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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 2, 2024 3:25am-4:50am MSK

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year here in belarus, the first year, usually our ambassadors have a very busy year, there is little time for excursions or free time, but i think maybe from the second year i will be able to do more, but i visited the national library of the republic of belarus, i liked it, the museum of the great patriotic war, the mir castle, that is, all of us with our family, my wife, our children, traveled to these places. in addition, i visited both the gomel region and the vitebsk region, but most of all, what i will most likely remember from belarus forever is that a visit to the belaruskali mine, in the city of soligorsk, we changed into a miner’s uniform and went down 600 m underground, so this was the best experience for me. we talk about the most
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fascinating things from the world of science. people began making the first weather forecasts in ancient times. what modern technology and equipment do you use to make weather forecasts today? weather radar data, satellite data, and numerical modeling. and i want to say that the forecasts are still without qualified specialists are not made. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. for the first time this problem was encountered in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in 2003, and after a lull for almost 10 years, they are literally fueled by cary beetles. where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow
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them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build tunnels inside the thickness of the wood. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the flag, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and involvement in belarus, the country exists as long as symbols are honored. patriotism is at the core of common victory. may 9 is a holiday of global significance, at the cost of millions of lives. time chose us, chose us to preserve the independence of our land , everything created by many generations before us. terrible insights from a judge who fled to belarus. ordinary poles do not want our country at all.
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mostly iranian students who came to the republic of belarus, they study in three faculties, that is, medical, dental and pharmaceutical. according to my information, there are now about 370 students studying in these particular areas. in addition, there are several more students who study in the faculties of physical education. we had a very good one. iran, the field of education in medical specialties is a very developed, successful country, so we
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hope that we can send several students from here, that is, to iran, according to our information.
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percent will increase trade turnover, but this is still not enough for me, i hope that in the next 2-3 years, for now, while i will here.
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enjoy the little things, be surprised, feel the connection between generations, just notice, but every day is made up of traditions, today, a year or a century ago... ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, without us noticing it, we pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it is in our smile, the waves of our hands, in such a familiar look from... simple happy moments that real traditions are formed. we are proud of the heritage of our
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ancestors, we value the past for our present. hello, the program say no is on air. be quiet, victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest is alexander rengevich, deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime of the ministry of internal affairs. good afternoon, alexander kazimirovich, we will discuss an interesting topic today, because along with national security, cybersecurity was raised at the all-russian national assembly.
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because often the operational situation in the country as a whole is, of course , stabilizing, but we are seeing such trends that crime is moving into the digital sphere, more and more of our citizens are involved in the internet one way or another, payments are made remotely, and we are all accustomed to this, this is good, these are the benefits that allow our citizens to feel more free and relaxed, but at the same time, there are just risks...
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famous calls from banks , allegedly from bank employees, and the decisive stage of the strategy was the introduction of a mechanism for tracking and blocking fraudulent transactions, this mechanism was launched quite recently, in my opinion, in march, yes, if i’m not mistaken, some results are already visible here the introduction of this, well, of course, such a lapse of time, which was due to the fact that in august last year the head of state signed the corresponding decree only in march we... started directly to work was connected precisely with the fact that we also need there was time
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for our financial institution to build an effective system of interaction with each other, that is, not by sending paper requests, waiting for some answers via regular mail, and so on, we built appropriate channels technical, we have organized duty services, both here and in every banking institution, which... providing relevant services to our citizens, everyone works 24x7, and as soon as even in remote corners of our country, law enforcement agencies are contacted to report. that something happened to him, our employees have every opportunity to provide this information to the banking institution where the person has a bank payment card, where this or that theft was committed from, and so on, transfer it there, banks they also interact with each other, share information that funds from one account were transferred to another account
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, and so on, we monitor this chain and are ready in the shortest possible time. provide our employee there on the ground, who directly works with the relevant applicant, in the morning, so to speak, our employee already has information about all the persons who participated in the execution of these payment transactions, and also make an informed decision on suspension expenditure transactions on these accounts, because the most important goal of this decree is to preserve the funds of our citizens that were stolen. do not give the opportunity to attackers, through fake accounts, in any other way, to withdraw these funds outside our country, withdraw them there into cryptocurrency or in some other way take measures to take possession of this money, we want to preserve the citizens’ money, this is a priority task, let's clarify if we blocked immediately
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as soon as we saw suspicious actions, movements on the map called the relevant authorities, that is, a probability. that the money will survive, right? yes, this is, of course, the essence of the work that we are currently carrying out, we urge citizens, first, this is regardless of what happened, even if we have some suspicions that something may not so, the situation is 50/50, there is no need to be afraid, the first thing we must do is block the bank payment card, one way or another, trying to save the funds, if they are still there, we block application, call to...
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in order to find his money in other accounts and accordingly make a decision to suspend debit transactions on this account, it is sometimes not difficult for attackers to transfer money from one controlled account to another, but this the rush, these are some of the measures that they are taking in a hurry, knowing that some decision will be made in the near future, leads to the fact that they , among other things... make mistakes, they transfer bills where they might be funds have been accumulated from various victims, this is how we force them to be in the most uncomfortable conditions, make mistakes and naturally save money from the account in the same second about transferring, no, for now i will block, call, get through, turn over the card, the measures that we are currently taking lead
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precisely to the fact that we have a certain category of citizens who... for a small monetary reward, go to banks and register bank payment cards are transferred to third parties for use, including the understanding that they are some kind of accomplices in these illegal actions, someone may participate without realizing it, it happens that the victims are so deceived that they and the cards are issued for themselves and handed over to these attackers for use, we... this is the toolkit that the attackers have for use, including disabling them, suspending expense transactions on them, accordingly, of course well, they begin to make mistakes, and transferring an account from the account when some activity is under control is quite fast, which is why we urge citizens to contact us as quickly as possible in order to be on time, one of the measures that we
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have also introduced , the so-called cooling period, as... we call it here, but the point is that a person is not given a loan day after day, if you apply today, then only in a day will the person be given the money, this is due to the fact including the fact that everyone is on an equal footing conditions, no one has a competitive advantage, that one bank does this, the other does not, this is a general message so that our citizens do not take out loans, which in the future... are given to someone, a day is enough for in order to talk a little somewhere with relatives, cool your head, sleep, well, somehow come to some kind of feeling , a lot. our citizens still refuse to receive a loan in the morning, cancel the corresponding applications, we work very closely with bank employees institutions, and we try to
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instruct those who work with clients in terms of offering, issuing, consulting these loans about the so-called obvious signs indicating that a person is under the influence of third parties, an excited state, in addition.
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okay, we are not giving up this work either, but we are also conducting additional training sessions for bank employees in order to promptly identify such a heightened emotional background among our citizens, but banks are banks, but after all, there is another way to drive a person to madness, there is no other way to call it, when scammers scam him in the same way over the phone and force him to go blow something up, set it on fire, that is... these are essentially terrorist acts, how to deal with this, how to counteract this? unfortunately, in some cases there is a certain extremist component,
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that is, last year we had several criminal cases in which damage to property was brought as an additional corpus delicti, because that indeed our citizens were making so-called molotov cocktails and cars were being damaged there. they said that you are participating in some kind of special operation, almost an intelligence operation of some kind, yes, you need to understand that the most important thing that the attackers want is money, the main thing is self-interest, after when self-interest ends when there is nothing left to take from a person, often all the persons who performed these additional actions, they have already sold everything, even their own property, apartments in which they and their relatives live, that is, there was nothing left. there is nothing left to take, as they say, so the attackers added this extremist component because they understood that a person, unfortunately, is completely in their power and is no
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longer aware of what he is doing, because of course, if just call a person and offer to take certain actions, well , in the vast majority of people, of course, the person will not respond, but this is a long process, often it can even take a week, maybe two, look at the diagram, did they take it?
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attackers are also to some extent like doctors, for example, that is, there are narrow specialists, as they say, there are specialists who work exclusively with pensioners, this is the so-called allo mama accident scheme, my grandson is supposedly there, my granddaughter got into an accident, you need to pay now. some amount of money in order to compensate for the damage caused there and so on, here, now and so on, this is a calculation for pensioners who did not hear, did not
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understand, did not hear well. there and so on, there is a scheme designed for women in the overwhelming majority, this is a scam, reduced prices for this or that product on social networks, somewhere on instagram, the fact that our women really like shopping, the second scheme is their own sale, very often women they sell children's things, strollers, things that are generally in good condition, but... are no longer needed, they have lost their relevance, they use bulletin boards , some resources for e-sales to place advertisements, attackers are very active there found, uh, written off, and this the next such method is the so-called phishing, when they are provided with a link to a fake internet resource, supposedly follow this link, take the money, i have already listed everything there, enter the card details, and now the delivery will transfer some
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amount of money to you. as if under hypnosis they enter the data of their cards, there is also our mentality, we are very kind, sociable people and in a situation when someone does something for us, we reciprocate accordingly , and there is often the following excuse: i i’ve already transferred the funds, no one except you can take this money, well, you can help me here, because... it’s like i ’m being held hostage, that is, i ’ll lose the money, and the person becomes uncomfortable, like... it’s awkward, something seems wrong, well, how can you refuse, it’s precisely due to this good part of our mentality and character that attackers very often deceive people, well, okay, alexander kadimirovich, in the case when a person walks and opens a map of oneself to provide it to third parties, what part of our
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mentality is triggered? after all, this is already self-interest, this is already a desire to earn money without doing anything, yes, that is, very often, even, unfortunately, we meet and quite actively our children who want, according to this legislation, which we are initiating the introduction of corresponding changes to it, but at the moment our children from the age of 14 can issue bank payment cards, so even at the moment here we are we are just holding... a decade of cybersecurity in the country and working separately with children before they go on summer vacation, telling them, among other things , about responsibility for certain actions, so that they understand that this is not just the case, often they are deceived there, they say: here you go, you are looking for additional income, here is an offer for you, go, we will transfer you some insignificant
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part and so on, the child does not really understand this either. they perceive it as easy money for today, that’s exactly the case, that’s exactly the case, of course, we study each individual situation separately, so we make these decisions carefully, because there are some categories of persons who issue bank payment cards who are definitely aware that they will be used in the future when committing a crime or in the process they became aware, they received a call from the bank, perhaps the police officers invited them to their place for interrogation, that is, at
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some point they realized that certain payment details were used for committing crimes, from now on they are accomplices, that is, from now on a person has the opportunity to come to a banking institution at any time, block this card, which he gave to someone unknown, refuse service, take active measures to ensure that a tool that has become available to attackers so that it stops functioning, but if a person happens, we suspend it. expense transaction, these people are sent to the bank, they say: go, write an application so that the money was returned to you, for example, there are some controversial situations, they carry out these active actions aimed at withdrawing these stolen funds, in this case they are, of course, accomplices, what punishment should we give for this, this is the most sobering thing to find out, how long to sit for such actions, you know, it all depends, of course, on the number of these props sold, about
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the consequences. for example, as very often happens with us, a victim is deceived, money was stolen from him, but at the same time, he also compromised the details of his passport, there seemed to be some kind of text messages, and we understand that the attackers opened this account remotely, of course, such a person is not subject to responsibility, we explain to him in the process of work that criminals have accounts registered in his name, and in 99% of cases the person himself is the first...
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it is possible even to explain, it is even possible to pay a tax amount of 50 there is 100 rubles received for the sale of those details, it will of course in no way be comparable to that with that sumy tax that he will have to pay in the future, there is something to think about while we take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, tell me, don’t be silent, subscribe , ask questions and invite guests, we are in touch. we know exactly how to start the morning correctly,
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they have said this thousands of times, breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently, i, of course, highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast in order to... you had the energy to work and stay awake during the day. together with the audience we will prepare tasty breakfast. today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables. sounds interesting, but i think it's difficult. these are proteins, good, unsaturated fats, and what omega 3 will give us is what will give us good hormonal levels, beautiful elastic skin. and we will receive a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. you can have a great time. in a way that will give your body what it really needs: energy, health and vigor. while charging, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, and warm-up chest, back, these are all light exercises 10
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times. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. to become one of our own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, it’s as if we arrived on some kind of maritime trip. resort, cool, clean, yes, yes, welcome, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the hosts of the show, like at home, and we arrived at the farm of the village of edyshki, we were told that they prepare very tasty food from natural products, have you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to the world yodiski, hello, and the belarusian cowboy. we study the history of belarus and explore its sights, together with foreigners.
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so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslav volodarka ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . the “tell don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander rengevich. alexander kazimirovich, in december last year there was a sensational incident in belarus detained. a group of cyber fraudsters and attackers were part of the international scam community, the most amazing thing is that the youngest there was 13 years old, and the leader was 17, that is, these are teenagers, one of the detainees, that’s what he said, then let’s listen, i
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was engaged in deception on the internet, i went to the kufr trading platform, wrote to the sellers on viber, and sometimes on whatsapp, and wrote offering to buy. and then dropped a phishing link through which he stole card data, subsequently deceived money from them around 10-15 people earned a total of eight.
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which is provided for the commission of these actions, the term there is set at up to 12 years of imprisonment, that is, of course , the legislator and the court are very cautious in allowing our minors to apply some additional alternative penalties to them, because perhaps sometimes it is necessary to simply impose them in some conditions, so to speak, in which he will simply be re-educated.
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the question arises about administrative responsibility in relation to parents for improper upbringing of their children, of course, the child is placed on the appropriate register with him, of course, work is being done both in the educational institution and on the part of law enforcement officers , including control, education, and providing such a preventive influence on him when parents can already sell the apartment to compensate for the damage, yes, but to compensate the parents for the damage.
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how exactly do they make money on the internet, because one fine day you might find out that you already have an apartment? it is possible, parents very often, unfortunately , become quite simple in their children’s answers, i made money on the internet, they think that this is, in general, quite. they can still boast enough among their neighbors, friends, acquaintances that my child is like this, such a great guy, but you shouldn’t simplify it, you still need to look, what is it, and how? even if the parents don’t understand, well, it’s possible , we all received an education, we studied at school, so in general, you can still understand some basic things, you always don’t understand it is recommended, well, read on the internet, is it all that simple, why in this case?
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not only in regions, but even in different countries, precisely in order to maintain communication remotely, no one knows anyone, perhaps to some extent they are trying to protect themselves in this way, because realizing that if at some link it goes failure, it will be clear that the next link is accordingly under threat, therefore. distribute information about employment, so to speak, to such
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communities on the internet who are interested in this reacts, well, he will work accordingly, it so happened that the organizer and many members of this criminal group were on our territory, but we have facts, including about similar cybercriminal communities in which we worked, we have direct perpetrators, and we are already going to find the organizers. that our country is very compact and somehow it turns out that, in general, everyone is aimed at a single result, all law enforcement agencies, the banking sector are aimed at protecting our citizens, improving mechanisms, and issues of interaction, they seem to exist, but they are being resolved, that’s the most important thing,
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it is already somewhat difficult to build a system of interaction with some financial institutions of another country. understand that there is a certain constitutional right of citizens to secrecy, to issues related to commercial secrets, bank secrecy, and so on, so it is quite problematic for us in this way, one might say, to manually build interaction with financial institutions of other countries, there are alternatives channels, here by sending appropriate requests, receiving information through official channels, but this is not as fast as we managed to organize and build on...
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that in the digital world everything leaves digital traces, unlike ordinary traces, cover them up, as they say, it is impossible to pick up a broom, they will still remain, because having deleted information about yourself in one place, it will be stored in another place, this information can be picked up, analyzed, compared with something and one way or another come to some conclusions -that conclusions, plus we are actively working with our colleagues from other countries and actively exchanging. formation, because, again , everyone understands that they may have an attacker, but we have a victim on the contrary, so the exchange of information is a key point in this part, our colleagues fully support us and we are actively working with them, well, regarding anonymity, every now and then information appears about the leaked data
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of people who actively supported the rebellion in the twentieth year, let’s call them zmagars, yes, but we often call them that, some of them are already fugitives living for... elementary, starting from some discount cards or information about where and how we once ordered tickets there, and so on, because we register everywhere, so all this, of course, accumulates, so at the moment such a special attitude towards personal data, including in our
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country, is given specifically to safety, the appropriateness of collection, what is collected, why and where it is stored, because any database, yes. or otherwise someone owns it, like he will dispose of it or how he will dispose of it, let’s say some employee who works in this organization, tomorrow he quit, what he took with him on a flash drive remains a big, big question, so such information, of course, appears in hidden segments of the network on the internet, such databases are regularly sold, so you should always understand that if we have registered somewhere, we are voluntarily...
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the internet has remained forever, so the rule of good manners for a person of the 20th century is to have at least several bank payment cards, we receive our wages on one, we go to the store with it, withdraw money from an atm and so on, we work physically, yes, that is, it’s like a kind of second wallet, the second bank payment card can be any, physical, virtual , whatever, well, at least here are two, with its help we make payments on the internet, these should be different accounts. be in which banks, it doesn’t matter anymore, it may not be physical, it may be virtual, it can exist only in the appropriate
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application, but when there are funds on it no, there is a conventional 1 kopeck on it, we want to buy tickets, we know that they cost 20 rubles, we transferred 20 rubles from the main card to this card, we made a payment, everything is on this card with our wages there. the card is linked to us on the internet cannot be reduced, this is a key point, because it is worth understanding that why banks approve various types of online loans and so on through not such deep checks, the automated system sees the turnover, they understand that on this card regularly receives funds, it is verified the client, he has regular payments in the store and so on, he should be trusted, so that amount. well, we introduced this cooling period in order to
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connect already living people, but the previously existing mechanism allowed us to do this at 3:00 a.m., apply for an online loan, and so on, everything was quite simple, but that’s the essence is that our card, which we use regularly. receipt, she is very strong, like this, she has the maximum level of trust from the banking community, if you try to apply an online loan on a card that has 1 kopeck and there will be practically no turnover, but they will give you literally, perhaps a few hundred rubles at most, perhaps they will refuse it altogether, because here it is generally unclear who owns it, and banks will not distribute funds either , i think it wouldn’t be amiss to say something else at a time when...
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our sphere is such a very dynamically developing one, so changing the pretexts , changing the line of behavior a little, it’s just words, changing tactics, so to speak, nothing fundamentally changes acquisition of personal information, but the attackers change tactics and begin to introduce themselves. law enforcement officers are approaching some period for filing a declaration, they begin to introduce themselves as employees of tax inspectorates, some
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state control committees or something else, now calls are coming from mobile operators, and that’s exactly it, that is, we tell a few people this, they are already introducing themselves, they are developing separate applications for themselves for remote access, they call them using logos or partially cell phone names. operators under the guise of operators are starting to spread, this is by sending them to our citizens and urging them, our application has been updated, here you go, install it, we are here for you now, we will do everything beautifully, everything will be fine for you, this is just one of the ways of deception , there are many such ways, the key thing is to explain to citizens what we are doing one way or another, we are talking about developing the critical. we don’t believe everything they say, we believe some objective things, bank employees called us, operator
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connection, we talked, found out what the problem is, if they are allegedly trying to do it with us. steal money, found out all the circumstances, hung up, took the bank payment card, turned it over on their own, called the phone number indicated on the back, did not call the same phone number back, yes, they called themselves , initiated the call to the bank, took it, went in to a banking institution, any along the way, they clarified directly, i received this information, i want to make sure that everything is fine with me or that i need something what to do, if they tell us that... no, that won’t work, we need to do it now, block, we say, block my account, that’s it, make a decision here now, bank employees have the opportunity to do this, some additional sms- messages and so on, they don’t need them at all, or we block it ourselves through the mobile application, we can pick up funds from the bank by simply coming to the bank with a passport,
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there will be no difficulties, the funds will be released here right away. such that they specifically understand that a person lives in one city, he is called to another city, okay, let me come to his place of residence, you explain everything to the employee there, and i’ll come, the fact is that 99% of these types of calls are, of course , scammers, so this is a solution to the problem, for our employees there will be no problem, if someone needs you
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to do some work with you, a conversation, explanatory work, and so on, they will come to you... and they will be able to come, but if if they can’t come here, here now, they will really do everything to ensure that you understood, or they will simply invite you, okay, then come there at some time, but at such and such an address, no one will resolve issues over the phone, similarly with cellular operators, we say, okay, i’ll come to the office , in general, this is where it all ends, we always try to double-check the information that we receive through alternative communication channels,
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we meet people worthy of admiration. each grandmother has her own stove, and we cooked babka, kishka, and all that. they will talk about themselves and their hobbies. our nobody works closely with historical and cultural heritage. yes, the designer is affected by different ones.
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander rengevich. you have already told us, alexander kazimirovich, that it is better to have two or even three cards, are there modern ways to somehow increase their security, what do you say about this? yes, of course, there is, first of all, the most important thing is that everything again starts with us, we must clearly. build up rules of conduct for yourself with this card, i use this card to pay in stores, at atms, i use this card to pay, for example, on some internet resources, i use this card
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for online subscriptions, because in that case , if we once subscribed, we have funds, then after the end of the free trial period, the paid period begins, funds will be withdrawn from there, it is worth remembering, but many of our... citizens, of course, are aware of this they forget, first of all, here when applying these rules, it is worth paying attention, it is not for nothing that at atms attention is drawn to the fact that there are no additional devices, is there something on the atm, and so on, we have practically no such situations in our country, but at the same time there should be it’s still worth being vigilant, you shouldn’t use, let’s say, your bank payment card, if... well, we see some something incomprehensible attached to the atm, some people are nearby, so to speak, well, it’s worth understanding that certain risks still exist in this part, so the plastic is protected, that is, someone will be able
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to read, say, a magnetic stripe and forge cards, you know, fundamentally everything can be counterfeited, the only question is how much, of course it costs, but cards with a chip, which are currently very are common on our territory, they... have a much higher level of protection and to say that at the physical level the protection is higher, of course, we can say, therefore, we also recommend cards with the appropriate chip for registration, for regular use , this will be more efficient, what we use for payments on the internet, of course, has no meaning here, it may not physically exist in general, the question here is to understand that on sites to save information about banking a payment card is not worth it, it’s okay if we enter it anew every time, yes, it may be somewhat inconvenient, but it
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will increase security and protect us from some rash purchases, because if we saved in our conditional google account information about the card and our conditional child, trying to download any game, including to our mobile phone, do not... please note that it is paid, we will be charged money from the card attached to the corresponding account, so we should not do this, keep this if we want to travel by taxi, yes, we can attach our card and leave it there, but it is still more correct to attach it a new one each time, well, at least we should not forget about those risks, but if there is only as much money on the card as we need for a trip, or we understand that especially nothing. we don’t take risks and are ready, consciously ready for the fact that our card after some time may appear somewhere in the hands of criminals, well, you should understand this, you can use the card you talked about, a spare one for you see, on in all cases
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of life there should be a spare card, it’s inconvenient what you say, plus we don’t refuse sms information everywhere, this is an important thing, in fact, just as a trigger that something is wrong with our card, yes it costs a little there. rubles a month, maybe somewhere for free and so on, but we don’t refuse, because if at some point we receive information about, as they say, some kind of write-off, but we didn’t write it off, the whole card is compromised, this is a reason to use the mobile application right now and block it until they conduct their own investigation, because the first thing the attackers do when the details, namely the cards , fall into their hands is an attempt to understand whether it is working? or it is not working, among scammers there are also scammers who, under the guise some databases, other scammers are trying to provide some false information, so even if
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they tried to write off a dollar or 1 ruble or 1 kopeck from us, as is very often done in order to understand whether it is working or not, this is a reason for in order to refuse to use this card. another mistake our people make is passwords, yes, which have not changed for years, like at one of the meetings. the president was even indignant, yes, this is a very serious problem, again returning to the fact that everything starts with us, everything it starts from our very first login to the internet, when we register a seemingly innocuous email, and then to this email we begin to greet social networks, perhaps instant messengers, perhaps even some of our financial accounts, respectively, if we have lost access to this email, on which so much is already tied, attackers gain access to this email, to all the correspondence that is there, and naturally try this password for social networks and some.
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there they try to get into our messengers everywhere, if we use the same password, unfortunately, for all occasions, naturally it will gain access to our entire life, if we have not changed it for 10 years, then the risk is that at some point the database, again with our login and password , leaked somewhere on the internet, that we will suffer from this, of course, much higher, this again yes, it is inconvenient to change, perhaps we forget, perhaps these are some this is all we need...
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potentiality is often found precisely in those sections there will always be so -called two-factor authentication, we turn it on, then we will be asked: enter the phone number that you will link to this account, the point is that if someone even knows the login and password from the mail or from something, will try on the internet to gain access to our corresponding account, without entering an additional code that comes to the number...
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sometimes it acts hypnotically and cloudiness comes when we provide all the information about ourselves for some reason, here i would like, of course, to protect myself, but also the children who today also become participants in these games, let’s say so, to put it mildly for now, despite, of course, the fact that our children are still sometimes more developed, but attackers here also find approach them and commit illegal acts against them
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. i would like to draw the attention of our citizens to the fact that security begins directly with you, with the actions that you carry out on the internet, with the information that you see, hear and post about yourself, do not post unnecessary information, do not do the actions that criminals are pushing you to do, and just be vigilant. alexander kazimirovich, i won’t ask you for your card number and three digits from the back, please just leave your autograph and some wish. i would like to once again remind our citizens that security begins with us, so be vigilant and do not trust everything that happens on the internet.
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new people, sir of this earth, we are together, we are losing our strength, you are the warrior of war, hail our bright name to the earth, hail. prater union to the people, our human mother is playful, belarus lives forever, your
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beloved mother, for the sake of all, revive. belarus, once again, my husband, you have lost, my dear people, we have slaughtered, chosen ourselves, ours, hello, first, layer.
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as we know joy, our evil land, the bright name of the people of the ancestral union,
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our beloved matsi grami, our maneche. good evening, panorama live broadcast, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova and about the main events of this saturday: what we can offer to
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the mongolian market and agricultural sector, as well as the full potential of bilateral relations, the president is on a state visit to mongolia. engines revving up, children smiling. steel bikers presented a holiday to the mozyr orphanage, report from the wheels, see the program. and how belarus heals the wounds from the tormented childhood of donbass, children's documentary. see the war after the panorama. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. president of belarus in mongolia. negotiations between the leaders are ahead. what what to expect from the state visit, we will tell you in a report from ulanbater. the first day of summer and every child's holiday. on june 1, we dedicate the entire sports and cultural life of minsk to the main characters. we will show you the city of happy childhood, with bright locations and sincere emotions, in a panorama. comfortable childhood and motherhood begin here. traditionally, the sixth
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maternity hospital in minsk opens all doors for future parents. entrance campaign 2024 in the top belarusian news. what innovations have appeared this year, how the list of the most popular specialties has been updated, why medical is one of the popular areas. more details in the report. the challenge is over, and we continue to get acquainted with. winners of the republican military-patriotic tournament, we will tell you how young patriots from the gomel region live, what they dream about and what they think about the new challenger movement? the first day of summer, bright events of the sports world, from the events of narrolan goros to the match of the eleventh round of the major league, from an exclusive with nhl player alexei protos to belarusian beautiful athletes who are also young mothers. alexander lukashenko arrived with state visit to mongolia. the visit will last until june 4. lanbater will host
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negotiations between the presidents. first of all, we will talk about the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, supplying our in-demand food and industrial products to the mongolian market. about joint work in the agricultural sector. a representative belarusian delegation consisting of government members has already begun working in mongolia. enterprises, how the belarusian president was greeted and what to expect from the state visit, report by natalia breus. first the impression in the country is not only the picturesque mountain landscapes on approach, but also the capital’s traffic, moving around olanbater is a quest, almost every second resident has a car and even at one in the morning there are traffic jams. coincidentally, today in mongolia.
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the fact that alexander lukashenko was expected in ulaanbaater is also felt, they say that the president of mongolia has long wanted to get to know each other better, the meeting on the sidelines of the climate summit obviously did not allow this, then they confirmed that they are waiting for a visit. relations between countries since the ninety-second year visit to at the highest level only now, here they consider a historical moment, and although the meeting ceremony is quite familiar, the mongolian honor guard company looks very colorful, like a national treat for the guest, we have loaf, they have arul, sweetened dried cottage cheese, these are minskets for you. the location of mongolia between powerful russia and china determines lonbator’s policy; close
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contacts with neighbors, despite their serious presence in the country, belarus can also occupy its niche here. alexander grigorievich will negotiate first turning to trade relations with mongolia, projects and transit routes for belarusian goods through mongolia, that is, not only to the mongolian market, is also mentioned. the field of medicine, where belarus has a lot to offer mongolia, and mongolia can supply valuable resources to belarus, in this regard, this is indeed a very important point for the development of bilateral relations that will have a global perspective. the country's authorities are talking about the policy of revival, this is primarily about industry and the agro-industrial complex. in agriculture in general, they intend to make a revolution, in the best sense of the word, the experience of belarus. in the agricultural sector, by the way, even before belarusian aircraft number one landed at
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chengiz khan international airport, our delegation had already begun work in mongolia, negotiations took place at the ministry of agriculture and food. our engineering giants maz, mtz, gopselmash, bobruisk agromash have concluded cooperation documents; belarusian technology made a reputation for itself here back in soviet times. although countries are at a great distance, our soul is very close. therefore, the mongolian side is confident that despite any obstacles, we will definitely develop our bilateral cooperation. we perfectly understand and know that belarus has extensive experience and is very developed in the fields of agriculture and industry. therefore, we can learn a lot from you. and they were informed that we can provide assistance in the design of livestock facilities, as well as construction support.
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a basket with belarusian delicacies is immediately given as a gift, this is both friendliness and it's a marketing ploy, it's better to try it once. in parallel with the state visit, the mongolian business forum will be held in ulaanbaater. the business community will build bridges. mongolia plans to work more closely within the eac. by the end of the year they want to conclude a temporary free trade agreement, in which case tariffs will be revised, and
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goods will be able to enter the market of the eurasian union without hindrance. the country is interesting for us, we believe it is promising, especially in this region, i want to note, despite the thousands of kilometers that we separated geographically, between us there is only one country, the russian federation, yes, a friendly state is traditional, both for the republic of belarus and for mongolia, so we have no problems with logistics for the delivery of goods, alexander lukashenko has negotiations with the president of mongolia ahead, the countries have no political tensions, so all the attention will be on economic issues, it is planned to sign a decent package... of bilateral cooperation documents, there will be time to feel the flavor of the country, more learn about traditions and customs. natalya brios, ivan martynovich, tv news agency ulan bator, mongolia. lekmash and ulan batar, orsha and mogilev. negotiations in minsk, another week of the president’s busy schedule. the agenda of these five days was rich, according to the classics,
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the president was on the sidelines, in the vitebsk region there was talk about the prospects for the work of one. this week in the president’s schedule began in minsk. and it ended in mongolia. we are in ulanbater. negotiations with the governor of the altai territory. i'm actually half belarusian. and exchange should take place not only within editors, but inside, probably the whole country, show your intelligence, let's get straight to the point, a big media forum in mogilev, there will be no calm, no quiet weather on this information front, where we are fighting. a work trip to
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orsha, you never know what we had, we have to move, we won’t let the lappers go all the time. a good ax, but there is something to work on, we will show everything during the first national holidays, and it reminds us, adults, of how important it is to protect and take care of our younger generation. taking care of babies and support for youth is a priority in our state’s policy. so what are belarusian families like? there are more than 2,600,000 of them in the country. 1,800,000 children were born and raised there, that is, almost 20% of the total population of the country. the majority live in cities, 80%, almost 20%
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live, raise children and work in rural areas. most families still have one. 57% of parents are raising a single child, but there is a turning point, already a third of belarusian families have two children, and 9% are families with many children who... are raising three and more children. almost 44% of families have minors. of course, a serious help is the state’s assistance for the payment of child benefits in 2024, 3.400 million rubles are provided. a one-time birth benefit for the first child is almost 4,200 rubles. for the second and subsequent children almost 6,000. allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age is paid monthly and ranges from 725 rubles for the first child to 830. and of course,
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every family should have a reliable roof over their head and a solid foundation under their feet. 9,500 large families and over 6,800 young families received housing or improved their living conditions. the state's social policy is aimed primarily at ensuring that our people have a future. the president has repeatedly noted that success in life is meaningless when there is no one to pass it on to. that is why so much attention is paid to the protection of motherhood and childhood in our country.
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