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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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tract is an art form and an ancient tradition of pakistan, it is already more than 100 years old; all transport, buses, auto-rickshaws and bikes are painted in the national style. this type of transport appeared in minsk for the first time; it depicts landmarks and ornaments of belarus and pakistan. the themed tram was launched to mark the thirtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries. the route passes through a tractor factory and this is symbolic: machines from mtz work in the fields of pakistan.
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pakistani art, a joint project of the economics committee, minsk city executive committee, enterprises minsk-trans and the pakistani embassy also organized an impromptu exhibition with examples of folk art on cars in the tram park. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main ether. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i'm with you about it. all the best, the supreme council with expanded constitutional powers made its first strategic decision, namely, it approved national security concept. and
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the military doctrine of the country, we are a peaceful country, but peace at home, we are ready to defend with weapons in our hands and by any methods that we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people. the all-belarusian people's assembly will insure us from a person or forces who want to receive presidential powers to screw things up in the country to please either the west or, well... not the west. the all-belarusian people's assembly must also insure us from possibly very noble witnesses citizens who seem to be like ours, but who are either weak or incompetent. your mission is to serve for the future of belarus. author's project of igor turai, propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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man-made monuments should be demolished or completed without any management. most of them are in the north of the country in the central region of belarus. negligence or bureaucracy is pure. here there is no need to make paving slabs for cows and install a 2 m high metal fence, why should we not complete the house? these are not
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created jobs, lost jobs taxes to the budget, frozen economic activity, dead walls of living houses, who will answer? a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency, under the control of the president, watch right now. these shots were taken 2 years ago by the film crew of the telenews agency, belynichi district, mogilev region, podeviche village, something very similar to a cowshed. the facility had a hard time; construction of the barn began in 2014 and was stopped several times. in total, it took 8 years to attempt construction.
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the farm is working, in fact, the new owner of the complex decided to move away from the original purpose of the building, that is, it was supposed to be the home of the department and repurpose this facility simply into housing cattle without attracting additional financial resources. in 202, four projects in the region significantly delayed construction, and last year they dealt with each one. the telishi farm is less about a mismanagement approach and more about formalism; there are no special complaints; they provide the area with local milk, fully 3,700 l. 440 heads of milking herd, in total there are comfortably accommodated in this complex, over 600 units of
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cattle, they have been working here at this rate for almost 10 years, so what is the problem then? the construction of these complexes was divided into three launch complexes. two launch complexes were completed, for the third, unfortunately, there was not enough funding, here the enterprise completed it all on its own, that is, without the third it was impossible to put the first second into operation, and this is not at all an exception to the rule, here in the slavgorod region there are currently eight long-term construction projects , how many of them do you think telishi is long-term construction only on paper, seven objects, a similar situation in the region and in the country as a whole in belarus about ...
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a simplified commissioning procedure, like unauthorized construction, the mechanism works, there is a minimum package of documents, there is, the head of state has simplified this procedure for commissioning such objects, the most important thing here is to get this conclusion on the technical reliability of the design, all this you collect, write an application to the commission of the executive committee, the permanent commission of the executive committee goes out, inspects this object, gives an opinion on everything. and a decision is made, that is, here everything is as simple as possible, we have already introduced two objects under this scheme precisely thanks to this unauthorized construction, well, today
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, funds are being sought for all eight remaining objects, work has already begun on contacting the bti with the available documents and bti employees they will already specifically go to... this is what, by the way, the head drew attention to state, the main thing is that everything is simple, functional and cheap, here is an example, it is simply functional, it can be put into operation, there is no need to make paving slabs for cows and install a metal
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fence 2 m high, over the past 3 years in the mogilev region there has been long-term construction decreased by 5 times, only 72 objects remained. eliminating long-term construction throughout the country by the end of 2025 is the task set by the head of state. objects of unfinished construction are under the special control of the president. to this topic. applies regularly, this is not only monuments without management, first of all, these are uncreated jobs, lost taxes to the budget, frozen economic activity, this state of affairs is no good, the state control committee has been actively involved in putting things in order with unfinished excess construction projects on behalf of the president since 2021 , during which time the number of long-term construction projects has decreased by 86%, especially... emphasis on abandoned buildings that are more than 20 years old, which is every fifth long-term construction project. this suggests that
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the last before the twenty-first year over the last two to five years, no one has been working on them at all, but today, out of 865 objects that were at the beginning of the twenty- first year, we still have 171 objects left, probably, we are saying this, that this is probably more remarkable, because it the most complex, most difficult objects in kgc. they know the difficult fate of each such record holder in figures, facts and photos, let’s say this long-term construction plant is already slightly over 30, a new barley peeling line should have been operating here a long time ago, what we have in fact is that the lidochleboprodukt in the view is the enterprise definitely does not need one of...
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we obtain this product independently on a parallel line in an adapted room; in principle, there was enough capacity, but still the finances were not yet enough to take a serious approach to this object. not without the help of inspectors, life will soon be breathed into these walls. last year we developed a new project, as a result , several lines will be located here, in addition to grain and sunflower seed peeling , they will launch an extrusion and granulation line, four in one partially in demand on the market. equipment has already been purchased, we really expect that a large volume will be extruded
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rye, why? because, in general , there is currently a surplus of this crop on the market of the republic, and as a fodder crop it does not have much value, but extruded rosh is already a normal fodder crop, perhaps some of what we will receive, in particular granular products will also be sold for export, because export supplies today i know the same granulated bran, they are coming, they are in demand. about 500 tons of each product, that is, real money, plus new jobs: by launching the lines , more than a dozen vacancies will open at the enterprise, the long-term construction has been thoroughly examined, the structure is reliable, only a few structures require replacement, after all the paperwork , active construction will begin, already next year our film crew received an invitation to cut the red ribbon together, but not all long-term construction projects have the right to life.
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agrotown zabolot, voronovo district. in in the early nineties there could have been a cultural center here. the club did not just spoil the appearance of the agricultural town for many years. the unfinished building was fraught with danger. the emergency condition was the reason for such a radical solution to the problem. the story of three decades in a matter of seconds. due to the fact that it was inappropriate to restore it, a republican special-purpose bison detachment was brought in, which carried out blasting work; subsequent agricultural enterprises carried out work to clean up the remaining building elements, clearing and landscaping structures. soon there will be a park here on the main street; by the way, in distant
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soviet times there was a square here, the main site of all holidays. they plan to resume the tradition, but for now lovers of an active and healthy lifestyle are already welcome here. at the beginning of the year, there were 1,118 structures in the country, where everything is still significant. long construction times, almost half of this black list are municipal and agricultural facilities, most of them in the north of the country in the central region of belarus. statistics, clearly... in the palm of your hand, where, how much, and most importantly, who is responsible for this, you can get acquainted with the situation with long-term construction projects and the dynamics of their reduction in real time on the website of the state control committee. until 2021, the country did not have a coordinator for reducing the number of long-term construction projects. later the government will determine: the issue will be under the control of the ministry of construction and architecture.
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we can say that the headliner of all this work is from the executive branch, and they should be involved here. republican government agencies, but also local authorities, since all the objects that remain, they affect not only the funds of the republican budget, but also the local budget, so here we need coordination at the government level of all this work in order to understand where we can best use which sources. there is a work algorithm, the relevant department will confirm, they are not just looking for means to complete the construction or at least demolish the long-term construction, it is important to prevent their occurrence in the future. the epoox information system has been created, the so-called unified register of capital construction projects, in which all capital construction projects of the first and fourth classes are registered, their complexity and which allow timely making the necessary management decisions in relation to each object. the institution of contractual relations has also been introduced between the distributor of funds
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, the developer-customer of objects that are included in the state and regional investment programs, and they are working. decree of the head of state number 235 regarding multi-apartment residential buildings, another presidential decree number 207, signed in may this year on long-term construction on grushevka, the document provides new rights to shareholders and opens up opportunities for the speedy completion of the construction of residential buildings, it is especially unacceptable to have such long-term construction and frozen objects in the center of the capital, the president insists that we need to act decisively, but no, goodbye, we turn it into state income , how are we...
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ova is no longer there, as for example in the situation with gulliver. it was called minsk long-term construction project number one; at the beginning of 2000 , shopping and entertainment centers were going to be built on pritytskoye centers, but something went wrong. from 2011 to 22, that is, 11 years, local authorities negotiated with the investor, everything was fine. the developer company has been subjected to bankruptcy proceedings, and the state will build housing on the site of the long-term construction. since 2015. at the namayakovsky site, the city authorities in this case will deal with the long-term construction on their own, at the expense of budget funds. the difficult fate of this object, in what condition did you receive it? well, at the end of the twenty-second year, the state enterprise of the ugosovetsky district, by decision the city executive committee handed over the facility to complete construction. the object was
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in the conservation stage for about 8 years, some reinforcements had to be made, in some cases dismantling, in others there was elimination of defects. thermal insulation, new waterproofing, foundations, plinths, buildings were carried out, everything was done in accordance with the new design documentation developed, but this is more difficult than building a new building, of course, of course, this is additional costs, including this is quite a responsible work was to have it all strengthen, the hotel of the french operator, business centers, shopping, sports and recreational and other facilities, here they will be... plans have changed, here will be what the city residents really need, the building will consist of three buildings, which will house the tenth a dental clinic in the city of minsk, a cosmetology center and an endoclinology center, each of them will have its own building with separate services, with a separate set of services that will be
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provided to the population of our city. housewarming they plan to celebrate in the future. 50 years of victory, separate parking garages and garages, such cases today, but rather exceptions to the rules, there are about 135 objects in minsk, where. construction continues beyond the norm, only a few of them are problematic, there is a similar trend throughout the country, a decision has already been made to demolish each object.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver. they say the food in the army is healthy satisfying, but not always tasty. i probably won’t do advertising. i'm just inviting you. the hero of the program will have to reveal himself.
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it's a lot of time to say. well, i probably don’t need to say that it takes a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it does take. can you teach me? the chin is higher, we are walking - this is a preliminary command, correctly, the body bends forward, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive. the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around
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the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24 project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were citizens not only of belarus, neighboring countries, but also distant the memorial was visited by representatives from myanmar, angola, vietnam, china, great britain, and france. usa and a number of other countries, it must be said that as part of the reconstruction, a completely new museum was created, a new museum exhibition, which was visited by more than 130 thousand people. but what
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unique exhibits have been added to the museum’s exposition and how did these exhibits come to you? well, it must be said that, firstly , large-scale reconstruction work with elements of restoration of the memorial was carried out throughout the entire twenty-second year. we tried to preserve all the elements in the state of their creation, since the memorial complex itself is already a historical monument, but it must be said that a very significant element of the memorial appeared on the open part of the memorial, it was a church that was recreated, a church that was lost, just as the village was lost in the years the great patriotic war, the church itself dates back to the end of the 16th century, it was illuminated. 1794 in honor of the virgin mary, then it moved into the fold of orthodoxy and was the church of the holy mother of god, when it was decided
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in order to recreate the church, we of course turned to the written sources of this church, this is not the creation of some new church, and not the reconstruction of the old one, yes, exactly a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but besides the church itself ... it was created there is also a bell tower, which was mentioned in the same documents, a bell tower on four pillars, it had three bells of different weights, so everything is really this part of the village of khatyn, it was really recreated, well, let's say, completely down to the smallest grains of very important, here they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors. tell us about this project, and indeed, apart from the open part of the memorial. there , a new museum was created and opened for renovation work, a completely new exhibition, and this is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in which, with the help of new information
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technologies... there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story is told rather not through facts, although there quite a lot of information is presented, in each room there are information panels containing information and not only about the period of the great patriotic war, the first room, for example, is generally historical, it covers a large period of our history from the 10th to the 20th century, there is information about the post-war period, about how it was preserved.
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it’s clear now, god knows, the snow has melted into the damp earth, the spoils of the road have fallen, the storms of spree, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice is worn out, the grains of the world are withered. the gloom
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of every day jumps to us, everything and everyone shows up, the geese are crowing, the spackle on the oak tree is spreading, the cranes are crowing, and winter is like the smoke was gone, the meadow was greener, the pain felt like hell.


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