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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 4, 2024 2:10am-3:05am MSK

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well, in our test vision we use the non-steamed method as a sponge. warm bread has been produced at our enterprise since a long time ago, when molded bread began to be produced. the bread is made with sourdough, leningradskaya sourdough, brewed, and many people love it. these breads are exactly what they know, we also produce, of course, diabetic products, dietary, that is, diabetic - this is exactly the product, the composition is selected in such a way that, in agreement with the doctor, it is recommended for consumption by those suffering from diabetes, it contains sugar of natural origin, that is, sugar, which is contained in flour, there is also gluten in the composition, dry, bran.
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on the skin they are oblong oval, in order to distinguish them, we do, if according to the recipe there is a sprinkle, then the product is sprinkled, it can be a mixture of seeds with kurzhut, or kino and why do our packages come like this, or the pins are different, each bread has its own designation, now in my hands i am carrying barisovsky anniversary original bread and borisovsky premium bread, despite the fact that they are the same... the company produces a wide range of products, if by name, it is more than 50 items, but we can produce each item as packaged, unpackaged sliced, other mass. that
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is, half of the product, and this further expands the range. we are located in the sales area of ​​bakery section number one, in this case it is a chamber for preserving the freshness of finished products, here the products are rolled up, handed over for sale, then later they are taken from these containers and flights are formed, the store's office. by the way, there are several such chambers in
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order... to ensure that the bread retains its consumer qualities throughout its entire shelf life. in the candy department we produce a wide range of products, ranging from sweet pastries, puff pastries, shortbreads, pastries and cakes. this is the finishing room of the confectionery department, ready-made baked semi-finished products, various creams, fillings, fillers arrive there, here the confectioners assemble the finished product from them, which we see on the counter, all the work is done by hand, finishing it is assembled, finished, there is a lot of manual labor, but at the same time it is a creative process for every pastry chef. they have their own
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style, their own handwriting, and we even know who made what product, the same roses, everyone puts them in their own way, or even some flower is the same. our company was founded in 1932, of course, having reached the almost century mark, this year we will be 92 years old, of course, the company has undergone a lot of reconstruction and changes, modernizations, we have always
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tried to improve something, something new some, the same equipment, and some new technologies, so with... observing old traditions, preserving, as they say, the foundation, we strive for new heights. according to borisov khlepprom, it includes all bakery enterprises in the minsk region.
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assortment of products, which are then supplied to the store. our enterprise employs about 400 employees, and the operating mode, since everyone wants bread in the morning, if not hot, then fresh, we work in three shifts, as they say, now 24x7, and every line is here. works a little differently schedule, but the company operates around the clock. the bulk of the products begin to be produced in the evening and at night, because the shipment of products to retail outlets begins somewhere after 2 o’clock. but
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in the store, of course, i pay attention to what products the buyer takes, and of course, i am happy when i see that... like our loaf or our bread, and i think this is our person, appreciated our products. i was born in klimovich, the city of klimovich, mogilev region, i graduated from what was then called the mogilev institute of technology, profession engineer-technologist, bakery confectionery pasta production, i chose the profession, i thought that i would work in the confectionery industry.
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but it’s not all as simple as it looks beautiful from the outside, because somewhere you need rigor, adherence to principles, and exactingness, all this must be, because otherwise we will not get a good product, i love bread, i love our bakery products, every time...
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because here is a piece, as they say, of my thoughts, precisely a small piece of my soul, then this also gives even more inspiration. to create something even better.
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sergey anatovich, good evening! good evening, murad sergeevich! do fans of feature films and medical topics have a clear knowledge of what a red cat, a blue cat, a black cat is? all of them indicate that, at a minimum, emergency care is required for the patient. but when the word red is heard in borovlyany, what is it about? well, if you mean me, the last name matters, then i would say that this is a doctor, first of all, an oncologist surgeon who works at the republican scientific and practical center for oncology named after alexandrov for more than 30 years, and he is also a scientist who today heads all scientific research in the field of oncology in the republic. well, you know, here we are behind the scenes. we talked a little, after all, the word academician should sound, just an academician,
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just an academician, but for your patients the self-understanding that red comes to them, this is hope, this is what it is for them, after all, the title academician plays a role, even for understanding, of course, plays a role, it plays a role both for colleagues and for patients, this... bears a certain amount, i would say, of respect, not only respect, but also your responsibility, as i understand it, responsibility goes without saying, but there is one thing that i don’t really like, for many i become a symbol of last hope, this is not quite right, because i’m still not a magician, and i would like people to come to me earlier, when they can be radically helped, we are writing today’s program for this, i hope, precisely for this, you are from a family military? yes, they broke tradition, here is the fight against
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deadly disease, can’t it be attributed precisely to the concept of defense of the homeland? i agree, we are talking about saving tens of thousands of people, so this is part of the country’s national security, it’s beautiful, but most often i came across doctors, atheists, yes, but you are not. from their category, and why? and how often do you see cases of healing, when it seems that hope has already gone and medicine is powerless? well , i’ll say this: i was baptized when i was 36 years old, that is, already at a conscious age, and i had already worked in oncology for quite a long time, oncologists differ from other doctors quite significantly, therefore, among oncologists there are many more religious people, this applies
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not only to doctors, but also to nurses and aides, they are characterized, i would say, by the highest degree of mercy, otherwise it is simply impossible to work in oncology, so it seems to me that without faith in oncology it is very difficult, but have miracles happened in your practice?
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to the hospital, in fact, having literally felt the tumor, yes, that is, already feeling the problems. today the survival rate from cancer is above 60%, well that's according to statistics. more than every second, and for some types of cancer tends to 100%, i ’m not confusing anything, in this regard, there are changes, absolutely true, but i still don’t agree with you on what, the institute of oncology, then this there was an oncology institute, it was never a hospital somewhere outside the city, this entire
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institution instilled some kind of animal fear in all people, some kind of hopelessness, there... as for oncology, this is by far the most dynamically developing branch of medicine , every 3-5 years everything changes dramatically changes in the way, well, for example, in the republican scientific and practical center of oncology, menyalexology, each of these projects is a small step forward, in some direction, in increasing life expectancy, in reducing
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mortality, even by a few percent, in improving the quality of life of cancer patients afterwards. .. additionally, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, this is a city like molodechna, not much, not little, now the second component, everyone knows the phrase of vladimir ilyevich lenin, personnel decide everything, indeed, there are simply
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wonderful specialists working in oncology, and in our republic they are concentrated in oncological institutions; we still have them. system of oncological care, oncological service, which has collapsed in all other countries, this gives a colossal result: the concentration of all specialists of all resources in one place, all oncological patients are treated only in oncological institutions, it has already been proven in serious foreign studies that in an oncological hospital the results are the order is better than in the general medical network, everyone understood this. is trying to restore, but this is not so easy to do, it requires colossal resources, continuation of lenin’s phrase, not everyone knows this, personnel decides everything, but if we have the appropriate material and technical base, yeah, here we are really lucky, because in the nineties for years, this material and technical
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base left much to be desired; you correctly said that the patients themselves felt the tumor. came for treatment, thanks to government support there was several state programs in the field of oncology have been carried out to re-equip our system, thanks to which we have received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions and republican oncology centers and dispensaries, everything you could want, including the pet positron center.
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we just don’t ask, so here you need to have a certain sense of proportion, because this is taken away from other branches of medicine, so that, as they say, not to leave the rest without maintenance, so we get everything, but only what is needed, without excess, but cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, and in many countries, there are already more than thirty such countries, cancer has come out on top, overtaking cardiovascular diseases, thanks to the development of cardiology, that is, cardiologists thanks their successes increase the workload on oncologists, life expectancy increases, and cancer is still a disease advantageous for older people, so the better cardiologists work, the more malignant
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neoplasms there are. okay, here you go the last ones from the list that i outlined, and people’s attitudes have changed dramatically. i have already said that before cancer, the word cancer was forbidden. why? because the chances of recovery were quite low, less than 20% of people recovered. but before, if it was temporary , it was about the same flight back, when i came to work, then the word cancer was forbidden to be uttered at all, why? because everyone knew if a person was dying of cancer, neighbors, relatives, everyone, or in the village, the whole village knew, but if cured, then no one talked about it, it was considered, maybe... it was a shame, or maybe people didn’t want to be pitied, nevertheless, yes, there was such a myth that cancer is an incurable disease, now the situation has changed dramatically , firstly, better
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results, we have already said this, the survival rate of patients has increased three to four times, and in some localizations and in the early stages it is 100%, people are no longer afraid to talk about it, and you can give many... examples, when famous people, artists, politicians, talk about how they defeated cancer, they were cured, this evokes respect among people, at the same time it removes this fear: if he was cured, why can’t i, well, besides, we actively promote our successes, we live in a unique time with you, when cancer is moving from an absolutely fatal disease to the category of chronic, in fact, you and i, i won’t say that we are doing comparable work in this direction, but yes, we are trying to inform as much as possible about this, and your task, of course, is to treat as best as possible ,
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diagnose and treat, and together it turns out better, an overview of the most interesting sporting events, a prize named. ruslan seleya was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league. and finally, mikhail shalagin became the best hockey player in the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league, slutsk created a sensation, beating mazyrin 1:0 at home. thanks to this victoria, slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. exclusive interviews with athletes. a huge number of people are waiting for me both at the master class and just to see, communicate and have the opportunity to speak for. we have a new team, a new team, we are starting our, well , long-awaited, i think, such a way of returning to the major league, bright moments, real emotions,
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8 years later, magnitka champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me that no one has teams, how happy the metalga players are, all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, we are going on a... trip around belarus. hello travel lovers. it's going to be hot today. despite the changeable weather, i'm going to the most the southern warm region of our country, in the brest region. let's take a historical excursion. moscow speaks. last hour. morse key, you can try. oh, he's a worker. amazing. we will also visit the brightest sights of our country. agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event. well,
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we build the joyful moments of our lives ourselves every weekend together with the route built project. see the program for the route built on the tv channel belarus 24. well, look, sergei anatolyevich, when talking with kondratovich, you know this doctor very well. i have known him for more than 40 years, we studied together. we asked him about one particular operation named after our capital, right? but still, this operation is your know-how. how did you manage to fit minsk into the history of world oncology? we are talking about the operation that was named. a rather severe group of patients suffering from bladder cancer requires removal of the bladder, but
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remove it. it's not a tricky thing, but what to do further? at that time, this is the nineties, mastheads were brought out onto the skin, tubes were placed and the urine was constantly collected in some kind of bags, or transplanted into a continuous intestine, as a result of which a person recovered from cancer, then he began to suffer from all sorts of inflammatory diseases, the infection entered through the tubes or from the intestines, enters the kidneys, pilonephritis and kidney failure develop within one to two years. most often these patients died from kidney failure, so operations were developed at that time artificial bladder, when from a section of the intestine, about a meter long, a reservoir was formed like a soccer ball, i can compare something, this reservoir was sewn to the urine excretory canal, urinary tracts were transplanted there, in general it was all designed to improve the quality
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of life. a lot of people in our republic in all oncology institutions are being treated abroad, including a lot of our colleagues who came to study, yeah, so it turned out that the life expectancy of these patients sharply increases three or even four times precisely due to the fact that they do not die from complications of an inflammatory nature, we went further in this regard and developed an operation for those who still have damage
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to the urethra... canal, this is even more severe the operation, of course, is usually called by the name of the surgeon, the operation, but somehow modesty did not allow it to be done, at that time our great friend, professor axel heidenreich from germany, came to us, we have been friends with him since the nineties, now he is a legend of urology , works in cologne, he watched the operation, adopted it and started performing it in his own place...
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it was a hopeless situation, dramatic changes have occurred since the organization of the vertebrology department in our center, this is a whole department dedicated to the treatment of primary and metastatic tumors of the spine, and now the situation is really has changed, changed significantly for the better, these patients undergo surgery, various fixing operations are performed, stabilizing the spine, up to...
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replacing entire vertebrae, there are prostheses vertebrae, all this, by the way, is belarusian production, both fixing devices and vertebral prostheses are organized, everything is produced in the republic of belarus, it returns mobility to the patient, the patient can take care of himself, he is not bedridden, he does not develop bedsores with all kinds of infections, which naturally shorten life, well, you can... carry out appropriate antitumor treatment, so such patients are subject to very effective treatment, and the results are now radically different from what they were 10 years ago. i i immediately apologize for the possible questions that are so amateurish for an experienced doctor, but still i can’t help but ask what these killer cells are that are now rumored to inspire belarusian science. we are talking about the so-called kartek.
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cell therapy, a very complex technology, if you allow me, i won’t talk about it in detail, i mean about the technology itself, it’s very simple. is formed in such a way that so-called chimeric or artificial receptors appear on their surface, perceiving specifically receptors on tumor cells, in this case we are talking about cd-19, these receptors in lymphomas, yeah, thanks to these
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receptors, telymphocytes recognize tumor cells, kill them, which means not outside the body, in a test tube, in fact, these are already modified.. i would call them universal soldiers, specific killers, they multiply in huge quantities, up to 50 to 100 million pieces, are injected back into the patient, not only do they begin to multiply already in the body, but they also rush to specific tumors. 19 positive lymphoma cells begin to destroy them, this is where a massive immune reaction occurs...
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pneumatologists and, if necessary, surgeons. the technology was developed jointly by three organizations: republican scientific and practical center of onology named after alexandrov, republican scientific and practical center of children's oncology, hematology, immunology, and the institute of biorganic chemistry, national academy of sciences. to date, the results have simply impressed us; the effectiveness of this method is 88% complete. complete cure and 12% partial cure, significant prolongation of life. i let me remind you that we are talking about dying patients, where the effectiveness of chemotherapy has been exhausted, and no other treatment methods
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exist. there are similar analogues abroad; cell therapy in highly developed countries shows the cost of treatment for one patient. about 500 thousand euros, and here in the republic of belarus for an oncology patient, it is free, this is the cost for a foreigner, naturally this price attracts foreigners, they have already flocked to the republic of belarus, how long has this technology existed, several years, we have the results are two years old, by the way, we carried out this treatment completely by accident, at the insistence of the patient himself, for the primary patient , as we say, well, maybe this is a slang expression. advanced, that is, with massive spread of lymphoma throughout all organs, through lymph nodes of all localizations, yeah, this patient refused, this woman refused chemotherapy and insisted on
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carrying out just such a treatment , card-cell therapy, this was the first time in world practice, therefore we convened an international consultation, consulted with experts leading the world in this direction decided to carry out. such treatment, it was carried out, was quite difficult to tolerate, but nevertheless all the tumor foci disappeared completely, now six months have passed, the patient is healthy, well, what types of cancer does this technology work on, so far only leukemia and lymphoma, the matter the fact is that other types of tumors are much more complex, it is difficult to find this very antigen that the lymphocyte will act on.
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create and what's new in this area we have? about 2.5-300 foreigners come to belarus every year in the field of oncology, every year, every year, yes, this in no way interferes with the treatment of our domestic patients, well, for example, in the republican scientific and practical center of oncology we treat about 30,000, yeah, patients every year , of which 2.5-300 are foreigners, that is, 10% is not so much, but why do they come, price-quality ratio is business as usual, for them, quality, for them, of course.
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such a blood-brain barrier, through which it
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is very difficult to treat, there is the barrier does not penetrate our immune system cells and does not destroy brain cells, this is a specially created such a system during evolution, but in addition, this barrier does not allow drugs to pass through, so all anti-tumor drugs either do not penetrate the brain at all or penetrate very poorly into insufficient... age matters, age does not matter much, but the results of treatment are very bad, and there are many examples of famous people who have all the possibilities for treatment in the best clinics of the effect didn’t reach, that is, freezing, rostovsky, this is all absolutely correct, everything is rumored, yes, as for the brain tumor, what changes have appeared, well, the first thing is... we now have topical medications
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that can be used during surgery, we appeared, this is, by the way, a belarusian -made drug, the possibility of neuroimaging appeared, a very complex word, and you can’t always say what it is even the first time? we can use magnetic resonance imaging to identify vital centers. and don't use them during surgery, do not damage, this is very important to maintain quality of life after treatment. then we have the opportunity to perform endoscopic operations, when a large incision is not made, for example, through a small incision above the eyebrow, which will not even be visible, we can remove the tumor using endoscopic technology, unique radiation therapy technologies have appeared, absolutely... with this beam it is possible
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to destroy the tumor, so-called radiosurgery, as well as stereotoxic radiation therapy with 3d technologies planning, it is possible to destroy tumors that are located in vital places very deep in the brain without causing damage. there are surrounding tissues completely, we have a case where we removed 150 metastases in the brain without damaging healthy tissue, these are simply unique results that we had never even dreamed of before, well, you are telling such fantastic things, however, for the uninitiated, for now near the western borders of belarus, nato is conducting exercises, increasing its military contingent, on our southern border the special services are constantly catching
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ukrainian saboteurs, today in our country all conditions are being created to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different. a redistribution of spheres of influence is taking place in the world. well , in addition, a departure from a unipolar world to a polycentric world. the republic of belarus is essentially located at the junction of these two power lines: the confrontation between the west and the east. and any changes in the international.
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a show where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i had passed the casting, my emotions were simply overwhelming. which ancient country, along with greece, gave its name to the olympic form of wrestling? artyom? rome, italy. roman empire, i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach broke sir alex ferguson's record for the most appearances in the champions league in may 2023? carlo anchelotti. carlo ancelotti. 2 steps forward. watch
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the intellectual sports project. game, head. until 2020, we tried to compare all the time, yes, in what ways belarus does not lag behind western medicine, now this is the truth, finally there is a feeling that we have understood, we ourselves have understood, that we can and should think about what we have succeeded in relation even to ours...
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the system is a unique achievement, and i don’t even know in which countries it is still preserved, it immediately gives a unique result at minimal cost to get maximum survival rate and the lowest mortality rate, therefore, in almost all areas of oncology, treatment results in the republic of belarus are in no way inferior to highly developed countries of the world, we will not name which. well , i’ll give just one example, the same bladder cancer, among the countries with the lowest mortality from this disease, the republic of belarus in 1980 took third place in the world, second only to south korea and finland, if only we had less smoking , as in these countries, we would be in first place. and the next thing that
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i would like to note that this is screening for prostate cancer, which is something we may not have wanted to do. but ended up among the leaders, why? why? because in all countries this event was simply prohibited. it is unclear, it was believed that it does more harm than good. based on research that turns out to be, well, falsified, to put it mildly. so, we carried out screening for prostate cancer, studied its effectiveness, starting... in 2011 and were under severe pressure from the global health organizations and the international agency for research on cancer, they demanded to immediately stop all this, well, they care very much about ours, absolutely true, yes, but we saw that our men are different from everyone else, they don’t just go to doctors, only when it’s already pressing hard, then
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maybe, but this is already the fourth stage of the disease, most often, so our men need to be examined. by force, i would say so, but maybe the expression is not quite correct, how often, once every 2 years, determination of a simple specific antigen, thank god, thanks to this screening, almost all residents of our country, both men and women, now know about prostate-specific antigen, so they threatened us with sanctions if we did not stop, but then alexander grigorievich intervened again lukashenko said that sanctions are not your concern. you do your job and work calmly, and thanks to this , thousands of human lives were saved in the republic, these were quite young men, at that time... so results were recently published around the world, hundreds of thousands of additional deaths due to the cessation of screening programs, as a result,
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the european union in the eighteenth year decided to resume screening programs for cancer of the presiding gland and recommended that all countries take up this process, the republic of belarus was ahead of the planet , all the experience of belarus played in this year, of course, of course, the experience of belarus played a role and now they are asking to share.
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britain refused to supply, thank god that we purchased quite a lot in advance from large reserves, we managed to hold out for a certain period, and then our russian colleagues got involved, they began to produce much more, and there were no problems with this, but imagine, cancer patients who suffer from pain would lose this painkiller, but this it’s just a terrible situation, theoretically this could happen with some of the medicines, because it’s impossible to produce everything completely at home, well, this is not one country,
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probably not one country can afford it, so i really hope that some other logistics schemes will be established, at least for now there are no such problems, but nevertheless we need to think about drug safety, what can be produced at home or in friendly countries, okay? this seems to be an imperceptible process that occurs, oddly enough, in developed countries of the world, gradually, parents are prohibited from
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raising children as they see fit, the child can simply be taken away from the family if the parents force him, for example, to study at school. these kids are 14 years old they become completely uncontrollable, and the parents themselves are already beginning to give up on them , sending them to the appropriate institutions that raise these children, even if the state takes care of them, but naturally such children will never take care of their parents, and i’m generally silent about some things , for example, it’s not even difficult for me to imagine being called parent number one, well, yes, so that my child or...
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it’s clear why it’s aimed at reducing the birth rate to reduce the population, but this will ultimately lead to disaster, there are any number of examples, remember the great roman empire, remember the biblical sodom and gomorrah, well, the end is obvious, treatment, like in oncology, is complex at the state level.
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regarding screening for cancer of the prostate gland, one on one they say one thing, when there is an official discussion, then something completely different, that is, by and large, they are simply afraid that they will be pecked, absolutely right, you know, this is what scares me, because even those polls that the westerners themselves conduct say that 77% of the same the usa are people of absolutely traditional orientation values, yes, that is, it turns out that
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an active and very aggressive minority begins to impose... belarus is endless forests, blue rivers and lakes, pristine nature, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off, and belarus is also people , and we reveal their destinies for you.
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we carry traditions through generations and at the same time change our views on familiar things. all this makes the world a better place. we tell you about different people, but they have one thing in common. love for belarus. belarus 24. a roadmap for cooperation between belarus and mongolia until 2026 was signed in ulaanbaater following the results of negotiations between presidents alexander lukashenko in mongolia on a state visit. our country is open to cooperation in all areas, the belarusian leader emphasized.
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a qualitatively new stage in the development of relations lies ahead. such a record. lukashenko left the guests of honor in the book before the start of negotiations. they were held in narrow and expanded compositions. this is the first visit of this level to mongolia for our president. however, countries are bound long-standing friendly relations dating back to soviet times. this is a strong basis.


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