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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 5, 2024 1:20am-1:46am MSK

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yo'l bo'yi qaytarib ketdim, tepasidagi sonni ham olganimda ham bir ikki marta qaytardim, shu ash kristalli olmaganimga juda ham xafaman, chunki jamoayni o'zbekiston shani meni bo'ynimda edi. this is an impressive figure, but what do experts say about this? the effect on the economy was announced at a session of the general meeting of nanbelarus. about 300 developments are introduced annually, trends are dictated by industry. among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and it. belarus is ready to subsidize owners pellet boilers. the country is actively developing alternative energy, pills from belarus. ready to buy in the countries of central
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asia, china, turkey, but the main thing is that the energy sector of our domestic market has paid close attention to them. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. an electronic portal about the gatto workshops will appear in belarus. a memorandum on the implementation of the project was signed in minsk. information about concentration camp prisoners who were located both on the territory of belarus and in other countries will be presented on the website uznikibay. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting. for facts, see the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. at that very second , the merchant decided to give praise to the gods; on the nearest island, he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded a city, berestye. and we set off on an exciting journey. he is like a magician, controls the light, strangles. lights the lanterns,
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thereby marking the beginning and end of the day. permanent, like the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave or are you there is a double to show how unusually wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger. who she is is still unknown; the local calls her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain, issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not was turned into neither a storage facility, nor a cultural center, nor a theater. watch the program “cities of belarus” on the belarus-24 tv channel.
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the beautiful sapphire from the dragon team is already determined to tame the element of fire. at the command post, arax and spiro will guide her along the roads of the mysterious labyrinth. the main thing is to do everything possible now so as not to get lost. our margarita is small, she is very mobile, she has fast operational thinking, that is, she can quickly receive information and quickly move to the place where the crystal is located. the left side will be video information, then there will be graphic information about where the crystals and objects are located, you, denis, follow the timing and tell you by the location of the points where everything is, you see. you, accordingly, are our
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chief mathematician, your task is to clearly and quickly calculate the numbers, that is, take this information, remember and give the final answer, that is, the four numbers that margot is waiting for us, that’s it, come on, come on, i believe you , okay, that's it, come on, vitya, definitely, come on, don't let your math down, that's it, i'll help you i believe, go ahead, okay, thank you, margot, i’ll tell you where the dots are, yeah, we see everything.
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margot, left hand at foot level. here yes you see something no left exactly yes at the outer wall, i don’t see, go further, i see 6 7 4 6 7 4
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yes. margo, hurry up, that's it, crawl, when you crawl, there's a number there somewhere. no, no, no, don't get out, don't get out, there's a number somewhere in this pipe, 2 1 3 2 1 3, get out, where's your right hand, right, 4 5 6 4 5 6, count, 1, 3, 4, 3.
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at the end, where here, right right pop right hand there should be a crystal in the middle rooms, one minute.
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now we still have one stage ahead, then the most important stage on which a lot depends and the main thing is don’t get upset. yes, it’s okay, now they completely forgot about it, well, as if it didn’t happen, they exhaled, that’s it, well done, let’s go, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, tired, upset, i really wanted to get to the end, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out, well, it’s a hard story, i don’t quite control my whole body, well, there are a lot of them around the crystal, it’s hard, very unpleasant, offensive, but i don’t give up. of course two crystals wouldn't be superfluous, but i think we can manage without them. haste and inattention are costly, the dungeon
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remained unconquered, the aliens and dragons did not bring a single crystal. it's okay, it's okay, let's get together now. the third test of fire, we still have the strength, we are determined to win, right, give us your hands, let's talk about three 1 2 3 the ability to deliver a crushing blow will help you overcome the element of fire. furious dragons, furious aliens, destroy everything in your path, and the path ahead is very difficult only. united, you can overcome this element. justa, we're ready. fear is like
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fire. lose control, lose everything. i activate the fourth test. element of fire. the first players of the fire relay pass through the rock garden, pass the hammer to the second players, dive into a glass bowl, and take out a valve from it. the second players, having cut through the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap, stretch a fire hose through it, fill the target with water, so that the third players can get the crystal out of the bowl, and then climb up... the mast, fix it on at the top, whoever goes down first will take
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the main crystal from the totem, will bring victory to the team, sapphires will start from the dragons team, jupiter from the aliens, well, like a real mother of dragons, i am ready to meet you, my dears, in your element in the element of fire. so, sophie... don’t let me down, i believe in you, you will succeed in this section, come on, come on, warm up more actively, the test continues in the second section of arar from the dragon team, and the beautiful girl glace from the alien team, the guy’s confrontation and girls on in the second segment we will watch, it will be interesting to see who will be able to complete their task better, the relay from the alien team will be completed by turin, the youngest participant, which means the fastest from the dragon team is spiro, by the way, spiro loves extreme travel,
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so climb very quickly, lightning fast match, at the first stage we have margot, margot is a swimmer, so there we will need to use her quality, not be afraid of water, its elements. my hands are strong, and then i will have to pull, in the second stage i put jasmina, she was doing
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fire-fighting training, she is very good with the sleeve, at the third point, i put an ulbik, she climbs a tree, she has a whole house at home, strong, dexterous, she can handle it, i hope that at this point our team will take a prestigious place. well, not only the whole of belarus, but also the whole of uzbekistan, in particular the city of pergana , is watching this test, my aliens must pass this test successfully. my dragons are already breaking through the wall, well
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done, now we need to dig a tunnel, come on, come on, come on, come on! well done, well done, come on jasmina, oh-oh-oh, already in the tunnel, she went through it, jupiter tried, well done, turn off the water already, listen, the main thing now is to open the water in time so that it flows
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, straighten the sleeve so that there are no creases, orage, come on, settle down , unravel these ropes. oh, well done, well handsome, it’s still not flowing at all, come on, he waved his hand, all this advantage was lost, come on, come on, come on, that’s right, hold it, great, we have a strong pressure, excellent, come on, let's dragons speed up, it's on now matured, so...
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right now her participant can take her time at all, what will she do to them if they don’t earn a crystal, i just can’t even imagine, well, already in the match match, in my opinion, victory is already in our pocket , i see how araks wants to hit the target, but alas, ah , it’s too late, nevertheless, i hear glace’s voice, in my opinion she, she’s still not somehow... enough, you know, we have a clear advantage, jump , jump, we practically already have the main crystal, but she still yells, yes, yes, yes, yes, we have the main crystal,
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girl, happy, well done, wow! when glace smiles, there is spring inside, you understand that you will not be scolded, they will not shout at you, everyone will be calm, well done, well done, lightning, i see how upset my team is, and this scares me very much, i want you so much say, look how upset you were... the test of fire in 1/4, we
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congratulate you on this. molodsı, bilarkanku, bilarkanku, men nimagadir ishonchim aniq edida, yutishlaringizni, molodets, molodets, sovqat qilma, qani.
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o'tib menga teza suvni yetkazib berishdi, yog'ochka chiqayotganimda boshida bitcha oyog'im burchog'iga to'g'ri kelib qolganga, jasmina bilan davronmaydi, gaplari menga.
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it’s very offensive, i really want to cry, over the last 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union, the concept of democracy has become so distorted, on the one hand, this is good advertising on the part of the collective. the west, which he sowed in the post-soviet space, said: “come to us, we have a lot of democracy, but in reality there is power, capital, and so our democracy
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is focused on every citizen, the collective west has modern technologies for shaking up society, destroying the economy, engaging various personalities, and thus you can lose the state, there is no international law, it is destroyed, so who is right?" "well, only the one who has more strength, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons - this is precisely the most important deterrent factor, and which does not give the opportunity for these belarus 24 to become one of their own in a foreign country, it is not necessary to be born there, it’s as if we came to some sea ​​resort, cool, clean, yes, yes, welcome to brother, it’s enough to behave in...
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we follow its attractions, together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslav church we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslav volodarka ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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seize the last chance and give it your all. in a fierce battle, the alien team obtained two crystals and caught up with the dragon team. aliens. well done, you equalized the score, you evened it out. why did you come here, why did you do this? fought furiously and collected crystals? the tower test awaits us. which one of you will be
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the best? who will become the hero of the game? justa, the teams are ready. 10 m vertical wall, the path to triumph? this is the ultimate test, selected participants start from different heights, climb a vertical wall with hidden holds to a glass tunnel, using everything they have. body to rise to the top of the tower. the most resilient and fastest will take the main crystal, and with it victory from the opponent.


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