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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 5, 2024 7:45pm-8:01pm MSK

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know all the delights of rural life, a lot of people come because even some say that you have a good life here, you can relax mentally here, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, here you can go out and take a walk and see the roe deer , see the same deer. veska - this life, which you contradict, what we said earlier, finally, what you choose yourself , which, on the other hand, from the technical side, the project i am from the village for...
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i want to look at this world for everyone kozhny zen adkryvatsya for syabe neshta novae, this is so good for us, because we work for this with anyone, with anyone and belarus. the visit program included intensifying cooperation with the irkutsk region. on june 5, the president met with the governor of the irkutsk region of russia igor kobzev, the head of the belarusian state at the government building of the siberian territory met with bread and salt with folk songs, then negotiations took place at which the parties discussed joint projects, plans and further development of cooperation. alexander lukashenko set the task of significantly increasing trade turnover with this russian
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region. in irkutsk, the president visited an aircraft plant. the head of state got acquainted with the stages of production of military aircraft and assembly of the ms-21 passenger airliner. by the way, airplanes are also made here for the belarusian air force. the management of the enterprise informed the president of belarus in detail about its products and promising developments. as a souvenir of the visit, the president was presented with a model of the su-30 fighter. we want to be embedded.
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the president sent a greeting to the participants and guests, in the center of attention of the participants the forum presents practical digital solutions for different areas of the economy, in addition to large companies... technology parks and student laboratories are also represented. digitalization is one of the key priorities of our country. according to last year's global innovation index, belarus ranks twenty-second among 132 countries in terms of access to information and communications technologies and twenty-eighth in terms of their use. the 4g mobile network covers 99% of the population, and 89.5% of belarusians are provided with home internet.
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belarus and russia will develop cooperation in nuclear energy; in moscow , ministers, deputies, scientists and technologists of the two countries discussed the use of nuclear energy in the union state. first of all, the discussion was about the safety of nuclear power plant operation. this concerns scientific and technical support and support, personnel training, as well as the management of radioactive waste and nuclear fuel. a new union program is currently being prepared on this topic. parliamentarians got acquainted with... with the use of powder metallurgy, this issues of digitalization of training equipment, including use in the energy sector.
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there are quite a lot of directions, and here certain approaches have already been developed for, well, i’ll say this, in several dozen projects that can be implemented in the republic of belarus directly with... with the rusatom corporation in russia, there is extensive experience in implementing nuclear projects and in order for all this develop and, above all, ensure safety issues, nuclear safety, issues of disposal and storage of radioactive waste, issues of their processing, it is clear that this requires legislative registration in these matters; our belarusian colleagues do not yet have such experience, they are just forming such legislation, and here too there is an exchange of experience. so that belarus also adopts relevant laws that achieve the set goals of energy safety issues, so this is also one of the areas of our cooperation. the practice of applying legislation in the field of reclamation and the effective
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use of such lands will be discussed in lubona at a meeting of the expert advisory council under the presidium of the council of the republic, this year alone they plan to put 110,000 galliated lands into circulation. in belarus, almost 40% of all farmland is drained and is actively used on reclaimed land, producing a third of crop products, including over half of green feed for livestock. the task is not only to ensure proper care of the territories, but to gradually expand the area of ​​fertile land. preservation of historical memory and glorification of the exploits of heroes of compatriots. results civil-patriotic project, without forgetting the past, looking to the future, failed in baranovichi, it was organized on the initiative of the local prosecutor's office of the education department of the city executive committee, in total more than 23,000 schoolchildren took part, the children sent 570 letters to veterans and juvenile prisoners of fascism, read a work dedicated to the younger ones great patriotic war, were engaged
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in the improvement of memorable places, and also wrote stories about the fate of their relatives who participated in the war, the most active participants in the project received awards. all this confirms that... for children this form of work is extremely interesting, it is very important for young people that these are, perhaps in some ways, non-standard school events, and that this is search work through which the child himself explores his family, participation of their ancestors during the great patriotic war. the light of concentration camps, burned villages and partisan exploits on the walls of the palace of art, an exhibition dedicated to the great victory renewed painting, this is a new batch from the fund of the belarusian... union of artists, an exhibition of the voice of a military man generation is available for free viewing every day, works of artists with a pre-war date of birth are presented here, they saw the war with their own eyes, the frames will be changed on june 20, the hall will show women in the war from the mother and keeper of the hearth to
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the soldier’s girlfriend. what is happening to the media in belarus? alexander lukashenko gave a good assessment of both the media and journalists during his speech at the media community forum in mogilev. in some ways he praised for the work done, but there
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was some criticism. probably the last one is the most important. this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels. this is not the time for complacency,” the president emphasized. time to work. time to understand and feel your information enemy, and this is primarily the center of information and psychological operations, which are grouped under the roof of nato. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth, and the truth is often visible from afar, but this is different, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello! just recently the international non-governmental organization reporters without borders presented its new ranking of the world press freedom index. before moving on to the numbers, i would like
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to remind you what the organization is fighting against, against censorship for the free and safe work of journalists. believe it or not, the journalists of belarus are exactly for that.” approach, but for some reason ukraine ranks 61st, and belarus and russia 167 and 162, respectively, lithuania 13, latvia - 12. there is indeed freedom of speech, for example, in moldova, which is now going to the european union, where literally last week another dozen media outlets were closed under the auspices of freedom of speech, supposedly they are financed by someone there, they are not financed by anyone, and even if they are financed, then why are you closing them, for example, in contrast to the same russia, where there is simply a label on an agent, freedom of speech, which really does not exist either in lithuania or latvia, not to mention ukraine, where a person cannot say anything, at best he will be taken... to the front. alexander lukashenko said very correctly that the word is a weapon. there is an information
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war going on, an emotional war going on, a war of meanings going on. and we, as journalists, need to understand what kind of missiles you are sending. of course, you can’t slip into some kind of barely, you can’t lick everyone there now. on the contrary, i believe that it is the state media that have the right to criticize and find pain points of certain state structures, state institutions, because we have one task - to make our country ours. society is stronger, more honest, more correct and so on, without criticism nowhere, so you also need to be careful about this, be kind to them there, this is very bad, sterility is generally harmful, this rating is supposedly based on the assessments of experts in the region who answer specific questions, i have such an immodest question, which of the belarusian journalists was asked, it’s just that none of my colleagues have heard of any racing, oh well, we’re an outcast in your advanced media community. so in ukraine, which journalists did you
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talk to? how, for example, should we deal with the fact that even the us state debt contributed to the ukrainian telethon? united news in a report on human rights violations? the united states state department published a report on human rights violations in ukraine for 2023, adding the united news telethon there. this is stated in the report of the us state department. the document notes that the signing of a decree introducing martial law by president vladimir zelensky in february 2022 made it possible to introduce further restrictions on the media and media freedom, for example, according to the us state debt, the telethon adheres to the government line in coverage russian-ukrainian war. the introduction of the marathon has made possible an unprecedented level of control over primetime television news, according to the united states. in the report. also mentioned is the prohibition of blocking, the introduction of sanctions by the government against the media and individual
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journalists who were considered a threat to national security or expressed positions that, according to the authorities, undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. actually, a worthy example of anti-freedom of the press, the conclusion was not made by belarusian and russian media experts and in fact, the united states accuses ukraine of obbudsmen. in the same way that they themselves did with the eu in relation to belarus. for example, my colleagues and i cannot freely travel to poland and other eu countries to show what is happening there in reality. we cannot, because sanctions have been imposed on us. belarusian journalists pose a threat to the national security of the european union. and we, gosmi journalists, constantly experience pressure of various kinds from the west. removing our materials from youtube is a completely separate matter.
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well, what kind of freedom of speech can there be when people are in prison in the three baltic republics for what they did, when people are judged for what they do. "if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are on trial, the case has been going on since 1919, if we take lithuania, there is in lithuania, for example, more precisely there was a forum, the international forum of good neighborliness, we can say that there were also members of this forum, well some kind of journalists, and, say, erica shvenchony, who regularly spoke, did.”


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