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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 2, 2024 4:50pm-5:20pm MSK

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for god's sake, if there are those people who do not start a family, do not unite, this is the choice of each person, let's say, but if we like this world, if this world in which i live is to my liking, i am a good person, any , wants to share this goodness, with whom to share, they already exist, so there is also something like this in...
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well, all believers, everyone who meets me, begin to believe, thank you for your answer, thank you, purple sector, do you have in life, what would you like to change, or are you happy with everything, i might add i’m thinking whether i should take the third refusal or not, but of course i would like a lot, i would like to change something for the better. but, but we don’t always have the opportunity, the strength, so in such situations we must resort to such a statement, we also surrender to the lord and say, be it your will, and here, let’s say, we are pushed to do this by jesus christ, who came, he was not easy, it’s not that he just came, programmed, he...
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was born, he had to die, and there was no choice, there was a choice, but he fell in love so much, and although now, the love of christ for man, for the salvation of man, it was great, but he knew what awaited him, it was precisely in such moments when he would like to change something, change something, it is important to surrender to the will of the creator, and he asked his father heavenly, be it your will, if possible, change from... this cup is hot and painful, but if it is your will, be it your will, i am ready to fulfill it, so it happens in life that i would like it to be the sun, but it turns out it is there, it’s just that today there are clouds, and tomorrow there will be no clouds there will be sun, we have to wait, every person has... the meaning of life, maybe
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someone has not yet been able to understand it, have you been able to understand your meaning of life? well, yes, i am with you today, and this meeting also fills me and inspires me, that the meaning of life that i have is being realized. what words from the bible would you call your life motto? christus vivet, jesus lives, jesus lives, this is also a motto, and this is an episcopian, my motto, there is such a saying, every bishop should have his own coat of arms, this is also the motto in the coat of arms, i have evangelia gaudium, the joy of the gospel, jesus is alive, and this truth should inspire us, it should support us, because the life of jesus in... the resurrection of jesus is not
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only a historical fact that has happened, but it is our reality today, he lives, and on how much we believe in this, how much we perceive and allow into our lives, our daily life depends, our deliverance depends, our goal and truth depend, so it is precisely to know, understand and accept that he lives, he is among us. imagine that you have 30 seconds to leave a message for the future generation, what would you say? be a good girl. this signal means that the time for asking the hero has expired. metropolitan joseph, now you have to choose the best one. question of this
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program, well, i knew that there would be a lot of questions, so i wouldn’t want to single out anyone, because all the questions were wonderful, good. sincerely, but i would like to give every participant, every child, young man, just such a book; you don’t have to read it all at once, because here are answers, questions, thoughts about bread, salt, about our small homeland. metropolitan joseph, now you have the opportunity to ask the children one question. what is happiness? for me, happiness is being close to my family, loved ones and also pleasing others, bringing positive and positive emotions, well, for me, just being happy always and being happy with what
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you are given and what you give to others, well, just being happy with any moment in life, this is happiness, joy and so on, for me happiness is when... everything is okay with you, everything is okay with yours loved ones, that is, there are no worries about the fact that you may lose loved ones, i believe that happiness lies in peace, in good health, and, most likely, even in love, but we can say that happiness is in our hands, one might say, it is very important that we share our opinions, that we share our experiences, may god be in your hearts, your... families, in your everyday life, with you at school, at universities, on vacation, and this means that you are always happy, thank you. so, archbishop metropolitan menesto madelevsky, joseph stanevsky,
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today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you to go to the site. and here i ask you to stay. i recently celebrated my fifty-fifth birthday, and people told me for many years, then they asked me, am i ready to die? today you managed to answer 53 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? yes, i'll come. i am addressing our young
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audience, do you think that our hero was honest with you today? who thinks so raise your hand, why do you think so? life, the essence, as it were, of svyatar’s ministry, is to bring people the truth, and svyatar would rather not answer the question than tell a lie. yes, i believe that metropolitan joseph was frank with us, i will add to the previous answer, i felt, as he himself said, that lying is a sin, children, tell me, who thought that metropolitan joseph was after all something i didn’t tell you today, maybe i was lying a lot. not a single person, absolute trust. metropolitan joseph, we have such a rule, the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. thank you to the guys for their questions because they, too,
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let’s say, reacted this way to my person and saw or noticed that there was no guile there or there was no deception, therefore. live childhood with hope for a good adult. archbishop metropolitan joseph stanevsky of minsk-mogilev was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you
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in a week.
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good evening, dear friends, good evening,
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our dear colleagues, and of course, we we are pleased to welcome you all to the awards ceremony of the fifteenth national television competition televershina. in the difficult agenda of events surrounding us, we were able to prove ourselves as true professionals. and they conveyed only objective, balanced information to our viewer. during this time, we raised sensitive political topics, touched on social issues, of course, did not forget to entertain and delight our dear viewer, but also periodically forced him to think about practical problems. and today , the brightest representatives of modern times will rise to our stage to receive well-deserved awards. from the president of
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the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko. let me invite deputy head of the presidential administration vladimir borisovich pertsov to this stage. dear colleagues, dear friends, 2 years have flown by in a flash. of course, we have significant victories in the television industry, there are still those television peaks that we have not conquered, but most definitely, today we have a holiday for the winners of the competition, for the laureates, and simply for those who came to this evening, because it is not often that all the country’s television channels meet with such a lineup.
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allow me to fulfill the honorable mission of announcing the greeting address of the president of the republic. the competition delights with its original program and fresh creative ideas, discovers new names and interesting projects, sets standards in television and shapes the tastes of the viewing audience. i am confident that specific awards will find their worthy owners, and the ceremony to honor the winners and laureates will be a real holiday, another bright
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page in the annals of belarusian television. i wish everyone good health and prosperity. inexhaustible inspiration of labor and professional success on may 31 , twenty-four, alexander lukashenko, receives a welcoming speech from the president of the republic of belarus, first deputy minister of information of the republic of belarus, andrei mikhailovich pyuntsevich. once again, your thunderous applause to our honored guests. well, i understand that we can start now. yes, of course, dima, but why should we shall we begin? well, ekaterina, i think it’s no secret to you that all over the world, for any tv channel, the highest ratings are news. yes, of course, news releases are
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the face of a tv channel; as a rule, the largest team working on them... that’s why i propose starting with the information program nomination. attention to the screen. the information program is presented in the nomination. our news, the second national tv channel. farmers are accelerating while the weather is dry and warm and records are being set faster, with rewards right in the field. panorama.
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we are glad that we invited you in this nomination, well, we want to invite a very famous person, you know, ekaterina, i was a little embarrassed by the doubt in your voice, today the tv show is a big event, so of course only the most famous belarusians will take the stage. dim, well, this is understandable, but look at what a huge choice we have, well, i suggest not starting a fight here and not creating intrigue for our viewers, but asking for help. of the famous belarusians you invited the stage to present an award in the category
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information program, i can offer thousands of options yes... let's see, unexpectedly, why ifrosine polotsk? because one of the main tasks of information programs is education. aware means armed. i just want to say, this is a miracle, dear friends, colleagues, this is only possible on the tv summit eurosine polotskaya. i founded
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male and female monasteries in polotsk, which became the center of education in the principality of polotsk. i have devoted my entire life to peacekeeping and educational activities. and i am proud of you, my descendants, who continue to carry my cross and do not leave people in the dark. the winner in the information program category is the panorama program. and of course, we congratulate the winner in the information program category, this is a panorama of the beltelerokpania, so
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ekaterina and i can see how the representatives of the charming panorama are now passing by the red auditorium. and of course, a few words, emotions, impressions, who, of course, of course, charming women's shoulders, this
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task falls on me, yes, apparently i, and what i want to say, thank you, but in general, a panorama is such a large, enveloping information substance that completely penetrates you when... and you work on it, into your brain, soul , heart and body, and does not leave you a chance to hide somewhere, so, and this is a kind of dialogue with the viewer, with thousands of viewers, with the help of cameras, when you look into the camera and see, as if the eyes are spectators. in general, thank you, my colleagues, please join us. the panorama program is truly a brand belarusian television, this is already
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a big story today, in fact, this award is absolutely collective, it is our creative single impulse, we work for our tv viewer, and we try.
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so many sleepless nights. above the screens,
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bowing, the television competition is judged without closing their eyes and everyone has shouldered the burden of responsibility. thank you, jury, that the fire burns in our chests, illuminating diplomas and grand prix from within, and do you know the jury, because we thank fate that the competition gave us the best of all the juries. to the responsible jury,
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give us applause, let's clap until the end, the best jury, who's on the jury, look at the screen, then don't say you didn't know who's on the jury? you know, ekaterina, i have a feeling that you and i should have forgotten to introduce the jury for her to be presented just like that. your applause to our esteemed jury, right now they are here in front of us in the front rows, well, now we know everything about the tv show, but i would, ekaterina, two together still be wary of such statements, given the fact that we are all we don’t know the names of the winners yet. so we will continue
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with our next nomination - a socio-political journalistic program. the socio-political and journalistic programs are presented in the nomination. sas is authorized to declare. capital television. do you think poland's entry into the war in the region is a realistic scenario? our time, the second national tv channel. the politicians of our southern neighbors were militant in every election, all maidans ended in destruction. what are your thoughts about the people? clear policy. television news agency bel tv and radio company. the european commission filed a lawsuit against poland in the european court, but warsaw responded simply: do not interfere in our internal affairs. and by the way, there are a lot of dark things going on there. we respect you. neural network, without you, apparently
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today there is no way, who would you recommend to present the award in this category, the request is clear, this is the choice made by our neural network, mikola gusovsky, and why this particular belarusian? i'm sure he is himself now. will tell you, your applause, mikola gusovsky.
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socio-political programs, like my song, azubre, create a kind of chronicle of time, reveal to us love for our native land, people, reflect on the fate of our homeland and its place.


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