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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 6, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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did you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to the world of yodishka, hello, the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy. we study the history of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our brastov church we see our main shrine, this is the image of the mother of god of braslav volodarka ozeru. watch on tv channel belarus 24. if before criminal initiation.
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it was believed that 9,200 settlements and villages were destroyed on the territory of the bssr, then during the investigation of the criminal case, working with archival documents, working with citizens, we have established that at least 12,348 settlements were destroyed on the territory of belarus, completely or partially along with their inhabitants. before the start of the investigation, it was believed that the tragic fate of the village of khatyn was shared by 186 settlements, now this sad figure is 288, that is, 102 more villages than previously thought and, accordingly , more than 3.00 new settlements, these are huge numbers, this is all thanks to the investigation, it was also previously thought that that... belarus carried out at least 140
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punitive operations to exterminate the population, civilians, then today we can already say with certainty, with precision, that at least 187 such large-scale punitive actions were carried out on the territory of belarus. these are huge numbers when during each punitive operation , thousands, tens of thousands of innocent people were destroyed. civilians, and these are primarily women, old people and children. we carry out excavations primarily in previously unknown places. we install such places. this working as with archival documents that were once classified somewhere. it was not made public for a long time. unfortunately, no one has been doing this for decades. only after the initiation of a criminal case, we began to deeply study and... research this topic, also
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many, many thanks to our citizens, our caring people, who, having information, are like eyewitnesses of those atrocities who miraculously survived while at a young age, they talk about where some village was destroyed, where they buried subsequent people where these places were not, in fact, recorded, there were no... there were no monuments, so we are carrying out search activities of the same kind at the moment for 3 years, the largest such punitive actions, as an example, over the past 3 years, we have established the location of the destruction of the burials of civilians and prisoners of war in the uruchy tract here near minsk, where... according to
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our information, at least 58 thousand inhabitants were destroyed and buried, during these over the years, we have sent a large number of international requests, instructions, more than 110 of them today, to various states, in fact, we have sent to all states of the european union, to the russian federation, latin america, the united states, canada regarding.
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under the general editorship of the prosecutor general of the republic of belarus. the latest edition concerns the conduct of punitive operations in general in the territory. belarus is only the first part of the publication, we are now continuing to work on the second part of the publication on the topic of punitive operations, where we we also describe and place relevant documents in this publication, objective documents regarding the largest large-scale
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punitive operations, starting from 1941 to 1944, until our republic was liberated. nazi occupiers. in addition, these publications were recognized as the best publications annually, both on the territory of the republic of belarus, and they were awarded a special prize at the international book fair among the best publications in the cis countries. all individuals who hold extreme right-wing views are used today foreign intelligence services to escalate the conflict. in addition to creating the image of an enemy, there is a constant escalation. look, the baltic countries have already made statements
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that they are ready to take part in the ground part of the operation in ukraine and send their troops there. he has not learned to lose to the west, but he will have to lose. and he does not have the economic prerequisites to maintain his hegemony, drawing belarus into the war will lead to the loss of sovereignty, loss of statehood and destruction of our country. that's why we we rely on our strategic ally, on its potential regarding tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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hello, on the air of the program sas is authorized to announce, i and the presenter nadezhda sas, i welcome you, in today’s program
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we will talk about the increase in nervousness and aggressiveness on the part of nato, but immediately after the further key events in world politics this week. the head of the foreign ministries of belarus and hungary, sergei oleinik and peter szijarta, held a meeting a bilateral meeting in minsk. the minister of foreign affairs of foreign trade of hungary arrived in belarus to participate in a meeting of the intergovernmental belarusian meeting. hungarian commission for economic cooperation, the parties discussed a number of applied trade, economic and investment issues, the focus of the work was interaction in the fields of energy, agriculture, industrial cooperation, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, construction, sports, tourism, science education. the head of the hungarian foreign ministry emphasized that the determination of their point of view is unambiguous. in all areas that are not subject to sanctions, hungary is interested in cooperation. we will continue to work to strengthen cooperation between belarus and the european union. the policy has failed and this is not a political statement. there is no point in doing it when it
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comes to factual information. the european union has lost a lot due to the sanctions policy. the heads of foreign affairs agencies signed the minutes of the twelfth meeting as part of the negotiations of the commission meeting intergovernmental belarusian-hungarian commission on economic cooperation, a cooperation program for 2024-2025 and a memorandum of understanding between the ministry of energy of belarus and the foreign trade ministry of hungary on deepening cooperation with russia is going to make a decision to exclude the taliban from the list of terrorists, said russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. kazakhstan recently made a decision, which we are also going to make, about exclusions from the list of terrorist organizations. moreover, the security council did not declare the taliban a terrorist organization; in my opinion, there are 12-15 specific ones on the list of terrorists. earlier, the special chairman of the president of the russian federation for afghanistan, director of the second department of asia, zamir kabulov
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, said that the ministry of foreign affairs had concluded a study on the possible removal of the status of a terrorist organization from the taliban in russia. the proposal has been sent to the kremlin. according to him, the decision will be made by the president of the russian federation. in response, the state the us department said it considered moscow's intentions to send a bad signal to others. washington noted that they do not recognize the current leadership of afghanistan as legitimate authority. in the united states, construction of a plant to produce artillery shells for the ukrainian army is being completed. in 2022, the united states decided to increase the production of artillery shells. the corresponding enterprise, located in the state of texas, is already at the finish line of its construction. according to information available to the american press, the power of the military charge will be about 30 thousand 155 mm shells per month. ukraine needs that much per day. well, let's start our today. program during the last cold war, the following joke was in vogue: don’t worry, comrades,
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there will be no war, but there will be such a struggle for peace that no stone will be left unturned, i have a growing feeling that the ukrainian crisis is moving in this direction and under talk about the inadmissibility of a direct clash with russia, western leaders with their adventurous decisions are getting closer to this dangerous line, about why the west is becoming more and more reckless plays with fire and how to respond to this... expert, greetings, vasily yuryevich,
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hello, nadezhda olegovna, according to tradition, we begin our discussion with a quick question. vasily yuryevich, i’ll address it to you right away: should we expect a new caribbean nuclear crisis? well, nadezhda olegovna, first of all, you started the program with a comparison with the cold war, i ’ll tell you, it’s probably a terrible thing, the war is hot now, to compare it with the cold war. well, unfortunately, it doesn’t suit us, and therefore we don’t expect any caribbean crisis, and we hope that it won’t be used in this in a hot war that is already going on, nuclear weapons, and we don’t want to use them, our president vladimir vladimirovich putin clearly said this, but the west, which is already fighting with us directly, because well, where’s it even more direct if their drones, their satellites point directly at their own weapons...
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to say that, in my opinion, we are still in a state of the caribbean crisis, if we can compare, this is actually in a state of nuclear weapons. crisis, they talk about this, certain facts speak: first of all, this is nato’s serious modernization of its nuclear weapons located at air bases in five european countries, this is evidenced by the fact that poland is raising the question of the deployment of nuclear weapons
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on its territory to the united states of america, but let’s say it. from the republic of belarus, we returned not strategic, but tactical weapons to our territory, precisely as a response to the current situation, so tension is seriously growing, and of course no one, and i agree with our colleague, no one would want this phase psychological warfare in this sphere of escalation situation. has really developed into the use of this terrible weapon, yes alexander davidovich, but i agree with the distinguished speakers, should we expect a new caribbean crisis, we are probably already in it, it’s more likely to reformulate it this way and correctly, but here’s a quick question to compare situation with the caribbean crisis, let's remember how
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the caribbean crisis began and how it developed, with threats, and then with the deployment of weapons. within range: turkish missiles near russia, the soviet union, soviet missiles in cuba, and let's now see how the situation is developing now; weapons are stationed in europe, including nuclear weapons within the reach of belarus and russia. alexandrovich, can we immediately display a map for clarity, as it looks like confirmation, please, colleagues. secondly, this is... russia and belarus and our allies. and remember how the world came out of the caribbean crisis, which saved the world from turning
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into a nuclear world war. that's when. and its allies for security, because security cannot be for some at the expense security of others, it can only be for everyone, or it doesn’t exist, so, of course, the situation is extremely similar to the caribbean crisis, we have the opportunity to overcome it, and the russian president emphasized that russia is open to dialogue, open to negotiations, we are
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from them did not refuse either in istanbul, or later, when, for example, the same zelensky, by his own decree, some countries, such as great britain, france, poland, finland, have already stated that they agree, germany, italy and the united states at the executive level authorities against although the idea has enough supporters in parliaments and departments. nato secretary general stoltenberg actually supported these plans. vasily yuryevich, do you think that america is still ready to enter the war in ukraine. we
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understand that nato soldiers are already present, the ukrainian military. these same military leaders are training, that is, in fact, there is a precedent for participation, but we still talk about, theorize about a full-scale entry into the war, and of course, we would like this not to happen, but it is also important to note that the united states rejected zelensky’s request to withdraw restrictions on the use of american weapons to strike russia, washington remains opposed, a national security council spokesman said.
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give the situation, they will definitely be, your question is whether they will participate in the conflict under their flag, but the united states itself will try to delay this moment as much as possible, they will throw poles, romanians, and someone else into battle under their flag, why, because that they understand perfectly well that we will already respond on their territory, and of course they will substitute, yes vasilyevich, you are absolutely right, has ukraine already launched strikes with british storm shadows on russian territory?
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in fact, did not prepare the country to repel aggression, therefore, today the republic of 1941, when the soviet government of belarus together with the russian federation are ready to prevent this mistake from being repeated, and many different examples can be given here, including those joint exercises, which are coming now. use of tactical nuclear weapons,
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which is now located on the territory of the republic of belarus, but we once again emphasize that this line, it is strategic, the president repeats this idea from speech to speech that now... so that peaceful russians do not die, who are being subjected unreasonably, are illegally subjected to these attacks,
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long-range missiles, weapons, the consent of a number of western countries, and i agree with my colleague that what is stated in the white house, in the state department in the pentagon, we must decipher these very clearly. states is built on hypocrisy, and it is unlikely that the americans themselves, i don’t admit that they are american military personnel, i emphasize, military personnel, not a mercenary, will set foot on ukrainian soil and will continue to work with the hands of other countries. if earlier we listened to the statements of the leaders of states and took them quite seriously, then there was a period when these were elements of intimidation, but
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today that... practice suggests that this is no longer probing public opinion, but preparing for public opinion in order to to to implement this scenario already, so i believe that we need to take very seriously the statements of these so-called politicians,
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what is russia capable of and how can it react? yes, thank you very much, gosstandin yarkovich, please stay with us, i have a few questions, i want to note that in recent years russia and europe seem to have changed, the former unpredictability of the russian bear was one of the elements in the calculations, now we are already friends of moscow in private conversations complain about excessive restraint and predictability in the rationality of the kremlin, do you agree with this statement, that is, today they are more likely to be like this.
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experienced, wise politicians and, most importantly, responsible politicians who feel responsible primarily for their countries, but not only, but for the whole world, and this is very important, therefore such a high responsibility, with a lot of experience behind them, it holds back from unreasonable, from emotional, from chaotic steps or even words, so i would like to draw attention to the fact that such a position is just... restrains the west from destructive steps, we asked about the fact that a split has arisen in the opinions of the west to use, to give consent to the use of weapons deep into internationally recognized territory, this is also a very important point, since we recognize the will of the peoples in accordance with the charter the un, which expressed their desire to live within the russian federation and became a russian region, i mean donbass,
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i mean. ae politicians who decide to give consent or not weigh the possible the consequences that may follow after this, and these consequences are suggested to them by our presidents, which is why the main category of countries that own long-range weapons,
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produce long-range weapons, not all in a row, but producers of long-range weapons, they just for now, i hope, will remain restrained, unlike those countries that poland has already given permission to use. denazification of ukraine, demilitarization of ukraine, restoration of its neutral status, protection of the territories of donbass.
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there was no talk about other territories until shelling of russian territory did not establish itself, the need arose to establish a sanitary protection zone in other ukrainian territories. this is the first, the second is quite possible. to russia, we said that attacks on british targets, not necessarily on the territory of ukraine, cannot be ruled out. third, what will the introduction of nato troops lead to? to the death of the citizens of these countries. will you like it? so imagine, death is happening at the moment, but information is hidden.
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and of course, a completely different point is our political elite, which in many ways studied at american universities. here , of course, they have their own ideas about who should be the center of world power, do we need to do something to replace these elites? the only problem is that this process will take time. thank you very much mr mirkovic, thank you very much for your time, for your answers, we will see you soon. and indeed, sergei anatolyevich, i think you will agree that at the moment the establishment of the nato countries is unlikely to have a real confidence that the united states will enter into battle with the russian federation, will most likely leave the european union alone, they want to use someone else ’s hands, as they usually do, yes.
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among politicians who understand this, that they are being pushed, they are, as it were, trying to direct them to slaughter, foreseeing that the result will be very, very disastrous, on the other hand, i want to say that this is a kind of chaotic statement from european politicians regarding the introduction of nato troops , do not enter, this is another indicator of that one. very calm, restrained, firm and professional
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reaction from alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin, that is, they, in my opinion, very competently, tactically use this situation, reacting, that is, they do not know what to do in order to carry out the instructions of the washington regional committee, therefore such nervousness, our leaders calmly...
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happened, i’ll answer your question briefly: will the extent of our blow and further events depend on what our enemies provoke us and force us to do? we don't want to nothing, but there are two points: first, when our french colleague spoke, he always emphasized that remember, russia is a nuclear power, there is no need to joke with it. this means that the voices of individual politicians are already being heard, in particular, what the russian federation needs. to produce test nuclear weapons there
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is not a publication by mr. karaganov about this, that is, why because when we were talking about the cold war, after all, this concept of fear stopped many actions and pushed, first of all, politicians and diplomats for contacts and dialogue. today, apparently, this fear is no longer physically present. uh, so to speak, absent, uh, generations have changed, perhaps people have forgotten what those explosions were like in nagasaki, in another japanese city.
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wants war, more than anything else, more than millions of our belarusians, i do not accept and do not want war, everything that is unfolding against us under the control of the special services, you know who, of course, not polish or lithuanian, they are already in charge there, but money is given for weapons, for armed struggle, for seizing at least a piece of land on the territory of belarus, they need this. americans, first of all, not even europeans. yes, alexander davydovich, here is a chronicle of the acute phase of the military conflict in ukraine - this is a chain of constant raising of the ceiling, a possible lowering of the risk threshold by the west. and this is what alexander grigorevich is talking about, unfortunately, they don’t
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hear about what the key goals are, to preserve their statehood, their sovereignty, but not to attack poland and lithuania.
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test the strength of the russian federation, what are you playing with? it's playing with fire because that there is no need to test anyone for anything, for any strength. in 2020 , the nuclear doctrine of the russian federation was officially declassified and is publicly available, by the way, with changes made to it at the same time in 2020. gentlemen, read this document, everything is written there, there is a lot there. important points there are two positions, this is an event on nuclear deterrence, a group and an event on the use of nuclear weapons, and so the list of events on nuclear deterrence has been added, this is a deployment near the border russia has material and technical means capable of carrying nuclear weapons. this is
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a reminder that the f-16 can carry nuclear weapons, and this is another motive for nuclear activities. radar stations, which, by the way, are primarily designed to monitor long-range nuclear approaches, this is playing with fire, gentlemen, this is a danger, and even the overseas patrons who slapped these experimenters on the hands understand this, that’s why stop probing ,
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stop checking, stop raising, pay attention attention, what is all this escalation for, what is all this for, including profit. the military-industrial complex of a transnational company is the psychology of people who live in the present day. look how sharply the incomes and profits of western arms manufacturers have increased, and they don’t have enough of it, they are trying to expand more and more, it’s time to stop, but this needs to be done , including by western voters, who see all this horror, and who, i hope they will give an answer very soon in the elections to the european parliament. by the way, notice how they became to destroy, through all possible connections with the russian federation, russia gate, those right -wing politicians who are leaders in their states today.
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this perverted understanding of theirs can lead to the fact that they will escalate, then
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anything can happen, because respected deputies spoke strategically about the caribbean crisis, with which we began the discussion, and if we take the tactical moment when there was the cuban missile crisis, remember the blockade of cuba when the world was on the verge of a nuclear strike, because the commander of our submarine, which found itself surrounded by enemy ships, decided to strike...
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thank you, vasily yuryevich, this is important. let's go on a trip to belarus.
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look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel, i remind you. on the air of the program, sas is authorized to announce discussions in the western establishment regarding the permissibility of strikes with western weapons on the territory of the russian federation and sending nato troops to ukraine, we will recall in more detail in our story. western establishment discusses the permissibility of strikes by nato weapons on russian territory. for this purpose , eu defense ministers and representatives of the foreign ministry gathered at a meeting in brussels. nothing new was said there; the calls made have long been familiar to the world community. the fact that we are supplying equipment to ukraine does not make nato a party to the conflict. we have the right to support ukraine without becoming part of the conflict,
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because we are helping ukraine defend its right to self-defense. stoughton. was among the first who not only agreed, but called allow ukraine to strike russia with western weapons. according to the nato secretary general, this does not threaten a direct collision. kiev’s actions in this case can be qualified as self-defense, the politician noted, and therefore continued to promote his idea to the masses, where it partially found a response. so in lithuania and latvia they see no reason to limit kiev. britain and sweden also gave the go-ahead for attacks on russian territory with western weapons. stoltenberg is confident that others should make similar decisions. and in general , comprehensive support for the kiev regime - the basis of european foreign policy. those who disagree should be prepared, at a minimum, for criticism. in fact, almost all of our discussions, necessary decisions and eu decisions are blocked by only one country - hungary. this does not happen occasionally. so we need to start looking at this as a systems approach, we need to start talking about it. warsaw does not want criticism of itself, so
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it approved the idea of ​​attacking russian territory with nato weapons. the head of the polish foreign ministry called for kiev to be allowed to take such actions. it is curious that warsaw constantly talks about certain threats from the east, although it itself actually approves of terrorist attacks. however, not everyone supported them. in europe, a split is completely overdue on the issue of ukraine. germany and italy are against stoltenberg's initiative. the german chancellor does not plan to allow the use of german weapons to strike russia. according to scholz, there are agreed and clear rules for arms supplies between berlin and kiev. germany does not intend to go beyond their limits. another one. an urgent issue for europe is the sending of military instructors to ukraine, paris was the first to talk about this, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky signed documents allowing the admission of french specialists to training centers in the country. there is no consensus on this matter in europe yet. there have been debates about conducting part of the training in ukraine, but there is no clear pan-european position on this matter. overall, the message of the meeting in brussels is clear. comprehensive assistance to ukraine is a priority
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of eu foreign policy. the rhetoric of unification does not change, this is the opinion. countries on issues are being revised, today there are two among those who disagree with the frankly unprecedented proposal of the secretary general, but according to foreign media reports, their number may increase, because the danger in the future is difficult to overestimate. sergey anatolyevich, please tell me, if western strategists were told in the spring of 2022 what their actions would lead to and what the whole world would expect in the spring of 2024, what do you think? would there be a chance to change the behavior strategy? it seems to me that you know this demonstrative refusal of the united states of america to consider the russian federation's proposal to ensure security, not only for russia, but for security in general, it indicates
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that the west was not ready to go. at the meeting of russia, belarus and the west , the desire to move further there to the east and test both russia and belarus for strength continued, they did not think about what would happen, well, there was probably a certain confidence that the russian federation would again show , well, how do diplomats accuse us here, which we carefully express.
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nato to the east, to return neutral to ukraine, we understand your concern, this is the result of that refusal, this is the result of the fact that ukraine, to the applause of the west, changed its neutral status in the constitution and demanded the abolition of budapest in 1994. that is, she started talking about her nuclear weapons, they began to unfold on the territory of ukraine, and we now know, this is for sure, american biological laboratories, in kharkov , experiments began to be carried out with fissile materials,
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it was impossible not to see it all, and it was all necessary stop, so the world always has a chance, a few years ago, 2-3 years ago , we thought that everything was over, when suddenly the whole world was engulfed by an epidemic, a coronavirus pandemic, when we saw... we'll look back, someday we'll put it in the history book . thank you, i really hope so. vasily yurievich, let’s summarize, please. i, too, am a military man, and you know that
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military people hate war more than anyone else. now, i have passed almost all the hot spots on the territory of the former soviet union, now i very often go there on the line combat contact. i'll tell you, war is terrible. and i sincerely hope so. dear alexander davydovich is right, and someday, as we now look at the defeated pandemic, we will look at this terrible situation that has now arisen from a new multipolar world with...


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