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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 6, 2024 12:40pm-1:00pm MSK

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the first stage of the plant was put into operation, and 337 m of the first belarusian coat fabrics were produced in one shift. they became so popular in the clothing industry of the republic, the ussr, that literally decades later the plant already had its own trademark, fabrics under the sukno brand. in the model house they also demonstrated... a collection of clothes made from fabrics from the restored komvol plant. he released his first meter in 1947, when equipment was still being installed and technology was being developed. how they remembered our veterans, their work was harder, more manual, the fabric quality was low, the fabric was coarser, we produced. woolen fabrics, semi-woolen fabrics, but
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the labor of people, ingenuity, innovation, personnel, which began to be trained literally from the first days of the restoration of the plant, had their results, just 2 years later the enterprise was already reaching full capacity for the production of fabric, after wartime the brand of the enterprise was considered to be fabric purely woolen, half-woolen in... the times of the soviet union, it was the flagship of our textile industry. okovol provided the entire post-soviet space with fabrics. fabrics, at that time they were mainly of departmental use and a small proportion of them were civilian. before modernization, olkovol also collaborated with swedish factories in the republic of belarus. komentern with model house. also. over the years, they have taken
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fabric from us to make men's suits and school uniforms. an event for residents of the capital and its guests was the demonstration in the house of models of exclusive samples of men's suits, represented by the oldest enterprise in the republic, gomel kamentern.
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products needed by the residents of the republic. in november the city of gomel was liberated, and already in december a decision was made to restore, actually restore, because the komentern building was destroyed to the ground. at the beginning of sovetskaya street, the adapted premises of a former bristle factory were returned to from evacuation from the ulyanovsk region. at the gomel kamentern they were able not only to start the factory from the second half-year 1945, but begin production. at the initial period, the production used mainly manual labor, so in the cutting shop there were 15 cutting
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tape machines, 15 mobile cutting machines, 12 spreading tables, the work was complex, well, initially, according to history, two models were produced, then the model was increased, they developed models, worked with fabrics from belarusian enterprises, which were also being revived, the enterprise worked with cloth, cloth, of course,
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from orsha, vitebsk, baranovichi. much more had to be improved, to achieve higher quality, but that period became a sign. on november 6, 1951, in the control room of the home radio at revolutionary 3 there was an unusual excitement, all the employees were talking.
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the use of stalin avenue and lenin street has built up a long line of people eager to get some information. i asked. there was a festive atmosphere at the store. the guards were unable to remove the captured items. looking at the luxurious interior, i have become known to the architects of the region, lev milega and raman gerard. the purchase price and the variety of goods. import from the gdr, czechoslovakia, china, and other products are distributed to the enterprises of the republic. unique footage of the opening of the country's main department store. they show girls saleswomen against the background of rolls of fabric,
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a section of women's ready-made clothing, products of the frunze factory, future chalk workers.
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the fourth five-year plan was a good start for its qualitative development in the following decades, when many trademarks were born , which later became famous far beyond the borders of the republic.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we are talking about how belarusians abroad will change their passports, what will happen if this is not done in time, why did they cut the functionality of our consulates? go! on september 5, alexander lukashenko by his decree banned belarusian consulates. exchange the passports of our citizens who are abroad, and now everyone who went abroad after the passport expired must return to belarus to exchange document for a new one, diplomatic missions will no longer do this. this question sparked heated discussions online.
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but replacing passports is not the only procedure that consulates abroad will no longer carry out. for example, our diplomatic missions will no longer exist. power of attorney so that an emigrant can sell a house, apartment or car in his homeland; to complete the transaction , the seller will need to appear in person or send it to the authorities where the real estate or equipment is registered. there is someone with the general a power of attorney for property management is in hand, and this power of attorney can be issued according to the new rules only in belarus. for example, a belarusian lives in italy and wants to sell an apartment, for example, in brest. previously, he could come to the belarusian consulate with a passport, provide copies of documents from a lawyer, relative or friend who lives in belarus, and directly at the consulate issue a general power of attorney for property management. diplomats sent this power of attorney to our country and the authorized representative on behalf of the emigrant. could sell his property, and then transfer the money to the former owner. now, in order to sell an apartment in his homeland, our
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emigrant must come from italy to this very conditional brest and personally handle the transaction, or entrust this to the person for whom he has issued a general power of attorney on the territory of our country. as you understand, it is impossible to do this without arriving home. another change: emigrants often lose diplomas, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, and cannot find a job without them. abroad to work, to give children to kindergartens and schools, to get married, to apply for benefits, and so previously a belarusian abroad could come to the consulate to order a duplicate of a lost document. the diplomatic mission made a request to belarus, here the civil servant, the ministry of internal affairs or the university, made a duplicate of the certificate or diploma and sent it to the owner’s country of residence. now the consulate will not do this; you will also have to go to belarus to get duplicates. there is an important change for those gathered. family abroad many states , in order to register the marriage of a foreigner,
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require the bride or groom to provide documentary evidence that the person is single or unmarried in their home country. previously, such confirmation could be ordered at the diplomatic mission, now you will have to receive it in belarus in person, but there is a life hack: you can register the marriage at the consulate itself, then it will take care of obtaining a certificate stating that the newlywed is single and does not intend to get into trouble. a message flashed across the network. that belarusians abroad will now not be able to register family capital, this amount in belarusian rubles equivalent to plus or minus 10 thousand dollars, which the state simply puts into the account of a family when it becomes large. you can use the money when the third child turns 18 or earlier. the basis for discussing the supposedly new norm for registering family capital for those living abroad was the fact that the clause on family capital is included in the new decree. but it's more in writing. fixation of an already existing norm, the right to register family capital, and even more so to use it ahead of schedule, and so on
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had only families in which both parents and children live in belarus, this is one of the conditions for calculating the payment, it can only be issued by a decent appearance. residence in the country is confirmed by the presence of a valid passport with registration; if for some reason the family spends some time outside the country, but lives in it, the parents will not have any problems with personally registering it. payments. the new decree applies to all belarusians who are abroad. it doesn’t matter if it’s for a walk, they went there, to work or to live. and if with for those who are in a foreign land for a short time without plans to stay, there are no questions, they will come home anyway, then for those who live there, nuances have appeared. in belarus, people who go abroad for permanent residence are issued passports of a special series of pp. to obtain such a passport, a citizen must permanently reside in another country. permanent residence is considered to be staying there for at least 90 days a year. if this condition is met, belarus can take
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documents that confirm that he has housing or official work to deregister in belarus, that is, cancel your registration, obtain permission from the ministry of internal affairs for permanent residence abroad, and register with a passport of the ppp series at the belarusian consulate of another country. nobody is stopping us from doing this. approximately 127 thousand belarusians are registered with consulates abroad; the changes for them are that previously they could apply for permission to live abroad, obtain or replace a passport of the pp series themselves at the ministry of internal affairs or through the consulate. now you need a statement submit to the ministry of internal affairs or the main consular department of the ministry of foreign affairs only after arriving in belarus. the consulate will not change or issue passports, and they will not send permission to live abroad from our ministry of internal affairs either. all other passports that left. questions will be changed according to the same scheme as those living in the country, in the immigration departments at
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the place of registration, who are the intermediary for sending documents in the form of a consulate. relatives and friends with powers of attorney will not help. according to the law, an adult citizen can only obtain a passport personally. parents receive the document for their children. by the way, the diplomatic mission did not issue very many passports anyway. if the ministry of internal affairs in the country processes from 700,000 to millions a year, then the consulate is only about 8. the consulate will continue to certify the will, various consents and refusals, certify copies of documents and extracts from them, confirm that the person is alive... it is in the public domain and anyone can read it. it also describes what the consulates will no longer do. there are several reasons for this. one of them is the need to relieve diplomatic missions and relieve them
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of the obligation to endlessly send documents. the world has been undergoing changes over the past few years. panic, sanctions, relocation or, more simply, the relocation of some companies, the desire to change jobs, or simply the curiosity and passion of young people to try their honor in other countries, provoked migration on the continent. the workload on the consulate has increased, the phenomenon of cyber fraud has become apparent; during this difficult period , it is wiser to hand over documents that help protect the rights and property of citizens personally to hands, and keep records in the departments that issue documents. there is one more point, and to remain silent about it... it’s cunning, some belarusians who left the country after 2020, have had enough of life abroad with a reduced set of rights, really want to go home, but do not go because of the tails of offenses or imposed fear. the need to come for a passport is an opportunity for them to make sure in a real situation, that they are expected at home, that many people make mistakes, but only at home our
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mistakes are always accepted by us. for those, whoever decides that building a life in a foreign land is more sorrow than pleasure, continues. belarusians come ready to answer for their actions according to the law, live peacefully at home and not sweat from the thought that their passport will soon expire. if you don’t change your expired passport in time, nothing very bad, but very good at the same time, will happen. a passport is a document
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that proves identity and citizenship. an expired document loses its legal status, and its owner can no longer... perform legally significant actions: no parcel to pick up, no paid services to arrange, no sim card to register. if something happens to the owner of such a passport, he will be provided with emergency medical assistance, and then doctors, together with the ministry of internal affairs, will establish his identity, and in order to continue treatment, the patient will still have to issue a passport. we don’t like to punish people for having an expired passport, although there is a punishment. it is provided for in article 24-33 of the administrative code. the third part of this article states that accommodation. without identification documents or invalid documents is punishable by a fine of up to four basic units. now it is 148 rubles. but in practice, late fees are not charged. now about how to behave if your passport has expired and you live abroad, you can contact the consulate and receive a return certificate there. this is a sheet where
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it is written who you are and it is indicated that you can proceed to belarus. they will let you through at the border, won’t charge you any fines for an expired passport, and will send you to get a new one. realize that a passport is not easy tucked in your pocket, it’s a shield that hides its owner from life’s troubles, showing it to the whole world. there is a country behind this man. pulling noodles from your ears, the possibility of creating a surrogate passport for belarus outside its borders, chatting and moving bags are fundamentally different things. for a passport to really provide protection and privileges, there must be something real behind it. state, and to be proud of your belarusian passport, it’s a sign of belonging to a strong, independent country, and it’s definitely worth coming home to pick it up in person. i'm marina karaman and what should i do? to a belarusian emigrant with an expired passport, we sorted it out, everything is clear, see you later.
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you are watching news now, olga kalairova studios, hello, one of the most exciting events of the summer, the festival in itoki continues to introduce the sights of the pruzhany region. the first day of the forum is traditionally dedicated to the cultural heritage of the area and the tour of the holiday guests started from the palace complex of the sapek family. here.


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