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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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then redirect the energy that he spends on anger to some good deed, this is the law of conservation of energy, it is still relevant today when a person redirects his negative emotions for some positive deeds, positive activities, and this is even consistent with modern psychology, when there are some negative emotions, there are negative feelings, do not keep them in yourself, do not... engage in self-gnawing, but redirect them to some positive emotions, good deeds, the holy fathers teach about the same thing, so that sinful started redirecting to doing good deeds, therefore, when , including me, i feel the beginning of some sinful passion, then i try to redirect to some good deeds, and if this is in relation to people, then according to the thought of one of the holy fathers, we must learn see in a person. yes
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, something good, then the ability to see goodness or benefit in a person will allow, if not completely remove, then minimize the anger that is present in relation to this or that person, happiness is probably when a person is in his place, when he gets the kick when he sees what is what he does it, it brings benefits to himself, and as a priest, when he... sees that benefits are brought to people, and that the name of christ is glorified, and for me happiness is that i can come to church, i can communicate with people, the fact that people come and ask questions, the fact that students are not afraid to come up and talk, the fact that i have the opportunity today to openly tell people about christ, about the gospel, to share with them the knowledge that i received it at the seminary at the university, happiness for me personally is just like that... to be with the people and to be among
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the people.
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i am belarusian, i am happy on this cossack land, between the forests and the bushes of the past centuries, i am belarusian, i am glad that i call this name, and at home.
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i am a belarusian, and even though today i am small, i will say, i come from a tribe of pakornas and will not give a damn.
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and only lukashenko can save us from war. hello!
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the information and analytical institution was demolished for the construction of the metro, yeah, komarovka metro, so i see a certain symbolism in this, political passions have subsided, almost all belarusians realized that they could lose, and accordingly, the project itself lost relevance, and there was no point in developing it further; it is now on the agenda .
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talented person, that’s what saddens me, that these emotional events of the twentieth year pulled a whirlpool into this funnel, a thoughtless, absolutely meaningless funnel, a lot of people, yeah, uh,
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including talented ones, uh, and, to unfortunately, they did not find the strength in themselves to, first of all, get out of this funnel. we pay the smallest taxes, for example, the profit tax for it companies was 1%, now it’s two, it has increased a little, while ours is 20%, about that, the
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same for the federal social security service, the same for income, they paid there in the region 7%, so what did you need, where is your gratitude for that. that president lukashenko created such conditions for you, well , this is the old woman from the fairy tale orbaki and the fish, now in poland, they mostly settled there, with their salaries. and this is above 80 thousand zlotys per year, the income tax is only 32%. instead of seven belarusian ones, yes, just feel the difference in this, and there is also a difference in medical care, payment for housing and utilities, in the food set and package, so these are the people who exchanged our... country, they now dream of returning, but again their
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ambition, their kind of arrogance , and this is one of the sins, it doesn’t allow them to just pick up and return to our country, but we would accept them, we would accept them, they work, yes, that is , you understand, and another very important point, well, with such activists it’s clear , although even here... here is an example of a presidential fellow in his the interview did not talk about several things, for example, he worked at the ksds not for 2 months, but for a year, uh, the second point, he says that he refused the presidential scholarship, but he refused the presidential scholarship when it ended, if you refused, so you...
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this business model doesn’t work, because it allows scammers like
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latushka, strizhak, scammers, only the top ones to live, these same scammers promised the fugitives passports of new belarus, already in may, they had to have them by may give it away, but as they say, the obligatory fool joy, so nothing, in general, well , nothing worthwhile was offered, you understand in general people who still believe the same brats and the same with them, no, no.
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once again they will be set up , once again they will experience the charm of fighting the regime, but if you are fighting the regime, then be prepared to part with your property, there is nothing terrible about that, there are revolutionaries, uh, that means lenin’s and, so to speak, hardening , they didn’t hold on to this property, they went to hard labor, they went to hard labor for the sake of ideas, well, since you’re ready fight the regime, so be consistent to the end, but... returning once again to this issue, everyone who has not yet understood that this is a minority, active or
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passive, they must understand, who are there beyond belarus, that they are the food supply for scammers, such as latushki, strizhak, tikhanovskaya and other crooks, when they understand this, then the business model of these crooks will begin to crumble, but like the classic one...
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which imprisons those who stand for it, persecutes political opponents, the world, for example, to be honest, they are switch to direct terror if something concerns their interests, remember the recent death of witnesses in the boeing case, young men at the dawn of their strength, as soon as they
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were supposed to appear in court, they immediately died a mysterious death,
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not only the whole world is laughing , everyone in america laughs at him, well, this verdict that they made regarding the jury’s verdict, or rather the verdict will be a little later, it is unlikely to differ from the verdict regarding ex-president trump, speaks once again about the fact that there everything in the political system controlled, our american colleagues,
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talking about democracy, at the same time at home... let's see how it will look, but the allegory is very, very funny, america itself resembles a prison of nations, the prison of nations will be run from prison, it's funny, yes , an interesting scenario, but in our country there will also be presidential elections in 2025, and have you already thought about how
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you will participate, maybe you will put up your candidacy, or will there be someone from the democratic forces, for today? democratic forces, in we have enough broad understanding, this is the liberal democratic party, this is the communist party, this is white russia, this is the republican party of labor of justice. i am sure that as part of the development of the political system they will nominate their candidates. as for me, i hope to take part in the 25th presidential campaign as a proxy. now is a historical turning point, and we are on the threshold of a crisis that we have not seen, probably,
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since the beginning of the second world war, the situation is simply catastrophic, you see that today some representatives of the bundeswehr have already stated that they are allowed to shoot down military targets on russian territory with their patriot complexes. to shoot down military aircraft, many of which may be carriers of tactical nuclear weapons, this situation is much worse than the caribbean crisis, we are on the verge of a real war, only super-experienced politicians can save our country and the whole region from war, such politicians in belarus
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we interact very constructively, we we communicate on the same wavelength, i, of course, will take part in the presidential campaign on lukashenko’s side, let’s ask questions, we are in contact. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. through the car window, i
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noticed the walls of the gomel repair car factory, the thought flashed inside me that i wanted to work here, i was drawn here, well, that’s how it happened. and at school, during labor lessons, they brought us kids to the factory, showed us, look, there’s glass like this. it’s done, this is how these cars come with glass, that is, this has been going on since school, since then, well, around i am constantly looking for glass, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work, on the basis of a roofed boxcar we are producing a completely new product, it will be a diesel power station car with a capacity of 400 kw, it is the only enterprise in the republic of belarus producing flat glass, in general , there are not many such enterprises... in the cis, we are investing in improving our technologies, well, we must, we simply must keep up with the times. watch on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. they have equipped their life in the village is such that any city dweller can envy. don't be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, where not...
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putin recently responded to all these statements, let's listen, these representatives of the countries nato, especially in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember
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that this is usually a state with a small territory with a very dense population, this is a factor that they must keep this in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. what is putin hinting at? the fact that if our western partners do not stop, this will lead to the outbreak of the third world war. it seems that the west has gathered madmen, infantile politicians, it is clear that such politicians are easier to manage, from the point of view of the financial and industrial groups that own the world, they need politicians such as barel, ursula, michel and other inadequate persons, but they we should also think about what these or other actions can lead to, in
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any case. belarusian air force associated with special ammunition, as they are called in the military environment, these are tactical nuclear weapons, and the leadership of the belarusian air force stated that the exercises were successful, that is, today we, as the security contour of the union state are you ready for a warm welcome from our western
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partners? at the same time, the united states announced the launch of two ballistic missiles. quote: to check the accuracy readiness nuclear forces. we are witnessing escalation, madmen, madmen, we are witnessing not just escalation, but wild, thoughtless provocation of war in our region. it is clear that from the point of view of overseas.
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wrote: in order to cool down the militant fervor a little, the heads of the lithuanian ministry of defense are forced to announce that in belarus there are tactical nuclear weapons that can be delivered by both an airplane and an iskander. according to western journalists, the power of one bomb is from five to 50 kilotons with a radius of complete destruction of 35 km and a radius of serious destruction of 50 km, and publishes here a map - from vilnius, radius 50 km, what remains then...
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fertilizers, due to which the budget of the lithuanian state received huge, colossal money. he does not discuss opening borders or working together. increasing the flow of goods, trade between the two countries, so that it would lead to the flourishing of the entire lithuanian border region, and indeed all of lithuania, he discusses, he, lansberges, the minister of foreign affairs of a small state , discusses how he, which means someone will strike at the territory of russia , belarus even, this is a madman, this virus of madness most of all... leg, because there is a second madman, the president
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of estonia, remember, he said the other day that he would do everything to destroy russia, but this makes us laugh not only and even in the countries of traditional western democracies, recently you remember... on the air of an english-language program, lansbergis was harshly besieged, they told him that, well, you understand, that this is funny coming from your mouth, it looks like you are a dwarf state, and you, yes, meters trying to tell you how to cause damage in a superpower, they have already tried to prove to china that now for china lithuania does not exist at all, they take advantage of the fact that... the russian federation takes a very balanced approach to its foreign policy, if there were politicians like lansberges in the russian federation, then
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a long time ago, a long time ago the inhabitants of lithuania would have stocked up on iodine, we once again say to lansberges and all the other madmen, stop, stop. our bellicose rhetoric, let’s discuss issues of peace, issues of ending the military conflict in the region, if a neighbor’s house is on fire, then that’s it neighbors are under threat, the fire can spread to the right, to the left, to the north, to the south? well, i want, you know, to add the most important point, we won’t have ’41 in the sense that... we are already ready for any provocations and all our forces and weapons will be instantly put on combat readiness, and if it is necessary, a blow will be struck at all military installations or at the
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decision-making centers of the potential aggressor country, there will be no more year forty-one, and as the president, our president alexander lukashenko said, we will draw red lines let’s not, you say that they are political madmen, maybe they just don’t realize the consequences, they realize the consequences, they just hope that if this happens, a regional conflict will break out, well, they will have time
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to sneak off somewhere, including with with their own funds, they have a lot of money, stolen from european voters, we see how they launder money, of course, they are still far from the ukrainians who during the war... that the summit failed before it even took place, would you agree with the leader? first of all, on in this so-called peace conference , two of the three superpowers will be absent; let me
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remind you that the three superpowers according to the political science classification are the usa, the russian federation, and china. china refused to participate in this conference, moreover, mr.... according to a number of experts , according to the russian side, mr. zelensky accused china of persuading other countries not to participate in this conference, saudi arabia refused to participate in the conference, most likely not other countries included in the brix, and joe biden is not going to go there, he has his own program for the election race in hollywood with actors, so what does he care about some papuans who... are fighting among themselves, this is how
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the american political class perceives this conflict, so this conference will fail, it is not peaceful at all, switzerland is a co-aggressor country, because it imposed sanctions on one of the parties to the armed conflict, therefore there is no need to talk about any peaceful role for switzerland, they will talk about its neutrality.
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to the west to negotiate, if
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your neighbor is here, if you don’t want to negotiate on its territory, then we have the territory of belarus, and we can sign any agreements here, minsk-3, if you like, we can call this a peace agreement, but after all, there was an attempt on our land; these negotiations began, it would be logical if they continued on our land, that’s all, why? there are hundreds of millions of dollars, just
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hundreds, look where the former leaders of the ukrainian ministry of defense live now, yes, what kind of they have huge pitchforks, that is, they are really in the black, they know very well that just like that legendary plane taking off from afghanistan, also a us military transport, will pick them up, they are from this hated ukraine, which hates it, themselves, because the person who fell in love, would think about peace and not about war, they will just throw it off, get rid of it, the only ones in the minus are ukrainian citizens, ukraine has now turned into a country of widows, the ones in the minus are ukrainian women, ukrainian men, the whole country is in cemeteries, we are everything we observe, uh, this is pain, this is shock for ukrainian children, mothers, that’s who suffers, and these are all swindlers, they make money.
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with china and through taiwan, there is a conflict in the ocean, they are also trying to involve australia in all imaginable and inconceivable ways, that is, this will continue, how long and how long will the united states, in principle, pull several at once, that they have become rich in these
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conflicts, now as then in the first world war, the second world war, they came out of covid quite well. that is, from covid, from this economic failure, they needed come out, in these armed conflicts they came out, but looking at the growth in their stock prices, at the growth of huge defense orders, at the growth of financial resources allocated to all sorts of ngos, ngos, thought factories, they thought, let this music continue to play, let it not ends, they are now preparing new conflicts, while constantly announcing. nato’s peace-lovingness, yes, they are now opening another hot spot in northern kurdistan, which covers parts of turkey, iraq and syria, this will also be a sore spot, therefore, they will not stop, they
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can only stop in one case, if some sensible politician comes there, if the american society understands, understands...
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iraq, kuwait, iran, pakistan, afghanistan, in asia, laos, cambodia, vietnam, indonesia, an atomic bomb was dropped in japan, no
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one started more wars in korea than nato, led by the united states after the great patriotic war. this is such a peace-loving organization. centuries, over the last 70 years, tell me. yes, this is only from the fifties of the past it is deploying its infrastructure, including at the borders of the union state, let’s also remember this year’s exercises, which took place there for almost six months near our borders, where have we seen such exercises in military history, over six months in which dozens were involved
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thousand people, there are about 1000, in my opinion, about 100 thousand yes, there are 90-100,000 nato troops, and they said that our battalion there...
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what is happening in the world, all the electronics, all the weapons, any technical means control, any means of destruction, sensors, military equipment, china has everything, that’s why our western partners are trying to drive a wedge between russia and china, while russia, china and belarus are now together, and also many countries included in the brix, it seems to me, they will provoke us, but...
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this conflict, the protracted russian-ukrainian one, can be stopped very quickly, if there is a desire of the ukrainian political class, and those who control them, in fact, who controls, this is this conflict, here donald trump said, i will stop it in 24 hours, it is quite likely that this will happen, because if the ukrainian regime is not supplied with ammunition. and other weapons, the conflict will end, with itself, yes, of itself, absolutely right, so, of course,
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the united states has a controlling stake in these possible peace negotiations, i would really like the newly elected president in november 2024, well if i hadn’t put an end to it, i would have at least frozen this conflict. by the way, remember, when the svo began, we were there all the time, it was the twenty-second year, february, right? we said all the time that nothing would happen until november the twenty-fourth, yes, because we are now in the election race, how far it was, but now november the 24th is just around the corner, and we will take a break for a while, after a short pause, we will return to this studio again , for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. the “tell don’t be silent” program is on air again, our
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guest is political scientist and public figure yuri voskresensky. yuri, well, we remember how ukrainians, organizing the maidan from time to time, constantly stated that we have always done this and will continue to do so, if we don’t like this government, we will demolish it and install a new one. now we see what the tskashniks are doing.
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zelensky is provoking a civil war in ukraine, we are already seeing how grenades are flying into the offices of military commissars, how people are fighting back, how people are ramming representatives of shopping center, territorial recruitment centers, but it is no longer possible to remove this politician, because ukraine has turned into a totalitarian state, that is it will be impossible until then.
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historical maximum, then this will happen, but now at the moment, ukraine is a totalitarian state, there is only one channel broadcasting on cable, a telethon, they told us about democracy, yes, about the diversity of the media, and what we are seeing now, 2 and a half year only a telethon is broadcast, on all cable networks, only... that means one broadcast, yes, well , there are different channels dividing it by the hour, and what are we watching on this broadcast, somehow i turned it on, but literally enough was enough for me a few hours, see what they say there, there is blood, there is hatred, there are calls to cut, kill, burn, there are calls for racial discrimination, for religious discrimination, that is, it’s scary, yeah, so
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3 hours was enough for me, and there are people have been watching for 2.5 years, it seems to me that after the svo ends, almost all ukrainians will need the help of a psychologist, accordingly, in this totalitarian state, elections, you see, they have canceled them altogether, they have banned parties, some remaining media, they by a court decision they were deprived of registration, that is, now this is a classic totalitarian state, therefore - and those holding on to bayonets, yes...
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for example, georgia, the same girls with flowers, yes, the same eu flags, diplomats who came out in support, the same activists doused in paint, everything is the same , and georgia, it seems, is pursuing a fairly balanced foreign policy, it is oriented toward europe and the united states, but apparently this was not enough for the european owners, but what are they for? this was organized because the georgian authorities simply wanted transparency, so where is this vaunted, then, the transparency that they impose all over the world, where this is vaunted transparency, considering that the same law on foreign agents that was passed in georgia has been in effect since the thirties of the last century in the united states, i think since 1938, and the georgian
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law - this is practically a copy of that law. support for this law, the majority there is in me, it offended them, they came out on the contrary in georgia they support this law, the majority in georgia, now my friends recently returned, they vacationed there, georgians are very we are happy that they opened direct flights with the russian federation, 10 planes a day leave russian tourists there and enrich
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the georgian economy, they themselves are enriched by georgian culture. that is, with these provocations, the west, on the contrary, is pushing georgia towards closer friendship with russia, that is, it seems to me that this is a training manual. will not work not only in belarus, kazakhstan, but in georgia, and we will soon see even closer integration with our georgian brothers. last time we met, you presented your book in our studio. they said that they wouldn’t stop there and wanted to make a series about the events of the twentieth year. at what stage is this project? at the stage of writing a script, i write a script based on my book, but since... there is not enough special knowledge, for this you need to graduate from a higher educational institution or at least a screenwriting course, i read the literature gradually, without the help of outside experts, so i’m moving
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in this direction, that is, i think that i will submit this script for consideration, well, now i’m preparing to write it in detail the second book, but the second book is not related to politics. we say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, yuri voskresensky is now saying, friends, take care, appreciate peace, take care of our country, good health and
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peace to the country. we are going on expeditions in the depths of our country, do not destroy our shared unity with our fellow countrymen, it is not independent of the hell where we live,
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