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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 4, 2024 3:05am-3:21am MSK

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to you about different people, but they have one thing in common: love for belarus. belarus 24. roadmap for cooperation between belarus and mongolia until 2026. alexander lukashenko in mongolia on a state visit. our country is open to cooperation in all areas, the belarusian leader emphasized. a qualitatively new stage in the development of relations lies ahead. alexander lukashenko left this entry in the book of honored guests before the start of negotiations. they were held in narrow and expanded compositions. this is the first visit of this level to mongolia for our president. however, countries have long-standing friendly relations dating back to soviet times. it's strong. to develop
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bilateral contacts, we do not suffer from gigantomania, we perfectly understand our relations and our place in mongolia’s relations with other countries, we would like to start with something good, great with you, three or four projects so that we can convince your people , and the country's leadership, and journalists, your opposition, that we are doing something...
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supplying belarusian equipment, training to work with it, increasing the number of mongolian students in belarus. and if the supplies of ours machines will grow, the parties intend to create a joint assembly enterprise, the possibility of opening belarusian trading platforms in mongolia is being considered. alexander lukashenko emphasized: belarus is committed to long-term cooperation and not only for our benefit. the purpose of the visit is to restore relations, which previously have always been not just friendly, but brotherly . achievement. the beloagro agricultural complex
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will be presented at the main agro-industrial forum of the country, beloagro. it starts this week. get acquainted with cutting-edge trends and you can see a variety of agricultural machinery at the site of the chinese-belarusian industrial park great stone. belagra will traditionally bring together not only belarusian farmers and workers in the food and processing industries, but also foreign colleagues and partners. in total , about 490 participants from belarus, russia, kazakhstan and other countries are planned for the exhibition. from year to year.
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eighty new dairy complexes, minister of agriculture and food sergei bartash spoke about this. special attention to 60 of them who erected by order of the president. the most active work is being carried out in the brez and gomel regions. the complexes are also being built with financial support from the development bank and the agribusiness program. feed also influences a good increase in meat and dairy products. they are currently being actively harvested. 50%, one might say, of the farms have started preparing feed, of which there are about order.
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as well as tax and other preferences. as the economics committee of the minsk city executive committee said, these are, first of all, new buildings of the minsk city technopark. entrepreneurship support centers have a special role. at first. in the past year, they have already held more than 150 events, with almost 2,500 people participating. according to experts, business initiatives often turn into large-scale enterprises. today there are 18 entrepreneurship support centers in minsk. in addition, these are four small business incubators, where 130 residents are based. the presentation of the brest region took place as part of the belarus my song festival. the region presented a wide range of achievements in the field of culture, stories. folk traditions at a large-scale exhibition, acquaintance with the famous palace and park complexes, nature reserves, works of folk crafts and museum collections of the polesie region. the first region, so today we are presenting
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items from the collections of our museum and the museum of our region that speak precisely from the word first of our ancient city of berestye, the first primer, we are showing items from the first berestye. arts of the brest region, 1,500 artists, including members of fifty groups regions united in a theatrical show that... we have forgotten how to enjoy little things, be surprised,
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feel the connection between generations, and simply notice. but every day is made up of traditions, today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it’s in our smile, in our waves. in such a familiar view , real traditions are formed from simple happy moments. we are proud of
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the heritage of our ancestors. we value the past for our present. belarus 247. for me, creativity is self-expression, it is identification of me as a person, it is a reflection of my inner world, a reflection of my emotions, a reflection of me. greetings
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to everyone, my name is elena pakernitskaya, i am a belarusian designer, we are located in the national center of artistic creativity for children and youth. cradle of the republican competition mill of fashion, of which i have been a participant for several years now, and i invite you, friends, to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of fashion, my world of fashion, girls ready, natalia's hands, we're working on the sideburns, showing off the skirt, let's go. i work with the theme of the belarusian baroque, from the 15th to the 18th century, the period of the reign of the princes radivilo, this became my main theme, why this theme was chosen, because yes, i love my roots, i love
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my family, i am interested in these themes , and these are very important topics, they affect both me personally and the history of my country, so it was chosen... on this topic, and this is a very huge, rich layer in our history, dawn, heyday, growth, where it’s just put it for designers, for poets, for creative people. because there you can draw, draw and draw inspiration. there are currently five collections: the first historical rangers collection was a graduation collection from the design school where i studied, graduated in 1818, so this collection was shown in 1818, then there was the after history collection, this is probably the most conscious, the most a faceted collection containing a lot of concepts, a lot of meanings, probably my favorite, later there was a baroque collection school, which was shown in the twenty
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-third year, this year i’m going to the fashion mill competition, i made it to the final with two collections, rhapsody of the fields and old look, all collections are dedicated to the radevilovsky period, the theme of the belarusian borok with additional themes superimposed, i understood , that no one works deeply in this topic, no one works closely with our historical and cultural heritage, not even a designer. touch on various aspects, moments, and i realized that this niche is free, well, you can say, i deliberately, i specifically took this topic, yes, it really resonated with me, and i realized that i would be able to work in this topic for a very long time, and maybe i will always be able to work in this topic, and i took it for myself as my own, some kind of personal dna of the designer, in each of my collections i use e moment, an element of arts and crafts from folk art, this is embroidery, this is knitting, this is embroidery, this is printing, this is weaving, so i try
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to reflect exactly one such moment in each. recently, a trend has become established in the fashion world as conscious fashion, or conscious attitude towards clothing production. i try not to deviate from this rule either. in particular, my collection rhabsody of the fields is a clear example of this, i use natural jute thread here, this is one hundred percent natural thread, which can then be processed, knitted into rugs, used as fertilizer for trees, that is, an absolutely natural material, we also use natural dyes , diluted in oil, all this was applied with hot planks, that’s why no chemicals, no machines, nothing was used here. i also use natural fabrics, this is cambric, this is cotton and eco-leather.
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the rhabsody of the fields collection, it probably came out the most environmentally friendly, this collection will be shown in 2024, also my new collection called drigva, i recycle absolutely everything from the old collection, which turned out to be, well, let’s say, unclaimed, i recycle it and create it collection called dregu. secrets of good morning and good mood. dobroya ranitsa belarus on tv channel belarus 24, dobroya ranitsa belarus program. my name is svetlana barovskaya. how pretty you are. can i pet them? oh, how blooming!
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a brass band is a very difficult genre, it’s not amazing that you keep these orchestras, someone leaves, comes, i love passionate people, now the club of folklore lovers is on stage, if you remember, we met this group at the slavic bazaar dance tournament, mom, i don’t wander around the streets, i’m with anatoly leonidov, this is the third generation, look good morning belarus.
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ale yashche i messam paratunku, dze people are looking for gety paratunak. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. gety kastsel does not end and ў savetsk period, kali vyalіkaya kolkasts of the temple stratsіla its percapachatkovaya meaning. geta dapamaglo seize the interiors of the temple. the scenes have the same pelasters from the same channels.


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