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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 7, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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eurasia needs a new system of international security, minsk’s initiatives at the meeting of the committee of secretaries of the csto security councils. strengthening the right and eurosceptics. ukraine may lose support following the elections to the european parliament. data from socialist russians. the situation is under control, police from montreal, canada. immediately dispersed a pro-palestinian rally; hunger riots are being suppressed in argentina. vibrant locations and national identity invite grodno to the festival of national cultures; pruzhany lives in outflows. opposition challenges and threats in almaty, a meeting of the committee of secretaries of the csto security councils was held under the chairmanship of the kazakh side. participants paid special attention to practical measures to counter current challenges and threats.
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such as international terrorism, cybercrime, drug trafficking, weapons, organized transnational crime. the atn film crew has been working in kazakhstan for the last few days. violetta sokolovich knows how the forum went and what initiatives the belarusian side proposed. countering challenges and threats. a meeting of the committee of secretaries of the csto security councils was held in almaty. the state secretariat of the security council of belarus also took part in the event.
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start a dialogue on the formation of a new system of international security in the eurasian space, because , by and large, all the architectures of international security that existed before have been destroyed, and today, well, an arms race has clearly started, which threatens the security of any state, not just belarus , i note, that while working here on the sidelines of the forum, we noticed that after the official meeting of signing a number of...
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in addition, near the gate in the polish barrier there continues to be a woman of african appearance, the foreigner does not speak english and from...
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they ignore the foreigner. not long ago, poland was involved in a visa scandal, with more than 250 thousand visas issued for generous rewards. behind this are corruption schemes in polish embassies and consulates. you could even call it organized crime a group of individual mit officials. of course, official warsaw bears responsibility for this. and she, meanwhile, advocates the use of weapons against migrants. and international humanitarian organizations must respond to such aggressive behavior. poland’s behavior towards refugees, this opinion was shared with our channel by the editor-in-chief of the national defense magazine, military expert igor korodchenko. here it is necessary to demand , first of all, compliance with humanitarian norms from the polish authorities, and the rules that
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regulate the treatment of refugees, migrants, and internally displaced persons. we remember that in the previous period, there was, accordingly, a migration crisis, artificial, provoked by the polish. authorities, it came to the point where they shot rubber bullets at these unfortunate people who were trying to get into polish territory, poisoned them with police shepherd dogs, and in absolutely brutal form, and today, of course, water cannons, tear gas, police batons, special forces units, we need to look and demand, including international humanitarian organizations, compliance analysis. practical activities of polish border law enforcement agencies, to the extent that this complies with the norms and criteria of international humanitarian law.
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elections to the european parliament are taking place in eu countries and will end on june 9. sociological campaigns associated with official brussels publish panic forecasts. survey data suggests that nine countries are united. in europe , right-wing parties and eurosceptics will win a landslide victory. we are talking about hungary, slovakia, austria, czech republic, france, italy and a number of other countries. in another eight, the right will take second, or at most third , place in the elections. we are talking about germany, sweden, spain, portugal and several other countries. in total, opponents of the current political and economic strategy of brussels will receive from a third to half of the mandates, thus the right will be able to have a significant influence on the decision of the european parliament, in which 720 sit. for the head of the european commission, ursula fondeen , this will have tragic consequences and her president macron and chancellor scholz want her removal, and european officials are plotting against her. now the attack on ursula will most likely be joined in the european parliament.
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another strike by the israeli military on civilian targets in the gaza strip caused a sharp surge in pro-palestinian protests. over the past 24 hours, the idf has attacked schools twice, killing hundreds of arabs. myself. the most violent clashes between protesters and police were in montreal, canada. here, law enforcement officers used not only batons to disperse demonstrators, but tear gas. in north america , public dissatisfaction with israel's policies in the gas sector has become especially noticeable among students at universities in the united states and canada. occupation strikes continue, while the authorities of both countries are pursuing pro-israeli policies and suppressing protests in the most severe manner. hunger brought tens of thousands of argentines onto the streets. the day before , mass protests began in the country's capital, buenos aires, demanding that the government begin distributing free
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food. the intensity of public discontent was so strong that the military, by court decision , opened the warehouses and began distributing powdered milk. in argentina, there is a rapid impoverishment of... the population in the country in the first half of this year alone, the number of people living below the poverty level increased by 10%. now, according to official statistics , 55% of the population, that is, 25 million people, live in extreme need. the situation is so catastrophic that president meley obtained permission for the police and army to suppress any protests by force, including use of weapons. but even this did not calm the citizens. due to the growth of protest sentiments, miley even decided not to participate in the peaceful one. conference on ukraine, to work on stabilizing the economic situation at home in argentina. decommissioning, the decommissioning of the ignalina npp causes serious concern among specialists, or rather, possible environmental pollution due to its fault. lithuanian
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partners, in quotes, have been avoiding joint sampling with belarus of transboundary water bodies for the fifth year now. if take into account the mutual influence of surface and groundwater, which. carried out through their hydraulic connection, pollutants are able to penetrate into groundwater and spread with the flow of groundwater. over long distances along aquifers, on the other hand, when entering groundwater, which in turn is a source of nutrition for surface water bodies, pollutants can have a negative impact on water quality. let us recall that the closure of the ignolinskaya npp at the end of 2009 became lithuania's entry ticket to join the eu. if the country had not then agreed to the terms of the european union, the station would have been in service until now... as a result, there was no energy, no security.


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