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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 7, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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the facilities for the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia in vitebsk are being prepared successfully, the time frame for their preparation is sufficient, this assessment was voiced by deputy chairman of the federation council of the federal assembly of the russian federation, yuri vorobyov, after a joint meeting of the belarusian and russian organizing committees for the preparation and holding of the upcoming forum. the delegation got acquainted with the infrastructure of the summer amphitheater, concert hall, airport, and also visited vitebsk state university named after masherov, where a joint trade event will take place.
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in almaty, the secretaries of the security councils of the csto countries discussed countering challenges and threats. the state secretariat of the security council of our country also took part in the meeting. in his speech, the head of the belarusian delegation , alexander volfovich, drew attention to the unprecedented aggravation of the military-political situation in the eastern european region. the belarusian side also announced a number of initiatives. with details from almaty, violetta sokolovich. cooperation and international agenda, and regional security and the security of the union state were also discussed during a bilateral conversation between the state secretary of the security council of belarus and his russian counterpart. shaigu met in almaty, where a meeting of the committee of secretaries of the csto security councils is being held these days. the meeting of the belarusian and russian sides took place before the official start of the event, i note that the hall where it was held.
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the bar and goals, tasks for the nearest work, for the near future, so this is the first, let ’s say, official meeting in the role of secretary security council, but not the first meeting as an official of the russian federation, the minister of defense, so there is an understanding, there is a focus, and of course the meeting, the meeting was constructive, in the right way, and we will continue the work that is essentially going on, clear timing, protocol shooting and the doors were closed to journalists.
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participants must discuss issues of collective security, the situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the cst and measures aimed at neutralizing challenges and threats to collective security, and also come to a common decision in coordination. in pursuance of the plan for the development of military cooperation of the csto member states for the twenty-first to twenty-fifth years, methodological recommendations have been prepared for the preparation and conduct of exercises with peacekeeping contingents of the member states of the organization allocated to the csto peacekeeping forces. these guidelines are aimed at increasing efficiency. quality of training of the csto peacekeeping forces to carry out their intended tasks during peacekeeping missions both in the area of ​​responsibility of the uec, and under the mandate of the un security council on the territory of other countries. the corresponding draft decision on this issue was supported and signed by the council
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of defense ministers of the cst on may 31 and is being submitted for your consideration. at the meeting, the heads of the delegation signed a number of documents, including a plan for joint training of management bodies and the formation of forces of the system. once again, representatives of
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the csto member countries find a common language of understanding in such a difficult topic as the military-political sphere. and in this busy schedule we i managed to talk with the head of the belarusian delegation, the secretary of state of the security council of belarus.
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kazakhstan. open border genocide on the part of official warsaw. today our border guards are near the polish one. details from the scene from our correspondent ksenia lebedeva. i haven’t remembered such activity near the belarusian border from poland since i was twenty. year , pay attention to the activity on the other side of the border of the military, police and special units, we came here to this place in order to see where four iranians, one afghan, were pushed out today at about 9 am, i emphasize that
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they were thrown out through this gate, but in addition to the military police, we found here this girl who was brought and thrown out through... this same gate just a few minutes ago, exactly that’s why there is such activity on the polish side, i want to point out that the girl is still on polish territory, usually in order for refugees to cross to the belarusian side, they spray tear or pepper gas, and after which they begin to move more actively, but apparently our presence confused them, so they their... we found out that the girl is from ethiopia. unfortunately, the belarusian country cannot help her in any way while she is on polish territory, behind the center mark. she can only endure the pain of the bullying of the polish security forces, and
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these are the military, special forces, border guards and police. from here, you can see from here, okay, i don’t want to get any closer there. if among the people who are behind your back. it was night, yeah, but in the car i remember, that is, you were beaten by the police, yes, yes, yes, yeah, the police beat you, this is khan, he is from afghanistan, the situation in the country forced him to leave his homeland to leave his family there, you understand that it’s hard for me now to say, for every person i worked well, i earned money for my homeland. but now these americans have sold us, we are forced
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to go there, it’s my first time, i’m not going to try this again, because they are not people, the poles are not people, as many times as i ’ve seen them, they are not people, it’s hard for me to tell my family, 3 days ago. polish troops detained us, i have the left side of my kidneys, i can’t eat, i can’t sit down, they beat me up very badly, took some money, phones, tore my shoes, this morning they left us at point 321, here...
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we’ll give salaries, houses , work, now we are trying to leave, emigrate there, he was thrown out of poland along with four iranians, we tried to cross the border several times, the last time we tried to cross the polish border, the polish troops took us and beat us very badly, brutally, you can look.
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the guys helped in the morning, gave water, a little bread, thank you very much for all this, doctors arrive at the scene to examine the provision of first aid to victims of the polish regime, the nature of the injury is basically not the same, different, last time the legs, lower parts, feet, legs, the injury did not rise above the knee, now it has passed. or above the knees, stomachs, lumbar region, arms, i don’t know what it depends on,
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maybe on the shift, that’s why today is the second patient with a stomach, lower back, now i i’ll fix it and we’ll continue to work, the podlaskiy department of the polish guard is responsible for this area, whose military personnel show particular aggressiveness towards refugees from the middle east, at the border... the squads provide medical assistance to all refugees who need it. people are promptly helped both directly at the site of their discovery and subsequently in medical institutions, but unfortunately, not everyone can be saved. it must be said that the main department of the investigative committee of belarus has initiated criminal cases against officials poland, who gave criminal orders to their subordinates, and it must be emphasized that they do not have a statute of limitations. one of the articles is a crime against humanity. now this case will be supplemented with new facts. during the visit of the investigative task force, it was
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established that five foreigners were detained on the territory with the border of the republic of poland, four of them were citizens of iran and one of afghanistan. all of them were found with bodily injuries. as they explained, they were in poland for three days and were beaten by officers law enforcement block. they were beaten with sticks, batons, and also had spray cans sprayed into their mouths. the actions of the polish law enforcement bloc will be given an appropriate legal assessment. most recently by the polish government.
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today, all possible forces from border guards to police are concentrated on the polish border; can the force they use against the unfortunate be considered expedient or protective? no, people are fleeing the wars started by america and the eu countries, but they are left without a home, without the promised shelter in the european union. ksenia lebedeva and oleg dolgopolov,
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tv news agency. people are beaten, robbed through the gate in... it is much more complicated, this is a standard procedure for every migrant, sometimes they are forced to open their mouth and pepper gel is poured there, men are forced to show their genitals, after which they are sprayed with this pepper gel, this is the standard, they often destroy telephones, very often people are forced to sign documents stating that
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they will not seek asylum in poland and that they want to go to germany. we hear from people that translators translate this for them, they say that if they sign these documents, they will definitely not be deported to belarus. meanwhile, in poland, against the backdrop of abuse of refugees, a new scandal is breaking out: detained military personnel who opened fire on migrants at the border face up to 3 years in prison, local media write that this happened in mid-spring, but the authorities tried to hide this crime . now the polish media are actively disseminating news about , as they say, alleged attacks by refugees on border guards. with this sauce they are trying to officially allow shooting at the disadvantaged. here is a statement from the minister of defense and the deputy speaker of the polish sejm. border guards serving on the border with belarus must have the right
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to use firearms against refugees . soldiers on the border can use. official warsaw is stirring up hype about the emergence of some large flow of migrants from our side. the polish authorities , in order to hide their own crime, announced that they had sent additional police forces to the border with belarus, water cannons, sound warning system spotlights. it is possible that under this pretext warsaw expects to receive a new portion of funds from the european union for supposed strengthening.
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also, border covering troops will closely monitor ongoing events, in any case, if the enemy suddenly encroaches on the sovereign territory of belarus,
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a quick, tough and decisive response will be given. we need to calculate the worst scenarios, we need to be prepared for them, well, in general, the belarusian security forces have an excellent reputation in the sense that everything is under control, but there are also instructions. president of the republic of belarus, alexander lukashenko, instantly react and stop any attacks and provocations against belarusian territory. the ignolinskaya npp, which has been decommissioned in lithuania, is causing serious concern among specialists. for the fifth year now, the lithuanian side has been avoiding joint sampling with belarus of transboundary water bodies. i remember that the closure of ignalinka at the end of 2009 became the entry ticket for lithuania to join the eu. as a result, no energy, no security. victoria sharkova will continue. more than 20 thousand
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rivers, lakes and 153 reservoirs. our blue-eyed is generously endowed with the most beautiful water bodies, which can be called the brand of the country. in total, there are 102
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of these cross-border security in belarus, they are both important, if the belarusian nuclear power plant has never slammed its doors in the face of experts, then there are far more questions than answers for ignolinka,
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so maybe lithuania is simply hiding the facts of an already polluted environment, experts assume this cannot be ruled out, because harmful substances, including nucleides, may enter surface water bodies with wastewater. if we take into account the mutual influence of surface and groundwater, which is carried out through... their hydraulic connection. contaminants can penetrate groundwater and spread with groundwater flow over long distances through aquifers. on the other hand, when entering groundwater, which in turn is a source of nutrition for surface water bodies, pollutants can have a negative impact on water quality in them. incidents occur when working with radioactive waste, which, by the way, they do not consider necessary to inform us about. this begs the question: maybe the whole point is that the lithuanian side lacks
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the infrastructure and the necessary personnel for the project to decommission the station? this is evidenced by the constant deadlines for postponing the dismantling itself from 2029 to the distant 2038. if they refuse to take samples, joint water samples, it means there may be food. reasons to hide what is happening there, and if belarus itself makes these tests, then it will be possible to refute their authenticity, to say, well, we didn’t participate, which means it’s all not true, and therefore, of course, the very fact of refusal of joint environmental actions, and it pushes to the conclusion that maybe not everything is so good with the water quality itself , on the other hand, of course, there may be reasons for the lack of the necessary... infrastructure for analysis, and the lack of specialists and so on, or at least their lack. as for the radioactive waste modules, they will be located at
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our doorstep, 4 km away. from the border, kept will be 50 years near transboundary water bodies, hence consequences are possible; it is water pollution with waste that can affect the health of belarusian citizens. the fact that radiation is such a thing, that such an effect accumulates stachistically, accumulates in water, sideways microbiota, fish, and then can end up on the population, so there is a potential possibility of pollution, and even more so if there are some kind of emergency situations, if these will be some kind of non...
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all enterprises of the capital must reach break-even work. social and economic development for the first quarter of the year was summed up in minsk. in general, the pace of implementation of indicators is maintained. thus, the nominal accrued average monthly salary of the organization’s employees in minsk is 2,842 rubles. moreover, real wages are almost 113%. the city increased its retail turnover by 122.5%. and over 104 , the turnover of public catering amounted to 115%. today in minsk there are over 11 thousand retail outlets, including 510 opened this year. behind january-march twenty-fourth , almost 129. m2 of housing were put into operation, after a major renovation of the housing stock , more than 28. m2 were commissioned. we had an increase
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in unprofitable enterprises in the first quarter, therefore...
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the level of industrial injuries decreased by 27%, this is the best indicator around the country. and now there is another important issue - the construction of housing, including our own houses, and here the state is lending a helping hand. almost 7,500 people have already purchased commercial timber at a reduced price. belarusians now have this opportunity one and a half times years ago. you can get up to 70 cubic meters for construction and repair purposes. provide citizens with access. forest was an order from the head of state, how the mechanism works in practice and what problems are hidden in green innovations, see today in the new series of the project under the control of the president. the timber market has peaked. why did the green areas turn golden? in the first couple it was very difficult with the forest, it almost reached 300 rubles. wooden house construction in belarus on its native
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land is doomed or lost. what was done? first of all, today this process is clearly regulated the price for this timber in belonichsky forest ranges from 40 to 72 rubles. affordable commercial wood. how to build a dream house and not make any mistakes. very few violations or misuse were identified, this is less than one percent of the people who applied. laws and benefits are the same for everyone. let's look at the exceptions to the rules. in our account, as it were, in the end we did not buy in the braslov region, it was very expensive for us, how to get fox bonuses and what to do to revive the village, prepared, a letter was sent to the head of state, with a proposal to eliminate all these shortcomings, we are only for the tolkast to develop, grow and for more naresins to be given, then populated areas will look completely different, a joint project of the state control committee
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of the television news agency: control of the president , watch on thursday, after the panorama, large-scale, brightly educational in a sports way, loved. republican action vanruy, otchuy, and the festival started in the morning with natkhnyai. participants guests of the holiday with
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we got acquainted with the sights of the pruzhany region with great interest. and first we went to the palace park complex in ruzhany. surely many people know that it is called the belarusian versailles. palace complex of roda sopek. they built a castle. the main state archives and the treasury of the grand duchy of lithuania were kept here. one of the largest palace complexes in belarus was completely destroyed several times during the great patriotic war. restoration began 15 years ago, reconstruction continues now theater building. the palace guests appreciated the immersive excursion into the era. i think that any person, entering through this entrance gate, is plunged, probably, into another era, and even if to some extent he was not plunged into history, then thanks to the excellent guide and guides in this place under the arches of this museum complex you will still somehow go back 3-4 centuries, and if you continue to drive through the beautiful pruzhany land, many more interesting things will be added, the potential of the pruzhany
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region of the region, it is really very rich, here god, as i say, was not stingy, we probably highlighted this as a separate item and will work with pruzhany cuisine, accordingly... to the cultural heritage of the pruzhany region . in general, the first day of outflows is dedicated throughout the day we got acquainted with the tourist potential of this original region gastronomic traditions and ecological.
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uniqueness, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, i’m generally a messenger in the sixth generation, so the choice of profession for me came naturally, the most important artistic component in the result became artistic interactive from the artos galleries, this year it is called start, everyone , together with a team of belarusian artists , has finished designing the area and slides for skating a new multi-profile skate-roller park in these...
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and we continue to monitor the preparations for the all-star game, so the fans they are already calling the upcoming football match between the national teams of belarus and russia. tomorrow at
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20:00 the starting whistle will sound. the football legend of our eastern neighbors, valery karpin, is waiting for a full house at dynamo. waiting the stadium is full and the organizers are asking you to come to the stands early in the main arena. countries today stanislav lipsky worked, his material is right now. less than a day remains until the match between the national teams of belarus and russia. and tomorrow this handsome national stadium dynamo will plunge into the atmosphere of a big football festival, but today there were pre-match training sessions for the national teams and a press conference. first of all, the russian national team caused a great stir among media representatives, which is not surprising, since here are the football legends of our eastern neighbors, coaches, valery karpin, viktor anobka and, of course, the stars of the 21st century, and here, first of all, the winner of this season’s europa league. triumph in the second most important
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club tournament in europe is the greatest success of a football player at the club level. i always dreamed of winning something in europe, i managed to win such a trophy, enter, go down in history, so there are probably no internal changes, the greeter was very hospitable, i think, as usual, everyone assumed, bread and salt, good weather, good city, green city. from the game that i would like to show high-quality football for the fans, spectator football with goals, so to end this cycle, this season on a good note. valery karpin also speaks kindly about our country, the sold out dynamo, for his team it will be another incentive to play to the maximum of their capabilities, although he does not consider his team a favorite, the fact that there will be a sell out, of course, is pleasant, it makes me happy. if it happens, for the football players, first of all, this is what
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we were talking about just now about the vacation or suitcase mood, i think that when if the stadium is full, then this mood, i hope, will quickly disappear, even if someone has it, it is clear that it is nice to play in a full stadium, only the first 15 minutes were open to the press, after which the journalists left the dynamo bowl, speaking of the arena , tomorrow there will be a large activity area here, both for small children and for experienced fans. foot courts, of course, will also be waiting for their guests. almost 2.5 years later, the belarusian national team will play at home again. really elevated excitement, in fact, only tickets for some sectors outside the gates are left on sale, there will be many food outlets, various activities, entertainment, raffles, prizes, to avoid queues, we kindly ask you to come in advance, there will be something to do at the stadium. carlos alos's boys are determined to take on such a formidable fighter.
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i have already noted that this is not just a friendly match, this is a special friendly match, and this is due to a number of factors, that is, this is a special opponent, this is the fact that we are finally playing in our stadium in front of our fans, and of course we want to show a good game, that is, we want the fans to have a positive impression of our game, and i think that tomorrow there will be interesting football, both teams will strive to show a good game, and of course we also keep the league in mind nations, which will begin in the fall - and we want to use this next match in order to prepare as well as possible for
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the official tournament. let us note that neither alexander golovin nor arsen zakharyan, the first recovering from an injury, the second one caught a cold. so, the match between the national teams of belarus and russia will begin at 20:00. once again i urge fans to come to the arena early. well, we are watching the fight live together on the belarus tv channel. 5. stanislav libsky and nikolai lashkevich. tv news agency. the final push. applicants passed the final centralized testing today. the next step is to choose a university and submit documents to the admissions committee. so tests on one of four subjects to choose from. social studies, chemistry, physics and history of belarus were written not only by eleventh graders, but also.
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i passed, so it’s no longer scary to take the third one, today i’m taking physics, i’ve been preparing for the last 2 days, and for six months, of course, i’ll be applying to the cafe.
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until june 14, registration for the centralized exam and ct on reserve days will take place. this is for those who could not come to the tests for good reasons within the main deadlines. so this year june 19, 21 and 23 are designated as reserve dates. certificates of centralized testing will be issued to applicants at the locations
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from july 1st. you will be able to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of dozens of nations in grodno. tomorrow there. the fourteenth republican festival of national cultures starts. over the course of many days , more than fifty creative, gastronomic and sporting events are planned, as well as round tables, plein airs and exhibitions. representatives of 36 diasporas living in belarus will come to grodno. and today, the day before , the final preparations for a large-scale cultural forum are being completed in the city. yuri kornilovich, and looking forward to the holiday. alive sound as an accompaniment of the presidential orchestra. and dozens of artists, today, for the opening day on the festival stage , rehearsals are going on non-stop, the directors run concert numbers several times, getting filigree work from each performer. the main festival stage is located here on sovetskaya square; over 3 days
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, dozens of creative groups representing different nationalities living in belarus will perform there. everyone is preparing for the holiday marathon. city, main festival locations in the historical center, concert venues are being installed here and a national courtyard is being decorated. the creative forum takes place every 2 years, so the townspeople have already missed the holiday and are looking forward to it. in addition to the fact that this is a great opportunity for us, belarusians, to get acquainted with the culture of other countries, other peoples can also get acquainted with our customs and traditions. i am certainly glad that this holiday, the festival lasts 3 days, and there is an opportunity to spend time both independently and with friends and family. i think this is a reason. meet people a reason to have a good time, a reason to show how beautiful our city is, how wonderful it is, but also just to experience new emotions, probably this is the most important thing. the festival of national cultures is already a brand of belarus, it all started back in ninety-six, the first forum was then planned to be at the regional level, but
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after studying the creative potential of diasporas it was scaled up throughout the country, the head of the festival cultural center lyudmila trubchik, the history of the development of the forum. knows thoroughly, here are collected unique artifacts and materials from all thirteen festivals. information about the history of the festival is stored, starting from 1996, photographs, documents of the festival are presented, souvenirs that were given to us by our guests, representatives of other nationalities are collected here, and of course there are special prizes for each festival, the pearl of the exhibition, the folk costume hall.
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yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. and this is the information picture of thursday, june 6th.
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we have a huge number of projects, there are so-called russian houses, they are called that among the people, and formally they are all beautifully called the russian center of science and culture, the most important of course. are located in minsk, all of them are a kind of point of attraction for people who come there to different circles, to different seminars, to
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different conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions, etc., etc., a huge number of all sorts of, as they say now, activities, activities , well, this is only what is done in russian homes themselves, besides this there are a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from central parade of rossotrudnichestvo.
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grodno, clean, cozy, comfortable , wonderful, beautiful city, low bow to the city authorities, so we have
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twin cities of the same grodno, this is, as far as i remember, tambuv, it seems to me, vologda and there’s a whole list there, right up to sakhalin, it seems to me that our colleagues need to come to grodno, see how it works, let’s return to the topic of russian centers of science and culture, recently such a lot, what tasks do they perform, how many of these are there in belarus already? decision on activity these cultural centers between russia and belarus were concluded, as far as i remember in 2009, the first large cultural center, this so-called russian house in minsk, opened already in the tenth year, now we have a new one in grodna, a center is working in brest, working center in gomel, i hope that they will open again, they are in demand, we saw this by the number of people who came to the opening in grodno. this is a platform, a platform in demand among local belarusian non-governmental organizations,
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volunteer structures, some different ones. real historical ones, which are engaged in the protection of historical memory and quite social ones, which solve some social problems, this is the place where film screenings take place, there will be a small hall in the city, we have a small one, a small city, a small hall, well, i i think that we will find partners, there will be exhibitions and some interesting seminars, we will bring scientists there from russia and speakers, the belarusian guys who choose foreign universities give priority to russian ones universities. yes, what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties are most often chosen? we have several programs in which belarusian children go to study at russian universities, this is just direct commercial admission there, i signed a contract and went to study, and there is an olympiad movement, there is an opportunity to enter through the belarusian state exam, just with some
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additional one, and there is this the same quota that was mentioned is the government of the russian federation. 1,300 people, almost we had 2,000 applicants, well, a good competition, mostly these are medical specialties, medical there up to dentistry and so on, there are engineering ones, this is of interest to the guys from belarus and i repeat once again, this is a two-way road, now belarus is making it easier... admissions for russian students in belarusian universities, as far as i read a few days ago based on the results of the unified state exam, russian students will be able to enter belarusian universities, great, absolutely, about 1000 places are the quota for russian students, 1,300 is ours. again i repeat, this is important, it is very important for us that students return and make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on and so
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forth. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. let's start with football, a press conference with the participation of the head coaches of the national teams and pre-match training. this is precisely the central event of the upcoming match between the national teams of belarus and russia. tomorrow at 20:00 the starting whistle will sound. football legend of our eastern ones. valery karpin is waiting for his neighbors at dynaman schlag, the organizers expect a filled stadium, so they ask you to come to the stands in advance. less than a day remains before the match between the national teams of belarus and russia, tomorrow this beautiful dynamo national stadium will plunge into the atmosphere of a big football festival, but today pre-match training sessions for the national teams and press conferences took place.
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caused a lot of excitement among media representatives. well, there are probably no internal changes, the viewer is very hospitable, i think, as usual, everyone assumed, bread, bread and salt, and good weather, good city, green city, uh, from the game, that i would like to show high-quality football for the fans, visual football with goals, so to finish this...


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