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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 1, 2024 6:35pm-7:05pm MSK

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hello, belarus 1 and belarus 24 are on air, the editors club program, i will introduce the guests of our studio today, the editor-in-chief of the izrad house belarus today , belarusian senator dmitry sanzhuk, olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of world belarus, head of the belarusian women's union, marat markov, chairman of the board .
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the media, and naturally to vladimir borisovich too, because he was the initiator, the inspirer of the event that we attended this week with the participation head of state, i mean the media forum that took place in mogilev, a long-awaited, most interesting event, for 4 hours we were able to communicate with the head of state, and on topics that are very close, including on some media topics, there was there is a lot of talk about the situation in... belarus about foreign policy, about the situation in ukraine, in europe, and even further west of europe, here i had to engage in torture, such self-flagellation, i read some sources from ours, but no longer opponents, from those people , which are financed, serve and serve people, as the president said, in my opinion, even our enemies, let's name things. in their own
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names, as always, they lied, as always, they lied a lot, and, in principle, you talked about this a lot on this forum, well , because the philosophy is like that, the people gathered there are like that, well, not all of them, i won’t blame all the people, but very many, we know them by name, we have been poking them into their lies, probably for decades, i don’t think this would be an exaggeration, on the other hand, of course, there is a complete lack of information, lack of understanding of what... was happening, we talked with the president for 4 hours, naturally, not everything was broadcast, and if these scribblers who wrote it had heard everything, they would have been even more painful, more painful because happened there, but today we will discuss the theses that were discussed at this forum and we will talk about it, and of course , tying it to the agenda that is relevant today in the country in the world, we will listen to the chapter.
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the president named it, she, it seems to me, is the main one, she is the most terrible, it could be preparations for a hot war, remember how in the forties and thirties of the last century, when they dehumanized us and said that we were second-class citizens, they convinced their population that they could burn our villages and kill us, well as now, yes, you’ve already heard, already and
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they can hit moscow with western weapons, that soon they will be able to bring in troops, and soon they will tell them that nuclear weapons are not so scary, they even help... paid media fakes under a beautiful wrapper, a lot of negativity pours in including you personally, your loved ones, you pass all this through your mind and heart, a colossal load that requires
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a colossal concentration of efforts to protect your information space, but there is no other way, this is the only way to preserve the sovereignty of the countries located at the epicenter of global geopolitical contradictions. the day before, while i was preparing to meet with you, i tried to remember when the concepts of information war, mental war, fakes appeared in our vocabulary, we can’t count, probably as long as a person lives, because the information war is a prelude to the hot phase of the confrontation. this is disinformation, attempts to mislead the intended enemy, immerse him in a fog of useless information, these are attempts to confuse, make him doubt his values, beliefs, strengths, a plot as old as the world.
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vladimir borievich, i can’t help but provide you first of all, you know, i would like to start with the forum itself, but it would probably be more correct, of course, the world around us is like natural matter, we are used to the sun shining or raining, everything around is calm, safe, you can work,
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you can let your children out, walk outside, without fear that something will happen to them, and this is already so densely hidden somewhere in the subconscious of belarusians.
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since the real war, when a serious fighting fist is again deployed on the western border, and we talked about this a lot, here somewhere in people, probably, that same deep natural intelligence awakens, that wisdom that is characteristic of belarusians, there is a feeling that we need to unite and do something and be smarter in order to we, understanding and feeling responsibility, each of us. it doesn’t matter whether it’s a leader or a media executive, or a simple worker,
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united and did not allow this bad scenario to develop, but information wars, and the president said this, they are done in order to demoralize, disintegrate and prepare the population, this is part of the usual a hot war, this is an integral part, and if this is happening now, and the governments of western states, intelligence agencies, corporations, digital giants are investing. a lot of money in order to prepare the ground here, in order to influence this weak population, which trusts only one communication channel on the internet, and does not watch or listen to others, in order to prepare its population of western countries that are in information vacuum, they practically do not receive information from belarus, from russia, they do not know the real situation, they do not know the truth, and ivan mikhailovich spoke about this in... while preparing this hot phase, they are very tightly through their
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digital capabilities scan the space of belarus, scans what people write in their digital gadgets, in the search bar, what they write about in private messages in instant messengers or in private messages on social networks, what they read, what they google, what they scroll and forward to each other , that’s why they make up such a digital truth the mood of the people and how... as soon as, believe me, as soon as they feel that there is no unity, and even worse, there is a big bubble of people who can commit national betrayal, they will go, they need this these collaborators, they need these traitors, nits, who will meet them under their flags and say thank you, liberators, that you brought us european values, and this was so 80 years ago, and this happened more than once in our history, in this... our task is, and what the president told everyone present at the forum, and not only
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journalists, media bosses and media experts were present there, there were all those student people who form the media space, in order to understand first-hand the importance of the moment and all the responsibility. our profession, that you and i do not have the right to allow the media field of our country to be taken out of our hands, so that what i spoke about in my speech would happen, that’s what you... said, i’ll decipher, maybe that’s not what you meant, but here ’s an absolutely practical thing about the fact that we have to feel everything, i’ll tell you that i once had a conversation with a young, now former employee of our company about the events, he said, i well , i’m not interested in this, i’m not very interested in it, i don’t understand at all what happens, i told him, if you don’t understand, take it, prepare, enter the first year of some higher educational institution. you learn, you begin to understand, and then you come to work for such a company, not
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understanding what is happening, to work in our field, well, it seems to me that today this is simply unacceptable, including in the regional media we tried to reach young journalists, we need to study, study in depth, remember the president said that sometimes such details are hidden behind events that it is impossible for the most experienced people to get to the bottom of it, especially for a young journalist, but they need to do this.
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confirmation for such young people, i advise you to watch the film the social dilemma, which was not made by bt, not by ont, it is a netflix film, these technologies are told about the example of the american confrontation, when... a woman who lives on facebook goes and says, there are republicans stupid, they don’t know about it, they wrote on facebook, for her this is the only truth, well, you remembered the example, remember covid, when they rocked it, and that now, 5 years later, we have a different the situation seemed different than in other countries, yeah, they didn’t throw away the vaccines and recognized them
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as life-threatening, which, yes, billions of people knew that these vaccines were the cause of death. in this situation, why is this very important, because we are really cut out absolutely from here, from facebook, and from tiktok, from anywhere, and we do not control this space, at any moment our youtube channels can also be
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blocked, and you we ourselves spoke about the endless warnings that we receive as soon as we publish some important material, so... the decision that was made by the head of state that we should have our own resource on which the main socio-political programs that are made by all the media sitting here will be collected, and it seems to me that this is very important , that we are at least starting to not just talk, discuss this topic, say what we should do in this situation, but we are taking the first steps towards creating our own resources that we can control here, this is a very important moment, and it seems to me that the technological aspect will develop and we will move further.
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it was a very timely event, right now, when our country is at that stage, let’s say, of a generational change, this is very important, with regard to technology, what the president said about journalism, so i talked with my colleagues, and in the editorial office and outside, everyone noted something for themselves, well, in principle, they took away what they understand more and what they do, and...
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i’ll return to this thesis: we calmly, with a clear conscience, do our work here in belarus, it costs a lot. well, in general, i’ll continue with dmitris, however, this is the key to our success, including in working with young people, so i drew attention specifically to this on the youth forum, but you can talk a lot about the fact that they live on the internet, maybe less they look
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at the traditional media, but look how many editors-in-chief of regional newspapers today are young, 5 years ago, guys who understand perfectly well that they work not only as a classical mass media on paper, they perfectly evaluate how they should work on the internet, but i’ll say more, at the journalism department i have to communicate with students, because i see how things are changing. and teaching at the journalism department, when you come to young people and don’t give them traditional lectures, but we start the conversation with what’s happening in the world, yes, what’s happening in the world, why is it happening this way, why these processes?
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the opportunity to ask him the questions that you want to ask, you know, such a charge that is definitely not enough for a year and not nadva, yes, this is what you then bring with you to the editorial office, this is what you use when you communicate with people, this is what you use when you communicate, when you layout a newspaper, when you plan your materials, so i just , you know, honestly, i saw on this forum how much our information field has changed, how much the people in our information community have changed, should we fight with these people?
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regional media and us journalists in general as their assistants who advise them there or in other words, pain points, this is the thesis our regional colleagues very strongly
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noted for themselves, well, for understanding, so that you know, vladimir borisevich will tell you, a huge amount of critical materials in the local press, we are talking about hundreds, i don’t know, on a national scale about thousands, probably yes thousands, we have a whole program, turn on our time and watch each one. it’s still what people care about, it’s still what interests them, for some we’re not on this topic in 1982 we live, we have enough resources, but how
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will they work this out, concentrating everything on the power, on the inability, the power to solve elementary problems that are being solved, basically solved, and the other part is such polemics and criticism, the other part is ours niva, where there is no such thing, honestly does it. not to mention the cities of regional subordination and looked at how they have changed, and there for a long time i haven’t been to some of them since my student days, just , well, sweets, not cities and urban villages, and here you need to keep a clear balance, but there are officials, a lot has been said about this, who, if they don’t want a quarrel, would be the founders and... and if you don’t tell about it and the official doesn’t come out with
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the newspaper or regional tv channels, they won’t to say: yes, there is a hole there, rusty water, the light bulb is not shining, but we will fix it then show how it is done, here the press should work together with the authorities, this is its main purpose, this is how it differs from the destructive chick media. similar resources that dance on this, where if we don’t finish the work, they start working, it’s clear, it’s very clear from the analytical work and the materials that we receive, absolutely true, all the more surprising, you said, you’ve traveled around five dozen districts, i’ve probably traveled all over the country in 20 years, in recent years there have also been a lot, maybe not so many, and the problems are not the same, for example, as in ukraine, where there are destroyed villages, where there is corruption. everything is mired, just chaos is going on, well , little things, well, you can go out and just comment on people, but ivan mikhailovich, you know, when there are no major problems, people
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are built that way, they will pay attention. on little things, that’s how we are built, if there were bigger problems, there would be, but you see, local officials should always clearly understand that there must be a pike in any pond so that the crucian carp does not sleep, so it would be better if this pike was your state media , which promptly draws your attention to some problems that are brewing in your region, and together you solve this whole matter beautifully, and people know that they are there to ensure that their issue is resolved, should not write to someone on some obscure resource, but contact the local media. in fact, i would like to draw attention to some things that i caught myself thinking when i listened to the president, firstly, pay attention to how easily he behaved with us, and he came, firstly, in a good
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mood, he got... pleasure from communicating with us, he joked a little at us that we only invited him to the fourth forum, yes, that was the mood, it was transmitted to the hall, that is, it was obvious that there would immediately be such a good conversation, and at the same time, what i noticed was that he interspersed such messages, which have such an important reference character, with our narrowly professional things, which he, obviously, is very well versed in. on the one hand, he says, yes , propaganda must be based on the truth, that for him the most important thing is peace, this is more important on belarusian soil, but he emphasized this several times, that is, obviously these things are fundamental, they are the most important in principle for all of us, not just ours spheres, he spoke about criticism, criticism, yes, we have already discussed this well here, but there were things that had not been heard before, so i noticed it for myself, and it’s like a premise:
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well, such a multi-story building, a satellite dish, and in order to to receive a huge amount of signal, you need to get permission from everyone, consent, from every resident living in this house, otherwise you won’t install such a plate, there is a limited package of programs that you can receive, and this does not bother anyone, in latvia, in germany, somewhere else, in lithuania they are closing russian-language channels completely, not just fining people, prosecuting them criminally
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for... the fact that they are watching the wrong thing, but here, we are still calm in this regard. further, national content, the president made certain decisions, thanks to the ministry of information, which until recently was headed by vladimir borisovich, we, thank god, have the opportunity to create national content in such a geometric progression, increasing its quantity and quality. i'll give an example from my channel.


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