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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 6, 2024 9:50am-10:01am MSK

9:50 am
directly participated in the creation of concentration camps, using his technologies, skin was torn off from jews, hair was used for household purposes, pulled out teeth were melted down into jewelry, so this is what the great-grandson said: ukraine should strike at belarus, at our children, so that the child’s hands are torn off by a shell, and the mother died, losing blood from the cut... “this is what you want, lansbergis, it won’t happen, dad warned everyone again, we don’t want war, we don’t want it at all, we really don’t want it, we don’t want it most of all, but if you are lansbergis, you’ll stick your nose in .
9:51 am
our children will have a beautiful one far away. lukashenko has already given a whole generation to grow up in carefree happiness, prosperity, prosperity, prosperity, joy, and he will give it to more than one generation, and we are all obliged to help him, and have a good holiday for the children, be the suns on earth. be the suns on the earth, warm at least those who are nearby with every moment of your life, in a word, with a smile, with a glance, be the suns on the earth, look, the clouds are gathering, but even in the darkness can warm the soul... the smallest ray,
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so that the world does not perish in evil, be the suns on earth, and live for the glory of god, the road will be within your ability, and live for the glory of god, the path will be within your ability. be the sun on earth, warm at least those who are nearby every moment. life with your
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word, smile, look, so that the world does not perish nearby, be the suns on earth, and live for the glory of god, the road will be within your power, and live for the glory of god, the road will be within your ability. and live for the glory of god, the road will be according to your ability.
9:54 am
despite the fact that the allies had a good time the location of the enemy's searches, his main defensive structures, artillery positions, firing points, trenches along the coast are known; air and artillery strikes did not inflict much damage on the germans. the normandy operation or operation overlord, in which they participated. more than 3 million
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people is the largest landing operation in the history of mankind, but this is not the only thing that sets it apart from other military operations during the great patriotic war. the point is that the landing. a huge contingent of us allied troops, england and canada in northern france became an operation that opened a second front. now hitler had to fight both against the red army and against the allied forces in normandy. the normandy operation is better known today as d-day. the d in the code name stands for day. the terms d-day and hour were used by the military to indicate the date and time of an upcoming operation in which exactly. the date and time were either not finalized or were classified. in total , 2,876 thousand people, 10,900 combatants were involved in the operation on the part of the allies. and 2,300 transport aircraft, about 7,000
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ships and vessels. the overall command of these forces was exercised by an american general, future us president, dwight esenhower. allied forces resisted. german army group b under the command of field marshal erwin ramel, and the southern coast of france and the bay of biscay was covered by army group g. they had at their disposal about 380 thousand people, 160 aircraft, 49 submarines, 116 patrol ships, 34 torpedo boats and 42 artillery barshi. the operation was prepared for 3 months. at the end of may, beginning of june 1944, the landing troops were concentrated in... the assembly area, from where landing points for landing ships were successively advanced. initially, the landing date was set for june 5 , 1944, but then it was decided to postpone it for a day, waiting for better weather conditions. the operation consisted of two phases: the first
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was codenamed neptune, the second - cobra. operation neptune began on june 6, 1944 and ended on july 1. 1944, its goal was to conquer a bridgehead on the continent, which lasted until july 25. operation cobra was carried out by the allies immediately after the completion of the first phase. its goal is a breakthrough offensive across french territory. the fighting began late in the evening of june 5 with a massive night parachute landing on gliders. during the night , about 2,600 bombers carried out successive attacks in waves. by planes, despite the fact that the allies were well aware of the location of the enemy troops, its main defensive structures, artillery positions, and trench firing points along the coast, air and artillery strikes did not cause much damage to the germans. on june 6 at 6:30 a.m.
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the amphibious landing began, german troops managed to repulse the first two waves of landings, only in the evening the allies were able to capture several areas 10-15 km from the coast and capture crossings across the douf and orne rivers, which made it possible to begin unloading the main strength by june 12 , a common bridgehead was created, and by june 19 , anglo-american troops occupied the city of caen. at the end of june, throughout july, the allied forces tried to build on their success, but the german army blocked their attempts. on july 25, the expeditionary forces launched a general offensive, using significant numerical superiority over the enemy, they managed to break through the front of the german defense. during august, allied troops captured the britannia peninsula, blocked the ports of saint -malo, brest, saint-nazaire, semi-encircled a large group of german troops in the area of ​​​​the city
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of thales, and although the enemy managed to slip out of the bag, by august 25 the main forces of the first american, second british and first the canadian army reached the seine river. the operation is over. august 31, 1944 with the liberation of paris from the german occupiers. to become one of our own in a foreign country,
10:00 am
then welcome to the world of yodishka, hello, to the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy, we are studying the history of belarus. let's explore its sights together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslovskaya volodarka ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. if before the initiation of criminal affairs.


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