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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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the boss also wanted to participate in that privatization process, in particular, interest in the petrochemical industry, yes, i understand that too, it was a good deal, 14 people, yes , you said, we were talking about half a million, yes, as far as i remember, you will be accepted if it is in russian ruble.
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after successfully purchasing a new leader for fugitive belarusian terrorists and belneftikhim, olga, an assistant to that same russian oligarch, is promoted to financial director of the company. euros, according to tradition, in russian rubles and another bag - 100 million in cash, we are not changing tradition, who is today if you get hooked, what kind of fish will we pull out of the troubled waters of lithuania, we will launch a stock washerwoman for money laundering and the sale of visas through the lithuanian mit. my name is ekaterina tikhomirova, this is a new series of prank investigation from the inside out.
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it’s the turn of the by soul fund, if anyone doesn’t know, let me briefly remind you that a so -called solidarity fund has been registered in the republic of lithuania today, this is supposedly a belarusian platform for raising funds for victims of repression. the basol foundation is an organization that collects money from public persons of the baysol solidarity fund so much, in fact, only i speak on behalf of the fund. the face of this foundation is andrey strizhak. can you google who andrey strizhak is? belarus, i would add. in fact, this is a laundromat for money laundering for the enrichment of several scammers and infocygan. throughout the entire existence of the extremist fund, claims have been made against it, supposedly since the beginning of 2020.
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this fund constantly varies, there is no audit, but in fact, under the very nose of the lithuanian departments, large million- dollar frauds are being carried out using so-called monetary mules i already knew that there was no fund for fighters, well, that is, under
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the guise of a fund, this is the so-called fund in the netherlands, it is essentially a commercial structure, a trust fund for protecting the capital assets of various people, including companies from the point of view . the second year, nothing at all, a thousand euros a year, website, no website, this company lives here, at the same address loputka octus, a company providing consulting services, the website, however, is also dead, nastya also has a club of pharmacists, brings in 390 euros per year,
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european institute of science, life of knowledge, here's a beer, scientific activity, the site is dead again, annual income is 32 euros, and where actually... they are in a field with a wooden barracks rickety from lithuanian independence. nastya loputko is the director of baysol, andrey strizhak under baysol. however, in fact, anastasia loputko is also a figurehead of another shadow leader, and we will show him. they have millions in turnover, and russian ones could soon be added to them. it is necessary in order, however, to learn all the mechanics baysol's works, sums. we decided to open our own baysol, only russian. anastasia, good afternoon, i need advice on a business case. i am interested in creating a company in lithuania with your full support; i would like to receive from you a small preliminary business plan and estimate, including your personal financial costs. good afternoon, i suggest you call on zoom.
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my colleague and i will be there to meet you. we think through a model of working with you, give you a budget, an action plan and a time frame for execution. if we agree on everything points, we begin work. so, we are starting work, according to legend, a certain russian businessman wants to open a relief fund for russian fugitives, it doesn’t exist, let’s call it sergey borisovich fedrov, fsb. our foundation will be called fet helps, because dzerzhinsky will help everyone who especially deserves it , even in lithuania. and we contact anastasia loputko, director of baisool. anastasia, good afternoon, yes, hello sergey, right? yes, hello, yes, my name is sergey. and with me is my colleague andrey. andrey rudanov, lithuanian with anastasia loputko on the two of them have this fund. he is a lawyer who deals with pharmaceutical issues,
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and is invited to the seimas for a session of the health care commission. he is also involved in ngos. these are dozens of lithuanian, russian, belarusian and ukrainian funds. in general, it has been on the market for many years, i don’t know, the team is probably already years old, in general, that is, well, i won’t say how many, but the company itself is about 15 years old, i have 24 years of experience in law, direct work experience, i’m 14, and we usually do documentaries, since they’re circulating, because she has her own team, that is she most often appears, inside either. her team is from the administrators, this is the manager, these are the people who deal with applications, completely, your entire team, which is put into this process, i’m doing legal work with mine, and by the way, andrey, you can at least say
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a couple of names there, that i’m just digging around uh, maybe some successful funds, let's make it simpler, the name boys says something, well, yes, i heard. can you help organize some kind of interaction between us, i ’ll tell you more simply, 70% of these people are our teams, they have, that is, the head of this the whole decision and person was andrey strizhak, respectively, strizhak had his own team that worked with donors, that is, but the whole implementation, how to build correctly, where to move, how to develop it all, this was behind us, behind our team, which works with us, that is, which... operates somewhere around 2-3 million annually, this is donov’s money and sells a lot,
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the turnover turns out to be 2-3 million annually, yeah, so, this, this is the money of donors that comes, but let's say, let's say, there is also more targeted funding, because different, american, yeah. yes, well, it’s clear, that is , it’s 2-3 million, these are only donors, that is, television assignments are not taken into account here, yes, television assignments, baysol earns annually from donations, this is what individuals or legal entities send, this is 2- 3 million euros per year. the amounts in 2022 in 2023 were the same, plus or minus, but strizhak gives slightly different figures: in the twenty- second year we have a total amount that... was raised to help people and allocated to people was about 2 million euros, that is, half
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from 2 million, according to strizhak, these are donations, the second half is what grant givers from the governments of european countries allocate, that is, a million each, no, strizhak is lying, more than 2 million, these are only donors, this is the other way around, these are only referrals, then this is what you see, this is the direction that... millions, because the report to public funding is not detailed, but it does not show how targeted funding is, it is only more detailed. there is, when you, i now from what i have at hand now,
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for the twenty-second year, for the twenty-second year, donor assistance, which was non-exclusive support, amounted to 2,46,378 euros. here is an agreement in the name of the fictitious fedorov sergei borisovich and andrei rudanov, here is rudanov’s signature, and this is the estimate, here is the salary of the general director. we will have her as a laputka, her services will cost us 4,500 euros per month or 54,000 per year. we make similar funds with a haircut, so you can roughly imagine the lady’s salary in baysol, and the minimum official salary of herself haircut maintaining rudanov will cost us and strizhak another 4,000 euros per month, and 48.00 euros per year. office - 1,280 per month or 15.
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legal and actual addresses do not match. this wonderful story with the relief fund will cost us 400,000 euros a year. there is one detail, very interesting: this document, which mr. rudanov sent, has a digital trace, metadata, and a co-author of the calculation. the calculation was made by clara weger, manager. a couple of years ago she herself distributed grants to cmpd money from governments, these are germany, italy, the european commission, and mrs. weger not only manages these funds, but also compiled an estimate for us to launch a fund for the recipient of such grants. for signing a contract with the government as with strategic partners for specific funds, we
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have been working in this market for many years, when we come, we calculate specific mathematics, we calculate mathematics according to the principle that well, it would probably be nice to have a person here, we specifically know who works with us, or worked, is now on bleiland, whom we can immediately, only the director can manage the fund’s accounts, in the lithuanian registry the director... vaisola, let me remind you, this is anastasia loputka. there are only two people in the structure, these are its leaders, in fact, someone may be a haircut, but this is not certain. in other words, the first loputka is equal to rudanov. have access to baisool’s accounts, secondly , there is only one signature on the documents, loputka, that is, it is not a fact that the hairdresser has at least the right to sign, but the fund is still managed by the hairdresser, rudanov and loputko take a percentage from the hairdresser, he will be in the name of a legal entity, usually according to the requirements of the lithuanian accounting of the head
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inspection, in part it happens like this, there is a common current account into which... all sorts of donor money is poured in, our fund has the right to take a specified 20% from all the money collected, that is roughly speaking, 100,000 were collected, 20% is assumed that the laws, our fund , by analogy with the strizhak fund , will collect money, we will distribute it to other companies and individuals, supposedly as help. so, it's time to leave the legal field. firstly, there are taxes we don’t want to pay taxes, that means. even at the time of registration of the fund, it is necessary to clearly state in the charter who the fund works with and what categories of people will be able to receive this money according to the papers? everywhere, when we talk about helping persons, we have a specific list, but you missed the important factor of victims, if you have verification from all victims, lead there, we can
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collect so-called boards that will really create apparently what? this is absolutely not connected with anyone anywhere , the national lithuanian, these people, they are not will be involved in the decision with finances, that then it absolutely looks like, let ’s say, well, how to say, a completely third-party fund, and even if it is checked by four, created on the basis of the national one, everything is interesting, however, at the same time, we seem to be at. .. to manage this fund for baltic national initiatives, or rather its money, but it’s as if we are not involved in this, i honestly won’t hide it, we wouldn’t like to show it off, we have come to an agreement that you do not appear formally anywhere in this project at all , that is you are not visible, i understand, andrey, you are probably more knowledgeable in these
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matters, but this is still a question of lithuanian legislation, nevertheless, well, it will still be russian money, but here it is important that you didn’t have any contradictions, let’s say, any difficulties, the most important question is what further beneficiaries can be found in the open, i can give you a few examples, as we perfectly understand, the internet is great now, the question is whether there is an opportunity by the name of the organization somehow how to connect this with them, if not, we also have financial flows in crypto. currency, but there is also one small point here, let ’s just say, let’s call it, the money is a little gray, look, it means the moment is happening, and i hear you, of course we will still have to verify some points, because,
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for example, now the european union is turning on new regulation is already on its way and is needed here. russian fugitives and small companies, russian fugitives and small companies will also be ours, we will simply wash the money and introduce them into the legal european field, the main thing is to bypass the aml verification system, which tracks how dirty the crypt is, as a result, the money will return to us with the exception of a 20% loss, this is on rudanov and loputka, because, let’s say,
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our tax authorities and control we we know very well how to reclose. but in the context of iml systems and bank deposits, for example, banks in general in the european union in the baltic states have recently been very sensitive to any large or, let’s say , cyclical transfers, so they may various requests come. accordingly, that is, it is already our task to prepare documentation and motivation so that we can immediately respond quickly, promptly, plus , in parallel with this, we select different banking structures and specific payments. we present through those who have fewer questions, that is, we understand this mechanics perfectly, we structure the fund’s activities in such a way that the fund directs its activities to...
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the amount, the amount is large - it’s more than 100, 100 million rubles, of course, rubles, now just a second, then understand a certain point, yeah, well, that is, andrey, in general regarding conversion, let’s say, we’ll already agree on the exchange rate, it’s important to us.
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and the exchange rate at that time was approximately 98 rubles per euro, the amount of 100 million russian rubles would be approximately a million euros. rudanov's kickback from the bankers he knows will be 350,000 euros, and yes, this money also needs to be legalized, here you need to understand that this is one of the amounts, the amount that is in one of the places i occupy, here it is clear, as they say, some details, that is, it doesn’t occur to me. i i understand the context, we need to think through all this , understand the mechanics, how it works, because to do this, we need to clearly understand
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what it is and how to start it, because in any case we need to be competent, we will need to do it in different tranches and different stages, we will need, that is, here on average it will take about a month to understand through which organizations, through which countries, through which structures
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this can be done, maybe we will solve this issue through latvia, some issues are resolved easier there. operates on the territory of lithuania an organized criminal group whose activities are related to assisting persons from the republic of belarus and the russian federation in the legalization of shadow capital. so, registration of effective companies and funds for foreigners, assistance in tax evasion, illegal transactions with funds and cryptocurrency.
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at the same time for the baysol foundation, this report, as it is true, is the general prosecutor's office of the lithuanian republic, or the police of the lithuanian republic. in conclusion, this letter has been sent to the law enforcement agencies of lithuania and the european union. gentlemen, there are money mules under your noses. this was a project from the inside out ekaterina tyahomirova, vitaly soplitsa, see you again.
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skin hero may create a unique history of life and creativity. yes, i studied with italians, they were italians in the czech republic, we worked with them, then my older brother, he is a member of the neapolitan pizza association. something that is absolutely abhorrent.
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there is no such profession, pizza maker, pizza maker, there is no such profession, there is yolly pizza, we can do this too, we have a rich layer that needs to be revealed, revealed and broadcast, watch on our tv channel, we are going on a trip to belarus, hello travel lovers, today it will be hot, despite the changeable weather, i am going to the southernmost warm region of our country, the bresse region. let's take a historical excursion, says moscow, the last hour, the morse key, you can try it, it works, you'll be stunned, and we'll also visit the bright sights of our country. agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event. event, but
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7:00 pm
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