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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 1, 2024 4:40pm-6:05pm MSK

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machine, like we’ll involve you in a war, we ’ll bomb you, don’t support russia under any circumstances, this is a game of confrontation between the allies, the task today is ours, the belarusian one, to correctly analyze the situation, that is, firstly, what will happen there on the battlefield further, at the peak of this elite company, will there be some new threat, for example, well, i don’t know, there is russian territory, there is crimea, the baltic states, maybe belarus, that is, we see all this, we need it in advance, let’s say so, to foresee informationally, that is, how to to lead, how to do what, and for this you need controllability, so it was about controllability that the presidential question was...
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it also has quite deep historical roots, it has always been known for a long time that the one who owns the information means owns the future, therefore this has been used for quite a long time, it’s only with new technological revolutions that it’s all growing, when we now have all these gadgets, all the social networks, it’s just grown into such a huge snowball, information flows are simply overwhelming people, and here it is very important, from my point of view, to develop a person’s ability to analyze the information that reaches him, to understand where and how...
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let’s reduce all our information work to the military conflict in ukraine, we have a thirty-year history of sovereignty, first of all i i think the head of state spoke about a national information policy, despite any allies, closest ones , etc., we must have a national agenda, a national information policy, our experts must work for belarus to the national interests of belarus. the second point, of course, is correct, that in the conditions of a hot conflict we have. under the bloc, we must behave in this agenda very competently, with restraint, not to allow panic in society or, on the contrary, not to discourage society, as some short-sighted figures did in the twenty-second year and then organized such a tv show, very easily identified this agenda, today you see, everyone shuddered, yes, remember the year 22 from all sides, in europe they took it easy in ukraine, in russia, everyone had a hat in their hands, everyone waved it over their heads and said everything would work out quickly.
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what is the task? identify the problem? and the governor should be interested in having somewhere in the region a media outlet that reveals this problem for him, and he can quickly respond to it. this is normal work that allows the economy to operate effectively, maintain socio-political stability and truly allow a journalist to feel like a sought-after professional. yes. julia konstantinovna, well, there was one more thesis: not to lose our youth. everything that is done on the information agenda should be of interest to the younger generation, that is...
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they must very clearly understand where they live, what values ​​exist in a given state, what the state is for, what the state does for them, what is carrying out the work, that is, we won’t lose young people... in no case can we, because this is the future that will shape the agenda of our future construction, look, we we just started discussing this, and indeed i absolutely agree that it is impossible to narrowly consider the information field without separation from what is happening around. therefore, in this sense, the information war, which is the prelude to a hot war, is a fact, well, the second point is that of course many of the challenges that we see now before the russian federation, we have them in common, so in this sense it will be interesting to discuss such news. the events we observed last friday closely followed the official visit president of russia and the negotiations in minsk alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin, for us they went calmly, predictably, that’s why this observation was so blissful, but in the west, every time
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lukashenko and putin meet they get nervous, firstly, this is a clear reference to the failure of all attempts tear minsk and moscow away from each other, and secondly, this time western politicians scared themselves with nuclear exercises. this blow, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they should know about it, but we are not escalating the situation, we don’t need war, we treat the security of belarus in exactly the same way as we treat the security of the russian federation, and this
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is probably the key element of our interaction in this area, all this is happening as planned, and we are not forcing anything here. well, as was said, everything must be worked out, this is an area where no failures or mistakes cannot be allowed, well, these were the accents yulia konstantseva placed, well, our well-known saying, keep your gunpowder dry, that’s how it is, that is in this case it's very calm it was explained that this exercise is indeed being carried out in the russian federation for the first time, but this is, as it were , a response to all those who decided that it is possible...
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washington suits non-europeans, washington suits, i explain again, politicians in europe will not make the decision about the beginning of a military conflict, those who resist will be shot, peoples have never made decisions about the beginning of military conflicts, well, look, here is the american base in germany, which is located with
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the same nuclear weapons, they extraterritorial, that is, the germans are not asked how and what will be used, we emphasize that our nuclear weapons are , as it were, joint, that is, we make a decision on their joint use there; what is here is used, including this nuclear one weapons, that is, it was said separately that precisely the belarusian territory is considered as russian, that is, in the event of an attack on this belarusian territory , russian nuclear weapons will be used, this is such a simple message that was sounded well, twice, in fact, meanwhile, the concentration of nato forces on the borders of our country continues, at
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the end of april, the current chief of the general staff of belarus, pavel muraveyka, said that this concentration has reached its peak over the past 20 years, the largest stefast defender exercises continue. 90,000 people, aviation, ships, combat vehicles. the last time this happened was during the cold war. the maneuvers are being closely watched not only in our region and this is what they write. chinese global times. the doctrine is a staunch defender, far from harmless. this is in to a large extent a rehearsal, in a theater of military operations where war is already raging. perhaps even a provocation. well, i absolutely agree with this message. of course, it is completely obvious that they are trying with all their might to push europe, that is, into a war, to unleash some kind of, that is, hot conflict, which on the one hand, well, absolutely, this is also obvious. to any thinking person who analyzes the situation, this is beneficial, of course, to the united states of america, which wants
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to maintain its hegemony in the world at any cost, and thus dragging europe into some kind of, this means that this military conflict is protracted, even with the use of possibly tactical nuclear weapons, they are solving the problem of a competitor, on the one hand, the european union, in fact, its economic potential is now crossing overseas, what my colleague was talking about, all these productions there are rushing, because in fact it is no longer profitable to produce... until the last ukrainian, then the european peoples will go further, who are not at all sorry for overseas, they are consumables for the united states states of america and great britain, in order to maintain their hegemony in the world, so in this situation, of course, we must clearly understand, understand, see what is happening along our borders, which means in our western, northwestern neighbors, in the south too most. that means, where we also know, a fairly large group is concentrated along the border, which means the ukrainian armed
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forces, these things need to be seen, and here, of course, on the one hand, we are absolutely clear that tactical nuclear weapons weapons are a certain factor of deterrence, but on the other hand, it means that we must understand that yes, europe, in principle, the european peoples are not interested in this war, but when people were asked i would start armed conflicts, if we look at the first the world war, how it began, which means... all the elites, which means they pushed their heads together, again, there was also a significant influence of the anglo-saxons when they pitted germany and the russian empire, then, if we look at the events of the second world war, yes, again all this unfolds like a spitting image, then it results in such tragic conflicts, huge human casualties, which means for the population of europe, europe, unfortunately, is a long-suffering continent, here in belarus we are at a geopolitical crossroads, we are well aware of this, we have had similar military conflicts for millennia, rolling through our... territory, and we, like no one else , probably understand how important it is to keep the world calm, yes, that this is a huge
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achievement when there is peace and tranquility , the opportunity to develop peacefully, but again i will emphasize what our president also said, this is that if yes, we are peaceful people, but we are ready to defend our territory, our land, therefore, as they say, if you want peace, you must be prepared for war, unfortunately, this is ancient wisdom, well, our chinese colleagues talk about provocateurs, we, of course , should not look only overseas with... yes, everything is clear, where the customers are, everything is clear, we talk about this a lot, well, there are neighbors next to us, with with which we existed more or less safely for many years, here for example, poland now, but they have already secured the status of the polish leadership of the great fence builders, and apparently, they do not plan to stop there, we are now hearing a statement that it would be nice to also mine the polish border area, this topic is being seriously discussed, plans to create the largest and most powerful army in europe, well, very strange statements.
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that they are there slaughtering, killing, offending our military, when they kill migrants, they were practicing approaches, waste of equipment first and to the border under the guise of a wagner attack there’s something else there, now you’re putting up a minefield, this is the next stage, that is , under the guise of fighting migrants there, they ’re mining it all, why is this being done, well , it’s clear that it’s probably not even for elections, but for elections in the european parliament, which will be there this summer, that is, they expect, well, let ’s say, pumping up this hysteria, they will probably use it on the internal agenda, but our belarusian task is to play on the contradictions, that is, donald tusk is there. who is also trying, say, to preserve his audience, and there is also this losing
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ruling party, the former right and justice, so they just rely on such aggressive military rhetoric, we need to support the weaker, create for them some new, say, information channels, then the stronger ones will lose out and again they will survive some kind of certain instability, you know the swing that is certain in poland, and there it is all there, there at the level of the courts, the sejm, which means that the local authorities are going through such terrible contradictions today, this is not bad, that is, there is an unstable system that is not ready yet to fight, our task is so that it... in principle , cannot prepare for such a large military operation, when everything there is so unbalanced, believe me, that this will not happen, uh-huh, what do you think? well , absolutely, here, of course, he is pursuing certain political goals and... politicians, the polish ruling elites within their country, i mean elections, yes, but from my point of view, a lot of factors clearly indicate that, after all, european countries, including poland, they are preparing for certain armed conflicts, and here we should not relax in the sense that they are counting on the fact that elections will be held and everything will be happily forgotten, unfortunately, this is not the case, so this affects the elections for
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the european parliament, which means what will happen inside poland, but nevertheless, unfortunately, history shows that the polish ruling elite...
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korean, american tanks, that the americans cannot cope with the supply of chemicals, they ask the question where we will get them, we don’t have that much on the domestic market, naturally , this is done for a reason, on the one hand, naturally, they finance certain groups, which in america too, the americans in south korea largely control the military-industrial complex, you must understand, that is, on the one hand they warm their hands, on the other hand, they create the technical engineering infrastructure for the start of military operations, until you build pontoon bridges you will have no infrastructure. until you have the equipment to bring in manpower and so on, you will not be able to start a military operation, that is, this is not pr, it really is always pr in politics, but you are referring, that is, of course, there is pr before the elections, any politician will do it, but specifically, so that we understand, if the infrastructure is created and $130 billion
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is pumped in, these are the funds that will be used in the future for the war, this is the economy, this finance, this is poland, which... pulls out additional funds for itself, this has always been the case and this will continue indefinitely. lithuania, presidential elections have passed, they remain in power again , nothing changes for us, obviously, yes, but there are belarusians for whom, this is not good news for sure, these are fugitives who are now left in lithuania, we saw how nausėda continued to tighten the screws all this time, and judging by the trend, he will continue to do so, and they are now having some kind of elections there. their locals, firstly, the topic itself is uninteresting, and secondly, it turned out that it is also uninteresting to those who, it would seem, should be in their ranks, there are demoralizing indicators for them, what to expect in this sense, well, already their fellow citizens called them empty space, yes, what the empty seat was occupied by the presidential post, the population of lithuania showed very beautifully,
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turning their backs to it, more than 50% of the people, but less than 50% of the population voted in the elections. turned their backs on him showed everything that they think about him, he has such a high opinion, he has a second term, that is, he won’t be re-elected again, so he doesn’t care what the population thinks about him, and he won’t go against the establishment authorities , we remember 2004, when president a was removed, literally impeached less than he didn’t even last a year, then it is clear that he will be restrained, he will play by the rules that dictate, we know that lithuania is an absolutely dependent state, but... well , the main thing for us is that the conflict remains in this ruling group, that the ruling party is still she is in opposition to the president, that their shimanites live like cats and dogs, this is not bad, this is the same situation as in poland today, where
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the opposition president is the victorious party that is opposed to him, so this is normal, well, let’s see how to play on these contradictions . i see, is there anything to add to this? well , just to say that you really need to look at the reaction of the people, my colleague is absolutely right, it turns out that more than half of the residents of lithuania did not come to the elections, this is also a clear indication of the support in quotes for the policies that the lithuanian elite is pursuing in isolation from of his people. for us, no matter who won, there were two politicians who treat us badly, in the ukrainian conflict they are in solidarity and i hope that sooner or later those politicians will come to lithuania who they will understand that they must behave in a civilized manner with their neighbors. well, what about the disappointment of our fugitives about this, which they cannot hide? no one will treat them as their own citizens, so people who have left must understand that sooner or later any guest gets bored and...
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thank you, then we’ll check in for a while, and after that there are two more very important topics that need to be discussed today. stay with us. the flag, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and involvement with belarus. the country exists. while symbols are being honored: live forever, patriotism is at the core and common victory. may 9 is a holiday of global
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significance, at the cost of millions of lives. time chose us, chose us to preserve the independence of our land, everything created by many generations before us. the scary insights from the judge who fled to belarus are simple. the poles do not want our country to be drawn into this conflict, quality control is about how a dying enterprise was brought to a new level, i want the state to have a face, and watches are produced in fewer countries than planes and helicopters, you know this, that is, this is intelligence, mechanism, we put a microphone on the device , a signal is given and we need to regulate it, that the clock should run, to preserve what our ancestors put their labor into, this is... we are managing
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expeditions in the depths of our country. do not destroy our shared unity with our fellow countrymen, do not lie in hell, where we live, we touch hell between the borders and borders of the country. let's open the roc in advance at the end of the last century. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads.
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we continue, hungarian prime minister viktor orban believes that statements by western politicians to the media indicate preparations for the beginning of the war with russia. entry into the war. what is happening today in brussels in washington. perhaps more in brussels than in washington, is a kind of preparation of sentiment for a possible direct military conflict. we can safely call this
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preparation for europe's entry into the war. well, look, yulia konstantinovna, how it turns out. on the one hand, he talks about this and confirms this with his actions orban, yes. we see that petr sejarta, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, is currently working in minsk, and in general we see that budapest lives by its own wits, yes, that is. he is not, as our experts often like to say, they do not live pro-russian, not pro-belorussian, but pursue their own national interests, this suits us absolutely, in hungary they make it clear that in this situation they are not on the path with nato, because hungary will fight they are not going to fight for ukraine, as you can see all this, that is , they really voiced an absolutely normal desire, an understandable desire not to fight for some foreign country, it is generally unclear for whose interests, this is not even ukraine. decision,
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so their position today is as long as possible delay all possible attempts to aggravate this conflict, the participation of european countries in this conflict, if orban continues in the same spirit, the fate of the fitz will not await him, well, as soon as this happened, and the next thing , there were a lot of comments about what this a warning to orban to all those who will go against the european union, well, orban has been a man in politics for a long time with quite a... strictly maintained position, we remember his visit to the republic of belarus against the backdrop of all the contradictions that exist, he always went his own way the country in their own way, but the situation here is that they are not like that, not a state, not an independent state, they are in any case in the structure of the european union, in the structure of nato, and sooner or later they will have to, remember how they went through all of their the event is very difficult,
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they put pressure on him all the time, on him all the time... that nato, russia, that means the european union, it will only be to the detriment of the european states, they will only lose, they will actually gain nothing, so here, of course, we must go as far as possible contact from our point of view with the hungarian leadership and the fact that the minister of foreign affairs is coming to the republic of belarus for the second time, this indicates hungary’s willingness to still maintain these contacts, they also need certain support points, they show their society
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and thus the same thing.
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yeah, andrei, well, what orban says, i think he agrees with the americans, only the good ones, that is, he talked with trump about a month ago, yes, and what he says, i think, is approximately trump’s position , but one that he himself did not voice maybe orban is doing this for him, and i think that if there is some kind of change of power, then approximately some kind of position on the conflict will dominate, well, at least for some time, this is normal, well, as for the prospects, then again, yes, that is , the war of one party is a war in ukraine, the war of the republicans is a war in
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the middle east, that is, either... with fitz's biography. well, let's just say that if fitz survives this assassination attempt, he will have a huge rating in slovakia. orban has already raised his rating against the backdrop of this assassination attempt. therefore, well, if they had already killed him, it was necessary, so to speak, to kill him to the end. now they will have the opposite effect, they are the masterminds of this crime, and i think that the elections to the european parliament will be held undesirably for the same macron, who is already talking about enemies there. yes, they basically consider the countries of eastern europe to be second class, and now this is also a threat to, well, some kind of common course. vadim aleksandrovich, well, colleagues, i think
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along the entire perimeter of russia, this includes the south caucasus, central asia, and transnistria, and here on the european plain the situation, perhaps an escalation of the situation, up to a change of political elites, up to the elimination of top officials, up to the dismemberment of russia, is the plan that was put to washington. if the russian federation is ours, well, our allies, let’s say, in the world, but for the first time the russian federation will not be able to demonstrate to washington a direct threat to those elites. who make money from the war directly to them, because tactical nuclear weapons do not frighten them at all in europe, if through intimidation european politicians, pumping up a number of countries that are considered
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primarily shock forces, because at least the baltic states, poland, 99%, germany, france will be involved in the war in europe, the rest of the countries will either participate directly with a limited contingent or funding. he will transfer a certain part of the military, but these will be mainly advisors and only then will they be used to divide the territories, this scenario is probable, and a good one, after all, let’s hope that we, so to speak, are not fooled we won’t live by other people’s scenarios, the good scenario is that this is, in principle , what russia is striving for today, it is probable, it is complex, but possible, which means that, after all, again, russia is striving for the fact that the elites are in europe they begin to think, to a greater extent, focus on national interests, such massive funding of the ukrainian scenario is curtailed, but nevertheless , neither side is allowed to win, that is, no one will dictate the terms of the peace agreement, each
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side will have the opportunity to report in front of the internal electorate that they won, russia will say, we have increased our territory, which means the northeast military district. it was not in vain, because we liberated the donetsk and lugansk republics, did not leave our own people aside, showed that we are a strong power, and if we had not been drawn into this conflict, it would have been even worse, that is, to explain to our own that it was not all in vain , ukraine will say, as you remember, the finnish war, it seems that they snatched something from finland, but in general they said, i won’t give a damn to the soviet union, they didn’t bend us over, we remained sovereign, and we will continue in subsequently carry out our policy, at least in matters...
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regarding this ukrainian conflict, but we cannot split with them, we are a single whole today, well, look, indeed, now there is a big confrontation, both global and within those states, who still want them not to disappear on the big political map, and you and i are now seeing how, among other things, americans are going to the bank, they are tearing off their masks, they are no longer trying to play at being such great democrats, look with how hard it is and georgians are now trying to break out of the democrats' embrace with threats. whoever threatens them for their sovereign right to mark the agent.
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following the sanctions initiatives of the united states, the netherlands, the czech republic, sweden and estonia are proposing a re-suspension of the visa-free regime for georgian citizens. if the bill on foreign agents is not withdrawn, the european commission will not confirm the status of a candidate for accession to the eu. the mayor of belite, kakha kaladze, has already called this unprecedented pressure on georgia. we are ready, he says, to cooperate with the west if we see friendly relations and not unpretentious. the opening of these mechanisms of external
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governance of this or that state is perceived painfully in the west, why is it so acute? well, okay, i like what covers yours, and why such sharpness, not only washington, then he says, everyone says, we will remove you from everywhere, we will judge the geopolitical collapse of the world, so yes, for them, any means are good in order to preserve theirs to the maximum influence , including on the same georgia, georgia is another element of possibly some potential conflict on the borders of russia, yes, that means georgian, i think. the european elite is screaming, well, they are being driven
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by orders from washington, these are not the elites of their peoples, these are elites who have been trained, schooled, bought on the vine, which means their owners are overseas, and are pursuing this policy throughout the european continent, so with one on the other hand, georgia now clearly understands how difficult it is to defend its real sovereignty, that the western elites do not need this sovereignty, they need georgia to fight, again until the last georgian with russia, to create a weakening, this source of tension. on the internal state, the successful development of georgia, they don’t need a successful georgia, plus georgia is a symbol, well, that is, what it allows itself now, it essentially reflects poorly on the reputation of western countries, andrey, what do you think? well , the control of georgia is also the control of armenia, because the supply there to armenia, the trade routes there, it all goes through the georgians too, so the task of the west is to work both here and there, what we see from these rallies is that there is a support group there, well, 30 percent, which will fight hysteria, to say that we want this european choice, unfortunately, it will not disappear anywhere, that is, even if elections are held normally for the ruling party, there
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will remain, well, let’s say, the system is not very stable, they will continue to beat it methodically, even despite the adopted law on enogens, that is, an assassination attempt, anything, a military provocation, all this can happen, and if there is any instability in armenia, well, then georgia will be even worse than all this can now be, yulia konstantinovna, well, first of all, what you think about georgia, and secondly, maybe you’ll immediately move on to this later, but why, watching this georgian thing ... an attempt at confrontation, although we understand that this is in many ways, and even offensive in some places for our georgian partners, that this is an attempt to jump on the departing train, because this is what they are doing now that was necessary. that’s why they observe this in poland, lithuania, latvia, they read everything perfectly, why do they think that it will be different for them, because it has never been different, neither in vietnam, nor in iraq, nor in afghanistan everything
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the elites who once believed in the americans, they clung to the chassis literally and figuratively when they came to this new homeland there... to new york somewhere, to london, they often committed suicide, because no one i never intended to integrate them, that is, they were betrayed and will be betrayed again. why is this illusion, it doesn’t go away, why do they think that they are different, somehow special? because it is not the people who think, but those who have power, money and the desire to move from this country to a more developed country who think from the jungle to a blooming garden, yes, georgia today, this is the main lesson for it... probably what real democracy is, that is, 20 years ago the light revolution won and georgia aspired to the european union, and everything was so wonderful, then they raised their heads and they they immediately begin to indicate where to go, that is, democracy turns out to be not equal rights, it is not equal participation of all countries, but it turns out to be complete submission to the norms and
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rules that dictate as soon as you are about to step aside and defend your independence, at you right there everything is attacking...
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georgia is a confrontation between elites loyal to russia and elites loyal to the west, this is
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an objective fact, so there is a reason for any event, and there is a reason, the main one is a reason for a demonstration, for removing the prime minister, who ... loyal to the russian federation, and well, naturally, georgian society is not monolithic, very large, part of the population is dissatisfied with those territorial changes, it’s easy to play on this, this is a point of instability, this is a mine of replaceable action for many years to come, regarding the fact that says alexandrich, a billion percent is right, if you look at international financial institutions, well, the dollar is understandable, it is control of the world economy and it is the needle on which everyone sits, 95% of the calculation. in the world in dollars, but the international monetary fund, the world bank, are institutions completely controlled by the united states of america. look at how loans were allocated through these structures, often the government was placed in those conditions that the government’s actions then led
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to what, to socio-political instability, to regime change, because sharp radical, liberal changes were required, weakening employment controls, that is, a free labor market, free market, investor access, assets went national, that is, the economy was placed under external control, as...
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thank you, andrey , how do you think? well, i believe that our strengths are a continuation of our weaknesses, that is, yes, today we understand all these things, but the way the west acts today, they no longer sell us the free market, liberalism, the imf, today they need a scenario like prigozhino’s rebellion, so they all really counted on him, that is, some kind of leader who is authoritarian, tough, he is not a democrat, he says: i will restore order, this is kipenachet, they did it perfectly everything in latin america was 70 years ago, well, 50-40 there, that is, this is what they know how to do well, but if in our society there is no...
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we are just talking about packaging, packaging these messages, meanings and send them there into the depths of society, into the national assembly, everything is belarusian
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the national assembly is a political nuclear weapon, of course, that is, that is what it is about. well, in what sense? we are talking to you about the fact that nuclear weapons are the most powerful deterrent, and so the all-belarusian people's assembly is a huge deterrent against radical upheavals in our society. in this sense, yes, here a parallel can be drawn and precisely the main goal that stands under the all-belarusian, before the all-belarusian people's assembly is, on the one hand, the preservation of the sovereignty of the republic of belarus, on the other hand, ensuring peaceful, calm, progressive, creative development, so that it doesn’t come overnight like...
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thank you for participating in this program, for the content, we’ve approached in detail, probably, every point that we touched on today, since we
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’ve referred to a lot today in response to what was said in magilev, let me conclude with just one short phrase. which you heard, noted to yourself, it unites not only journalists, not only people who deal with ideology, opinion leaders, but each of us who cares, and it sounds like this: our main task is to save the country, to save the world, i propose to focus on this, that’s all for today, see you in a week, happily. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene
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. current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland. italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus-24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. presentation of the possibilities of innovations in moscow takes place during the days of the minsk region. expanding cooperation in mechanical engineering , crossovers from another chinese brand have begun to be assembled in belarus. to belarus without visas from the beginning more than 88 thousand eu citizens visited our country this year. in memory of the victims of genocide, a single sign of the tree of life will be established. all regions of belarus. the program "events" is on air. in the studio of svetlana lukinyuk. hello. demonstration of industrial, innovative cultural potential. days of the minsk region are held at vdnkh in moscow. our columnist alexey kondratenko knows what attracts potential partners and tourists to the belarusian pavilion. among the central exhibits of the large-scale exhibition , the model of the mound of glory impresses guests
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the famous belaas, equipment of the belarusian automobile plant. works around the clock in -50 in the heat, in the coal mines of kusbas alone there are more than 500 machines working, with a carrying capacity from 30 to 450 tons, and recently the allied belaz also passed tests, it consists of 90% belarusian components, under the hood is a russian engine. last year was a record year for the volume of deliveries of belarusian dump trucks to russia: 875 vehicles were sold, which is almost $900 million. in addition, together with russian partners , innovative mining equipment is being created for the market. eurasian economic union. this is unmanned technology, this is electric technology.
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130 residents from 14 countries. belarus is not
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a business platform that has united a slower rate of import substitution and relies on the strong shoulder of the union, but for the russian regions this is also the most important task to solve . throughout the entire life cycle, this includes service support, spare parts, there is already a project agreed upon, selected, which is now undergoing examination for launch, construction
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a central distribution center for spare parts, this is also one of the stages of providing customers with reliable, original, high-quality spare parts in a short time. one more topic, and accordingly we will have the right to produce this aircraft, today we have a firm order from the russian federation to produce 50%, well, of the figure of 180 aircraft, well
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, in the near, near future, and this work is also now being carried out very closely at 558 factory, well, the goal is that in 2026 we have the first prototype developed jointly with our russian partners. belarus and tatarstan will have to reach new heights in cooperation and billion-dollar trade, this is already an uncherished dream, but the reality is that there are only seven russian regions with which belarus has reached such a trade turnover, tatarstan, among them, plans to double these figures. an international exhibition with an emphasis on the development of mutually beneficial relationships. about a hundred domestic enterprises presented the industrial and tourism potential of belarus at the economic forum. spring in gomel. please share the details. the city above the sozh became for 4 days the center for the development of international relations of 12 countries, half a thousand participants. enterprises in key areas
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from the chemical, light and woodworking industries, to metalworking, construction and tourism demonstrated their potential. we want to be known not only as a manufacturer of spare parts launchers for engines of the minsk motor plant. but they also knew that we have new types of products, this is a device for pumping large volumes of water. we are talking today about business cooperation, in the field of production, in the field of agriculture, in the field. mechanical engineering, elevator manufacturing, our enterprises have made big steps towards each other, these are our official contacts, they lead to the fact that entrepreneurs began to develop relationships among themselves that did not exist before, guests of the international exhibition also became participants in the festival of artisans and the forum “by catherine’s roads” . over its long history, spring in gomel has become one of the country's brands. the forum strengthens and...
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assembly of cars, well, business always begins with the assembly of cars, we will discuss deep localization and the production areas that we see here, we are sure that they will not be the only ones, the plant fits smoothly into the concept of developing capacities, expanding capacities for the production of luxury cars in the republic of belarus. the decision to localize the production of our cars in belarus is an important step in our desire to increase production capacity. this project was completed approx. deadlines are short and given the scale of this production, it is quite difficult. both parties put a lot of effort into developing the business model. that’s why we see such impressive results today. the first batch of cars was jointly assembled by belarusian and chinese qualified experts. in the future, they promise to expand the line, but this issue for the development of production is not the only one. the partners are also discussing deepening localization. thank you, the review was prepared by alexey kondratenko. more news from
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the economic sphere and not only on our website tv channel meeting place grodno. already on june 7 , the fourteenth republican festival of national cultures starts in the city above nyman. representatives of more than 35 nationalities living in belarus will take part in it. we talk about the traditions of the festival and its rich program with olga yakobson, director.
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to a big holo-concert, where belarusian stars, together with representatives of various nationalities, will perform joint numbers, this is very interesting, very surprising, i will not reveal the secret, because that i invite everyone to the city of grodno to watch this concert, but if anyone cannot come to the city of grodno for some reason, then this concert will be broadcast on television to our pleasure, of course, so everyone will be able to see, and even if someone home and didn’t come to grodno, well, here we are , i’ve already said that more than three dozen will take part in this festival.
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it is called the head of meat and you will be able to taste the meat products of the grodno producer, you will be able to participate in various competitions related to this products, that is, it will be very interesting, tasty, and brightly educational. and our regions themselves are actively distracted by the call to come to grodny, of course, of course, because everyone loves this festival, it unites, it is such a bright, beautiful spectacle when you can walk around the courtyards and feel like armenians, azerbaijanis and greeks.
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to leave the city of grodno, and look at the surrounding beauty of nature, landscape and what is on the territory of the grodno region, it was decided to move the third. events on the augustow canal, there will also be a very amazing program, you can ride a boat and go down or up the locks, you can take part in a fishing festival, you can take part in a lumberjack competition, and you can learn at master classes how to operate a catamaran,
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canoe , kayak, that is, amazing various ones offer various competitions, even a competition for the speed of eating sausages, that is, come to the augustow canal and you can feel it. all the beauty, all the interesting this is such an interesting event that the organizer offers. well, the fact that you invite guests to the augustow canal is also a good advertisement, probably, of the tourism potential of belarus, not only the augustow canal, but in general, what can be seen, yes, it will also be presented as part of the events, this and various exhibition projects, this and the belarusian republican youth union dialogue platform, of course, the opening of some new facility in the city of grodno this year has become traditional.
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delegation to show the true the national culture that they preserve while living here on the territory of belarus, so in
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the ninety-sixth year it was decided to hold such a festival to show the diverse palette of different national cultures, of course, it was small in scale, if compared with the fourteenth festival, 11 nationalities only took part and as such the farmstead in which the festival is now famous did not exist, such traditional national cuisine was simply presented, for example moldavian. cellar, a jewish cafe, a polish café, a lithuanian, that means a lithuanian cafe, an azerbaijani teahouse, an armenian kebab, in this vein, well, and then it further developed and they already made a traditional courtyard, where you can not only taste a dish of national cuisine, but and see the traditions of a particular nationality, some rituals, take part in dance master classes, national dances, listen to national songs, watch performances. decorative and applied arts, because everyone is trying to bring as many as possible to grodno
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interesting exhibits and traditions to show, some unique literary works, that is, it’s all very, very interesting, but in your opinion, there is still interest in this same festival, in such generally massive entertainment festivals, why is this interest? to learn about the traditions of peoples or is it more of a spectacular event, that’s what attracts belarusians to grodno these days? you probably said the answer yourself in your question, probably to everyone, because the traditions are interesting and it’s interesting to see the national costumes, that is, everything is collected in in one place, moving from courtyard to courtyard, these are courtyards next to each other, it’s as if neighbors live in one, in one big city, a city called the city of grodno and the city of the festival, and moving from neighbor to neighbor, you can look to find out those or other features of the national culture, this is very surprising, but those. belarus is like a belarusian family that invited
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the belarusian newlyweds to all their neighbors to their wedding, and the neighbors are representatives of the nationality, so they will give gifts as part of our procession newlyweds will receive gifts that characterize one or another national culture: the greeks will give olives, olive oil, the azerbaijanis will give, say, their lavash, their bread, the armenians will give pomegranate, that is, something that characterizes their characteristics. countries and the peculiarities of their national culture, a wedding should definitely be fun, incredibly interesting, i think that in grodno these days it will really be exactly like that, but for your center of national cultures, of course this event is significant and important, but in general for what more events are ready today invite what are you preparing for? and of course, many festivals of national cultures used to be held in the upper city, unfortunately, the pandemic has broken this schedule a little, now we are restoring... we hope that this year there will also be holidays in the upper city of national cultures, well, traditionally we will hold a big
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concert, a multinational concert, this as a gift to our beloved city of minsk on its birthday, so we invite you to this event too, thank you very much, i will remind you that the questions of our program answered olga yakobson, director of the republican center for national cultures. this program is events on belarus 24, and we continue. on instructions from the president, belarus sent humanitarian aid to the flood-affected regions of russia. find out more from our columnist elena puntus. the humanitarian cargo went to the orenburg and kurgan regions. these regions were hit hardest by the flood, and thousands of people were evacuated from flooded settlements. assistance was generated in the shortest possible time, humanitarian cargo, in which contains items. the need has been agreed with the receiving party, belarusian rescuers have been entrusted with delivering it,
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humanitarian cargo in the amount of about 56 tons and about 260 m/3. the humanitarian cargo includes food, essential goods and other medical supplies to assist the population in the wake of a natural disaster. humanitarian cargo will be delivered by road. orenburg region of the russian federation. belarus constantly helps states affected by emergencies situations. since ninety-nine, assistance has been provided to 34 countries. last year it was provided to turkey, russia, cuba and syria. the state grand committee has published new data on visa-free travel. how many residents of the european union have visited belarus since the beginning of this year? more than 88 thousand eu citizens from three neighboring countries took advantage of the belarusian visa-free regime. most often, over 41 thousand people come to us from lithuania; belarus is also interesting for latvians: this
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year almost 22 thousand citizens have already visited and more than 600 non-citizens of latvia have visited republic.
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i would like to go through so that it touches the inner strings, so that it makes you think, and make you realize the bitterness, pain, tragedy that happened to civilians during the great patriotic war. such work was found and more than 100 works were examined. in january , we were given a working model of this memorial sign. our sculptors and enlargers began enlarging and laying out this memorial sign. it was made in clay after it was made. the council accepted it and sometime in march the plaster casts were removed forms, which later moved to production. the height of the granite-free pedestal monument is almost 3 m, weight is about 3 tons. the first such sign will soon be installed in gomel on uprising square. on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders
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, a presentation of the book “for you belarus” was held at the national library. what is unique about this publication? after 250 centuries, many did not come back, but their creations were frozen, good for the top partisans, because many of the writings were in partisan events, and all yanka kupala written by partisans, partisans, belarusian sons, many works that were written during
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the war, became classic belarusian literature, this book and projects. the passport appeared for the first time; it depicts the sights and ornaments of belarus and pakistan. the themed tram was launched to mark the thirtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries. the route passes through a tractor factory and this is symbolic: machines from mtz work in the fields of pakistan. this year is an important date - 30 years of diplomatic relations between pakistan and belarus and we are glad
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that this presentation takes place against the backdrop of the anniversary of our art on wheels. this has been very popular in pakistani cities for centuries, many cars, buses are so bright and unique so that everyone can admire folk art, you see here the national flags of belarus and pakistan, there are also birds, all these are symbols of the friendship of our peoples. presentation of a tram in pakistan art style, a joint project of the economics committee and the mengorny executive committee, minsk-trans enterprises and the pakistani embassy in the tram park was organized also an impromptu exhibition with examples. creativity on cars. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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the song of herodim is heard. there is joy, there is a song. there will be a song, and the land will live.
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a show where the wrong forces fight, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i had passed the casting, my emotions were simply overwhelming. which ancient country, along with greece, gave its name to the olympic form of wrestling. artem, rome, italy. roman empire, i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. who is the italian coach in may? 2023 broke sir alex fergusen's record for the most appearances in the champions league. carlo ancilotti. carlo anceloti.
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