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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 3, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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support by a majority vote of the population , it was determined that one person could run for more than two terms. the constitution did not need any other amendments; those provisions that were included in the fundamental law in ninety-six, even years later, met the requirements and challenges of the time. this was confirmed by constitutional control and the belarusian people, who always reacted sensitively to the roughness of the times. this version of the basic law went into print on the table of everyone involved in lawmaking, a special copy in the office of the head state, in the printing house this book will be called constitution number one, a non-standard format of thick paper, on which five colors were applied with the addition of bronze. there were a lot of variations, this had to be foreseen, because in printing there are embossed embossing, that is, also in bas-relief and gold, but it was chosen so that ours... it looked
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absolutely natural, at that time there were no technologies for transferring colored images on non-absorbent leather materials, so to speak, was specially we bought an embroidery machine, we even selected the leather, we used not just smooth leather, like a laptop with a slight varnish effect, it reflects our entire journey. national principles and interests of what we remained faithful to, we decided even at the threshold that we ourselves will determine foreign and internal policy, defend, if necessary, our integrity and independence, and adhere to democratic principles, where the person remains the highest value of society, the state, this is a monolith, which allowed us to survive even in those years when we were not weak it was stormy, then that from the outside will be tested for strength more than once again. the state openly
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warned more than once long before the attempted coup d'état aimed at our common home, the foundation alone is not enough, it’s time to strengthen the walls, let’s try to approach this issue from different sides, carefully, so as not to make things worse, since the countries that have gained independence together have already the constitution was changed several times, and so on, and so on, but that’s not the point, new problems, new challenges appeared.
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economic reality, this is not yet in 2016 they knew that the document would require changes that could not only provide development, but protection. foresight or a clear forecast, but 2020 confirmed what the president said more than once: a country that puts national interests above everything else and is not ready to sacrifice for the sake of others, turned out to be... a tasty morsel for the collective west, which by this time had already fed poland , lithuania, latvia, but it is not in the mentality of belarusians to give away what they have earned through hard work. what scenario awaited belarus if the situation turned out differently, but exactly the same one that we managed to pull off. our
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closest southern neighbors, a springboard for nato troops and practicing the skills of militants, production and cities, which were built with such difficulty as just targets. in this situation. belarus simply had to protect itself from external interference, as the whole country joined in the search for a solution. dialogue platforms and public receptions, ordinary belarusians voiced their opinions, argued and came to a consensus. later they considered that more people took part in the discussions 45,000 people are representatives of public organizations, political parties, the business community, student and working youth. thousands were raised over the months. suggestions: we must not succumb to pressure from izune. we see that today certain forces, inspired including by western intelligence services, are starting such a policy to discredit our referendum. the state still remains socially
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oriented, this is our brand. the most important thing is the amendment on the preservation of historical memory. why? because if we don't know of our past, if we do not preserve it, we cannot build a future.
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first of all, collective work built a clear system of state power, provided for systems of checks and balances, and insured it. the country from rash, behind-the-scenes, lobbying decisions of random people in politics, the balance must be kept by the belarusian people's assembly, the people's body for the first time was given constitutional status and a specific term of office of 5 years, thereby strengthening the original model of the belarusian people of power. it was not the first time that all members of the commission signed the final document. by the way, there were also a lot of questions regarding the all-belarusian people's assembly, the point is very delicate. here it was necessary to establish a very strict balance so that the supreme tax service did not replace other government bodies. we had a lot of disputes about who would be the delegates of the supreme council. we argued for a long time about the number of people. i wanted this to be a body, truly an all-belarusian people's assembly, a people's body that reflected the interests and requests of all residents of our country.
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we have limited the length of time the president can stay in power. two terms, according to the constitution now. and we understand that after some time, our generation will leave, but they will come. dictates the following amendments: we have ruled out military aggression against other states, thus protecting ourselves from rash actions. the same applies to the use of the atom, in our country it is only peaceful, while we do not exclude the right to defend one’s state, in order not to stray from the course,
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the preservation of historical memory and traditional family values ​​have been enshrined in the constitution, as well as the concept of marriage as a union of a man and a woman, and invariably consulted with belarusians before...
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the principles of free, accessible, high-quality. and the time has come for us to understand that the basic law is not a set of benefits, it is a series of guarantees that the state provides, and increasing personal responsibility is just another step towards the model of interaction between the state and partner, which was enshrined in the resolution.
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as a result, during expert discussions and discussions, the changes affected almost all sections of the current constitution, amendments dozens of articles were included in the preamble, two of which lost force, a new chapter and 11 articles appeared, there were indeed quite a few edits, no one rushed the belarusians to make a decision, the draft was published and available within... several months, at which time the constitutional commission continued to accept proposals, so when it came time to vote, belarusians knew what they supported and why we needed this step. the same wonderful schools, hospitals, clinics, and kindergartens were built. it’s important for me to live today.
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national identity, cultural and spiritual traditions and, most importantly, the right to self-determination. other proposed amendments at the republican referendum were supported by 82% of belarusians from among those who took part in the vote. at the same time, we have not deviated from our traditional creative path. over these years, over 30 years, we have built our country. we said that there is such a country - belarus, in which people live like this.
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but is this a lot for the state from the point of view of history? quite a bit from the point of view becoming? a short period, it seems that only belarusians were able to live it in such a way as to loudly declare themselves to firmly strengthen their
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position on the geopolitical map of the world. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science; people began making the first weather forecasts back in ancient times.
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in 2003, well, after a lull of almost 10 years, car beetles literally rekindle them, where does such a small beetle get so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build tunnels there is thick wood inside. cocktail portions. be a nuclear mixture of problems in the regiment of belarusian mercenaries, from missing cannon fodder to drug trafficking and the attitude towards those who broke the contract from the lips of another profit, which another kneeler fell for, but first things first, my name is daria rachko, hello! meet artyom
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molodov - an extremist, was a member of bobarik’s initiative group, he communicated without knowing it for more than six months. with our security forces and provided information, for which i say hi and thank you very much. to all other, a failed gomel businessman in the thirteenth year opened a tank bar, entourage, soviet armored vehicles with elements of nazi symbols, although due to various problems it closed after 3 years, but molodov liked this so much that at first the svo signed up for a meat grinder in the ranks of the volunteers of the kolinovsky regiment, a person without military experience takes a replacement position there. for the logistics commander, however, they take anyone there, crooked, lame, it doesn’t matter, you want it, here’s a weapon for you, here you go, have fun, we’re all volunteers, we have one professional military there, we all became military, let’s say, in the process, but the professional units are in charge, except perhaps
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the kosciuszka unit, that’s what they call the anglomovs, that is, nato soldiers, poles, canadians, french, in general . zelensky himself demonstratively showed that ukraine is in a mobilization famine by signing a decree to reduce the conscription age by another 2 years, and those liable for military service who are of limited fitness will undergo a re-test; he is also preparing a new supply of ukrainian mercenaries, however to go voluntarily, no one wants to play the role of cannon fodder, everything is so bad that they began to actively flood social networks with recording videos with calls, there is a choice to become the harmed meat of putin...
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to have stress resistance, communication skills, but also not to be a psycho, an alcoholic and a drug addict. it is an additional plus to have military skills, but this is not necessary, like most of what is listed. in addition to them, video engineers or social network analysts are required for the job. this begs the question: are you fighting there or are you promoting yourself in the background? kalinov residents, among other things, are paid a salary according to the contract. the fugitives donate, they invest this money in transporting cars and drones, it’s true.
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well, so to speak, don’t forget. let's return to molodov: his task is to supply weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, there are absolutely problems today, he told this already at a decent meeting. any medications, either non -narcotic or narcotic, you also have. well, i mean there are all sorts of serious baseball games there. bring it, we’ve already tried it repeatedly, let’s say the doctor didn’t succeed, he’s on the road. it is given to someone, and he was also called, it is lost later, i propose to omit the fairy tales, they say no one takes drugs, only for medical purposes. yuri garupa with the call sign khmelik. the shell-shocked ex-kolenovets was detained at the end of january for drug trafficking on a particularly large scale, with 300 g of alpha pvvp, this is a synthetic psychosimulator
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that causes severe addiction. he left the field 2 years ago and moved to the second international legion in the ssu. and he also an avid alcoholic, he didn’t drink anything while he was in the ranks of the regiment. however, now all efforts are spent on getting the same medications for free. food, ammunition, and even pocket an extra car for yourself. our people proposed a corruption scheme to molonov, who agreed, which, in principle, did not surprise us. the topic is this: illegally transfer six vehicles without documents from warsaw for the needs of the regiment, these are cargo vans, pickup trucks, and return half as a kickback. of these cars we want to take two two mitsubisi and vitto for ourselves, three cars that remain.
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history, artyom, at least you wouldn’t be so gullible and imaginary, and would keep your mouth shut. western financing is a delicate matter; today it is there, tomorrow it is gone. at one point there will simply be no one to share money with, no one to compete with for a place in the european sun. do you know the guys from the belarusian volunteer corps, the belarusian volunteer corps? just eight people, really. let's just say we didn't get along with them. we have slightly different goals. i can’t vouch for anyone there. kalinovsky's regiment is in crisis. recruitment kits are not bring no results. there are few donations, pseudo-funds have no time for this. conflicts against the backdrop
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of division, the whole range of problems is evident. it’s unlikely that they’ll try, they’d rather get a little hype, recruit some naive people and send them on their way. but this no longer worries anyone, just like the fate of the young man. do you want to go home, artyom? well, all my friends are bored there. all my friends, of course, want to come back, for this i’m even ready to leak all the information, for which again, thank you, you send me the information again, yes, yes, yes, i’ll send it now, yes, well, there it is, there and crypt, everything is there, that is, damn it, i copied it, but didn’t send it, but i’ll send it off now, in fact, he told much more than expected, the only one he can compete with is frantskevich and his foundation,
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vyacherni efir on the tv channel belarus 1 praccegvayutsya naviny stalitsy minsk region. elizaveta lashkevich is with you live. good evenings and good news. short. for small and medium-sized businesses , industrial steps are taken away. i’ll tell you what their advantages and effects are. assignment campaign 2024 is running tests for... applicants, centralized testing in five subjects was created at the pedagogical university. і assyarozhnastsya on elektrako.


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