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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 7, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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cannot become outdated, because the festival itself is what unites, and of course, when it expands, it becomes richer and more saturated, especially since there is a bare form, there is an interlinear and there is a capital, for the sake of which and thanks to whom we live today, work and develop creatively , this is ballet yesterday and today, a dedication to legends, eifman, balanchine, petipa, these are the names that did and will feed the history of ballet for a very long time. and for international children's day, the bolshoi theater of belarus presented a stage adaptation of the fairy tale about tsar saltan. premier the musical performance with the initials of nikolai rimsky korsykov was shown on june 1. thank you, the review was prepared by alexandra goitan. results of the analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel
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are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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this is essentially a socio-political talk show, today we will talk, well, in my opinion, about the hottest topic for teenagers of their parents about education, inaugural graduation company. if you want to join our conversation, please point your smartphone at the qr code that has now appeared on the screen and write your questions or comments if you want to read what the editors write in our telegram channel and what is happening behind the scenes..
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behind the scenes of our program, connect also using the second qr code that you just saw on the screen. in the studio with you is kirill kazakov, my colleague alena sro is on a business trip, so i will conduct the program, today i am alone. so, my colleague alena syrova is on a business trip, instead of her today there is this girl, this is a tv pinnacle, which my colleague and i brought together. received a stage with the editors and directors of the program, over the last year of work, in fact, we tried to tell something the best on this air, and we can say that for us, strictly speaking, for television people , the television peak is some kind of olympics, but in fact, speaking in educational terms, many of our students also take part in the olympiad during the year and after this, they have certain benefits upon admission, it was not in vain that i started this topic, because... for the second week in a row,
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schoolchildren who graduated after the ninth -eleventh grades are taking exams, are worried, and somehow we are monitoring that , how the education system is changing, if it is changing, now we will try to talk about it, alexander vladimirovich, last year they said that the centralized exams that took place in our country were of a certain kind, well, if not experiment, then such a debut. yes, in the format that we have this year, it’s clear that for eleventh-graders, again , this is a debut, but for teachers, how is this uh, well, this company going, something has changed, we’ve been seeing it for a week, today too exams were taking place, well, as if journalists were snatching up the most greedy facts, how many people were removed, and somewhere they spied, somewhere cheat sheets, somewhere telephone numbers, but besides all this, how is this campaign going, well, i want to say, that graduation...
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this year’s campaign from the institution of general secondary education for those students who have completed 11 grades, it has ended, but educational documents have not yet been issued, why do i say it has ended despite the fact that... that today we have centralized testing in our country, because the centralized exam, which took place in two subjects on may 27 and 30, has already been completed. the republican institute for knowledge control is processing the results and the corresponding results will be sent to schools, where they will be converted into grades, and the children will be given certificates at their graduation ceremonies on june 14. last year, you correctly noted, it was a debut, i would say, we were switching to a new form of final certification in the form of a centralized exam , etc. of course, thanks to all our colleagues, including the instructions of the state commission, which monitors the progress of the admission process, we analyzed, this year a number of not innovations were introduced for teachers and students, but those details that made it more comfortable, we see what time it is
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it took about an hour to arrive at the point, there was too much of a gap, we reduced the norm that you can arrive 30 minutes before at the centralized exam point, here -
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at a school, even if not in your own, but as the head of state wisely noted to us that there is no need to take them far in your area, this distance is small, we left, objectively, passed an exam, which will be processed by machine, not checked by teachers, and we will see objective knowledge, which is the most important thing, it is gratifying to note that among 55,000 graduates, we have what you say fried facts about removal, also, in just 2 days, nine people, well, that is, you and i understand. yes, yes, it’s not even yegor, you, as a graduate, for you this system works in full, from the point of view of objectivity of the assessment, it worked. error, so i think that this graduation company is here, of course, it’s exciting for the first time and so on, but in any case, i 100% understand that during the breaks you
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discussed how it was before, how much better it is now, that’s your feeling, how so, if we take the russian language, then it simplified many times, it became. with last year, if we take the first exam, which was on the twenty-seventh, then it was also easy, but some questions revealed doubts, since they took some dates that are only mentioned in the textbook, and then they cannot be found anywhere, if take, for example, mathematics, as my classmates say, everything was very difficult there, there were assignments from previous years, but tell me, during the entire tenth and eleventh grade, yes, schoolchildren usually prepare, well, my son is in ninth grade graduates, he also passes the exams. now, even then, in any case, he went through some additional, well, as we called them, circles, when he went, studied, prepared all the tickets that were there for history, in russian, wrote the presentations, after all, you also had the same thing in the tenth and eleventh grade, you prepared, you perfectly understood how
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the exams would be structured, what questions there would be, yes , this was expected, but some questions still raised doubts, since the wording was a little strange, that is, this most importantly, the strange wording, which was difficult.
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which is not in the textbook at all, or we don’t know, this is how it is solved, but this is an exam, and this year there are tasks of the fifth level, and the students of the tasks of the fifth level - this is what it means so that they understand. five levels, in our school, if the guys write any thematic independent work, a test, there are tasks, they must be present in the task, 10 tasks, for each task, here is the fifth level, it corresponds to the level of preparation or, say, the level of questions that should be asked, for example, in an admissions process to a university, well, it’s the same cheers corresponding to the program that is given for each subject, nothing beyond the program... it’s definitely not given at the centralized exam and at the centralized testing, that’s another matter ,
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what education, i apologize, i will still answer, because the ministry of education defines the entrance program for higher educational institutions as the graduation program for general secondary institutions, well, lyceum schools and gymnasiums, and these are absolutely identical approaches to five-level tasks, just in simple language for those who studied when we had the soviet union, yes, these are five five tasks in mathematics, five tasks each according to level, here. up to the fifth level, in principle, the system switched to a ten-point system, but the principle remained of increasing complexity, i would like to add, if possible, what we are talking about, not about what we didn’t know, we studied this at school, ultimately, any task assumes knowledge of the school subject that was studied, there may be tasks with a separate interesting plot, which require quick wits and a little creative thinking, this is exactly what the task is about. the highest level, because everyone can’t be standard, so we solved this, solved all the problems, solved everything
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100%, just, again, forgive my question, i understand that my child is finishing ninth grade, so i’m up to eleventh grade 2 more years, but still understanding, in any case, tenth -eleventh grade, as far as i understand, now we will enroll, they somehow segregate according to the knowledge of the children, yes, then after the tenth grade, some go, for example, to college, some go to the tenth grade, for example, there are patriotic themes, some go to mathematics, some. this whole history, well, history is a general, but at the same time a necessary humanitarian subject, it simply must be studied by everyone, or, as you say, someone may have an interesting idea, then well, we will also give a higher rating, requirements standard, do not go beyond the scope of the program, what natalya vladimirovna said, but there is, let’s say, a task top-level assignments with a twist, and rightly so. we have an exam in the ninth grade
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, yes, again, because it was transferred to the eleventh grade until last year, history, history , why in the ninth grade, because history is a subject for us, which is based on the principle of concentrations, sorry that we are on air about this, but we are up to the ninth class we study it comprehensively, complete it and we can pass the exam, but in the tenth and eleventh grade he is already teaching at a new level of comprehension. for the guys, and history is a subject that we discussed for a long time at the council on historical policy, it should be asked and it should be studied, regardless of the profile, in the tenth, eleventh, by the way, language, because they are also russian and belarusian, they actually graduate from mathematics, two languages ​​​​and history, four exams, by the way, tenth grade vladimirovich, here’s the question, well, this is what i ’m trying to say in youth language, my ninth graders, in the tenth grade or in the tenth grade , will form there, for example, only two from a parallel. because almost everyone professional colleges are pushing out, this is the story that is circulating again
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among the guys, ninth graders, who say: well, no, that’s it, tenth, eleventh, here’s someone, or those who didn’t go to college at all, then we’ll take the tenth cool, what is this? well, what you brought up now, i would call it a specific word, which does not fit the described situation, career guidance is early and for a working profession, but this is a situation where an educational institution forms both. you said specialized classes in subjects for this you need an average score, a score in the subject you want to major in, a six, a seven, if you don’t have it, then the base class should be formed accordingly, the guys are directed and told: maybe, if you haven’t succeeded in 9 years, it’s not worth spending 2 years, which you can use to get vocational training and education, and enter the economy earlier, then get a higher education through correspondence, if you need it in life.
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that the location where they take the exam has changed, yes and i fully support that outside of school is ideal, what is taken at universities, i myself worked on a centralized exam, it was 2 days, so as a preparation, here are the guys coming, as a preparation, to watch, because the english language, well, now it seems to me , the language of, say , a computer, people should know it, as we now have knowledge of the english language, knowledge of the english language in specialized...
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to arouse his interest, we do not yet forget that there are elective classes, there are stimulating classes, additional, who manifest themselves, for you in the tenth, eleventh grade, the average score was important, well, again , i’m turning to my child, for example, he very carefully calculated all the grades during the year, because he understood that in tenth grade, he wants to get into a good class there, but this is the tenth and eleventh grade - this is a normal story now, calculating the average and normal, huh? how do you personally evaluate, say, the knowledge, the level of knowledge of the children from your school, again you have such segregation into classes, there i say conventionally, humanities, basic mathematics, we have a specialized class, it is divided into two profiles, this is the english society and the mathematics society, and society and mathematics are studied there more, the english society
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is less, some the division that there is one remaining or not, there is no such thing, everything is on an equal level, everything is good.
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yes, these again, i’ll give an example of this ninth grade, when, probably starting in november , people from different colleges came, held some stories, dialogues sites, they were invited to open days, this is the story, it works, this story works, today , in addition to the educational institutions themselves, colleges or universities, organizations that order personnel are actively involved in open days, well, for example, on march 23rd we had it. open days throughout the country, doors were opened in all colleges and universities, so it must be said that in our universities alone, more than
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900 customer organizations took part in these open days, that is, today the task of carrying out high-quality career guidance work must also be turned towards employers, that is, those organizations where tomorrow these future specialists will come to their first place of work, will be employed, that is, so that he sees not exactly... for what i will enter the specialty, and so that he can see what i will work with after receiving the specialty at this college, well , that’s right, because already as an eleventh-grader, if he had stayed in school, he could essentially already work with profession, and get it in parallel with work, grow professionally at your workplace and get a higher education, that is, and then sergei nikolaevich will be abrupt with him, the editors tell me that you have information from today’s central television, maybe something like this.
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admissions from this year and previous years underwent centralized testing, it should be noted that it was organized in accordance with all requirements, we had four people, again out of 27,000 were removed today, three people failed complete testing for medical reasons and they will undergo it on reserve days, so we are preparing for the next centralized testing, which will take place on june 6, that is, therefore we wish our...
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i graduated from mogilev state university, i started when it was still pedagogical, so for me, as a matter of fact, well, a pedagogical university is in any case a kind of almamata, yes, indeed, we also have a history department, here we are before the start of the program, i turned to egor, i said, come to us, bgp, enroll in faculty of history, since there are many interesting specialties, not only purely historical, but related to the social sciences and humanities, we implement many interesting projects for students. activities, our well-known project, which is already more than 60 years old, star treks to the places of military glory of the belarusian people, when during the winter holidays we go out throughout the republic, laying flowers at the obelisk monuments of the dead. are you expecting a large flow of applicants this year? yes, you know, in recent years we have developed stable positive dynamics and passing
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scores are very high in a number of specialties.
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professional, this segregation in schools is so well directed, second, when the guys go after the ninth grade to college and then come back to you to finish getting a higher education? as for college graduates, indeed, many of them go for a correspondence form of education, and this is natural, since they already have a secondary specialized education, this figure is also growing every year, but our most important thing is the contingent is, of course, graduates of pedagogical classes... about a quarter of them enter our university, all faculties, and in general this system is very clearly built, once the head of state supported the idea of ​​​​creating pedagogical classes, and today this system it works, if 10 years ago we started with 100 pedagogical classes, in which just over a thousand people studied, then last year, for example, there were already more than 800 such classes, in which almost 800 children were studying. and
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classes are created evenly throughout the country, here this system justifies itself, and we see that these are guys who are not just good, they study very well, they are socially active, they are our leaders, the main thing in youth organizations is that, let’s say, most of them remain in the profession, because it turns out to be a good liberal arts education, and if these results are already the first graduates who graduated several years ago, they work in the system.
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stereotyping, well, it seems to me, is also normal enough that a child should get a higher education, it wins, mm, no, she doesn’t win, despite the fact that i told you that... i visited a lot of colleges as part of career guidance with my children, where, as you also said, the children were a little shocked by the scores, they were not ready for college, which means it should be very low, we don’t have this vocational school, yes, it goes back to the soviet past, of course, but it’s floating somewhere in the air from the nineties, yes, i’ll apply, they come, and there are points from seven, from eight, i say, children, there is still time, let's... study, and since my daughter is an athlete, so she is now studying at the republican school of olympic reserve, she has the opportunity of ten, there is a special one, yes, they remain there while still on the course , she can already get a secondary specialized profession
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and go to work as a coach, if my two other children choose a secondary specialty for themselves special, then only for, i myself graduated from college, then university, i think that ’s it. from the mother’s point of view, what needs to be done in order to increase the popularity of the professional education, parents should talk about this at home with their children, and parents see that while this is a higher education, they need a higher one, well, in the 2000s , i remember there were a lot of economists and lawyers, then we understand that we need to somehow return to this , by the way, we can talk about the fact that now government agencies will conduct some kind of survey in order to...
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it was shot down among graduates, because, for example, i found out in some companies that organized holidays that one graduate paid about 600 dollars for to arrange for a graduate, well, there, say, five years ago, a limousine, a club, a dj, and so on and so forth, this year many are indignant, but at the same time , again, my personal opinion is that everything was done absolutely correctly , because sometimes this is dust in the eyes that graduates throw, it is not needed, so you as a director? educational institution, like this, this is how you see it all, how you perceived it before, this is what you see now, because 5 years ago at this time people were running, they bought i don’t know what, the music was blaring,
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they ordered djs, now everything is very smart , everything is quiet, i’ll probably say from the point of view of my experience, because i started my career as a teacher-organizer, i’ve been in education for more than 20 years and... in my time , there was no such prom when, for example, it was organized by outside organizations, because they tried, well, in the tenth and eleventh grade they prepared the children for the fact that there would be a prom, and as a rule. that the solemn part is enough long, because well, you need
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to tell about everyone, after all, he studied at school for 11 years, and every graduate tries to make such good colorful eyeliners, so the solemn part usually lasts a long time, then the entertaining part, where children can chat, some competitions, some of these you know interactive in class, well, among the class, and as a rule, by the time dawn they are tired, because you still don’t forget that now is just the same. intensive, they also take a centralized exam, centralized testing, so of course it’s already dawn, probably the most persistent ones, well, we remember ourselves, i want to tell you, dawn is not bad, and in general, graduation is a wonderful holiday, we all tell me my subjective point of view, i’ll say, not like deputy minister, we all once simply bought into the bright wrapping of western culture of holidays and tried to take it into our mentality and our culture, and it is absolutely true that...
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is present on the porch of the school, why not, if the program is structured this way, when it’s there at about 13 in the morning, why not go out as a team to meet the dawn together with teachers, we have the most dictatorial state in europe, i’m just reminding you, in case you forgot, yes, so naturally, all our freedoms are trampled upon, and naturally, the freedom to meet the dawn , as we want, as eleventh graders say, it was taken away from us, the state is to blame for everything, of course, but i, for example, watched the last graduation,
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to show parents that, well, a limousine is definitely not the most important thing, this is not the final point studying at school, that's a skit some kind, make some interesting competitions there, where they communicate with each other, this is the most important thing, you also know, it’s important to start work in advance, what do you want, what do you want for graduation, then when parents talk, students, we want it like that, like that , like that, when you work with them for a whole year to set up a script, parents, here the club rented limousines for $600 each, don’t want you all , i don’t know, you know that this is also true, this can be said about any event about any celebration in the life of a person who wants it so well here, how the institution correctly selects and places parents in the parent committee, then this dictates this whole story, what we are talking about now , yes, if you select these active ones who will tell us at all, the institution doesn’t need to go, you give us the document that we have on the screen right now during. he knows, excuse me, in the tenth, eleventh, he
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knows the potential of each parent, their preferences, priorities, so everything is still lining up, that’s how it’s right, throughout the whole year, not to wait until march there, yes, and then oops, and we already have some conditions and frameworks that are difficult to step over, but for the guys, well, despite the fact that of course, here.
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arts, olympic reserve schools, that is, our list of specialties in vocational secondary specialized education is very diverse, from cultural studies to power engineering, it’s absolutely true that if you want to get a working profession, as a rule, these are two, or even three related professions... then we go to get vocational education, here we already get it . certificate of general basic education, on june 15 the company starts at the level of vocational education, so all the admissions committees are about to start work, you can come, consult, they will tell you everything, show you everything and let you try. yes, look, the most important thing
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with regard to specialty workers is that, again, over the past few years we have had such a surge in industrial production. naturally, factories, including, i assume, place some specific order. this order, it has increased, and well, for example, i come to work to study, or rather to work in a blue-collar profession, well , again, i’m getting involved in the economy, i ’ll know for sure that i have a place somewhere in a factory. absolutely, we are accepting admission to the level of vocational education, this year more than 27 applicants have declared a need, all of them... will be provided with the first job, since this is training on a budget, all of them are provided with applications from real enterprises, so if you choose vocational education - it's guaranteed employment, as in general the level of secondary specialized education, where there is training at the expense of the budget, and this is 29,000 admissions out of 39, that is, this is the lion's
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share, all of them are provided with applications, moreover, our target figure is growing. admission, both at the level of secondary specialized education and at the level of vocational education, and you know, i would like to say that in recent years, due to the fact that our industrial sector is really developing very much, factories, factories need hands, it’s like if only it were no longer a big secret, and more in addition, the competition for industrial specialties has begun to increase; if medical, pedagogical specialties, it specialties, they traditionally keep the high score that you talked about today, then the specialty. industrial sector, over the last two or three years they have also begun to slowly gain momentum, this year, as an example, at the level of secondary specialized education we have a number of specialties new to the republic, they sound quite interesting, these are the technical operation of mechatronic electronic production systems,
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this is the production of micro -nanoelectronics products, this is laboratory analysis, this is the operation of measuring instruments, that is, all specialties speak for themselves. well, i think that indeed at the level of secondary specialized education, at the level of vocational education , you can get an interesting profession that is in demand in the economy and highly paid, well, if we again say that some kind of survey should be conducted about what specialties will be in demand for us before 2030, then i understand that you are, as it were, forming new ones like these specialties also come from some request, of course, of course. that is , every year when forming admission figures, both at the expense of the budget and on a paid basis, applications from customer organizations are taken into account, the long-term need for specialists in various professions and in various specialties, that is, both in universities and colleges the approval is precisely however, admission plans annually correlate with that order,
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as you correctly said, which will be necessary depending on the educational programs, there in 5 years or after 4 years, or in colleges, for example, this... again, it’s overheard called in the corridors of educational institutions such as schools, but our schoolchildren have this concept of dumping, only dumping, when it’s not the price that is lowered , when a score is lowered, everyone says, that’s when they dump, it means either few people come here, they need to fill out, or these are such popular specialties where they really dump in order to score, there is such a concept in adult life, or is it only among schoolchildren walks, well, again, you need to understand what? the competitive situation depends on how many applicants submit documents with certain results, and there are specialties where the passing scores are higher, as alexander ivanovich correctly noted. for example, in pedagogical specialties today we see an increase in passing scores, and the number of excellent students who enter these specialties, that is, here this
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work must be carried out comprehensively and systematically, that is, we must also provide career guidance carry out, create additional trajectories for our gifted and talented applicants to increase the number of targeted places that are approved, here i will also support alexandra nikolaevna, this year we have all levels of education, and vocational education, vocational education, secondary education specifically. and you will definitely work here if you have 2 years for free, this was not considered as labor, it was considered almost like serfdom, well, in fact, yes, that’s why
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they said that ours were leaving for russia, now the trend is the opposite, russians are coming to you, russians are coming to us, this figure has been growing lately, but i would also like to say something about belarusian graduate applicants, the fact is that, as sergei nikolaevich said, the increase in targeted admission numbers is very good trend, why? because the applicants themselves, future specialists, their parents, employers and the university enter into appropriate agreements, for example, at our university, the numbers of targeted admissions have been growing in recent years, this year there will be another increase, we will recruit a third of the enrollment per target form of training, this means the guys will know where they will come, to which educational institution and what they will do there, the situation has changed places, that payers are now...
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the exam that they take in their country, there are about a thousand places in our universities, this year such a number of places have been approved precisely for citizens of the russian federation, we believe that these applicants will take advantage of this trajectory and will indeed undergo training in our educational institutions, but again we will reassure applicants if it happens that these places are not filled with applicants from the russian federation, then the guys from belarus.
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with the ministry of education of the russian federation, a decision was made within the framework of the association , jointly by the heads of schools of the russian federation of the republic of belarus, to create two additional sections: engineering classes classes - special inclusive education, so that it could include heads in those institutions where there is a technical focus and where they
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are engaged children with special needs psychophysical development, among russians it is. the subject of the history of belarus and russia, the history of belarus is included in the course of world history, there is no history of belarus, what is there where there is no history of belarus, here they tell us, well, maybe something happened there, i don’t know, where did they lose the thread in general, well, no, we know where they lost it, yes, but we really have a unified history, corresponding textbooks on common milestones with colleagues from the russian
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federation, they write what is not discussed about the great patriotic war.
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again, i want to ask a question, it’s also not very popular, but i understand, i even know the answer to it, but still, alexander vladimirich, the price of education, i don’t demand the cost, i ’ll just give an example from last year, when many applicants and even students who have already studied at universities received such papers where the real cost of training is written, we had to explain that the real cost of training is like travel on public transport, when you pay 90 kopecks, and any transport worker says, that in general this passage costs about ten ... rubles. these stories, what are they, what are they aimed at? well, so that, first of all, parents and applicants understand the real cost of belarusian education and understand accordingly, that is , how much the state pays you extra. well , it’s the same story, as you rightly say, about tickets, about housing and communal services, and education - it’s exactly the same story when the state, even when you study, as
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we usually say, on a paid basis, yes, pays extra for you if you... on the part of our opponents that someone is going to calculate something from you, you urgently need to run there as usual , throw something there and generally retreat somewhere there , i want to say that today we have clearly defined approaches from the point of view of the fact that we have a corresponding government commission to formulate the same price for paid education, i repeat once again, paid education for citizens is not the full cost, which actually spent in
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institution of higher education, this was clearly visible through those figures when... you pay only 30% of the total cost for your education, correctly, as natalya vladimirovna said, and what’s wrong when the applicant’s parent understands that this is essentially a form of social .
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and exams, grades that our students receive when they come home from school, bring them, in fact, for many this is really a new life, a new path, perhaps why we are so sensitive about this , because this is our future, and you know, the future is still a strategy, our country lives in the future, this is an investment in our children, in our teachers, this is precisely the very future.
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the thirtieth international exhibition of information and communication technologies thibault continues in minsk; participants gathered at its site today. eurasian digital forum, the program of this day also includes round tables and seminars, three hundred companies demonstrate their new products, next to large brands and emerging startups. chiba for them a good chance to introduce your innovations into a real technological process. technologies will continue to change our lives. the day before at chiba, the main emphasis was outlined: the introduction of the 5g network, the development of a smart city and the global goal - the transition from e-government to a full-fledged digital state. the military-political situation was discussed by the secretaries of the security councils of the csto countries. the meeting took place in kazakhstan. taking part from belarus is state secretary of the security council alexander volfovich. communication took place in narrow and expanded formats. for consideration and a number
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documents that were previously discussed here by the minister of defense of the alliance member countries. the committee of secretaries of the security councils, the advisory and executive body of the csto on issues of coordinating interaction in the field of ensuring their national security. are held every year along with meetings of the council of foreign ministers and the council of defense ministers. the belarusian agro-industrial week continues. on the site of the great stone park , the advanced achievements of the military-industrial complex, new technologies and a wide range of food products are presented. in that about 500 companies from eleven countries participate in belagra every year. the exhibition discusses current issues. one of these is the prospects of smart farming, where scientists, producers and consumers of fertilizers, are on the same site. the domestic market remains a priority for producers of mineral fertilizers, so last year belneftikhim and belarus-potassium shipped more than a million tons of fertilizers for the agricultural sector, taking into account requests from agriculture for the range and
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export potential of domestic producers, a strategy was developed development of the petrochemical complex until 2030, a tendency to increase demand for complex additives, they provide balanced mineral nutrition for plants, at the gomel chemical plant by spring. seva was supplied with over 20,000 tons of such fertilizers. our priority is agriculture, that is, we will first ensure agriculture, ensure the food security of our country, but we sell everything else for... export geography - this is, of course, the russian federation, this is turkey, these are african countries, we this year we entered african countries, this is china, we continue to work, well, look further, brazil, india, everything is ahead. centralized testing in four subjects was taken by 28,600 applicants today. a total of 40 points across the country were used to conduct centralized testing. they had worked the previous days. in this introductory campaign, the timing of the ct is maximum.
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the tests started all over the country simultaneously at 11 o'clock, today's test is the final for applicants, then the choice of a university is to submit documents to the admissions committee. information about the results of the ct will be published on the website of the republican institute for knowledge control, and certificates will begin to be issued on july 1. the house of moscow celebrates in minsk.
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as a dedication, two expositions, one pushkin and moscow, which invites you to take a walk around pushkin’s capital, at the other exhibition of sketches, decorations of costumes by evgeniy negin, pyotr ilvich cheikovsky, the holiday ended with theatrical showings of the play staged by the belarusian theater for young spectators. every year, russian language day is dedicated to pushkin’s birthday, this year we are celebrating the 225th anniversary of our birth. belarus in a friendly match on june 7. on the main football arena of the country, the national team will host the russian team. the day before, the rivals arrived in minsk. today both teams will hold pre-match training and press conferences at the stadium. thank you for inviting me, yes, that the friendly game will take place in belarus, that’s it. i’ve already
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been here once, so tomorrow we are waiting for our fans, so i think it will be an interesting game. the last friendly match took place at dynamo in 2021, the team belarus defeated their rivals from jordan. kali is known in the wild, so the light poured into the world, all the husky evenings were gone, and only the wind blew the sand of the ear, as long as you slept and understood, which was singing shynya. skin problems are corrected.
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only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, then at that very second the merchant decided to give praise to the gods, on the nearby island he first. he erected a temple, then built
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huts and founded a city, berestye. and we go on exciting journeys. he like a wizard, he controls the light, extinguishes and lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day. immutable, like the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave or do you have a double? to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger. who she is is still unknown; locally she is called the patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhan. the castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of kings on in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch
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the program "cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel." 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them... has a question for an adult: please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver. they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our svorov military school. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all the original ones, and sometimes not...
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yes, it takes. can you teach me? chin higher. shgm is a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward. look, the project contains 100 questions for adults. on the tv channel belarus 24. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. don't be offended please, i mean it in a good way, but you promised that i would. i’ll come to your house, and not to a museum, everywhere you look, your gaze falls everywhere, everywhere there are some kind of man-made, these are everyday objects, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, a lot of people come, because even some they say that you have a good time here,
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here you can relax mentally, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, here you can go out and take a walk, see the roe deer, see the same deer, hen - in belarus, hello, travel lovers, today it will be hot, despite the changeable weather, i’m going to the southernmost warm region of our country, to the bresse region, let’s take a historical excursion, he says,


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