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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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midday news for belarus 1. in the studio vladislav bunder. hello, first , briefly about the main thing. swiss conference on the ukrainian issue. the plan does not meet expectations. china refused to participate without russia. the secret decision of the united states is the desire for world war. authorized strikes on russian
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territory, biden was called a madman in congress. he collected drones for smugglers, a former mercenary of the french legion was detained in molodechno, in addition to the arsenal, nazi symbols. children's holidays for different interests with complete comfort, how to prepare for the start of the summer camp season. 100 years of success, a loud celebration of the anniversary of glynn college of music. president of belarus alexander lukashenko will make a state visit to mongolia from june 1 to 4. official negotiations with the head of the asian country will take place in ulaanbaatar in a narrow and expanded format. the leaders will discuss promising areas of cooperation to maximize the full potential of bilateral relations. first of all, we are talking about the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the trade and economic sphere. supplies on the mongolian market is in demand.
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food and industrial products of our enterprises, joint work in the agro-industrial complex. it is expected that as a result of the negotiations , a number of documents will be signed that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. mongolia is a state in northeast asia, bordered by russia and china. minsk and ulan bater are separated by almost 7.00 km. but despite the distance , there are enough points of contact between our countries. for example, the mongolian emergency situations agency has long works. belarusian special equipment. our tractors, mining dump trucks, road and construction machines are also well known in the region. residents of mongolia fell in love with belarusian milk powder, butter, cheeses, and confectionery. today the country needs trains, fire fighting equipment and dump trucks. belarus is ready to offer them. and these are just a few items that can significantly increase our turnover. in addition, belarus is interested in creating joint assembly plants in the region.
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alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with the history, original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. in parallel with the events of the state visit , a business forum will be held in ulaanbaater. representatives of the business community will be able to familiarize themselves with each other’s capabilities in more detail and discuss practical issues in specific areas. on the verge of escalation, the pentagon confirmed that president biden's administration has authorized strikes with us weapons on russian territory, in the process. counter-batteries of struggle. this is the president's decision the united states did not find support in congress, causing outraged controversy. so, congresswoman, marjarie taylor greene said that biden did it secretly. a member of the house of representatives called the american leader a madman. the united states should strive for peace, not a world war, the politician emphasized on social networks. beijing refused to participate in the swiss conference on the ukrainian issue because there would be no russian representatives there. this. the information was confirmed by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, where
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they emphasized that the plan for a conference on ukraine in switzerland is at odds with china’s demands expectations of the world, making it difficult for beijing to participate in such a meeting. let me remind you that the financial times previously reported that zelensky’s office instructed officials and deputies to publicly criticize the us president and the chairman of the people’s republic of china for their reluctance to attend the summit. biden's absence is due to the fact that at this time he is scheduled to raise funds for his election campaign. in los angeles. they are trying to erase russia from the history of europe; they continue to correct it in a way that is beneficial to current washington and brussels. france recalled the previously sent an invitation to moscow to take part in the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the allied landings in normandy. the presence of russian representatives was considered unacceptable in kiev, and france did not consider it possible to refuse. thus, the soviet union and its successors are trying with all their might. victory in
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the second world war. a former mercenary of the french legion, who assembled drones for smugglers, was detained in molodechno. homemade components for drones were also found there. air rifle, german weapons, bullets, ammunition, badges, chevrons and medals of the french foreign legion, as well as nazi symbols. it was established that the defendant was involved in hostilities in africa, and the detainees also actively participate in discussions on extremist telegram channels. the former military french army, more precisely the french legion, served for 5 years, to date. i currently live in belarus, my hobby is collecting quadcopters for personal use. a former mercenary of the french legion was placed in isolation, and a criminal case was opened. construction like driver of economic growth in the minsk
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region this year they plan to build about 1.2 m2 of housing, a third with state support. particular attention to large families. as they said in the minsk executive committee, they are focusing. also for the construction of cottage-type houses. in addition, this year will bring many social facilities to the central region, including a clinic in smolevichi, schools in soligorsk and fannepol. the education system will also be supplemented with other new buildings. big plans for the direction of large families, this is 1,200 we must direct families to the construction of housing, and more than a thousand families should already receive the keys to their new apartments. this is a kindergarten being built in smilychi, under construction. a kindergarten, a school in slutsk, these are also quite serious objects that require a lot of attention from the leadership of the minsk region, people choose individual housing, now our house-building plants take an active position in the construction of such housing, they already have
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experience, have developed projects, approximately a quarter of the total construction volume in minsk region is occupied by individual housing. already on these exits. a children's health campaign is starting. about 400,000 children plan to relax in the summer in 24-hour day camps. there are about 6,000 of them throughout the country. before the start of the season, everyone is tested. our correspondent sergey ladosev followed the preparations for the health campaign. the health campaign will begin very soon. most children plan to spend their holidays in camps, where they will be given the opportunity not only to actively relax, but engage in sports, creativity and communication. with friends, especially children choose to relax in country health centers, for example, more than 300 boys and girls of the nesferi district plan to relax in the health camp orlyonok, one and a half hectares of safe and comfortable recreation for children, residential houses bathrooms, showers, dining rooms,
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a first-aid post, already in this sunday the camp will host 90 children, and this is only the first shift. preparation of health camps in the nesvizh region has been completed and the camps are basically ready.
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this summer, more than 400 day camps, as well as 1,500 health centers with 24-hour availability, are planning to accommodate children. before the start of the summer season, the federation of trade unions of belarus monitors the safety of children. everything is important when checking camps. first of all, this is the safety of our children. last year alone , trade union specialists across the country identified more than 500 violations of labor protection legislation. this is, for example, a carousel with a broken seat, a metal slide with a crack, a pull-up machine, but all these problems have been quickly eliminated this year. i won’t say that the number of violations is increasing, after all, we go to these camps every year, and workers, managers listen, and in general the goal of our trade union, as well as the trade union as a whole, is not
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to look for some cockroaches, violations somewhere , and to help leaders, to provide them with methodological assistance, preventive assistance, we have secured throughout the republic for... this is strengthening the material and technical base, holding community cleanups, organizing educational, cultural leisure for our vacationers. in addition, in accordance with industry agreements, collective agreements, we are doing a lot of work to reduce the cost of travel packages, this work has already begun this year, about 2. large families, from single-parent families, children left without parental care, will receive...


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