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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 4, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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in your opinion, what does time require? well, look, a year ago ukraine carried out a counter-offensive, the situation there on the battlefield determined the information picture here, that is, we were intimidated that russia would collapse, which means there would be a rupture of the front , everything else, today russia is already carrying out quite active offensive actions there, again the west turns on this media machine, like we will involve you in a war, we will bomb you, under no circumstances should you support russia, this is a game of confrontation between the allies. task today ours, the belarusian one, should correctly analyze the situation, that is, firstly, what will happen next on the battlefield?
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in order to tear us away from this common space again, that is, we need to calculate all this, yes, you said it correctly, but they understand that we understand this, they are trying to manipulate us, how do you look at this? well , i absolutely agree with what was voiced here, i will only note that as a historian i cannot help but say that the information confrontation also has quite deep historical roots, it has always been a long time ago it is already known that whoever owns information means he owns it in the future, so this has been used for quite a long time, these are only at new technological stages. this is all growing, when we now have all these gadgets, all the social networks, it has simply grown into such a huge snowball, information flows, they are simply overwhelming people, and here it is very important to form, from my point of view , a person’s ability to analyze that information, which reaches him, to understand where, as they say, legs grow, what it means lies behind those information throws that are made , yes, that means from some sources from outside, and here it is also very important that we have this, by the way, the president spoke yesterday about creating our own
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information space, which has no place for some , that means, bloody, vulgar stories, yes, but what corresponds to our ideology, our spirituality, our values, yes, traditional ones, which we promote, what is written in our constitution, is also an important element of the information confrontation, because what if a person is spiritually developed, which means his spiritual values ​​are high, then such a person is much more difficult to manage, meaning, to introduce some kind of negative information...
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the point, of course, is that my colleague is right that in conditions of a hot conflict we have right next door, we must behave in this agenda very competently, with restraint, not to allow panic in society or, on the contrary, not to discourage society, as some short-sighted figures did in the twenty-second year and then they organized such a tv show very easily identified this agenda, today you see, everyone they shuddered, yes, remember the year 22 , on all sides in europe they took it lightly, in ukraine, in russia. everyone had a hat in their hands, everyone waved it over their head and said everything would work out quickly, so here the head of state is right that there should be restraint, balance and responsibility, you know, because he addressed the internal agenda in what context, the media should have the opportunity identify problems, create conditions
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for the authorities to react to them and solve these problems, that is, this is such the quintessence of cooperation is not a question of engaging in politicking or undermining stability in the country.
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we need to train, the world is unstable, dangerous, we cannot miss this blow, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they should know about it, but we do not escalate the situation, we do not need war, we treat the security of belarus strictly as well as to the security of the russian federation, and this is probably the key element of our...
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will make a decision on the start of a military conflict, those who will resist, they will shoot, nations have never made decisions about starting military conflicts, well, look, here are american bases in germany, which are located with the same nuclear weapons, they are extraterritorial, that is, the germans are not asked how and what will be used, we emphasize, that our nuclear weapons are, as it were, joint, that is, we make a decision on their joint use, what is located here is used by two states at the same time, it is important for russia to show that we are not some kind of vasal subordinate. there is no state, well , a sovereign country, well, which has a common, let’s say, allied grouping, and now this grouping is supplemented by such a new
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damaging factor, let’s say, so this is more about politics, in military terms, well, russia, i repeat, is providing its offensive today actions, the west may give some, say, asymmetrical response in order to secure kaliningrad, for example, the same and there is belarusian territory, crimea, yes, perhaps there is russian territory, it has been stated that that we, if anything happens, are ready to use , among other things, these nuclear weapons, that is , it was said separately that this is precisely belarusian territory. is considered as russian, that is, in the event of an attack on this belarusian territory , russian nuclear weapons will be used, this is such a simple message that was sounded, well, twice after. meanwhile , the concentration of nato forces on the borders of our country continues; at the end of april, the current chief of the general staff of belarus, pavel muraveika, said that this concentration has reached its peak over the past 20 years. the largest exercise stadfast defender continues. 90,000 people, aviation, ships, combat vehicles. the last time... this happened only during the cold war, the maneuvers are closely monitored not only in our region,
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here is what the chinese global times writes: the staunch defender exercise is far from harmless, it is largely a rehearsal, in a theater of military operations where a war is already raging, perhaps even a provocation. vecheslav viktorovich, well, i absolutely agree with this message, of course, it is quite obvious that they are trying to push europe in with all their might, that is. a war, to unleash some kind of hot conflict, which on the one hand, well , absolutely, this is also obvious to any thinking person who analyzes the situation, this is beneficial, of course, to the united states of america, which wants to maintain its hegemony in the world at any cost, and thus dragging europe into some kind of protracted military conflict, even with the use of possibly tactical nuclear weapons, they solve the problem of a competitor, on the one hand, the european union, in fact, its economic potential is now crossing the ocean. what my colleague was talking about, all these productions are rushing there, because in fact it is no longer profitable to produce on
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the territory of europe, on the other hand , they are announcing theses about building up military groups, this is already a fact in fact, but they say that we will to fight, until the last ukrainian, then the european peoples will go accordingly, who are not at all sorry for overseas, they are consumables for the united states of america and great britain, in order to maintain their hegemony in the world, so in this situation, of course, we must clearly understand and be aware.
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well, our chinese colleagues are talking about provocateurs, we, of course, should not
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only look overseas, look, yes, everything is clear, where the customer is, if this is all clear, we talk about this a lot, but there are neighbors next to us, with which we coexisted more or less safely for many years, for example poland now yes, they have already secured their status as polish the leadership of the great fence builders, and apparently they don’t plan to stop there, we are now hearing a statement that it would be nice to also mine the polish border area, this topic is serious. besides the fact that, of course, there is a saturation of military equipment, but ahead of 2025, the elections of the polish president, and this also needs to be viewed through the prism of this company, in this case, as you see these provocations, pr is either really preparing for war with russia, andrey, well, look, according to current statements, that is, he was there a large group of migrants crossed to the polish border, a polish soldier was injured there,
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a howl immediately arose that they were slaughtering, killing, offending our military there, when they kill migrants, this is normal, this is correct. we don’t show it, that’s when their soldiers were wounded, you know, it’s a russian attack, putin coordinates these actions, they write, and that means it’s necessary to lay a minefield, but smart people understand that you worked out the approaches, the waste of equipment first and to the border under the guise of wagner's attack there there’s something else there, now you’re putting up a minefield, this is the next stage, that is , under the guise of fighting migrants, they ’re mining it all, that’s what’s being done, well , it’s clear that it’s probably not even for elections, but for elections in the european parliament, which will be there this summer, that is, they are expecting, well, let ’s say, pumping up this well, hysteria, there will probably be...
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this is not bad, that is, there is an unstable system that is not yet ready to fight, our task is that it, in principle, couldn't prepare for something so big military operation, when everything is so unbalanced there, believe me that this will not happen, yeah. how do you think? well, absolutely, here, of course, politicians, the polish ruling elites, are pursuing certain political goals within their country, i mean elections, yes, but from my point of view , a lot of factors clearly indicate that, after all, european countries, including poland, they are preparing for certain armed forces.
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certain groups that are in america too, americans in south korea in many ways control the military-industrial complex, they must understand, that is, they warm their hands on one side, on the other hand they create a technical, engineering infrastructure for the start of military operations, until you build fonton bridges, you will not have infrastructure until you have equipment to gain manpower and so on, you cannot start a military operation, that is, this is not pr, this is really some kind of pr, there is always pr in politics, but you are paying attention. that is, of course there is pr before the elections, any politician will do it, but specifically, but specifically, so that you understand, if the infrastructure is created and 130 billion dollars are pumped in, these are the funds that will be used in the future for the war, this is the economy, this is finance, this is poland, which is extracting additional funds for itself, this has always been the case and this will continue indefinitely,
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lithuania, the presidential elections have passed, they remain in power again, nothing changes for us. he has a second term, that is, he
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won’t be re-elected again, so he doesn’t really care what the population thinks about him, but he will not go against the establishment power, we remember 2004, when the president was removed, literally impeached less than he even lasted a year, that is, it is clear that he will be restrained, he will play. according to the rules that it dictates, we know that lithuania is an absolutely dependent state, but we see how the population voted, and this is such a very good indicative moment that everyone understands perfectly well what situation they are in, they are not deciding anything and will watch whatever is dictated to them, well, the main thing for us is that there is still a conflict in this ruling group, that the ruling party is still in opposition to the president, that they live like cats and dogs, this is not bad, this is the same situation as in poland today, where the opposition president is in opposition to him.
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there is no such profession as a pizza maker, there is a pizzaioli, we can do this too, we have a rich layer that needs to be revealed, broadcast, shown on our tv channel, the flag, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and involvement with belarus, the country exists, while symbols are being honored, live forever, belarus. patriotism is at the core of common victory. may 9 is a holiday of global significance, at the cost of millions of lives. time chose us, chose us to
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flee to belarus. ordinary poles do not want our country to be drawn into this conflict. quality control about how fading enterprises were brought to a new level. i want the state to have a face, and fewer countries produce watches than airplanes and helicopters, you know that, that is, this. this is intelligence, the mechanism is putting a microphone, a signal is given on the device, and it is necessary to adjust that the clock runs accurately, to preserve what our ancestors invested in their work, this is our history and heritage, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. we continue, hungarian prime minister viktor orban believes that the statements of western politicians in the media indicate that europe is preparing for the beginning.
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we can safely call this preparation for europe's entry into the union. and orban confirms with you in his deeds, yes, we see that peter is now working in minsk szijart, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry and in general we see that budapest lives by its own mind, yes, that is, it is not, as our experts often like to say, they do not live pro-russian, not pro belarusian, but pursue their own national interests, this suits us absolutely , in hungary makes it clear that in this situation with nato they are not on the path, because hungary
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does not fight for ukraine... there are no
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existing contradictions, he has always followed his own path for his country, but here the situation is that they are not such a state, not an independent state, they are in any case in the structure of the european union, in the structure of nato, and they will have to sooner or later, remember how all their events were very difficult for them, they put pressure on him all the time, they always put some kind of spoke in their wheels. , it’s incredibly difficult for him and how long will he last and will they decide?
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of the world that is being formed, it lies in the fact that everyone is clearly aware that each state has its own interests, and these interests must be respected, states should not
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act there according to orders from... isn’t it orban what macron means when he says these words: we have never had so many external internal enemies. europe is going through a moment on which its existence depends. i really think that our europe could die, says the french president.


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