thus comes under the control of the british, who are seeking maximum escalation of the conflict. this the lifting of the ban on use by a number of countries also contributes. its weapons for attacks on
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russian territory, today 13 states of the planet have given the armed forces of ukraine such permission. the world bank reports sad statistics on the economic situation in ukraine. over the year, the number of poor people in the country increased by 1,80,000 people. now the total number of ukrainians living in poverty is 9 million. at the same time, the world bank estimates the number of residents of the country at 32 million, that is, poverty has become the lot of a third of citizens. neighboring countries, and how to escape from financial hole, so leaving ukraine itself is becoming increasingly difficult, leaving after the law of mobilization is practically prohibited for most men, all possible attempts to escape are being stopped, for example, the banks of the tisza river, through which ukrainians fled to romania and hungary, are being mined. it seems that ukraine will become the first and only country in the world in which mines prevent not invasion from the outside, but attempts to escape from it. slovak media report. that
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prime minister fitz was transferred to home treatment, he was discharged from the hospital in banska bistrica and taken home to bratislava. however, the treatment will be long, the country's authorities report. let us remind you that the prime minister of slovakia was the victim of an assassination attempt on march 15. the police are inclined to believe that the attack was not isolated. at least the criminal's wife was involved in the conspiracy. other details of the assassination attempt remain a mystery. the observer, however, has no doubts. the attack on fitz was a consequence of his anti-war and pro-russian stance. trouble surrounds two well-known landmarks on the planet. the day before , new york was attacked by a strong thunderstorm above.
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are not able to withstand the weight of the roof walls, how great the risk of collapse is is not reported, however, cracks and deformation of the walls are already making themselves felt: 16 million are needed to save the monument, but they are not there yet, apparently, everything has gone to the demolition of soviet monuments. construction as a driver of economic growth in the minsk region this year it is planned to build about a million square meters of housing, a third with state support. special attention to large families, as...
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a lot of attention from both the leadership of the minsk region, people choose individual housing, now our house-building factories take an active position in the construction of such housing, they already have experience, have developed projects, approximately a quarter of the total volume of construction in the minsk region is occupied by individual housing. a children's health campaign starts this weekend. about 400,000 children plan to relax in the summer in 24-hour day camps. there are about 6,000 of them throughout the country. before the start of the season, everyone is tested. preparations for the wellness campaign were supervised by our
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correspondent sergei ladosev. the health campaign will begin very soon. most children plan to spend their holidays in camps, where they will be given the opportunity not only to actively relax, but also to engage in sports, creativity and communication with friends. children especially choose to relax in country health centers; for example, more than 300 boys and girls from the nesfersky district plan to relax in the orlyonok health camp. 1.5 hectares of safe and comfortable recreation for children. svizhsky district completed and camps in in principle ready for operation in the summer . in particular , the orlenov health camp was accepted and the current ones were completed. repair work, cosmetic repairs, electrical wiring was also partially replaced, lamps were replaced, window units were replaced in two residential houses, as well as doors were replaced in two houses, plus bathrooms and showers were completely renovated,
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as well as children's and sports grounds, air conditioners were installed in the bedrooms, there are adapters for mosquitoes and midges, as well as clean and soft bed linen, in addition there is who should work? student teams were formed. our staff is fully staffed; there will be 18 educators, seven of whom are students from our non-northern state college as part of a student detachment. this year, about 400,000 children plan to improve their health during the summer holidays, which is 4.0 more than last year. this summer , more than 4,000 day camps , as well as 1,500 health centers with 24-hour availability, are planned to welcome children. before the start of the summer season, the federation of trade unions of belarus monitors safety stay of children. everything is important when checking camps. first of all, this is the safety of our children. last year alone , trade union specialists across the country identified more than 500 violations of labor protection legislation.
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these are, for example, a carousel with a broken seat, a metal slide with a crack, or a loose pull-up machine. but all these problems have been quickly resolved this year. i won’t say that there are more violations, after all. somewhere there is a violation, but to help the managers, to provide them with methodological help.


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