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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 11:10pm-11:40pm MSK

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they gave colonies in europe, now the americans are robbing them, well, what’s wrong, right? therefore, so that we do not be lansberges, i ask god, we must defend our information space, explain to people, and let them prove that we are wrong, we will prove it back 500 times. thanks, it was editors club, see you in a week, goodbye. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, it is increasing its military contingent. on our southern border, security services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs. today in our country all conditions are being created for in order to... successfully repel any aggression, but
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our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different. there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, and, in addition, the departure of a unipolar world to a polycentric world. the republic of belarus is, in fact, located at the junction of two of these power lines, a confrontation.
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watch on belarus24 tv channel. let's go on a trip to belarus. hello travel lovers. today will be hot. despite the changeable weather, i am going to the southernmost warm region of our country, to the bresse region. let's take a historical excursion. moscow speaks. last hour. morse key, you can try. oh, he's a worker. be stunned, and also visit the brightest sights of our country. agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event. well, we build the joyful moments of our lives ourselves every weekend together with the route built project. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. i
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was born into a peasant family, so i’m used to work, i can’t imagine another job where i’m not connected to the land, the land for me is a wet nurse, it gives us everything, bread and milk, without labor well, nothing can be produced on it. my name is fedor khomich, production manager of the lyshchitsy site, an open joint-stock company of otromechego, i have been working on the farm for 30 years.
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my day starts at 5:00 am, i had breakfast and at about 7 am i am already at the dairy farm, talking with the managers farms, i find out from them - the results, the flow of milk, marketability, juice.
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at the same time, we talked about how there were seven heads, as far as i remember, that samples would be taken for the array, that today they took seven heads, but they only passed, only four passed. according to the rasstols, that today we had three rasstols, one heifer and two cows, well, they add a heifer to us, but today they are already transferred to milking warehouses immediately, the dairy farm was reconstructed in order to increase the number of livestock in order to produce a volume of milk on the farms unbiased keeping livestock, now in the summer , fans are installed in order to cool them down in hot weather, so that there is no temperature stress and so that there is no loss of milk, a cow, she feels treated towards herself, even a stranger can come in, she can get stressed, she gets used to all the workers who
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work with her, on this farm the milking system is parallel, it is designed in such a way that the cows all come in after each other. they connect to their places, the giving ends, then the gates open for them, they come out, the next batch of cows comes in, without magical operators, sharp swords, we wouldn’t have such good milk yields, before the position was called milking, now it ’s a machine milking operator, in order to give a cow, she must process the udder in a certain order, by pressing buttons to turn on giving, compared to what it was before, now everything is mechanized and more convenient and accessible, first of all, you must love your job and love animals, the same
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cow, she will feel it and give what she must give back what we have been working for a whole year so that she can produce it for us. machine operator, spring field work is busy, but the calves are always waiting for us, vera alekseevna, how are you doing and how are our calves doing, well, uh, how they eat, they eat great, now i’ve given them milk to drink
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, then pellets will be distributed, vera alekseevna, regarding your question that you asked me, write an application and you can receive a bicycle. good, so it will be more convenient for you to get to work and you will get home faster, more fun, there are also two for farms, one is considered the manager, the second is an assistant manager, on each farm there are two doctors, they can replace them somewhere, plus they can examine more cows, pay more attention to them, the concepts of cows, what are we talking about...
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with us young people need a good salary, where to live, where to spend the money, in order for young people to remain we need infrastructure, we do everything for this, we have kindergartens, we have schools, we
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have a community center, we have clubs, an outpatient clinic, automobile roads to get to the city and roads. high-quality, plots are now being allocated to farm workers for housing development, lighting, gas, water have been installed, for everyone who works on the farm. they can build houses for themselves, we provide good salaries, the trade union provides us with good support, that is, we have weddings, when joining the army, funds are given, as they say, god forbid, well, in the event of the loss of close relatives, funds are also allocated, transport is allocated for this , to translate these events, competitions, when also holding monetary objections.
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the supreme national assembly, with expanded constitutional powers, made its first strategic decision, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country’s military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend it with weapons in our hands and by any methods we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, i repeat.
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watch propaganda on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. first weather forecasts people began to be done in ancient times, what modern equipment do you use to make weather forecasts today? weather radar data, satellite data, and numerical modeling. and i want to say that forecasts are still made without qualified specialists.
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after visiting a dairy farm, i...
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we are already determining the types of work there, what we need to do first, where we left something out, where we need to put things in order, we are planning the sequence of work, this is a mono7 ng plus seeder, it is without fertilizers, without applying fertilizers, tomorrow she and i will go out to foglie and plant corn. olya, we’re in a fighting mood for tomorrow, yes, we’re ready in the morning, we’ll check it now, we’ve checked the vacuum, we’ll fill it with simyan, we’ll see how much they suck, doubles, tees, there are, no, here in fact, well , we need a vacuum right away here on the spot to look, while we haven’t left the field yet, we set these up between them and then we adjust these ones, then they’ll put up the bumpers for me, but... try to sow all this as much as possible in the optimal time, we’ll try
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to have high yields us, i started with driver in 1995, before that my father and i worked on a grain harvester, that is , i had the concept of what equipment was, how to repair it, but still at certain moments they came up with codes until you sorted it all out with your own hands, not touch it, theory doesn’t always work, theory without practice is not very effective. the first car i worked on was a gaz-52, a fuel truck, i transported fuel across the clearings, plus i delivered it from the city to the site, when i arrived, it was in poor condition, appearance, i cleaned everything up, sealed it up, painted it, put special lamps on it so that it would dry, it worked for me for five or six years in such good condition, in our mechanical yard there are uh 30 units of agricultural machinery,
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among them six units of energy-rich equipment, two feed meterers, five combine harvesters, nine units of mtz 82, four units 12-21, the total number is 30 units, they are served by 19 machine operators, plus six more workshop workers, these are welders , mechanics, turners, here at the site we repaired everything on our own, rakes, tedders, and combines, tractors, experience the experience of mechanics and mechanics allows us to do this, only complex repairs that relate mainly to imported equipment and not those that we do ourselves. ivan, how are we doing, people won’t be left with us without karkofel, no, our hands will stop working, the wheels will still
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be there, well, by the evening it will be clear, you’ll already be able to tell what’s left. we will repair and plant, we have enough time, we also have good tools, so we must complete everything on time, the preparation of equipment begins around september, because there is equipment, there is equipment that has finished its work and will no longer be used, for example, cultivators, in the fall we don’t use them. combine harvesters are washed, cleaned, driven under covered sheds, well , we do a list of work to ensure that the equipment is stored in the winter, all the hydraulic cylinders, rods, they need to be sealed from moisture, the load on the wheels should be relieved, we must set everything up for the winter for
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stands, to whiten the wheels, we have our own five for... combines, these are domestic kzs1218 combines, uh, they already have quite experienced machine operators working for them, uh, all of them have been defective since the fall, uh, parts have already been delivered to them for the last time, so, i think, another week, and we will start repairing them at full speed . helping our father on the harvester, our roles were assigned. my duty was to lubricate the entire combine, then i worked on the auger on the headers, because we have a lot of stones in our fields, so every day i changed the fingers of the cutting devices, changed the finger leathers, i did my duty first turn, what i needed to do, in order for us to work
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effectively and efficiently next year, our equipment must be all repaired, well... at an ideal level, so that there are no failures either in tillage or in harvesting calls , nor harvesting. to do this, we must carry out troubleshooting so that we have spare parts prepared, even if in the event of a breakdown, we had these spare parts in order to quickly change them, it is impossible to work out the season without some specific breakdowns, but there is...
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an additional wheel, the so-called twin, this is to reduce the load on the soil, so that the soil does not become compacted, the seeds are similar and the root system develops well. today , farmers are in an active phase, during spring sowing, depending on the number of fields, they can use 14. equipment, because they need to apply fertilizer, prepare the soil, add organic matter, and need to dilute the plough. sugar beets and corn grow in our fields for delivery to sugar factories. corn is mainly used for feed, silage, grain crops we
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we produce for ourselves at coke feed factories and for delivery to the state and for sale, for sowing corn, we must apply mineral fertilizers, collect stones in the fields, prepare the soil for... therefore, we first remove the stones, apply mineral fertilizer, lower the last unit and then let's start the network already. now we are hooking up the eksh7.2 pre-harvest unit, let's go prepare the soil for all the corn, we will level the soil after plowing so that the corn harvest can net the corn on a flat, good field. poloshchensky area posyany area the area of ​​grain and grain legumes is 940 hectares, this
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includes winter rabs. winter rabs 210 hectares, winter wheat 346 hectares, and winter tricecalia 352 hectares, 70 hectares of spring peas, 55 spring barley were sown and... the snare is set, ready for sowing? yes, what shall we sow? we will sow corn, the norm has been adjusted, everything is set as it should be, the depth was adjusted yesterday, now we will check everything, the density of the seeds, at what depth it is laid, how it falls asleep, we will control and regulate all this during the village itself, now we prepare the soil immediately before.
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we had a lot of money for harvesting grain, but we plan to plant it in this particular field , since we had a hole close to us and not far to transport it, but here we also try to keep the optimal timing and sow as quickly as possible. when you enter a field, you need to make sure that all the technologies, depths, butts, seeders are in place, that there are technological turning strips so that all this is done as it should be, mostly young people work on the site, in which there are still you need to learn a lot, the technology is complicated, but our people are trying, this year the weather... a little, a lot of work that i would like to do exactly as i wanted, it doesn’t work out, the same export of organic matter to the fields, there is a little rain there ruined, because
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i would like to bring it to one field, due to the fact that the rains have passed, it is impossible to enter this field, we have to put this organic matter in other places , then it will have to be transported in a new way, all this to the fields that are needed, they are coming extra costs, although for moisture harvest a lot, it will be good. there is a proverb: a spring day feeds the year, i agree with this, every grain needs fertile soil. in the vast expanses of ostromechevo there is the most fertile land and the most hardworking people, with whom you can achieve high and good harvests. we always expect a harvest better than last year. last year he was in charge of 70 centers. we will hope that everything will be fine, god will help, and we will help ourselves with our work, so we hope that the harvest will be no worse than last year,
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for the last 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union.
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sapraudy ўvaskros, let's go, brothers, walking, hibernating, sir god, lord, god, show the way to good luck, sonenka is tired, on your races, holy poles, for your beloved share, and for the sake of old traditions new life, i'm getting colder , little rutka. in 1985, in anticipation of projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, my parents came here. i wanted
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to see this farm, they liked it, and we completely moved the whole family here, i was 12 years old, for that generation i was considered quite adults, because when there were no parents, the entire household depended on us, that’s why it was then that i started working with boxes, right here in ostromech. from the age of 14 i went to the so-called brigades, it was necessary to put the fields in order, we rode, raked, collected and then delivered them to the perms or to the stables, it was all exploited there, i worked on grain crops in the summer, the first bicycle that i bought it for myself, i earned money here on the farm, working during the summer, i met my wife at school, but at that time
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we paid attention to each other after returning from the army, we dated for 3 years, we realized that we were made for each other and decided to get married and lived for 25 years, in 2023 there was a silver wedding. three children were born, the eldest son, he is 25 years old, serves in the ministry of internal affairs under a contract. dolch, daria, student at the institute of physical education, first year. and at the very least , milania, well, it’s such an outlet, you come home, and you always know that you will be greeted there with love, with affection, with joyful eyes, time flies, because you don’t notice how your children grow, every man i have to give birth to a son, plant a tree, build a house, my father did all this just
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for himself. times, because he built the first house there in albany, when he came here, we brought this house here, it was a brick house, we dismantled it brick by brick, brought it here, as it was, made there in almanacs, he also planted trees , and four sons were a brotherly example, our total work experience is approximately...


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