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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 5, 2024 7:50am-8:01am MSK

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dear brothers and sisters, today the orthodox church honors the memory of st. euphrasini and gomeni-polatskaya, the great saint of god, century, and today is the spiritual heart of the belarusian lands. thousands of pilgrims annually flow to this holy place to venerate the shrine of the monastery, offer their prayers to st. euphrosyne, and uraki with her relics. saint abbess, who bore the name predslava in the world, came from an ancient princely
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family that dates back to saint vladimir iragneda, equal to the apostles, who baptized anastasia. the thief of god was born in the beginning xix century in the family of polovsky prince george and princess sofia. from the life of the saint it is known that she devoted the years of her adolescence to reading the holy scriptures, the creation of the holy fathers. she had such diligence in learning that even her father was surprised. the fame of the wisdom and beauty of predslava spread far beyond the borders of the polotsk land. upon reaching adulthood, predslava did not want to get married. feeling a burning desire to devote herself entirely to serving the lord, she secretly, at the age of 12 , went to one of the monasteries, in which the abbess... was her dear aunt,
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the young princess’s intentions to leave the world at first brought the abbess into a thrill of embarrassment, she began to persuade her niece to abandon her plan, but after a conversation with pretslava she was surprised at the intelligence of the fateful woman, her love for god, and realized that the lord himself was calling her relative to such service to god. at such a young age. preslava was tonsured into the monastic rank with the name euphrasinia. having accepted monasticism, the saint cared not only about her spiritual life. she worked hard for the well-being of the people around her. for the sake of building the church of christ. and so she founded monasteries, male and female, which later became centers of enlightenment,
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but she wanted to see everyone as one soul. with her blessing, in 1161, the master jeweler lazar bogsh made a holy cross-ark for the spassky church, which contained great shrines. a particle of the life-giving tree of the cross with a drop of the blood of the savior, particles of stone from the holy sepulcher, particles of the relics of many saints. saints of god. the
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venerable cross has become a true spiritual symbol belarus. in her old age, the monk euphrasinia wished to make a pilgrimage to the holy land. there, the saint of god prayed to christ that he would honor her to complete her earthly journey at the place of his suffering and resurrection. her prayer was heard. during her stay in jerusalem, she fell ill.
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the essence of the orthodox faith, about love for god, who is stronger than death, about the great boldness of the saints who intercede for us before the lord. kraki. with the relics of the saint does not cut off the flow of those coming and praying. what does this mean? about the fact that god's saints are not only in word, but also in the deed of their lives, they fulfilled the commandments of christ, according to the word of the gospel they received from the almighty the living water of god’s grace, which became in them a source of water flowing into eternal life. despite the fact that each person who has achieved holiness has gone through his own special path of earthly life, there is something common in the lives of the saints that every christian should strive for, this is sincere love for god's neighbor, the desire for virtues, constantly forcing oneself to do good deeds. often a modern person
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refers to the peculiarities of his time, saying that earlier there were people strong in body and spirit, but now the rhythm of modern life. the cycle of everyday problems does not leave time and energy for deep spiritual work. but that's not true. every time at which the lord allows a person to be born is convenient for his salvation, otherwise this world would cease to exist. in every historical era there are great temptations and good opportunities. a christian is not someone who was born and lived. at a good time, at a convenient time , he avoided temptations, achieved holiness, and pleased god. a true christian, no matter what became, always tries to be faithful to christ, his commandments, despite all times, difficulties and temptations, on the contrary, these
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difficulties, temptations, they reveal the inner state of the soul of a christian, therefore, remembering today... the life of a real christian, being a purely historical fact, and living examples of people filled with sincere love for christ and their neighbors. this year, the feast day of st. euphrasini falls on the ongoing celebration of the greatest christian holiday. easter of the lord. the triumphant easter testifies to us of that christ rose from the dead, and for every person who heard the gospel message and followed the savior, the path to the kingdom of heaven and eternal life with
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god is open. the venerable euphrasinya was also clearly aware of this truth when she decided to reject the temporary joys of earthly existence and firmly embark on... our path of all-zealous service to god, therefore today our prayerful appeal to the saint is filled with easter joy and the firm confidence that not a single good intention of our heart will not go unnoticed by god. venerable ephrasenia is also called an enlightener. this is true, because the monasteries founded by her became sources of enlightenment. why is it important to remember this? because her image is an example of the correct attitude towards knowledge. a worldly person, having knowledge, often does not realize responsibility for it. but the life of st.
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euphrasini tells us that the acquisition of ever new knowledge must be combined with personal spiritual growth and moral improvement. only in this case will such knowledge benefit its owner and others will not be a source of vanity and exaltation over others. today, when we , on the ongoing holiday of holy easter, prayerfully honor the memory of the great belarusian saint of god, the venerable euphrasine of polatskaya, we ask her intercession at the throne of god for all our people, so that god will grant us his help. zeal in spiritual life, may the lord, through her prayers, help us to sincerely strive not only for genuine spiritual knowledge, but for the purity of our own hearts, for the moral life of a real christian. christ is risen.
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the morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with news in the studio pavel lazovik, hello, president alexander lukashenko is on a working visit to russia, today the agenda is to intensify cooperation.


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