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tv   100  BELARUSTV  June 1, 2024 3:45pm-4:40pm MSK

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i have practiced myself in various techniques of art, completed courses in painting on fabric batyk, at the belarusian union of designers, have worked, presented several personal exhibitions, but the figured arts provide little scope for the artist, and it’s mostly abstract. tactile mastery is based on farba, special materials, natennaya and abavyazkova music. kvetki, sunny memories and...
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i’ve been working since october 2023, i have more than 50 paintings, yes, and i didn’t expect it from myself, i didn’t eat, i didn’t sleep, i fell in love with this is all, this is how abstraction turns out, look how it fits into the recess itself, due to which the volume is obtained, how did you get to know these unearthly landscapes?
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premny weekends and yes sustrechy.
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let's go on a trip to belarus! hello travel lovers! it's going to be hot today. despite the changeable weather, i am going to the southernmost warm region of our country, to the brest region. let's take a historical excursion. moscow speaks.
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last hour. morse key, you can try. he's a worker, amazing. and i will also visit.
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two steps forward, watch the intellectual sports project, head game.
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i believe in boundless love, the love of children for parents, mothers for children. human love. i have been working at the minsk central district clinical hospital since 2001, i came here by assignment, as a novice gynecologist in a large friendly team. we are the ones at the beginning of a woman’s journey, in the chain of her health. human life is a great miracle, a miracle, a gift from god. pregnancy is not a disease, it is a normal condition for women. force
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women are probably again in her love, the way she looks at the world, how she gives her love to children, how she can... behave with people, i understand that coming to a gynecologist for a woman is a feat, she with the idea of ​​coming to the doctor, she’s been planning for a long time, and if she entered the office, i need to do everything so that she leaves with a smile, comes with hope, wants to become a mother like crazy, but unfortunately, before that... i was diagnosed with infertility , but thanks to tatyana nikolaevna i was able to fulfill my most cherished dream, became mother of a beautiful girl, we went through a lot, and she made a huge contribution to my life, last year
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i had a stroke right at her appointment, thanks to her, i am alive, i am here, during the period of my activity i have the opportunity to evaluate the quality medical care provided to the woman. our region, naturally, it has become much higher, the quality is absolutely incomparable with what it was 20 years ago, the equipment, those? the opportunities, work opportunities, learning opportunities are incomparable. there are a situation when women come with doubts about continuing their pregnancy. my task as a doctor, as a woman, as a mother, is to help a person, to help this woman, this family, make the right decision. every year one or two women agree to continue their pregnancy. there are women whom i still remember by their middle name. and their children, their girls already come to see me, yes, there are
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situations when a word spoken at the right time helps save someone’s life, it makes me very happy when you meet a woman with stroller, comes up and says: hello, thank you for helping us, for pushing us to make the right decision in our lives. i was born in the city of pinsk, in a family of workers, my mother and father grew up in the village, we spent the whole summer there, holidays, our summers, we went to the village, my grandmothers and grandfathers, we helped there every summer, in our family i also have two sisters in the mood, my parents, i must give them credit, did everything possible so that we... grew up as good people, received decent education, right after school i
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finished 8th grade, i consciously went to study at a finnish medical school, we had an obstetrics-gynacology course, and i had the following thought, i’ll also go there to this specialty, this is such a specific job when i was studying at the institute in my fifth year i fell so much in love with this specialty, it’s... it ’s really a joy for me to watch, watch , see how a new life is born, to become a mother, i decided when i got married, my husband and i got married when i was 30, i have already i was an accomplished doctor of the second medical category, of course, already at that age i really wanted a big, hard-working family, children are my everything. i have three children, i have three sons, the eldest is 17, the middle one is 14, the youngest is 10, i
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’m very glad that i have sons, i don’t see myself as mothers and girls, i really want to be with my children, friends, not just a mother , i want to be friends, i want my children, both now and in the future, to come and tell me what they had during the day, how they communicated with friends. idea, thought, feat, perhaps i’m just a good person, i wouldn’t want to change anything in my life, i live a fairly full, happy life, today i can say that yes, i’m a happy person, i’m happy in my children, i fought for a year my husband’s life, unfortunately, my husband died in 1919, after a long illness, for us it was a tragedy, we are still worried, the children
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remember dad, unfortunately, he is not with us, we discussed, that’s how i remember now, a new method treatment of cancer patients, she actively participated in this, she went to all sorts of new programs. to save her husband, but i never saw her cry, maybe somewhere at home she cried, she shed tears when she was at the reception, i didn’t see that, that is, this suggests that she is a very strong person , the most tangible support, in such difficult moments, this is my friend, my best friend, who has been with me for all the years, for 10 years now, we have been communicating with her, we are friends, we are friends with families,
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it turns out that our friendship is this is probably most likely a gift of fate, now i’m with this i remember these with pleasure. years, i remember the village, i remember this blue sky, larks, the sun, the smell of mown grass, a country road, a rye field, cornflowers, you see, this is an incomparable memory of my native place, for me our country is really that guarantor
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security, prosperity, stability and peace, most importantly peace. i really hope and believe that our children will live in peace and harmony.
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the head of our state said that trade unions are the foundation of civil society, this is true. connecting link, we have 4 million trade union members, so we are everywhere, we are close to the worker, we are close to his needs and aspirations, and the first person a trade union member turns to at production, in the workplace is, of course, the trade union leader, we resolve labor safety issues , we monitor
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the provision of personal protective equipment, working conditions, living conditions, the level of wages, and... for pilots, welders, turners, so we place special emphasis on labor protection, we have a lot of public labor inspectors who help with organization safe work, also legal inspection, but what i would like to share is, of course, we have many collective agreements, collective agreements are aimed at
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increasing the material well-being of workers, i would like to brag about one of the norms that has been implemented. in our collective agreement of the belarusian metallurgical plant, when a woman is registered for pregnancy at 12 weeks, she can go on so -called prenatal leave with payment of the average wage, that is , such agreements are made by the employer, indeed, we have established clear interaction with social partners, and we are always proud of this. the sound of a running conveyor is the best sound there can be. the melody of a working converter, mechanisms, that’s why we all work so that it doesn’t stop, so that we work calmly, with dignity and earn decent wages, that’s why trade unions in the international arena are now here, the international labor organization will have its next conference, we oppose restrictions,
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with a clear expression positions, not defending, but bringing out our position that... our company itself, no matter how difficult it was, has solved a lot of issues with import substitution and is glad that we can also produce hypoid bridges, that is, we can... equipment, this has given impetus to the development of competence to manufacture highly competitive in our industries, therefore import substitution
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is an impetus for the development of the entire industry, the entire real sector of the economy, and we are also here and help, for example, through a collective agreement, norms regarding rationalization are implemented. sentence with a certain type of stimulation of additional payments, including for the quality of products, so this is a link in the same chain, and as one of the partly positive examples of sanctions, this is a new impetus for the development of our industry in terms of import substitution, we have grown in this regard, and this is encouraging. what are the emphasis in the year-quality in the work of industry, what tasks do enterprises face? the teams clearly understand that only high-quality products can be in demand, it will be a guarantee, the release of high-quality products is
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a guarantee of productive work of the enterprise for the long term, but the long term is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the collective agreement, a guarantee of an increase in wages, the fulfillment of all accepted obligations, therefore... the teams are aimed at high-quality work, it has always been carried out, no need to say that somewhere before something went wrong, always under the brand made in belarus, this is a quality brand, so well, a special emphasis in the year of quality is given to this impulse, a lot of modernization is taking place at our enterprises, this i am glad that we are sprouting new types of equipment, and modernization means better working conditions and better productivity.
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these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin vernik, they have great significance. in reality, this is the shortest recognition of our faith, faith. goes to church right here, i thought it was right, necessary, because children should breathe at least church air, about the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people
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come to the divine liturgy, when they take communion there, they are in some sense in a sense, a certain sacrament of our unity with each other with the living and the dead is taking place, we will tell and show in...
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the search battalion, perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the fatherland, preserving the memory of the victims of wars is not only my duty, but also my goal of my life. in 1994, in order to improve the work of perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the fatherland, the head of our state
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decided to create... serving the purpose of their further perpetuation, from 1995 to 2023, personal the battalion staff carried out field search work at more than 3,500 search objects, as a result , the remains of more than 48 thousand dead were discovered, of which about 3,000 red army soldiers, as well as more than 14 thousand civilians search
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work... training of battalion personnel is carried out in for 4 months at a permanent location. military personnel study subjects of both general and special orientation, because personnel need a narrow knowledge of the procedure for carrying out search work, extracting bone remains, working with them, you also need to have knowledge about
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the structure of the human skeleton. soils in soils, in order to work with technical search tools, as well as work with archival documents. we have both conscripts and contract servicemen serving; special attention is paid to the young man’s ability to work with inertia and his lack of fear. when selecting for military service under a contract, as a rule, preference is given to conscripts who have a historical education. the training of personnel of a military unit consists of several stages: at the first stage, military personnel study demolition, portification and engineering barriers, as well as the procedure for working with engineering weapons. at the next stage, the personnel are explained and told about the structure of ammunition, artillery shells, and aerial bombs during the great patriotic war, the procedure for working with them, as well as the procedure for their actions in the event of their discovery. next, we move on to
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studying the work with bone remains, not a person can have no hip but still have a tibia, right? on the contrary , there may be amputation or a leg torn off, a hip is broken, it may be that this will not be enough, but this cannot be done without it, there will always be a hip, it also concerns the pelvic bones, the sacrum can rot, as a rule, it is the fastest rots, it's baptized. military personnel learn how to properly clean and remove discovered bone remains. in addition, it is also possible to carry out work at this site using metal detectors. area being checked pockets. after healing.
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the chest area is completely checked, after that the ribs are only removed, cleared of soil, and special attention is also paid to the presence of medals or documents, the theory and practice of traveling work, they are interconnected, theory is working with documents, working with maps, with coordinates,
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the uniqueness of our military unit is that we are the only one in the state that has a full-time archaeologist who is directly involved. a broken bayonet was found in his hands, no cartridges were found on him, there were no weapons on him either, only a broken bayonet in his hands. in total, three
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remains of servicemen were found, who, when leaving the encirclement near the village of ozernitsy, died in hand-to-hand combat. well, it means that by any means, by any weapon, by any means they... representatives of the military unit constantly hold meetings with schoolchildren, hold
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an exhibition of related search work, finds discovered during the work, and also talk about the work of the battalion, about service in it. great value has to show the children that history, the reality that it is, this is our general historical memory, and we do everything in order to widely tell and not only tell the children about those events of that terrible time, but also give them the opportunity to touch that a story that exists without any beauty.
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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. don't be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, everywhere you look, here everywhere. a lot of people come, because even some say that it’s good here, here you can relax mentally, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, here you can go out and take a walk , see a roe deer, see the same deer.
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starting from 2021, the battalion personnel are actively involved in conducting search work as part of the investigation of the criminal case opened by the prosecutor general's office on the fact of genocide of the population of belarus during the war; plan for carrying out belt work for 2024 year, includes objects such as group from 10 to 50 people, single, and also over...
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about six pits with the dead, the remains were extracted and transferred for sub-medical examination. during the work at this site, we were faced with large areas that needed to be examined, as well as a very large volume of excavation work necessary to search for unaccounted for burials. german aerial photography from 1943 was obtained, and also... specialists from the belarusian state university were invited, who, with
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using a quadcopter, we took photographs of the area, which reflected all the changes in the earth's surface. when this survey was superimposed on german aerial photography , the coordinates of the supposed burial sites were established, as a result of which about 16 additional grave pits were discovered. primary. study of a section of terrain , we check the subsidence, how deep it is carried out using a metal probe, it goes into the ground, but if the depth is half a meter or more, then at this place it is necessary to lay a monitoring well or zheshur now. here it falls deeply,
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a control well will be laid, with the help of a drill we will examine the bedding, study the structure of the soil, which will allow us to determine whether they dug here or not, the section so far shows that the earth was mixed, so it is necessary to continue, unfortunately, in this place no deeper than 50 cm has been dug, the soil is being homogeneously layered, we will continue the search further, work on search objects continues until the entire area will be completely surveyed. independence, whether a military burial is discovered or not, for us this
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is always the result, because we can make sure that no burial was carried out in this area of ​​the area, in this area the alleged burial is detected using control pits, now we will determine the depth of the burial remains, after that we will begin to determine the perimeter of this burial, the length, width and we will prepare for the initial cleanup. our tanks have pit sizes ranging from 100 m larger, can you imagine, here is a 100 m trench, and there are five to seven layers of this in the creek, 30-70, the length of the pits is 30-70 m, there are 7-8 layers, and there are pits in which executions took place on the spot, yes, then some were placed in a pit or
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dumped at the edge of the pit, and there were pits that were brought in already killed, most likely in gas chambers, they were placed one next to the other in stacks, very, very much. just like that , during the work at the site, the boundaries of the burial were determined, the width of the pit is about 6-7 m, the length is from 25 to 30, the depth of the remains is supposedly 20-50 meters. in this in an excavation, depending on the number of layers , there may be 100 or more dead. for now. the first remains have been discovered, from which we can determine the position of the remains, where the head is directed, where the legs are directed, to determine the further order of cleaning in order to prevent their mixing, to establish the identity of the dead
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, we are helped by associated finds discovered during the search work, such as a personal cognitive medallion, an award. yes, also personal belongings, for example, combs, spoons, bowlers, which the deceased signed, it also helps to establish the burial subsidy, individual elements of amulets, and equipment. during the initial cleanup , two personal identification medallions were discovered, which are now being examined; we hope that their... presence will make it possible to establish information about the victims. the first layer supposedly includes about forty dead; the executions can be assumed to have been carried out directly at this place, because the remains were not laid out, but scattered randomly. to date, in this area
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16 pit graves were discovered in the area; about 2.0 remains were recovered over the last 3 years. it’s difficult to guess how many pits there are here, work continues to search for them, we hope that later we will find all the burial places, it is forever etched in my memory, the first time i had to work at sites of mass extermination of civilians, it was the city of slutsk, during the opening burials.
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the identity of the deceased can be established. the general prosecutor's office of the republic of belarus is currently inspecting the site area, which is a depression in the ground in which numerous bone remains were found, including fragments of skulls with previously visible holes,
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presumably from gunshot wounds. at the moment, the bone remains are being removed separately, which... subsequently , a forensic medical examination will be conducted to establish the causes of death of a specific person. if individual remains with visible damage from bullet wounds are also found, the remains are also indicated will be sent for examination. the recovered remains are placed in a box, accompanying finds found are placed in the box, then the box will be moved upstairs, where the remains are laid out on a banner... and they will be examined in more detail. during the initial examination of the recovered remains , it is possible to establish tentatively. the presence of bullet wounds, damage, bone remains, as well as the estimated age
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of the deceased; for this , the main bones of the skeleton, as well as the jaw, are completely traced; there are special techniques for determining the age and height of the deceased, during processing... the remains are laid out on the banner, it looks like the integrity of the extracted remains is present, we also put on the banner everything that was found here, in this case, this is a fragment of a shoe, after that the fixation is carried out, the extraction protocol is filled out , the remains are placed in a bag for further transfer, for examination, i hope, after serving... in our battalion, young people will give a correct assessment of historical events, because during their service they had to
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see the real scale, true historical facts at the search sites. in 2001, he was called up for military service in the fifty- second separate special search battalion. a passion appeared. to make a decision on military service under a contract, i served for more than 14 years in positions directly
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related to the practical conduct of field search work on the ground, and it doesn’t matter to me whether he’s alone or there are thousands, for me everyone is important, honestly do i think that everyone was a hero who died, it is important for me to find and solemnly rebury, and i get moral satisfaction when i hear fireworks, a guard of honor, during a solemn reburial, when you really understand that the work was done efficiently and the result was achieved . over the years of service in the battalion, one can say that the feelings went a little inside. on the other hand, there is an awareness of the scale of the tragedy that occurred during the great
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patriotic war, the crimes that committed by the german fascist invaders on our land, for 20 years i have been interested in military history, i have an answer to this question, what was the hatred, racial superiority, a separate nation on... i just couldn’t find myself, thanks to the feat of the soviet soldier, we we defeated this hatred, and this must be respected, everything must be done to perpetuate every person who died for the defense of the fatherland, and it is imperative to preserve the memory of the civilians who died during the great patriotic war.
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hello, when is the hungarian prime minister orban warns that european politicians are preparing for war with russia, with poland and the baltic states turning their countries into nato barracks as testing grounds for imported tanks. when hot heads are not cut off by the prospect of a nuclear confrontation, we are especially acutely aware of the level of responsibility and pressure on our military, we will definitely talk about this today, but there is another front, here we are all on it, regardless of gender, age, and the main desire is this information front. the day before , media professionals gathered in mogilev with throughout belarus, but what made this forum special was the president’s speech. here is one of
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the important messages. we continue.
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to the confrontation between the allies, our task today, the belarusian one, is to correctly analyze the situation, that is, firstly, what will happen next on the battlefield, at the peak of this summer campaign, will there be some new threat, for example, well, i don’t know, there russian territory, there is crimea, the baltic states, maybe belarus, that is, we see all this, we need to foresee this in advance, let’s say, informationally , that is, how to behave, how what to do, and for this you need controllability, and so it was about controllability that the presidential speech continued, that is, he says
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that there are certain structures of our media, yes, and there are also, let’s say, people there. who work in the media, these should not be activists, these are people who carry out assigned tasks, in conditions of such military uncertainty, we must get maximum controllability, that’s essentially what the entire presidential speech was about, we don’t know exactly how these events will develop, maybe one the option is positive for russia, or maybe, well, let’s put it this way, prolonging the war further and continuing there for an indefinite period, but belarus must correctly calculate all this and make the right decision in terms of information.


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