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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live main news at noon, in the studio olga kalaerova, hello, and briefly about the topics of the issue. the president's state visit to mongolia has ended. the next point on the map is russia, plane number one is already in irkutsk. new items from the belarusian agro-industrial complex. an exhibition starts at the great stone site. lagra, what achievements
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are presented, how many guests, their geography, and what will mark the forum, live broadcast from the scene . the american ex-intelligence officer was removed from the plane, his passport was taken away, and he was unable to fly to russia for an economic forum. all about antique style, the image of louis 14 and the appearance of versailles. french art in online lectures from the national museum of art. the state visit of the president of belarus to mongolia is completed. his goal was to restore relations that had previously always been not just friendly, but brotherly . industry, agro-industrial complex, trade, humanitarian sphere. the parties confirmed their readiness to develop cooperation in a variety of areas. there are about $20 million in bilateral agreements. this morning the leaders of the countries communicated in an informal setting in a country center of mongolian culture. alexander lukashenko got acquainted with
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the original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. immediately upon arrival, the presidents planted trees on the territory of the center. siberian spruces. in honor of the distinguished guest from belarus , the atmosphere of the mongolian national event was recreated for the heads of state. it is celebrated in july. vocal and choreographic performances mixed with traditional mongolian sports. one of them is struggle. the heads of state watched the shooting of the masters, later together with the president of belarus also tried out the bow with his mongolian colleague. already from the first shot , the arrow flew more than 75 m. the best medkas. the country is looking even further, the day before
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the parties agreed on the supply of belarusian equipment, but today alexander lukashenko gave his colleague two tractors, universal, specifically for the needs of the region, the belarusian lizor will have two mongolian horses on his farm, they have already been given the nicknames mir and khutki, thank you , a very expensive gift, given.
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i don’t have one like that at home, i have 150 horsepower, but this one 200, this is for such large fields, it is very powerful, the tractor is relatively simple for specialists, but those who have not seen such equipment must be trained. and ulan bater identified the key directions for the operation for the next 3 years, a roadmap for cooperation was signed, this is the result of a big negotiating day between the leaders of belarus and mongolia. the countries have had strong and friendly ties since soviet times. recently, trade needs to be intensified and our president is convinced that for this there is everything that is necessary, mutual interest, political will. ahead of belarus and mongolia is a qualitatively new stage in the development of relations; 14 different
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documents on cooperation in different directions have been signed; they will become the basis for strengthening contacts between industry, agriculture, trade and the humanitarian sphere. the president's business trip continues. alexander lukashenko arrived on a working visit to russia. airplane number one landed in irkutsk less than an hour ago. iran has expressed interest in obtaining observer state status in the eac. this was stated by the chairman of the iec board. today, a meeting of the eec intergovernmental council in an expanded format is taking place in nesvezhsky castle. anton malyuta will tell you what else the premiers discussed. he works in nesvezh and has the latest news about the union agenda. colleagues, good afternoon, yes, we can safely say that by this moment the intergovernmental council of the ias has already ended, the final point was the meeting in an expanded format, all the prime ministers spoke, from armenia - this is the deputy prime minister, also the prime minister of azerbaijan as an honorary guest, prime minister of uzbekistan
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as a representative of the observer country, according to the prime minister of cuba joined the video link, in general there was a lot of talk about the anniversary, on may 29 we celebrated 10 years, there were. the prime minister began, many topics have migrated from yesterday’s narrow composition to today’s expanded ones - these are industrial cooperation, food security, they also talked about customs regulation, a single customs space, that there should be no barriers, they also talked about the international positioning of the union, it is necessary,
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indonesia and mongolia , and of course, the digitalization of all processes is also not we will hide, we are slowing down, roman golovchenko also focused on this, let’s listen: it is important to continue the development of digital tools for the implementation of the four freedoms, i am convinced that the time has come to put an end to finally resolving the issue by mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures. this topic, in our opinion, is clearly overripe; a delay in resolving it will mean the possibility of erosion of integration processes in the union. it is simply impossible to move further. but when digitizing certain processes, we must not forget about the obligations to provide suppliers from countries of the national regime union. i propose to instruct the commission, together with the authorized bodies of the states, to work more closely to resolve this issue and generally speed up the implementation of all agreed upon common processes. as planned, the prime minister reported on competition in cross-border markets, as well as
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on the combination of the yas and the chinese initiative , one way, the intergovernmental council ended with the signing of documents, the chairman of the eec board came out to journalists, he once again... visitors will be able to get acquainted with the cutting-edge directions and variety of agricultural machinery. the forum will traditionally bring together not only belarusian farmers and food processing industry workers, but foreign colleagues and partners.
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we’ll find out from our correspondent olga anishchenko how belagra will celebrate this year; she’s in touch with the studio. olga, good afternoon, over to you. good afternoon. colleagues, throughout the current week, perhaps the largest open area, invites everyone for whom agriculture is a matter of life, here are those who develop livestock farming, processing, increase productivity, our scientists, manufacturers of equipment, components and simply lovers of working on their land. belagra has never closed its doors, so to speak, for dummies, for those who are actually summer residents at heart with all that it entails, picking up seedlings or, for example, taking a closer look at technical innovations, entry here is free. i must say, belogra is always about what will be in the fields tomorrow, what machines, technologies, how our science will work, that is, all the latest achievements are brought here first, everyone knows for sure, this is here a large number of specialists and foreign guests will come out. mtz, for example, promises to show a record number of equipment; everything that is announced,
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either new or updated, will be seen by the mass consumer for the first time. amaz, for example, is presenting a new tractor unit, a truly new generation on a hybrid platform with an electromechanical transmission. but belogra is not only about showing off a lot of guests, no sanctions have changed this, for the first time kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, mongolia, a total of 11 countries, three dozen delegations, widely russian representative office, 13th reg. will be here, we see increased interest on the part of russia to cooperate in the agro-industrial complex, surely this request will be continued, and of course the constant chips of belagra will choose the best cow here, we are waiting for a defile, they will determine the best plowman, everyone will be able to try fish soup, a fishing station will work here village, a lot of entertainment for children, not only in the word belagraf, all ages are submissive, but the organizers of this want this to be a truly national holiday that can instill. love for one's land show what we are rich in, technically and technologically. belagra can do this.


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