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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 5, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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on the farm directly, i am from central china, although we have dairy products, but from my point of view, they are not so tasty and not very high quality, when i just arrived in belarus, i tried your milk, i still would like i thought there was 3.2% fat. i have never tasted such delicious milk, we have another disbarrier on our way, we must go through to get to the production zone directly.
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for laboratory tests, and now it’s clear, a container, and then from the container we extract 500 ml , that is, this is each car, each car, each section in this way, when they opened this lid, it's just milky.
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so we took the spot samples, now we need to pour the container and take it to the laboratory, oh, i don’t know, this is some kind of treasure for me, i held it so well, just yes, we close the lid and take it to the laboratory, that’s it, for now . now
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we will determine the acidity in milk, we need to measure 20 ml of water, distilled water, into a glass, once twice, again, that’s it, open the milk, yeah, here’s 10 ml, put it in a glass, and now that means two or three drops finolein, and what is this for, well, an indicator that colors milk, so that we can determine. acidity level, yes, let's count, one two, well, let's do it again, one more time, that's it, that's it, now you'll paint it like this, look, stir it in a circular motion, try it, as if you're mixing up a cocktail, like that, yes, well what happens there, yeah, the colors have already appeared, they have appeared, yes, yes, we compare with the standard, well , we added a little more, yes, we conclude that how much did we spend? this means that for alkali
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tests we multiply 1.7 by 10, we have the acidity will be 17° thermometer, this is normal, this is normal, great, and we accept the milk, we accept it, we tell the driver, stop by, yes, that’s it, wonderful, but please tell me, besides this, what else do we need, yes, besides acidity , which means that in milk we determine the mass fraction of fat, density, purity group, and somatic cell content.
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and in general it’s not clear where, what goes where, and how to figure it out. everything around is humming, everything around is shining, everything is working, some lights are glowing, there are just so many tubes above me, there’s just milk running everywhere, installations process from 25 tons per hour, that is, if we run two or three installations in a cycle, there are 50-75 tons processed only per hour, in very thin layers this all happens at high speeds, the technology there is... we have prepared a normalized mixture in the equipment area, then we move to the cheese production, where this mixture will go to the cheese manufacturer, the process of producing cheese grains and cheese will be carried out, you have here, re-processing of ores, we go into
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the clean area, yeah, i have a feeling that we washed our hands 100 times, you didn’t have time to walk 100 m, disinfection again, otherwise they simply won’t let you through. all right guys, are you ready? then i’ll hand you over to a specialist in cheese production, who will teach you, show you the basics of cheese production, they’re already waiting for us there, yes, let’s go, uh-huh, hello, hello, look what a friend i brought you, we were at the first stage, we brought milk, we checked it, we... normalized it, now it has arrived, as i understand it, the normalized mixture goes to cheese manufacturers, received dye is added to the milk, if the fat requires it, if not, some fats are produced without dye, after which
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leaven is added, depending on the type of cheese being produced, depending on the time it takes from the moment the milk arrives to the head itself, which is ripened. oh, milk, the sakvaska has already been added here, all i have to do is add my foreign enzyme, they gave me this magical water , they said that it’s on the lady, i was so worried, because i don’t know how long to fly, fast, slow, i’m doing a good job, that’s it that’s right, how many tons of cheese are produced from 12 tons per 200, can you imagine the tying enzyme , what is it for, so that the curdling process has already begun? yes, as i understand it, this is the grain that we saw, when it curdled, they just removed the whey from it
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, and that’s what’s left grain, it is poured out with whey , poured in, the whey is separated, the whey is separated, and the zurlot is in place. salon, at the beginning it was completely incomprehensible to me, because the grain in my head is some kind of only from a plant, it is already edible, of course, you can try it, or you can try it already at this stage, just like that, try it, it’s warm, yes, well, are you ready, yes, of course, go ahead. i have never tried this raw cheese, but i will say that it is some kind of unusual cheese, because there is no smell or taste, there is no salt, nothing, and there is no salt, nothing, well it’s like a tvor, and
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it’s like that, yes, but what kind of cheese will it even be, we make celzied cheese, celzied, semi-hard celzied cheese, and what is semi-hard? cheese, cheeses are divided into hard and semi-hard depending on the moisture in the cheese, if we want to get hard cheese, then the moisture in it will be very small, and up to 40%, semi-hard 43-45%, even at the beginning i thought that probably only people work there, but not true , there is still a robot working there, when our circus is formed, it goes to the presses, where... it is pressed for two hours, and after that it goes to the robot, the robot takes it to the assembly, there is just a very huge metal hand, perez cheese, does everything very quickly, it
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was quite unexpected when they told me that one block weighs 17 kg, there are two of them in the form, that is, 34, i understand that we cannot do without a robot. now it will be noisy, that’s it, the cheese will come out, that’s it. here it is, here it is, to be honest, i always thought that such robots were used only in the automotive industry, but it turns out that they are used in cheese production too, we can’t do without them, well, i’ve never seen such huge heads of cheese that just flash past my eyes, i was amazed when i see these cheeses, i immediately remember our cheese, china, this is tulku, although despite the fact that they were very similar, even the same, but the taste... pirates, of course, each country has its own f. in china we don’t salt tofu, we made the mold
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and everything is ready, in belarus people still salt the cheese, this is still additional work, the cheese is salted depending on the type produced from one and a half to three days, it is in these pools in the table where they swim swim for a long time, swim for a long time before getting into the bath, what? this cheese, it floats down the stream into a container, can you imagine, it’s already romantic when people lifted this container from pool, there are just so many rubbish, i didn’t expect this fable to be so deep, three indicators are very important for us: ph, brine, temperature and salt concentration, yeah. at this stage we measure the ph of the brine, it is kept from 4.6 to 5.2, the concentration also
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varies from 18 to 22 and the temperature is standard for all 12°, there are so many levels of quality control here, well done, okay, let's see, the probe just drops , salting looks at the readings, we have 4.83, this is ph, up to 5.2 for you. well, we have about an average the average impression is 4.8, and this does not mean that we have revealed some secret with another enterprise, well, it is not advisable to brag about another enterprise, but we do something tasty, but we will do it, the main thing, this is the main thing, i didn’t know what else you have to put the cheese in a bag, people do this so that the cheese doesn’t lose, uh, moisture, the bag.
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i’m worried, my friend, it’s a blast, we’re here, you know, where they offer otti, the very one from the cheese trip, to the ripening chamber, yes, we ’re going to ripen like cheese, wow, if you’re not ripe yet, now you’ll ripen, we’ll ripen, come on , let's go, well, now we can take off the masks, since the cheese is already packed, great, we won't harm it, which is better. the camera where it’s happening, this is the most important action, i
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mean, there’s just so much here, it’s a cheese paradise, a bunch of cheeses, such a view, how can i say, gorgeous, a little sharpened, saggy, in general, i now feel small, which, this try not... try, but how many cheeses do you have here, when you pour it out, well, in general, we make about 50 types of cheeses, semi-hard, they are in yellow bags, so, and elite cheese, which, and he there is one here, it ripens in bags, yes, these are colorless bags, you can pay attention there, you have a lot of elite cheese, i want to tell you how long it takes to ripen here, from 30 to 45 days, yeah? if it’s an elite cheese, then it ripens for three months, depending
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on the cheese itself, a year, maybe two, it was so cold there, i’ll say this, it’s just the biggest refrigerator, it’s only uh 10-11°, but what occurs during ripening; during ripening, the cheese develops its taste and pattern, the textures that everything is about. he is interested, asks, for each cheese, for some reason they are different, different, it depends on what kind of cheese starter we put in, so it lies like that until ripening, as i understand it, it always lies in the same position. it is turned over every 10 days manually , that’s how much you need to turn over - in one of the stands there are more than 2.0 of these heads of cheese, there are a lot of stands there, i didn’t even try to count them, they took it, turned it over, and so you need to toss it beautifully, but it’s not necessary, come over your shoulder, let's take it, oops, you
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turned it over ugly, now you have a beautiful one. again, let's do it again, let's try take two, and you selectively turn it over, and the rest, now it's better, oh, guys, how i want to try, with tolga sulfur, i'm already hungry, don't tell anyone, let's go home, so kai, you wanted to try it, yes, you dreamed of it, here you go, especially for you we arranged a show, so as not to interrupt the taste of the elite cheese, you need to start with the classic one with a low percentage of fat content, so i recommend starting to try cheese from
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the dutch, then russian, and then already with black. why is it necessary to start the first attempt with low fat, so that the receptors open up more to the fattier cheese, in order to feel it, you may not feel the taste later, the ability of the fatty one, that’s it, mm, i felt this taste of milk, i even felt the salt already and some unusual tastes, yeah. you know what i want to tell you, and this is cheese from my childhood, there is dutch, russian, shekhonsky, they are still prepared according to gost standards, yes, that means, perhaps, my friend, we have different tastes the receptors are with you, well, what can you say, i don’t smell any bitterness, no, it’s pleasant, soft,
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moderately salty, but i like everything, so let’s try the next one. fat content, mm, this one, i would say, is not as soft as the dutch one, i think it’s even tastier, tastier, you liked this one, there was some unusual cheese left with black truffle, with black truffle, then there is this already for a lot of money, what is a black truffle, you know, i don’t know, no, there are pigs all over the world, i understand, i can already see, no, it’s not a pig, it’s a truffle, it smells something to me. well some kind of earth, but there is such a taste. to be honest, i liked this cheese the most, because it’s so soft, i can feel the fat and it’s also not too salty, it’s just perfect, and then this one, because well , the taste is unusual, and i even feel the mushrooms there, these the mushrooms are even very similar to chinese mushrooms, well, we just make these
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mushrooms as dried ones, yes, we dry these mushrooms and they also just appear so unusual. now new knowledge has appeared, i know how cheese is made, and i even began to love cheese, it’s just magical, i’ll say this, that is, you’re now ready to eat it with these whole heads, yes, that’s for sure, kai, i’m glad that we managed to surprise you today, now you know how cheese is born, but and
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if you want to become the hero of our program to visit places you haven’t been before, sign up for shorts.
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when you are in nature, it seems that the world has plunged into silence, all the sounds of bustle have disappeared, only the song of the wind specially caresses your ears, so that you look back and realize how quiet it is all around! whenever possible, go to nature, go to forests, fields, rivers, lakes, breathe fresh air, admire the clear sky, listen to birdsong, rustle of leaves. smile at the sun. enjoy,
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notice this beauty around you, in harmony with nature. belarus 24. we know exactly how to start the morning right. this has been said and said thousands more times. breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently. i, of course, highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast so that you have energy, work and stay awake during the day. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. today we will have sweet with bulgur. beets and vegetables, sounds interesting, but it seems to me that it is difficult, these are proteins, good, unsaturated fats, and what omega 3 will give us is what
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will give us good hormonal levels, beautiful elastic skin, and we will get a charge of vigor and energy for the whole day, you can spend great time in a way that will give your body what it really needs, it’s still energy, health and vigor, in during exercises, i do... with my head, shoulders, kneading my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times, watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel.
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minsk railway station, the main transport artery of the country, everything here has changed so much over the years, just a few years ago, none of this existed, neither this building, nor the transformed square, nor the convenient underground passages through which you can get
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directly to the station platform from the surrounding streets. everything is so cozy here, we feel at home, but time is running out, we must hurry, soon departure, good evening, good evening. we also know how to guess desires, please hurry up, have a happy journey, thank you, goodbye. good evening,
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please, thank you, passengers hurrying about their business, and guests of our capital heading to different parts of belarus, our small but such a beautiful country, where. and there is a lot to see, there are many attractions, all unique. and we will continue our journey, only into history. and she is connected with one of the most
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beautiful. in europe, station buildings, minsk. over the years, his appearance sometimes changed beyond recognition. and indeed, everything has changed so much here, and not only in recent years. and it all started with the opening on november 29 , 1800. minsk brest, and two years later the new libavo-romensky direction and the vilna station were opened here. it was here, in january 1873, that an important event took place: from the platform of the new passenger station, which had just been inaugurated,
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the first train departed for vilna. passengers, then the mayor , surrounded by his retinue, personally gave farewell the train driver, and of course, the photographer and his camera on a tripod, the treasured photograph is ready, for a modern person, long accustomed to the benefits of civilization, perhaps... one can understand the enormity of the event with the opening of the railway in minsk two years earlier in 1871, the course of history a small provincial town has changed dramatically, as has the entire northwestern region of the russian empire. at first it was.
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a stone gallery that connected two patterned red brick masonry and two-story buildings, the solution was already in place one of the original in europe. thus, in 1890, there were already 583 retail outlets operating in the city with a turnover of 3.6 million rubles. they give a comparison in 1870, 14 belarusian cities had a trade turnover of just over a million.
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the station of those times was not only a service for passengers, but an important center of culture. brass music was constantly playing here, vaudeville was performed by professional artists, performances were held, shopping arcades were open, and from here you could admire the military parades that took place on the station square.
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oh times, oh morals, they changed, solemnity, pomp, went into the soviet past. the economy of the bssr directly depended. in the fifties, the station pier was entirely filled with young people.
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hello, land of flowers, hello, new building rallies, official delegations, all sorts of passengers were met and seen off on these piers at different times, depending on them, the main station of the country changed its appearance more than once, in 1956 next to the main building station , another new suburb has appeared. population of the capital the station grew rapidly, the passenger flow grew and expanded, and today this particular building turned out to be the only one that has survived after the reconstruction of the station.
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in less than 10 years , it became clear that the publication restored immediately after the war no longer meets modern requirements, is inconvenient to use, and the flow of passengers increased every year, and then
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a decision was made at the level of the republic’s leadership to build a new modern station building, then, which we see today was built in 2000. it was built according to the design of architects viktor kromarenko and mikhail vinogradov and inaugurated on the eve of 2001. the building is unique in its technical characteristics, the architectural design is very convenient for passengers, and it is also simply beautiful. under the railway station building there is the longest underground passage in the city, almost 250 m and it is branched, from here you can get directly into
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the metro to the bus station, also updated, conveniently modern to the station square, along one of them we will go further. a show where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set a goal for myself, i always have it. achieve, but of course, when i found out that i had passed the casting, emotions simply overwhelmed me. which ancient country, along with greece, gave its name to the olympic form of wrestling? artem, rome, italy. roman empire,
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i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach broke sir alex ferguson's appearance record in may 2023? in the champions league. two steps forward, watch the intellectual sports project, head game. scientific exports for the economy were stated at the session of the general meeting of belarus. about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry. among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and it. belarus is ready to subsidize owners of pill boilers. the country is actively developing alternative energy. pills from belarus are ready to be bought in the countries of central asia, china, turkey, but the main thing i paid attention to them close attention.
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this sculpture by vladimir shbanov appeared here in the late nineties and became a place of attraction for menchan residents and guests of the capital, to chat with a stranger, this is the name given to this mysterious young lady; there are many who want to, and we are no exception, madam. the square itself has a history of almost a century; it was founded in 1925. then it became a city landmark, there was a fair nearby, there were always a lot of visitors who wanted to rest in a cozy place and socialize. mikhailovsky square became in 1934 for decades remains a cozy corner in the center of the metropolis; the abundance of greenery against the backdrop of high-rise buildings pleases the eye. after a large-scale reconstruction in the late
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nineties, its new inhabitants appeared here: a stranger, a girl with an umbrella, a man lighting a cigarette who is ready to share the light with a passerby, and not far from mikhailovsky square at the intersection of sverdlov and kirov streets, there is another object. with which a whole era of domestic sports is associated, the dynamo stadium. and it began in the distant twenties of the last century. dynamo stadium is a unique place of the belarusian capital cities. and the oldest sports facility in the republic. exactly. from here, at the beginning of the last century, the history of the development of sports
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in the young soviet republic, the bssr, began. at the call of the party, at the behest of the heart, the youth will not fail. with this spirit , thousands of ordinary citizens came out to build the stadium. in the twentieth in the ussr, there was a boom in the construction of sports facilities, as well as in sports. the backbone of the enthusiasts were members of the all-union physical culture and sports society dynamo, each of its members worked out the settings for 100 hours. the stadium was built in just a few years, and it became multifunctional; it was used not only in the summer . winter was a joy for menchan residents. here , all the pedestrian paths, the area at
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the main entrance, and the running paths around the stadium for athletes were poured. in the evening , music played, children and adults rode entirely on homemade runners, such an invention of local craftsmen. we rode the famous snow maidens, and then canada appeared. already well known to our contemporaries. competitions activities for athletes and schoolchildren were held here already in early spring, only in the pre-war period there were 113 physical education groups in minsk, they consisted of more than 30 thousand athletes, but the main
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battles took place here in the summer, they brought the republic quiet... loud victories that made it possible to talk about belarus as a sports country country. dynamo stadium. was solemnly opened back in 1934 on june 12, in march twenty- fifth the belarusian proletarian physical culture and sports society dynamo was organized. then the countdown of great victories began belarusian sports. in may 1939
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, the first football match for the ussr championship took place at the stadium. in august of the same year , the first international one took place. the meeting between dynamo minsk and the french ended in a victory for the belarusians with a score of 6:3. yes, everything was here, both the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats, new records were set here, new names were discovered here, but the main thing was the recognition of belarusian sports. minsk hosted the 1980 olympics . it was in the stadium then.
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dinama stadium has undergone several large-scale reconstructions, and after being destroyed during the war, was practically rebuilt, but despite this, the appearance of the stadium combined history and modernity and careful relations. to the architecture of the early fifties, it was then that this famous façade in the roman style appeared. and an arch with columns at the central
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entrance, made according to the project. it is also made in the style of the karinevsky order; it is still the main entrance of the stadium. and before the 1980 olympics, the sculptural group running by valentin zankovich appeared. all this has become one of the calling cards of the belarusian capital. architectural design of the stadium marked the beginning of the construction of other sports facilities in minsk.
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modern pobediteley avenue, once tatarskaya sloboda, then a park highway. in the sixties, the construction of modern multi-storey buildings began here. construction of sports facilities also began. the event of 1966 was the opening of a multifunctional sports palace, tune in. the new winners' avenue was created according to the design of the belarusian architects and valentin malyshev, it turned out to be so perfect for those years that it was built. as standard for construction similar in other cities of the soviet union. by the way, with the opening of the palace, minsk
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received an indoor hockey rink for the first time. even the french artist of belarusian origin nadya léger liked the solution of the façade so much that she suggested installing part of a mosaic panel by fern léger on its pediment. he made it in 1936 for the olympics in berlin, but refused to hand it over after the fastas came to power. for ideological reasons , this did not happen, despite all the efforts of the belarusian leadership to accept the excavation countries did not dare to give such a gift in those years. tenis palace, rowing house, rhythmic gymnastics palace, football palace. headquarters nok, all of them were built already in 2000. today these are sports facilities
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of the european level, they have more than once hosted competitions of the highest dignity. minsk, its grand opening took place on january 30, 2010, the facility became the largest in the post-soviet space and the fourth in capacity among hockey palaces in europe. by opening our wonderful cultural and sports complex, we begin
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a new, i’m sure, glorious page in the history of belarusian sports, because they created a powerful bastion that will help us win victories in world sports arenas and will become an excellent takeoff platform for future champions and bright stars. it will be a real forge. health and a favorite place for cultural recreation of belarusians will not only decorate the appearance of the capital, but will also add attractive features to the image of belarus as a european sports power. the president’s words became prophetic, and large-scale sports facilities over the years of independence, appeared in other areas of the belarusian capital, in almost all regions of the republic. winners avenue has become one of the most recognizable in belarus not only because of its unique sports facility, but also
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because it is associated with the great victory of the belarusian people in a terrible war. i am a belarusian, i belong to this cossack land, between the forests and the forests of hell for the ages of yore, i am a belarusian, i belong to this cossack land, and i know the good glory of belarus forever. it’s not for nothing, i’m belarusian, i’m happy, because matsimov gave me, because my relatives’ songs i feel the rains and the closeness from a distance, i am belarusian, and
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even though this day is too small, but i will say, i am born from a tribe of non-pakniks, and i will not be bothered by hell. each of the characters is special, my favorite is, well, as usual, there are potato pancakes, of course, there is pizza with potatoes, my love for the stage led to my interest in republican and international competitions, each has its own unique story, at the age of 17 i went to the czech republic, i worked with my brother in st. petersburg, and i worked for 12 years and returned to belarus. i also had an invitation to the fashion commonwealth in st. petersburg, where i presented belarus, of course, i am very proud, this is a very
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large-scale event, it took place in the table palace. this is a very high level. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the supreme national assembly, with expanded constitutional powers, made its first strategic decision, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country’s military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend it with weapons in our hands and by any means. which we deem necessary to protect our national interests, you are not just a general assembly, you the national conscience, you, i repeat, the voice of the people, the all-belarusian people's assembly will insure us from a person or forces who want to receive presidential powers to turn things up in the country to please either the west or, well, not the west. the vns must
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also insure us against possibly very noble-looking citizens who seem to be ours, but who also... irkutsk. belarus and the irkutsk region have a long-standing and strong relationship. this russian region is an important partner for us, both in trade and in the cultural investment sphere. besides, belarusian mining equipment and quarry equipment may be of interest to the irkutsk region. passenger trucks the russian aircraft
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industry is faced with the task of implementing large-scale projects. to increase the volume of production of civil aviation vessels, belarusian enterprises have long been involved in the implementation of this task, they help with the supply of aviation components and assemblies. the plane of the belarusian leader flew to russia straight from genghis khan international airport in ulaanbaater. in mongolia alexander lukashenko was on a state visit, industry, agro-industrial complex, trade, humanitarian sphere, the parties confirmed their readiness to develop cooperation in... various areas, in the treasury of bilateral agreements there are about 20 million dollars, agreements were reached on expanding interaction in the trade and economic sphere, supplies to mongolian market, food and industrial products, domestic enterprises working together in the agro-industrial complex. during the visit, alexander lukashenko also got acquainted with the history, original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. this morning, the leaders of the countries communicated in an informal
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setting in the country center of mongolian culture. the presidents planted siberian spruce trees on the territory of the center. in honor of the distinguished guest from belarus, the heads of state created the atmosphere of the mongolian national festival on adam, a national holiday in honor of the creation of a unified mongolian empire. it is celebrated in july. the presidents exchanged gifts. alexander lukashenko presented to his his colleague has two tractors; the belarusian leader will have two mongolian horses on his farm. the two-day ea intergovernmental council has ended. the final point was a meeting in an expanded format, which was hosted by nesvizh castle. as a result, five documents were signed that relate to various areas, from competition in transnational markets to the integration of the eac with the chinese belt and road initiative. in addition, the prime ministers of the five countries shared their vision of what problems still remain in the union. it is important to continue the development of digital implementation tools four freedoms. i am convinced that the time has come
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to put an end to finally resolving the issue mutually. knowledge of electronic digital signature. this topic, in our opinion, is clearly overripe. delay in its decision will mean the possibility of erosion of integration processes in the union. it is simply impossible to move further. but when digitizing certain processes, we must not forget about the obligations to provide suppliers from the countries of the union with national treatment. i propose to instruct the commission, together with the authorized bodies of states, to work more closely work to resolve this issue and generally speed it up. implementation of all agreed common processes. and as it became known, the next meeting of the eac intergovernmental council will be held in yerevan in the fall. an agro-industrial exhibition opened in velikiy kamen. belgro traditionally brings together not only belarusian farmers and workers in the food and processing industries, but also foreign colleagues and partners. 490 companies from eleven countries are participating. the enterprise of the belarusian ministry of industry presents more than 170
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samples of new and updated equipment. mashamkodor over 300 innovative developments and technologies in the field of livestock farming, crop production and processing are demonstrated by scientists and specialists from the academy of sciences. 80 relics of the great patriotic war. the mogilev regional museum of local lore named after romanov presented an exhibition dedicated to the liberation of belarus. the exhibition includes several dozen exhibits donated by regional museums. they held a competition for the most important rarity, telling about the fate of the soldiers, personal belongings of the red army soldiers. partisans, award documents. the helmet was found in 2016 in the bykhovsky district, during search work, later this icon was found in the liner of this helmet. a symbol
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of faith that you will stay alive. this exhibition makes us think once again about what is needed to ensure that such tragedies never happen again. not only residents will be able to see the exhibition. region, she will go on a long journey together with the participants of the international youth patriotic project along the roads of memory and glory, including visiting the korsk and bryansk regions of russia. the ballet summer at the bolshoi continues, with the st. petersburg ballet theater named after leonid yakobson taking up the touring baton. today the signature trio of performances will be shown. the composer abbach choreographed sovremennik samadurov for 598 bars. in his own reading, the third section. there, aesthetes will hear 18 minutes
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of radion shchedrin’s amorous purges. dance polyphony was awarded the highest theater award in st. petersburg with a golden spotlight as the best ballet performance of the season and the culmination of the one-act ballet raden - these are seven restored miniatures conceived jacobson himself. the performance will be performed today with a soundtrack, but the entire cast of the theater soloists will be on the front stage.
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a difficult road, great luxury or a chance for an independent life, what independence is and how to maintain it, a topic worthy of philosophical treatises, our country has its own sovereign path, and we wondered what our... dependence is, maybe it’s economics or children, our future, or is it an opportunity, the ability to protect ourselves, we will bring together the sovereign picture of belarus, 1773 battle tanks, 1500 armored vehicles. and 130 aircraft, all these are victims of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, we were promised peace once and for all. the defense industry of the nineties is a famous conversion, sawing equipment on
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a saucepan. the belarusian army went under the knife with the sensitive patronage of the west - $110 per ton of metal, especially from the policy of teapots instead of tanks, the 140 repair plant in borisov suffered. they took everything out. and russian space, but what about today? the army of belarus is the top list of the global firepower rating, it is a powerful military-industrial complex, this is what those same factories 140 and agat look like today.
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but the main thing is that the defense capability is stronger than even the steel that the democratic forces are worth next to nothing. sold to the west in the early nineties. the armed forces and the entire security bloc will do everything possible to ensure that our country develops and prospers. the usa won the second world war, the ussr and hitler unleashed the great patriotic war, and the bc symbols are the true and only correct ones for belarus. if you 've heard this, congratulations. they are trying to replace your historical memory with false memories. this opens the way to distortion and falsification means reprogramming the consciousness of entire nations, when black becomes white.
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and not july 27 - independence day, our anthem, our constitution and flag, also our historical memory.
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cargo. the gdp was also sick on both legs, the ninety-fifth fell by 38 points, the economy is dead
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. under no circumstances should it be allowed on the market, it cannot be sold. in 2020 we learned the terrible word coronavirus. it turned out that the world was not ready for this; it turned out that due to the pandemic there was not so much food, and only a few were able to provide for their food security. among these countries was belarus. simply put, we don’t need other people’s food, we have enough of our own and are ready to share, isn’t this an element of independence? the normandy four,
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the west, the answer from the east, the pressure is enormous, but this is how diamonds are born, including geopolitical ones. minsk, objectively, due to current events, will move to the center of european and world geopolitics. the role of belarus will increase; it is a key country. and those peacekeeping initiatives that will...
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to put forward and realize belarus and its president, of course, not only deserve attention, respect, life itself will force you to realize the potential that minsk has, and we hope that this will happen, one child is your child, two, let's look at family, maybe you need someone, but these are also your children, the third one is my child. and the belarusians heard, in 10 years there have been twice as many parents with many children, 120,000 families, support and truth, a colossal bill for billions of rubles, medicine, education, all in one.
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potential, and ordinary people will answer: we are building our future. i myself, a child of the nineties, remember a lot, baby food on a coupon, problems with clothing and a mother who disappeared at work seven days a week just to feed her family, but why so that her son would have a future? after all
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, today we are also looking forward: parents, families, cities, country - this is the main element of our mosaic of independence. not only about what happened and what has become, but also about the fact that our peaceful, happy future will be creative in belarus.
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in the racing forest, at the beginning of the angry dawns, our thoughts creatures and light, and we know the fall of troubles, the accumulation of azers of charm.


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