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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 3, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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how to maintain sovereignty in the epicenter of global geopolitical contradictions? expert opinion. for a union state , the significance of what was voiced can hardly be overestimated in conditions when western countries are increasing information pressure. what are the priorities in the work of journalists? why is there power in truth? we need to build our own unique broadcasting style. style is sound. assistance to the residents of donbass. belarusian paralympian alexei talay was awarded the order of friendship. union state, state for children. hello, little tooth, and the forest is green, blue on purpose and a fast stream. guests of the first shift are greeted by the legendary toothbrush.
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the summer music and tourism season has started. we came from kaliningrad to see, try the cuisine, so to speak, to relax our souls. the poster of the upper city in the capital of belarus also includes an original treasury from the regions of russia, a tourist navigator of the program. russia. also in the spotlight is the upcoming forum of regions and the representation of the russian delegation at this large-scale event. another topic of conversation between alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin marked the big date of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. here the leaders also discussed the issue of russian representation at the july 3 parade in minsk. during the discussion. cooperation in
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astana, and also agreed on meetings on the sidelines of the summit. we build a policy of relationships taking into account each other’s interests. the intense trajectory of visits by the leaders of belarus and russia opens up new perspectives. together to the huge eurasian market from russia and belarus to the coast of the indian ocean. promising according to the results vladimir putin's visit... sees interaction on a large-scale project to create an international north-south corridor. strengthening the asian vector, the state visit of president alexander lukashenko to mongolia and negotiations of the parliamentary delegation of belarus in china. we remain true to the principle of peacefulness in foreign policy and aim at constructive dialogue with everyone. despite the sanctions, the visit of the european delegation from hungary to minsk. more details in our digest. president of belarus alexander
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lukashenko went with the state visit to mongolia, which will last until june 4, the program includes official negotiations with the mongolian colleague in a narrow and expanded format. it is expected that following the negotiations, the parties will sign a number of documents that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with the history, original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. from russia and belarus to the coast of the indian ocean, russian president vladimir putin outlined the prospects at a press conference following his state visit to uzbekistan interaction on a large-scale project to create an international north-south corridor, in particular, if uzbekistan joins the eac, it will only benefit from this association.
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are moving closer together, developing, many joint projects are emerging, and counter-mutual interests in the field of further cooperation will gradually emerge. the geopolitical situation is literally forced. china is moving even faster towards rapprochement; a creative agenda is rare on the world stage, but minsk and beijing choose to build the future together. parliamentary delegation of belarus on visit visited china, the first meeting of the high-level committee was held, an ambitious cooperation plan until 2030 is being prepared, which will include large belarusian-chinese projects. the most important thing is that we are mentally close. you know, this is my first time in china, and i felt how much.
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the meeting of the intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation was co-chaired by the foreign ministers of the two countries, as the head of the hungarian foreign ministry noted, belarus is an important player in providing the european country with black gold and demonstrates reliability in this matter. 80% of oil comes to hungary through belarus, last year 4.5 million tons, this year approximately 2 million. we thank belarus for guaranteeing transit, and i would really like to count on... this will continue. without an oil pipeline, friendship, a safe supply of oil to hungary is impossible. perhaps in the modern information flow, which, unfortunately, mainly consists of negative, sometimes populist information, such news does not look so bright, but it is precisely so quiet, painstaking
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well-being is formed through labor, and i would even say, well-being is forged. in this case, our well-being. hungarian citizens, our businessmen, our industrialists, our representatives of many other spheres of life. this is exactly how normal evolutionary development occurs. a significant increase in mutual trade comes from interaction between regions. the president of belarus held a meeting with the governor of the altai territory. points of contact. mass from electric buses to unmanned aerial vehicles, from agriculture to tourism. configured belarus, to intensify partnerships with the vladimir region, is ready to increase the supply of metal products, engines, participate in projects to update the fleet of passenger vehicles, significant reserves in
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the field of agriculture and food, and this is the main theme of the program. it is no coincidence that altai is called the siberian switzerland of these places. hundreds of thousands of tourists come every year for its unique energy; vladimir putin loves altai; alexander lukashenko also spoke about his desire to visit here someday. a while a meeting in belarus from the very heart of eurasia in minsk this week they met a delegation of the region led by the governor. the region is close to us in spirit, lukashenko will say. the region is rightfully considered the breadbasket of siberia and one of the largest agricultural regions in russia. the leader proposes to give serious acceleration to key areas of cooperation - agriculture, just one of them. in turn , we are very interested in the supply of components for our engineering industry. in this regard, we are actively cooperating with you. i was pleased to read
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reports that today more than 60% of replaced elevators are belarusian, taking into account your plans to replace elevators this year - this is. in almost 400 houses, we are interested in participating in tenders, winning, supplying you with elevator equipment for new construction, we also guarantee maintenance and repairs, despite all the external factors that of course have an impact, we have received in recent years, of course, after the pandemic coronavirus, such a very complex set of problems in the financial... economic sphere, but straightened out with them, the sanctions pressure subsequently, of course, has an impact, but understanding that we ourselves are responsible for our fate, and we are obliged to help each other, we are joining forces to resolve these issues,
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the visit program has been laid out so that the delegation must i was able to visit our giants of the machine industry; amkador was also on the wish list; in addition to utility vehicles, they have a wide range of road construction vehicles. special equipment and everything the region needs will be ready to be supplied in the shortest possible time. amkador interested in creating joint ventures and a service center in the altai territory. test drive of buses and...
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cooperation groups of the parties noted this partnership with high potential. a year ago
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in minsk, the president of belarus and the governor of the vladimir region agreed to increase mutual trade turnover to the amount of $500 million. last year, the parties already exceeded 400 million, total trade has doubled in 2 years. judging by the dynamics, the forecast figure of half a billion is a matter of the near future. behind in the first quarter, russian investment in belarus increased by more than 20%. well, similarly. how much is it? says that the subjects , first of all, trust the support mechanisms that exist both in the russian federation and in belarus, create joint ventures and produce that same joint product. the main topic, of course, is mechanical engineering, in this area of ​​cooperation between belarus and the vladimir region can be called a model, for example, the local volga-bass, one of the leaders in russia in the production of buses, trolleybuses technicians interact as like-minded people with belarusian lubricant, so they expect it in vladimir in june.
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new projects, their mutual agreement is already underway, there are still a lot of areas remaining, in addition to traditional industries, the points of application that our colleagues from belarus have identified and which our colleagues from belarus will look at are kovrov, muromki.
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on june 17, the next session
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of the parliamentary meeting of the union of belarus and russia will take place. the agenda includes important issues that life itself poses to legislators. 28 industry programs have been completed. now new tasks are planned for 3 years, they are very serious, ambitious, this is in the economy, in industrial cooperation, in the agro-industrial sector. complexes, a large union dialogue will continue at the end of the month , a forum of regions will be held in the vitebsk region, this year’s emphasis on the innovative economy, a record number of guests are expected, and most importantly, new promising union projects. to have the maximum of one's own was discussed in orsha about the tasks for the industrial complex. the president visited the legmash enterprise. now is the time to work more actively on import substitution, creating and opening new production. this it’s a shame that we
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import more than half of our forests. one more order for him, he does everything for...
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including creating a new production, we must have the maximum of ours, this is the main thing, if this does not happen, neither the doctrine nor the concept will work, why are we improving it, because the world is changing, the situation is changing, and wars are changing, there was one war, now there is another war, in communication with the team we touched on a variety of topics, including the important spring event in the history of the union,
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the security of the two countries on the development of the project security concepts of the union state, updated interests in the field of security, the strategic goals of the task for the near and medium term are specified . yes, the situation on the western borders of the union state requires high combat readiness. in order to improve the unified regional air defense system of belarus,
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russia is holding joint flight tactical exercises. military air units and anti-aircraft units participate in them. missile and radio technical troops of the belarusian army. the russian country is represented reconnaissance, fighter and army aviation. this is belarus's main productive decision for the benefit of our peoples. union parliamentarians held a joint meeting in minsk of four commissions on the budget, taxes and financial market, industry and trade, economic policy and transport. total. secularism and the union treasury will be used to finance 37 events in five programs. transport theme, emphasis on the development of transport accessibility of the regions, including the opening of new air routes and development of a network of railway routes and tourist trains. 2023 was a record year for many indicators of the development of the tourism sector in belarus. thus
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, more than 5 million tourists from russia visited the country. they formed the backbone of the foreign guests. among the priorities is the accounting and disposal of property created within the framework of the union state. we are still on a white field, and the fact that we are taking property and will manage it, while we see only this, but we forget about land issues, and about tax issues, and about arbitration issues, and there are courts, and general jurisdictions, everything, because there are people there, there will be a court of general jurisdiction, and arbitration courts. will increase the budget, both deputies of the state duma of the russian federation and deputies of the national assembly of the republic of belarus are present here, to look from the point of view
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of the legislation of our fraternal peoples, what else we need to improve so that issues of accounting, development of the use of our joint property, there are no obstacles and so that it really works effectively and gave back. regarding the need to create a separate body that would deal with the accounting and disposal of union property. our common task today is to develop mechanisms for accounting for the use of property, which is common and was created from the budget of the union state, since the property block is a very important part in the development of the economy and the creation of a single one. economic space of the union state, therefore this topic is old, we have already approached it several times, taking into account instructions from our state leaders, we
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today we want to develop recommendations on how to approach this, labor, employment and self-employment, personnel training, aspects of rural development, also in the field of view of the union parliamentarians, of course very important. to create the social environment that forms today a modern village or agricultural town, of course this is an educational institution, of course this is an opportunity for cultural recreation, it is clear that today this is a rural store, it should have a completely different saturation, in particular with deputies parliament, we, working in the district, communicating with people, paid attention to what again... this is belarus the main thing and further in the program, what are the priorities in the work
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of journalists, why strength is in truth, a big conversation on the media form in mogilev. the union state is a state for children; guests of the first shift are greeted by the legendary bison on a bracer. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. general mobilization of the media community, how not to lose in the information war, a large-scale media forum in mogilev brought together journalists, bloggers, media leaders, the president was also invited to the meeting. as alexander lukashenko said, there will be no calm on the information front. in the conditions of a hybrid war, the task is the same for everyone: to save the country, preserve peace, by putting the truth on the information board. and here are a few quotes about the main thing: we are people in a country that
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has no, one might say, resources at all, no resources, at least those that humanity needs today, first of all, these are ours, on which we rely, hands and brains, thanks to this we... quiet calm there will be no weather on this information front, where we are fighting with you, when you professionally show an ordinary simple combine harvester with dirty hands, who got off this ship, a space ship, i mean our combine harvester.
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hybrid threats, these, including cyber attacks, fake news, information pressure, information wars, they are already becoming actually part of the everyday media reality in which western society exists and which it projects onto us - with you, and for the union state, for our union state of russia and belarus, this effective information policy must be multi-layered and... flexible, including, we need to protect not only our internal, not only we need to protect our internal information spaces, but also actively work to counter these attacks, including including in the international arena. how to preserve sovereignty in the epicenter of global geopolitical contradictions, why security from weapons of meaning
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is important today, no less than from... andrey krivosheev, chairman of the board of the belarusian union of journalists, general director of the minsk news agency, born in the city of volgograd, russia, graduated from the belarusian national technical university, faculty of humanitarian education, management, worked as a special correspondent, political observer, author and presenter of projects on the national state television and radio about
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and especially in the military political, social, domestic political agenda and trends. secondly, of course, it is very important when such a number of belarusian journalists are meeting with the head of state, almost a thousand of our colleagues, including from small regional editorial offices and media holdings, this shows the importance and respect for the journalistic work itself here
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now. correctly noted in the summary that now the battle for meaning, for the ideological orientation of journalistic work, for a civil, patriotic, journalistic ethical position, is the number one issue, which directly concerns security, both in the republic of belarus and in the russian federation, who is winning this war at the moment in russia and belarus, depending on what platforms, if we take our internal contour, our internal information... space in russia and belarus and wider in the union information space, then we are certainly winning and dominating, there is no need to delude ourselves here, the battles for the consciousness of both belarusians and russians are fierce, but at the same time we see this from the calm internal political situation, that here, especially in the russian federation, the state is at war and at the same time there is a huge level of trust in decisions
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russian authorities. support for decisions in the international arena in the theater of operations in ukraine, so here we win, as far as external matters are concerned. contour, there are battles here, as they said before, with varying success, somewhere our neighbors, our partners used to say, are simply waging a war for the total destruction of any alternative opinion, and yes, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to convey our position, and yes, in a number of states european union, this affects the attitude of citizens, polls, if...
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are a sharp instrument, it cannot only be restrained against moscow or official minsk there, it will definitely turn into a witch hunt within society itself, we see this in poland, a split in society, distrust in both the previous team of the prime minister and the current team of tusk, that is, this tension within society, i want to emphasize , that on the far arc of information broadcasting, where both belarusian and russian are finishing off.
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we should work on this, because if we take the union, as it were, editorial policy, it is more or less coordinated, it proceeds more or less from the same principles, and approximately
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union content, whether created in belarus or created in russia, is equally understandable to those recognized, yes, but even if we take belarus and russia in our national... they improve life in brest, in mogilev, in vitebsk, in smolensk, in the far east .
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for example, we have a wonderful project , an association of regional media holdings of russia and belarus, this is an agreement between regional media holdings of russia and belarus and, let’s say, in ufa. a forum of regions of russia and belarus is taking place, we are sharing content through our association, we exchange them, we show both the residents of bashkiria and the residents of the republic of belarus in the regions, how this large-scale forum and how the agreements concluded there will affect the lives of ordinary belarusians, we are the big union agenda, our journalists from regional media holdings, translate into the language the concept of the closest possible walking distance for the residents of our union state, but still , when there is no calm on the information front, yes, how real is the power of the public today... well, let the quality of our
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the work is evaluated by our citizens, after all , it would be immodest here, but i will honestly say that the work, for example, between the belarusian union of journalists and the union of journalists of russia, is structured systematically, we have concluded a large basic alliance agreement between our creative associations, by the way, similar agreements following the example of the russian federation. how this works for us, we have already concluded with the people's republic of china, the vietnamese association of journalists, and this is a colossal influence, we have such agreements with kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, armenia, although some of them need updating, that is , the eurasian economic union, these are our largest partners in the commonwealth of independent states, now in belarus, with me personally, with my colleagues. in the russian federation and vladimir gennadyevich
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solovyov, chairman of the union of journalists of russia, more ambitious tasks, let’s say we have a media platform one train, one track, this is for a second, i ’ll say it now, don’t be surprised, the largest most authoritative in the history of journalism in the world in general, there has never been a union of journalists, that is, a greater union of journalists in the history of journalism. at the moment no, we unite journalistic associations, clubs, forums, platforms and individual media broadcasters from north and latin america to china and australia, the enormous power of words, this is pakistan, this is india, that is, it’s already there, i’m afraid to make a mistake, because every month we add new partners, more than 160 journalistic associations. and there, in my opinion, more than eight out of more than eighty
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states of the world, a colossal force, by the way, right now, right now, vladimir gennadyevich solovyov, my colleague, chairs this platform, that is , we have all the tools, but naturally, the voice of the belarusian union of journalists is very heard on this platform, our chinese colleagues are always emphasize that without belarus this platform would not have taken place in full, therefore, through this platform we strive to create, but if... you want a new framework, new journalistic solidarity, this was right here voiced at the last forum, which took place in china, a new journalistic solidarity on a global scale, and we are gathering, we are already doing this, we are bringing together journalists from pakistan, india, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, if we take latin america, then venezuela, cuba, mexico, brazil, the key players. individual journalistic representatives, representatives
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of journalistic clubs from the united states and canada, from poland, from germany, from turkey, by the way, the turks are very active in this platform, these are exactly the same formats for us it is necessary to create one train, one track on the platform, in the shanghai cooperation organization, where belarus will enter as a full member very soon, this was announced and the president said this at a media forum in mogilev and...
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4x7 for food security, we are talking about a combine operator, to what extent are they life topics today fit into the agenda, they certainly fit into our internal belarusian agenda, this is the style, by the way. a person who loves, does his job, development projects, any, from this is our dignity, we are a man of work, a grandiose nuclear power plant, a joint belarusian-russian, union, essentially
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, station, to a small infrastructure project, a bridge or a small enterprise in the regional center. this has always been the focus of attention of our belarusian press, both republican and regional, in russia it’s a little different, after all, federal channels put more emphasis on this conflict journalism, they cannot be blamed for this, because they, well, russia is huge country, they stand against half of the states, more than half there 50 nato member states now, therefore, it is clear that their focus was on such foreign policy or scandal.
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you need to understand that the allied space had been working for 2 and a half decades before, this is what helped us organize the flight of marina vasilevskaya, so all these projects exist, but there are also more local ones, there are deliveries of our agricultural products to the far east, for the far east this is event, super-quality belarusian food has arrived, they immediately turn to us, and how is it made here, our journalists.
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this whole story happened 10 years ago, if not more. by the way, in the policy of import substitution , our russian allies do not hesitate to say that they accept the belarusian experience. the president of the russian federation speaks about this at the government level, and even more so at the level of the governors of those regions who come to us to watch it here live. i think
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this practice will continue. by the way, here we are, as it were, especially in extremist destructive networks. i was surprised to discover that nails in the russian federation have ceased to be produced, they are only purchased, so here we are with the russian federation in the union state in the same boat, the main thing is that in import substitution projects we do not have duplication, so that we complement each other and receive an additional cumulative one. effect: did one of the european union bosses of some unelected officials want to announce sanctions to us? thank you, goodbye, we have our own production, which will not allow us to expose the market, we will set up our own production, which will not operate only in the economic space of a union state, but also of the eurasian economic
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union, or better yet, the shanghai organization or brix, well, at the upcoming forum of regions in belarus and russia it will be possible specifically. i know that this will be discussed, i already know approximately, since we are following the agenda of the president of belarus, who is meeting with the governors of the russian federation, heads of regions, we already approximately know what a colossal volume of agreements, investment and innovation, direct agreements between producers in russia and belarus, it will be concluded and initialed in what areas, colossal money will be allocated for this from the union budget and even more. the chairman of the board of the belarusian union of journalists, andrei krivosheev, was in the studio. thank you. for
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active assistance to the residents of donbass, the belarusian public figure, paralympian, founder of the charitable foundation alexey italai, was awarded the order of friendship. the award ceremony took place in the catherine hall of the kremlin. now i am proud that belarus is realizing its humanitarian mission. everything belarusian people in donbass, all the people today have rallied to help their neighbor, our people there, tens of tons of cargo are collected every month, from all regions they are delivered to our headquarters, minsk. on june 1 , international children's day was celebrated, the union state is a state for... children, because much attention in belarus and russia is paid to supporting motherhood and childhood, creating opportunities for comprehensive development. belarus has opened the holiday season in
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health camps, this year there are a hundred more of them, about 6. guests of the first shift meets the legendary bison on the bracer. once the younger brother of artek, today it is a national educational and health center, where people from different countries strive to go on vacation. this year is special for zubryonok, he is 50. our film crew visited the land of happy childhood. vacations in a pioneer camp were the dream of many soviet children. summer without parents, horror stories at night, thousands of opportunities to create and get creative. such adventures are like bright flashes of life. at that time, the main all-union camp was artek. the little tooth has become his younger brother, huh. the belarusian sea is a place of attraction, as the largest lake in the country, lake narach, is called. once upon a time, a trip to
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the best camp was a reward for study and activity. it is still prestigious to relax here. the modern zubrenok national educational and health center is open all year round. during school hours , there are thematic shifts for young journalists, physicists, chemists, biologists, and in the summer, recreation for everyone, also with an educational component. minus. 51 + 11 42 mental arithmetic - sharpener for the mind, created in the center a space where they develop cognitive abilities, teach speed reading, calligraphy and speedcubing. 50% of all neural connections are in the cerebellum, so they not only learn to balance and do some simple exercises on a balance board, but we also combine this with mental counting. health promotion is always a priority. children from syria, egypt, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and china come to improve their health.
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the guys from the dpr also regained their strength. considering that we are, after all, a year-round center, we work even in winter, now we offer children not only natural factors, but also physiotherapy, non-contact massage, baths, various pearl baths, hydromassage baths, underwater shower massage, and we have very good dentistry. somewhere there are teeth, so every child can get teeth for free. over the years , a town with its own streets, squares, shops and cafes has grown on the banks of the narech. the country of childhood is 76 hectares, the territory is offline, gadgets are given to children twice a day. aren't you bored without mobile phones? not boring, not boring at all. and why? 'cause we're on a tight schedule we are following it, we don’t have time. we have a lot of.
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polis, of course, moscow, it keeps us within some very strong boundaries, and we absolutely cannot relax there, and here we succeed. during the peak season, almost one and a half hundred children from different countries rest in the bison camp per shift; summer vouchers will be available in the winter; about a thousand schoolchildren come from russia every year. if previously these were representatives from the central regions, moscow, st. petersburg, now the geography of russian regions has increased significantly, this more than 60 regions, yes. and the guys come from nizhny novgorod, volgograd, well , smolensk, dubryanka - these are our friends,
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of course, this is facilitated by the logistics that is developing. belarus and russia pay great attention to supporting childhood; among the main points of the social policy of the union state is the comprehensive development of opportunities for creativity in education. this year , more than thirty joint events will be held at the expense of the union budget, which is twice as many as last year. one of the large-scale youth projects of the union state is to conduct a civil-patriotic cadet shift for the state. here a number of competitions are held for them, in which they... twin cities of the far eastern ocean, krasnodar eaglet and crimean artek,
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virtual meetings are organized for artek residents almost every shift. where children discuss the history of the development of centers, interesting events and activities, as well as meetings with outstanding people, and not only children, but adults acquire friendly connections: shift leaders, methodological department, children's camps share best practices of the international children's center artek, answering questions about how thematic shifts are organized, how work is organized in the patriotic direction and how... we manage to introduce the traditions of the center. this year the legendary camp is 55; having been here once, many are returning. there is even an expression: children of zubrenok. zubryonok is truly love for everyone. i, like no one else, know about this, because i myself vacationed in zubrenok, 10 times, 10 anniversary times, and even vacationed in the wings volunteer detachment. this is a specialized squad that engages in socially significant activities , helps children and teenagers in the future, and
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decide on the profession of a teacher. became a real bison, according to legend, soviet schoolchildren laid a time capsule with a message for future generations, they will open it on the day when the country of childhood turns 100 years old. shades of different cultures in the aesthetics of minsk. the capital of belarus has launched a summer music and tourism season, a
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folk crafts fair, an open -air library, a theater lounge and pedestrian walks. excursions, cozy evenings and large-scale festivals. according to tradition, all summer, every saturday in the upper city it will be colorful and soulful. the playbill also contains an original treasury from different regions of russia, a tourist navigator for the program. the melodic song of the finberg academic orchestra in tandem with young virtuosos of musical art flows from the hospitable square of the upper city of minsk.
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gastronomic holidays and days of culture of the original regions of russia. on june 22, the main stage of the amphitheater will be occupied by the krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra. for connoisseurs of quality music 2 hours of live sound. the repertoire is being prepared specially in honor of two great dates: the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders , the fiftieth anniversary, and how minsk was awarded the honorary title of hero city. enchanting grand concert. prepared for minsk the titled corpses of art masters of the novosibirsk region, the cultural achievement of the leading musical and theatrical groups of the region, both on the stage of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater of belarus, and in the open air format in the city center. this year one of the sites moved along rakovskaya street there will be a theater courtyard, where on weekends everyone in the open air will see bright
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theatrical performances of our groups of the city of minsk and... theaters of our capital on the theater screen productions of both professional and amateur groups, including those based on fairy tales and works of soviet and russian writers. street scene for children - excursions 13:00 and 15:30, and the meeting point is the route on victory square, the time is traditionally at the main entrance of minsk city town hall the walking format of educational tours starts twice on saturday, and groups
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are formed in real time. such excursions are always sold out. about 70 history lovers of minsk are united by one excursion walk. here is a historical ensemble, which conveys the spirit of, let’s say , those. this concludes our episode, we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel, all the best.
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garmoza, mikhail mikhailovich, gunner of the 152 mm howitzer battery of the baltic coastal escort detachment fleet. during the period of preparation for the offensive of the seventh army of the northwestern front, he participated in the destruction. under enemy rifle and machine gun fire, he destroyed the pillbox with the fire of his own gun and destroyed its garrison.
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at the beginning of the great patriotic war, he was at the front, rising from a tank commander to the commander of a tank company of the eleventh separate guards heavy tank regiment of proryv. in march '45. for one and a half days, his company held the enemy in the city of labentz, breaking through to the north. tankers and garmozas withstood attacks up to two infantry battalions with artillery and tanks, which, according to soviet data, were headed by a german general with his headquarters. under the leadership of the guard captain garmoza, roto recorded six destroyed destroyed tanks from... hero of the soviet union garmoza mikhail mikhailovich was awarded
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the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war of the first and second degrees, the order of the red star and medals. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. do not ruin the love of the united nation with your fellow countrymen is independent from here, we we live, we live in hell between the borders and between the borders. let's open our arms to the front in the past . let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. give it up, let it go, mommy.
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successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different. there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, and, in addition, a departure from a unipolar world, a polycentric world. the republic of belarus, it is located, in fact, at the junction of two these lines of force, the confrontation of the west. and the east, and any changes in the international situation, in international security, immediately affect our national security. the constitution of our country states in black and white that we are not going to attack anyone, military capabilities and military force are of a defensive nature, and this is against the backdrop of the rapid armament of our neighbors. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view of the policy of double standards in the project is something else. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of monday, on june 3, i, sergey lugovsky, will tell you, hello, a pragmatic approach.


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