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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of monday, june 3, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you, hello, a pragmatic approach and... sincere friendship, what is the mutual interest
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of belarus and mongolia? defining moment: elections that could bring democracy back to europe or leave behind american puppets, will the balance of power in the european parliament change? demand for food in the current century will increase by 35-40%. are the eac countries ready to ensure food security? see also in our issue. negotiation alexander lukashenko is right in yurt on a state visit to mongolia, we’ll tell you what minsk and ulaanbaatar agreed on. nesves and great stone are two platforms for negotiations between the prime ministers of the eurasian union. we are discussing food security and hosting an intergovernmental council. international military cooperation in minsk seems to have gained a second wind, all thanks to the west’s attempts to isolate the country. we’ll tell you how a challenge turns into an opportunity. the first day
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of centralized testing in belarus. applicants pass one of five subjects. we will tell you about the new stage of the introductory campaign in a panorama. the belarus national football team will play its first home match in a long time on june 7 this friday at the dynamo stadium. and here the prefix “long-awaited” fits perfectly. and the head coach of the belarusian national team, carlos alosfer, will sort everything out in a panorama.
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minsk is for negotiations, not for war. first things first, report by natalia breus. by the time everything was ready for the official ceremony on the main square of ulaanbaatar meeting of the belarusian president, in minsk it was still only 6 in the morning, here the midday sun was already seriously hot, but the horse guards. dressed in costumes from the era of genghis khan, she stood steadfastly; the mongols are very sensitive to the history of the country, and they added awe to the welcoming ceremony. and although diplomatic relations between belarus and mongolia are more than three decades old, this is the first visit at the highest level in all this time, although alexander lukashenko himself was here while still a deputy, just... when relations
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between the countries were established. we crossed paths with the head of mongolia at the climate summit, but the leaders are having detailed negotiations right now, the president with not the most... with a simple first and last name , ukhnaagin khurilsukh, has been in the country's highest post for 3 years. before the start of the conversation, alexander lukashenko will make an entry in the book of honored guests with confidence in a new stage for the state. the state palace houses all government bodies, in addition to the president, the government and the great urals, as the parliament is called here. but here's the thing: there could be a real yurt in the building.
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this is the first state visit of the first president of belarus as head of state to mongolia; we have long-standing friendly relations. the basis of our relations was undoubtedly created by our very close and warm relations during the existence of the soviet union. we fought with you against the invaders and occupiers, together with you we restored our lives. and we have come today as messengers of goodwill, as your friends, in order to deepen and expand our relations. mr. president, the basis any interstate relationship is constituted by the economy. let's say frankly that our
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trade and economic relations want, to put it mildly, to be much better. we are ready, if you wish, to do everything to... add our part of the work to the well-being of the mongolian people, we are ready to offer you options and contracts for the most technologically advanced actions of enterprises in the territory, and the trade turnover is much more than 30 million dollars, belarusian equipment they have known here since soviet times from mining dump trucks that work in coal mining to tractors, our fire trucks, a third of the special vehicle fleet of mongolian rescuers, in the package of documents there is an agreement to sign a contract for approximately 14.5 million euros. moreover, our mongolian colleagues received our belarusian equipment in the twentieth year,
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about 12 million euros, it is successfully operated here, and in difficult road conditions, our advantage is in reliability, our advantage in service, our... property is in ease of maintenance this equipment and most importantly maintenance in terms of service, our equipment is three to four times more competitive than imported analogues, and it especially shows itself most effectively in difficult weather climatic conditions, where it is dusty, where it is very hot, or vice versa, where it is cold. ours can withstand competition, despite the fact that there are plenty of chinese and japanese manufacturers nearby; by the way, there will be one in mongolia.
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30 years from the moment when deputy lukashenko was here, of course, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, our president will note the progress that has happened during this time, they say the sky and the earth, however, the world has become different, lonbater’s diplomacy today is often called the policy of the third neighbor, in fact it is an attempt to drift to the west, mongolia has to keep a balance, being between such powers as russia and china, sandwiched between two empires,
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is interested in our technologies , and we can solve any issue for you, any problem, from the construction of an airfield, in my opinion, the japanese helped you build, the construction of roads, housing, industrial facilities to technology, equipment, machines, science and so on, we we can compete fairly with any state that is located nearby.
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so i know how he defended his compatriots, they died in the thousands on the battlefield, but if someone dared to offend his soldiers where they were not located, he swept away the settlement and these people with sword and fire, what then? happened between ukraine and russia, and the same thing, such an empire as russia, the basis of the soviet union, the united states of america, the western.
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i was a witness, they call me a mediator, but not a mediator, i was the organizer of negotiations between russia and ukraine through the mediation of the west, they agreed, there were good agreements, the presidents signed them, but they didn’t implement them, the ukrainians, and the west said, and we were just kidding on purpose, you know, they gave ukraine time
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to delay the time so that they would arm themselves against russia , since... russia had to behave, why do the mongols today, having a parallel with genghis khan, whom you bow to, and i supported the president, this is a great page in your great history, you are proud of it, why with this parallel you you condemn russia, and even more so belarus, which acted as the guarantor of peace negotiations, we had three rounds of new negotiations, we agreed to stop.
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that i support russia, how could it be otherwise, this is our brotherly country, we have created a joint military group, these are our closest brothers, we live, think and speak the same language, therefore, in accordance with all the legal agreements we signed, i act as westerners , the americans didn’t
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know this, they knew, but i don’t want people to die, and we do and will. do everything to so that there is peace there, if the americans agree to ensure that there is peace there, there will be peace tomorrow, but they don’t need it, so figure out who is to blame here and who is right. it was tough, but it was a complete breakdown of the situation, an answer to the questions that were voiced in mongolian society, in mongolia they heard the principled position of minsk, and i see that they are simply biased by one side, they do not see what is happening outside of... individual journalists, this is being thrown into society, do not make us enemies of the mongolian people, we are your most close friends and brothers, and the president and i will prove to the economy that we can do a lot here, no less than the empires that border you and the developed countries, i really want this, and we
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will do it, to reinforce the said signing the package of bilateral documents on agriculture, science, education, environmental protection, tourism, emergency situations and law enforcement activities includes a road map for 3 years and a main agreement that we will cooperate in friendship. on the same day, business negotiations were held in ulaanbat circles, two hundred companies were represented, a representative belarusian delegation came to the business forum to find a common language with mongolian partners. some brands, known since soviet times, convert nostalgia into specific partnerships, as a result, a dozen and a half agreements and contracts. the total amount of signed documents to date is 20 million us dollars. today at the forum there is a large number of mongolian businesses, interest
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in belarusian products, about 200 people today he is present in the hall at the plenary part, b2b negotiations are underway and an exhibition of tasting belarusian products is being presented, and today there is an opportunity for our enterprises to enter the market, there are enterprises that have already...
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this means that the press will not do without biased headlines, hence the opposition’s attempts to bring people out to anti-belarusian rallies in the center of ulaanbat, where there is nothing new except template theses, by whom and how they are written, we have long known, now there is a new course, the course of sovereign mongolia, a course that brings, which is also important, serious economic successes, look at the growth of the mongolian economy, recent gdp growth , the programs that i am implementing... respect for traditional values, the history
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of mongolia, cooperation with russia, china, with countries that occupy an independent position, like the republic of belarus, of course , it’s not liberals who don’t like it, but why? because behind them are precisely western forces, primarily the united states of america, and not only them, which directly support the same ones. non-profit organization, and we know that there are several of them there are thousands in mongolia who, many of them are directly supported by these western forces, they want to snatch mongolia, in the midst of this political struggle, 25 parties, two coalitions, they literally clashed there, yes, alexander lukashenko is coming to mongolia , well, just a symbol, a banner of the struggle for independence, sovereignty, for a multipolar world against global hegemony. the usa comes to mongolia, of course, this immediately becomes news number one, and look how our president behaves, clearly, understandably, convincingly conveys his
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position, gives the necessary assessments, and carefully, so as not to interfere in any of the affairs of mongolia itself, note that he does not name any political force specifically, but he talks about the experience of belarus itself, our main weapon is always the most difficult situations. this is frankness, honesty not only within belarus, but in the international arena. and we see that our president was heard. ensuring food security goes beyond individual states and becomes the most important component of integration. the heads of government of the eurasian union spoke today about the strengthening of the position of the eurasian union. belarus accepts. the intergovernmental council, before it in great stone, discussed the export and import of food products, technologies of their own selection, and the prime ministers were also invited to the belgro exhibition. main
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or to further increase the dynamics of our interaction, i consider it necessary to carry out work to diversify trade flows, expand the range of goods supplied, for our part, we are ready to increase exports of more than 15 commodity items to the amount of about $265 million, this is what we are already seeing specifically, these issues are relevant for the entire five, its agricultural production is assessed
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today. at 136 billion dollars, an increase of one third over 10 years. the level of food supply in the countries of the union is from 75 to 95%. but all together we are able to collect a large, rich pile, which contains grain, meat, milk, as well as fruits and vegetables. therefore, comfortable logistics, as well as accurate calculations of supply balances and export and import is the key to independence from blocking supplies from third countries to the eurasian one. economic union. the balance of the common agricultural market of the ias is the main task. belarus actively promoted this before, and now, when sanctions are distorting global demand and supply, it is coming to the fore. to be hostage to such destructive logic, to depend on foreign suppliers who, at the direction of their governments, can at any time refuse to supply the necessary products, be it planting material,
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equipment or products. from the point of view of competition, this is, of course , the elimination of competitors, and not in a non-market way, this is the first, second, this is a violation of a number of agreements, a number of conventions that operate within the framework of the international trading system. well, the third point, which we have not yet fully explored, is the extent to which the european union fulfills its obligations within the framework of the world trade organization. such approaches are not new for us; we are building new logistics, including with partners in the eac. kazakhstan
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offers direction. central asia trans-caspian route. within the framework of the union , every year we approve forecast balances for important agricultural goods, indicative balances for important goods , and somehow we try, having heard the voice of business, to take into account new challenges in our everyday work and pay great attention to this. russia celebrates modern transport corridors and digitalization, reducing transportation costs, and also speeding up delivery. the eurasian one is also aimed at this. agroexpress. it has accelerated the transportation of agricultural products, helping to increase the union’s exports to other countries, including uzbekistan, china, and many others. the containers were sent to india. last year, 14 agreements were signed with russian regions on joining the agroexpress. each country is an importer and exporter of goods, some to a greater extent, some more modestly. but
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the industry’s own self-sufficiency too. relations between countries by one and a half to two times. in this regard, the focus should be on intensifying selection and seed production, increasing the genetic potential of breeding farm animals, developing modern feed production technologies, improving veterinary care . through joint efforts, it is necessary to scale up the best practices in the use of precision farming and smart agricultural machinery. with all the abundance of its own, there are a lot of imports on the market, including. in terms of technology, yes, we have already mastered many mechanisms, but there is still a lot of work ahead in cooperation, although belarus is making a powerful contribution to ensuring the food security of the union. we are actively developing agriculture, actively developing processing
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industry, we create a product that we fully supply to the domestic market ; we certainly create significant export potential. yes, it’s easy to show the best that we can do. we collected it ourselves at bilagra, there is a whole range of food here, it’s amazing that every producer invites you to come and try something, for example, our milkshakes. our equipment does not need unnecessary advertising; it is in the fields on the roads of the entire eac. the track of the russian economic union has a separate program, and a separate financing for the creation of cooperative projects at the level of three or more countries, and such projects are also now appearing, they are being implemented. such a scrupulous examination, again, primarily to ensure that when creating a joint product , raw materials, materials and components from third countries are not used. joint brands and new products, the five spoke about this at the intergovernmental council, are already new.
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a narrow lineup started tonight, a wide lineup tomorrow. topics range from competition in cross-border markets to east-west infrastructure development, north south. this is for the future union, on the foundation of the ability to speak and...
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georgia withstood the onslaught from the outside and chose
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an independent path of development. the speaker of the country's parliament signed the law on foreign agents after overcoming the presidential veto. now, within 60 days , a list of organizations that operate in foreign countries will be created. intervention, the approach to the law is simple and clear. if non-governmental organizations , the media want to participate in the decision-making process, influence the life of the georgian people, at the expense of foreign governments, they must meet a minimum standard
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of transparency. the public needs to know who is behind each entity, this applies to government agencies, political parties and government officials, as well as foreign-funded organizations. five coffins with the inscription french soldiers in ukraine were discovered near the eiffel tower. the detained police, citizens of bulgaria, germany and ukraine, explained what they received. this order from unknown people earned 400 euros from it. coffins promptly removed, investigators don’t even know what to present to the troublemakers. there is no article on discrediting the army in the french criminal code. they decided to charge the violators with premeditated violent acts. well, continuing the ukrainian theme, the swiss senate rejected the allocation of additional assistance to kiev in the amount of $5.6 billion. it is explained that the govt.
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was the reason for strengthening the position on contacts with a security perspective, the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. remember how we used to rejoice to every kind word of any politician from the eu, how they listened to the democratic advice of western structures and how they reacted positively when we were raised by two or three positions in some intricate ratings, which turned out to be the case. it is known: sanctions and cutting off ties to our borders brought up troops
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to defend against us, although belarus had no intention of increasing its strike potential. but perhaps someday we will warmly thank washington and brussels for their attempt to isolate minsk in the international arena. as a result , we managed to establish so many new contacts and relationships, it only took one week on the military line. the minister of national defense of equatorial guinea paid an official visit to belarus. accreditation took place. meeting with atache from egypt. on the same days, minsk received defense ataches from six arab states. diplomats learned about the features of military education and studied industrial potential from the point of view of developing specific interaction. and this is the security of replenishing the budget. by the way, minsk attracts not only its openness and attractive contracts. the planet sees that belarus is capable of shaping its agenda on international platforms, while maintaining independence in decision-making and resources for...
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for all countries on the planet. by the way, paying attention to new contacts is not such a necessary measure. today , a battle has unfolded for the global south, that is, for interaction with the countries of this vector. there is a political transformation in africa, the middle east and asia are gaining weight, and here the resources are potential, given the shaky unipolar world. the competition in the new international infrastructure is incredible. our positions are strong in many respects thanks to military ties, sometimes the army even took risks to show that friendship with it is
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an effective investment, this was the case, for example, in 2012, then the belarusian contingent in qatar took part in a multinational during the angry falcon exercise, the nato countries dominated the maneuvers, played everything according to the rules of the alliance, but in the end they demonstrated the greatest effectiveness in front of the whole world belarusians, by the way, were the only representatives of the cis at that time. since then, we have needed fewer arguments when establishing relationships with partners. by the way, the russian contingent in the middle east was led by pavel muraveyka, who recently became chief of the general staff. the combat training system that we have created has shown its effectiveness and the unit arrived in the exercise area with a high level of coherence, capable of solving the most complex tasks, and in some areas even teaching our colleagues from other countries. so the current full house in belarus is far from an accident. by the way, major general pavel. muraveyka participated in the organization and conduct of many belarusian-russian
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exercises; the key event in international military cooperation in recent days was the visit to minsk of the russian president and the minister of defense of the neighboring country. bread, salt, a company of honor guard, a meeting at a high level, all this, of course, was significant, impressive, all this was, but what is much more important is maintaining logic, consistency, if you want , integrity in matters of interaction. belarus is friends, without looking at its uncle and sanctions, this is strength. which beckons. well, this is what attracts europe, it will become known in the very near future. this week is marked by one of the most important political events for the european union. voters in the 27 eu countries are beginning to vote in elections to the european parliament. will the elections change the balance of power in european politics? there are forecasts about the likely success of the far right, eurosceptics and opponents
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of aid to ukraine. the term “right-wing populists” was coined on the sidelines of the european bureaucratic machine. so brussels. names those who are allegedly trying to destroy the eu and are working against the good of europeans. from june 6 to 9, about 400 million citizens of 27 eu countries will have to decide what the new composition of the european parliament will be. according to forecasts, the far right promises to become the undisputed winners in countries such as france, italy, belgium, hungary, austria, poland, and slovakia. i collected the current prerequisites. there are many problems: rising costs of living, discontent of farmers, climate change, lack of jobs and the fight against poverty are at the forefront of the concerns of eu citizens. the gas wars in ukraine, as well as defense and security, have also become some of the company's main issues. it is no secret that the ruling
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european bureaucracy, most leaders of eu countries are now subordinate to the americans, often to the detriment of the national economy. and the interests of their own citizens, as in germany, for example, voters can use the european elections to teach their government a lesson, to show that they are unhappy with policies at the national level, and this is a likely scenario in these european elections in germany, but berlin does not need the people; recently, scholz, following the united states, allowed ukraine to attack russia with its weapons, although the kremlin warned about serious ones.
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true, the latest european parliament poll gives hope at 70%. once meps are elected, one of the first tasks will be to approve the next european commission: they can reappoint the current chairperson, ursula vonlein, for a second term. by the way, the french prosecutor's office is investigating ms. ursula
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investigation into corruption in the purchase of fizer vaccines, the deal was worth 35 billion euros.


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