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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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on many issues, relations between belarus and china are reaching a new strategic level. more than 500 participants from fourteen countries hosted the third international women's forum in kusbas. and new technologies in medicine. a unique operation for shoulder arthroplasty was performed at the republican scientific and practical center for traumatology. the events program is on air. in the studio olga onishchenko. hello. ensuring food security goes beyond individual states and becomes of utmost importance.
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component of integration. belarus accepted eurasian intergovernmental council, where the results of the work of the ias for 10 years were summed up. we will find out more details from our columnist olesya vysotskaya. for 3 years our trade turnover has exceeded a billion dollars, in a year or two we can reach the level of one and a half. this is the opinion of the belarusian government. there are reserves in industrial cooperation. the capacity of kazakhstan, for example, allows us to assemble up to 10 thousand tractors together. just last week they opened a cabin assembly line. more than belarus in terms of localization in kazakhstan at the moment, we are ready to move further in this direction, but it is very important for us to continue to feel support from the government of kazakhstan for this kind of production. i am sure that the development of our own machine-building base is one of the priorities of state policy in kazakhstan. this has been stated repeatedly at various levels. as head of government. kazakhstan, i assure you that
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i am ready to make efforts to further increase the dynamics of our interaction. i think it is necessary to carry out work to diversify trade flows, expand nomenclature of supplied goods. for our part, we are ready to increase exports of more than 105 commodity items to the amount of about $265 million, this is what we are already seeing specifically. agricultural production. estimated at $136 billion, an increase of one third over 10 years, while the level of food supply in the union countries is from 75 to 95%. and all together we are able to put together a rich table, where there is grain, milk, meat, fruits and vegetables. comfortable routes and balances of exports and imports, a guarantee of the independence of the eurasian five from blocking supplies from third countries countries the balance of the general agricultural market is the main thing. task: we are building
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new logistics, including with integration partners. kazakhstan offers a trans-caspian route through central asia. within the framework of the union, every year we approve forecast balances for important agricultural goods, indicative balances for important goods, and somehow we try, having heard the voice of business, to take into account new challenges in our everyday work and pay great attention to this. modern transport corridors - reduces costs transportation speeds up delivery, this is what eurasian agroexpress is aimed at. as a result of the meeting , five documents were signed that relate to various areas, from competition in transnational markets to the integration of the eac with the chinese belt and road initiative. the next meeting of the eac interprovincial council will be held in yerevan in the fall. the geopolitical situation is forcing belarus and china to move closer together even more rapidly. creative agenda on the world stage. it’s rare, but minsk and beijing
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choose the future together. with what agreements did she return from the middle kingdom? our delegation from the upper house of parliament. strengthening political mutual trust and practical cooperation in the interests of dynamic, healthy sustainable development of bilateral relations are our priority tasks. minsk and beijing confirm their unity of position on many issues. this high level of relations was established by the leaders of the two countries. let me remind you that a joint statement on basic principles was adopted. in recent years, under the strategic leadership of chairman sidinpin and president lukashenko, china-belarus relations have demonstrated full-blooded sustainable dynamics of development. we are actively involved in the implementation of the eight steps put forward by the chairman of the people's republic of china for... the years
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will pass under the sign of the year of science, technology, and innovation in belarus. the delegation studied the possibilities of chinese medicine, and a strategy was adopted in china. health, where, like ours in belarus, the emphasis is on prevention, chauyang hospital in the center of beijing combines medicine, teaching, research and prevention. four million people receive emergency medical care here every year. i visited the clinic in china, which meets international standards, we saw something that requires further study for possible implementation in our country. we have high-quality cooperation that concerns. from different areas, these are the areas of pharmaceuticals, these are the areas of medical equipment, medical equipment maintenance, and we will also deepen cooperation in the area of ​​exchange of specialists and improving the quality of medical services. in a series of high-profile meetings, a conversation with the chairman before
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the adoption of criminal and civil codes, the budget and the resolution of issues of war and peace. we we do everything, both in belarus and in china, to ensure that our people live comfortably and prosperously. belarus views china as a strategic partner in the trade, economic, investment, and financial spheres. last year we traded $8 billion, increasing by 30%. in 3 months of 2024, mutual trade turnover was already almost $2 billion. china
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is among the top three countries that invest in belarus in 2023. healthy pragmatism, where the interests of one’s own people come first . minsk and budapest continue to confidently rapprochement, despite external pressure. belarus hosted the twelfth meeting of the intergovernmental belarusian-hungarian commission on economic cooperation. what are the results? a number of documents were signed, including a memorandum in the field of nuclear energy. the results of the joint business forum indicate the interest in in-depth cooperation. the minister of foreign affairs of foreign trade in hungary visited minsk on a working visit. this country is one of the few in the european union that, while protecting its own interests, is not afraid to confront unfriendly.
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it may not look so bright, but this is how well-being is formed, and i would even say, forged through quiet, painstaking work, in this case, the well-being of our hungarian citizens, our businessmen, our industrialists, our representatives of many other spheres of life, this is how normal happens evolutionary development. belarus and hungary demonstrate cooperation based on trust, integrity and responsibility towards partners. a wide range of mutual interests, from trade and economic to investment. attractive areas include energy, education, science, and space exploration. we are expanding cooperation with our partners
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in the cis, mtz is increasing the localization of production in kazakhstan, and in the city of kostanay they launched a line for the production of cabins for belarus tractors. we are waiting for details from you. already. more than a hundred jobs have been created. the region is focusing on industrial development. the city of kostanay is the center of agricultural engineering. the mtz site is located here in a special industrial zone. we started with assembly, and today we already have we are talking with confidence about the localization of production, in essence, about the emergence of a supporting logistics point. from here the equipment will head for a third country. this year we plan to make about a thousand cabins and put them into assembly plants. next year we want to completely cover the needs of all of kazakhstan. and this is 3.5 -400 cabins in the twenty- sixth year should reach full production capacity. in kazakhstan , two more assembly plants have been organized in the cities of kakshitao and simei. this volume of cabins is enough for everyone. supply agreements fixed on paper by enterprise directors. over 5 years
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, more than 4,000 cars were assembled at the kostonai site alone. the opening of a new workshop, the second stage of the implementation of a large-scale project, is so far only half of the planned plans. in... kostanay is an increase in the production volume of cabins, the transition to new cabins, the supply of all assemblies in kazakhstan with cabins that. kazakhstan, hoods will come next, a little further the prospect is a full production cycle of the front axle. this will allow us not only to produce the front axle, but also to produce spare ones parts. localization of production makes it possible for farmers in kazakhstan to subsidize the purchase of a tractor by almost a third. in kastanay today they rely on business development, creating conditions for an investor to come first and foremost to provide the future construction site with everything necessary. i know that they have only changed for the better, we are convinced of this when
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we meet with our agricultural producers in our region, so the mtz tractor does not require additional advertising. kazakhstan and belarus have strong economic ties. thanks to the efforts of the presidents of the two countries, relations between states are improving qualitatively. trade turnover today remains stable at the level of a billion dollars, the latest trend. years of cooperation projects. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel belarus is preparing to celebrate independence day. this year is a special date - the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. most traditionally, a military parade will be a spectacular part of the celebrations. representatives of which states will take part in it together. with belarusian military personnel, we will ask denis
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bilman, chief of staff, first deputy military commandant of the minsk military commandant’s office, denis aleksandrovich, how crew training is going. hello. so, what will the military parade be like this year, and how do you intend to surprise the residents of imensk and the guests of our city? in connection with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders, we military understand.
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more than 300 units of military special equipment, which are in service with the armed forces of the republic of belarus and the russian federation. the mechanized column will also include weapons manufactured by the state military industrial complex. further. aviation equipment will be held as part of the air echelon; well, traditionally, the military parade will end with the performance of a consolidated company of the guard of honor. yes, you noted that our aviation will participate, what program are belarusian pilots preparing? well, i didn't want to if i would immediately reveal all the secrets, i can say with firm confidence that the parade will be bright, colorful and grandiose, and therefore come and see everything for yourself. you also noted that we know that foreign military personnel will also participate. who has already confirmed
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participation, which states? at the moment , we have received official confirmation of participation in the military parade from the russian federation, the republic of kazakhstan, and the azerbaijani republic, and in the near future we plan to receive positive responses from at least four more states. yes. well in overall, how many people will participate in the parade? that the parade will be larger-scale, well , for example, in 2020 , less than 400 people took part in the military parade as part of the walking parade units, this year more than 500 people are already planned, and accordingly, this figure will be clarified as foreign parade units arrive, well and i would like to note that in addition to the participants in the military parade themselves, also from the armed forces to ensure yes...
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results in professional, official and combat training, having good health and high moral, business and strong-willed qualities. less than a month remains before the event.
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where trainings are carried out with them daily, parade crews arrived at the minsk garrison, both additional and general garrison troops on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant’s office, let ’s say, training is carried out daily for at least 4 hours, parade crews of the mechanized column were moved to the libki airfield, where with they also conduct training, general training is held on tuesdays. on wednesdays and thursdays, also planned general general rehearsals on june 29 and july 1 at 10 p.m. the main task of conducting general training is to coordinate parade crews for their joint actions during the military parade. there will also be women and military personnel in the parade squad.
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tell us how the applicant was selected, how the girls prepare in general, is there any concessions possible for them in preparation? thank you very much for your question, it so happened that on the basis of the order of the minister of defense of the republic of belarus on the preparation and holding of a military parade, i was appointed responsible for the direct leadership of the preparation of the women's parade squad, the formation of the women's parade squad this year is the command of the air force and air defense forces, and the parade squad will be represented by girls from the western operational command, the northwestern operational command, and the air force. and air defense troops, communications troops, special operations forces and the military academy of the republic of belarus. girls are engaged in all additional and general garrison training on the same basis as men. traditionally, the women's ceremonial crew is the decoration of a military parade. and the girls are aware of the responsibility entrusted to them,
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and accordingly, they train on an equal basis with men and do not ask for any adjustments. who will provide? the combined orchestra of the minsk garrison, it consists of military orchestras of the ministry of defense and the ministry of internal affairs of the republic of belarus, the selection of the repertoire is carried out by military conductors under the leadership of the head of the military orchestra service of the armed forces, they write themselves music, making instrumentation, for example.
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which is simple for us, planning for a military parade begins at least six months in advance, at this time all necessary calculations begin to be made, responsible executors are appointed in areas of activity, and administrative documents are issued, the venues of the parade, the location of the parade and the routes for the advancement of military and military personnel are agreed upon. special equipment to the parade site with local... administrative and executive bodies, we, as a team the minsk military commandant's office, of course, takes a direct part in all this and preparing, organizing and holding a military parade takes up a huge part of our service time, but all military personnel clearly understand the enormous significance of the event, so
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they understand the increasing workload and get used to working stably very quickly . in a tense state, the closer the parade gets, we will switch to almost round-the-clock operation. july 3, the day of the parade, almost 100% of the personnel of the minsk military commandant's office will be involved in organizing the military parade, with the exception of personnel serving in daily duty and guard duty, which is why we have such, well, a joke, probably such within the team, that it is the dream of a minsk military serviceman. .. watch the parade on tv with your family at the festive table. well, thank you. denis bielman, chief of staff and first deputy military commandant, answered questions from the program. minsk military commandant's office. this program events on belarus 24 and we continue.
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international format - a record number of participants and original projects from the fair half of humanity. kusbass hosted the third women's forum. our columnist alexandra goiton has all the details. yes, indeed, it was a grandiose event that united enterprising and bright women leaders from all over russia. and such a huge number of women in the hall, this is of course great, women, in principle , are a great force, even when they are alone
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, one at a time, they can do a lot when they are together - it’s really just an invincible force, it’s not for nothing that they say: if you want to go fast , go alone, and if you want to go far, go together, we definitely need to go far, the important mission of women in promoting the positive image of the country is noted. historical memory, by the way, talented women are increasingly involved in leadership in various spheres of life. historical memory is not only individual facts and events, it is an understanding of patterns, values ​​that need to be preserved and transmitted for in order to simply exist. i would even say that historical memory is the biography of society. it is precisely this perspective, it seems to me, that speaks more than simply today. about the relevance, yes, about the strategic national task. the belarusian women's union presented its social, information and educational projects.
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forum participants are particularly interested in initiatives for the patriotic education of young people, strengthening family values ​​and the important role of motherhood. at the republican scientific and practical center for traumatology orthopedists performed the first shoulder joint transplants. what is their feature? these interventions are unique. not only for our country, but for all of eastern europe. three patients were successfully operated on within 2 days. the medical team includes two belarusian specialists, as well as a doctor from germany. the peculiarity of the operation is the use of reverse endoprostheses. this is a system in which the anatomy of the shoulder joint is rotated with an accuracy of 180°. when, when the socket of the scapula is located on the humerus, a. head the humerus bone is relocated to the socket of the scapula, in contrast to hip and knee replacement surgeries that are quite common in our country, these are
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operations for a younger age. if we are accustomed to the fact that hip and knee joints are operated on, hip and knee joints are replaced in older patients, over 60-70 years old, in cases of degenerative-dystrophic diseases. arthrosis, arthritis, then in this situation the target audience is younger people. belarusian specialists have been trained in germany and italy and are ready to implement kitab bayram in ufa, which buildings were in greatest demand among visitors? hundreds of experts and writers from the cis countries gathered in the capital of bashkartastan, ufa. more than 230 publishing houses from russia, azerbaijan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan are represented.
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soloists will make up the ballet summer at the bolshoi theater of belarus, from june 2 to 9 , the tenth anniversary festival of dance premieres is taking place on the academic stage. what star names are on the poster? a couple of our colleagues from russian theaters performed in several performances. so leading the role in illusions of love by the main choreographer igor kolb will be performed by the prima ballerina of the marina theater oksana skorik. among the celebrity guests are two groups from st. petersburg. boris eifman dance academy and yakobson ballet theater. the final performance of the aesthetics marathon followed by a concert of ballet stars. each narration is on pointe, dedicated to a quartet of iconic choreographers. the idea of ​​a festival cannot become obsolete, because the festival itself is what unites. and of course, when it expands and becomes richer it becomes saturated, even more so what is naked. there is an interlinear and there is
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a capital for which and thanks to whom we live today, work and develop creatively, this is ballet yesterday and today, a dedication to legends, eifman, balanchine, petipa, elizariev, these are the names that have done and will nourish the history of ballet for a very long time . and for international children's day, the bolshoi theater of belarus presented. cenic adaptation of the tale of tsar saltan. the premiere performance of the musical performance with the initials of nikolai rimsky korsykov took place on june 1. thank you! review prepared by alexandra goitan. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website belarus24.bbi, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. labor written i am a jeweler. in his
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hands you can see the shimmer of precious stones and the shine of precious metals. when it’s gold, you have to think first, then measure it seven times, cut it once. that's about it. although there were cases where a hammer was used to hit the product all over again. is there a place for fear in jewelry art?
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atrocities against migrants, soldiers on the polish punitive forces no longer hide their borders and can use weapons, the polish defense minister said.


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