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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 7, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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union has been going on for almost 3 years and the authorities of the neighboring side have not taken effective measures to solve the problem during this time, primarily through bilateral cooperation with the republic of belarus. the state border committee noted that belarus continues to advocate for an end to the tragedy on the common border, which should be a place of civilized cooperation in the spirit of human rights, regardless of race, and, as reported in minda, minsk received a note from warsaw in connection with the death of the polish... military man on the border, she will be considered taking into account all the circumstances. how easy it is to become a hostage to the situation thanks to your own husband, her name is still used as a symbol of devotion to the revolutionary ideas on which igor losik made his money. these are not the most famous names in the opposition circle, but a very high-profile story about how the life of a family is broken. daria herself will tell you why she is no longer a moose. tonight we will show a candid interview with a condemning ex-wife. extremist,
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she asked for this herself. the motivation is simple, the desire to tell the truth about about what they did to her? how to break one woman and abandon one child? daria losik will talk about how she ended up in pre-trial detention because of her husband’s demands, why she no longer wants to be a heroine for the european commissioners? and what does he think about the boys of the revolution? he would have been right there. here somewhere, that is, standing in front of me, i would honestly, openly tell everything in the same way, absolutely looking into his eyes, well, i probably wouldn’t regret even looking at him, that i filed for divorce. i said that i want to live, to be in belarus, because in principle i have parents here, paulina, who will go to school, university and so on and so forth, that is, i need to raise a child to his feet, it’s not funny at all, because she is six, this is a school, and parents who are also not young, who have very, very many health problems that it...
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support a changeable trend: heat and showers in the forecast for the weekend throughout belarus: on saturday it will be cloudy in places, foggy in the morning, thunderstorms and gusty winds will show the character of summer throughout the country. at night the thermometer will show from 8:00 to 15 degrees celsius, air during the day, the air will warm up to +25. on sunday everything is also unpredictable, rain, showers and thunderstorms will be replaced by summer heat, temperatures from 19 to 28 degrees celsius. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye, all the best, review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan soley prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league, and finally, mikhail shalagen became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh in the major league round, slutsk created a sensation, beating mazaryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this...
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russia is our main market; in 2 years we have grown export supplies there by $8.5 billion. settlements in national currencies between belarus and russia at the end of 23 reached 92%. russia’s investments in the belarusian
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economy amounted to over $4 billion last year, someone wants to tell them that they will come here, take away our sovereignty, swallow up our economy, but the russians don’t need that. 24 mobilize everyone, the ukrainians moved to open confrontation with the military commissars,
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the situation is close to critical, we will discuss what is happening in ukraine with the optimist in shtatsky. lack of understanding of the local population, this is what... it's time for this kind of impudence , a profitable business, us congressmen have earned millions of dollars on the lives of ukrainians. let's open the gray diagram. most of this money goes to five major american defense contractors. iran is in the spotlight as the country prepares for presidential elections after the tragic death of its head of state. the question is when concerns their country, they are all one. american hawks over china. why is the white house playing the taiwan card? make it clear to the chinese that if they invade taiwan, we will immediately blow up the chip manufacturer semicontors. trends in the new world order are events that force you to keep your finger on the pulse of the times. what each of us should pay attention to. let's figure it out together.
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the crunch of american crackers from maidan nezalezhnosti for sure. echoes today as a piercing echo in the ears of everyone who is forced to storm the landing. promised revelry democracy turned into a crazy safari at each other. there have been no ideological volunteers with an openly consumerist attitude towards them for a long time, but there are losses that need to be replenished not only by the situation, but also by the notorious western partners. pizza lover and mama's guitarist blinkin directly set the task for official kiev to carry out.
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the irony of what is happening is that ukrainians at one time took on their sense of self-importance, historical pride, originality, they nurtured all this and contrasted it with this backward, unwashed russia. after it began, such rhetoric intensified significantly. we all remember theses about orcs and non-humans stealing toilets and washing machines. ukrainian propaganda, which today has no time for democracy, promoted hatred and a sense of superiority. literally from everything, in practice it turned out that ordinary ukrainians found themselves prisoners in their own country without rights and freedoms, and zelensky’s appeal to the russians became much more relevant for the ukrainians themselves. now is the time for you to choose to die or live, to become a collec or
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to keep healthy? for women, the choice is to lose their husbands, sons, grandchildren forever, or to try anyway. to protect them from death, from war, from one person, they will take everyone indiscriminately, and not only military personnel in the reserve, but any men, anyone. who is so intimidated that he is afraid to evade the war more than to die in the war, tens of thousands are wounded, maimed, if you want more, no, then protest, fight, run away, total mobilization divided ukrainians into two teams: the beaters and the victims with their families, they all ukrainians, every individual sane person, understands...
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the harvest. less than a month has passed since the updated law on mobilization came into force in the totalitarian system in ukraine. in short, now literally everyone can be sent to okupa. of course, the citizens themselves are in no hurry to say goodbye to life in this way, but employees of local military registration and enlistment offices demonstrate the real thing. led to the fact that city streets are empty, men are hiding in apartments and basements, do not
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go to work, there is a collapse in in many areas, from service to transport, to tell you honestly, but honestly, but this is just tough, just tough, after six months of working here, well, this is the situation i saw on the street now, probably on january 2. nothing good awaits those who were not lucky enough to be in the hands of the trade center; some do not even make it to the unit’s location. for example, in transcarpathia, a mobilized man died who had previously been declared fit for service. his health has sharply deteriorated, at least that’s what they say at the military registration and enlistment office. earlier, in the lvov region, on the way to the training center, another conscript died allegedly from a seizure: avtotsk in krivoy rog , a conscript with epilepsy died. i suspect that he died a violent death, not
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a natural one, i thought, for 15 weeks he was gone, after my seizure, and what should i tell you about the cause of death, the beginning of the information was about epilepsy, cob information so that new apelectic attack, now it’s going to happen...
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however, newcomers are not particularly welcome at the front, as washington writes, post state the ukrainian army is depressing, the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine complain about the poor training of recruits, they do not even have basic skills like handling weapons, and there is simply not enough time to train the newly arrived. and therefore they have to be literally sent to slaughter, against the backdrop of failure at the front,
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the ukrainian authorities decided to make a move and mobilize employees of the state service for emergency situations, as they say, the house burned down, the barn was on fire. it happens that men and women with military specialties, medical specialties, are already slaves. it is clear that women associated with men are slaves, and men associated with women are slaves. they are already tied to them with chains, right in ukraine, that is, in fact, in ukraine this so-called law about tightening mobilization has already been created. this is practically slavery, state slavery, but it is gang slavery, because the gang has seized the state as an apparatus, uses it as an open apparatus of terror, violence against this entire population, and considers this population no longer as
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a source of feeding, as usual when a gang captures this or that strength. increasing the horizon of their life activity, in our case the gang aims to use the captured territory of the population of an entire country in order, on the one hand, to carry out absolute immeasurable enrichment as a result of coming, extorting money, begging from the west, which is very beneficial from this war, and... with on the other hand, the destruction of the entire population as biomass for cannon fodder. another fact speaks for the destruction of the population: the country is seriously thinking about mobilization women. but with the current lowest birth rate in history, the flight of millions abroad, the death of hundreds of thousands
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of men, the mobilization of women will also put an end to the demography of the country, even. in the long term, we are making a film based on my book, a prison diary, i turned to the federal penitentiary service of russia, i say, listen: yes, can i take, well, shackles , as if for a film of the 16th or century, i say, and they they say, so wait, they are prohibited under international law, i say, but they exist in america, this is washington, that is, this is the capital, at a time when it was hot outside, when i was arrested, why was it 15° in the cell, i was simply afraid of becoming
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a vegetable, because my consciousness, that’s all, what i had, we claim to be like philosophers. we give a message to the world where to move, they claim this, they destroy man as such, they don’t need him, they need a certain number of people who will have a certain amount of resources, everyone else is replaced by artificial intelligence, this is not conspiracy theories, the markov project, nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . women who fight off men from the military commissar by hook or by crook save their lives. ukrainian women today are almost the basis of civil society and the deep people. expert political scientists in kiev are confident that
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it is widows and mothers who can become the driving force of the new state. i respect deeply that all ukrainians may take part in military operations, men and women from 18 years of age, may take part in combat operations after 23, then not 25, after 23, 24, the same no matter what happens, until what hour does your skin last.
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is the situation reaching a social explosion at the moment, or is this just another manipulation? the fact that people, especially in the social sphere, who are heavily dependent on state assistance in social terms , suffer, is of course no secret, because the so-called ukraine today with its so -called government thinks first of all about how to line its pockets, withdraw them far offshore, in order to then hide and live normally, but before a social explosion... in that context, oh which you say is too far away, because there the zombie box with one channel brainwashes the absolute majority very well. odessa and so on,
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the situation there is a little different, but for it to come straight to social tension so that another maidan would happen, moreover , spontaneously, and not paid for and clearly organized, this has not yet happened. at the moment, in any case , the events that are happening in society are not discussed in society ... they won’t talk about it on tv, those pro-ragul people won’t talk about it, such powerful telegram channels, previously ukrainians, they were really perceived as some people
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facing a problem, i mean abroad, today we are increasingly again faced with video materials in telegram channels that demonstrate that they are starting to beat ukrainians, open make all kinds of claims, especially on the territory of poland, bulgaria and so on, there are quite a lot of such cases. in your opinion, what is this connected with, will a similar situation develop, it seems to me that it’s just local people are trying to project onto ordinary ukrainians the problems that ukraine in general causes in the economies of these countries , taking into account the fact that most of these, say, subsidies that go to ukraine come from the pockets of ordinary europeans. yes, of course, you are right in this sense, but it should be added that the so-called refugees who come in cars. to the same germany or to other countries of the european union, for which a decent german will not earn money in his entire life, they simply have eyes on their foreheads, and these people still take humanitarian aid, and
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so on, they behave somewhat arrogantly, there are a lot of cases, lack of understanding of the local population, this kind of pressure, this kind of arrogance, we all owe it, be kind, of course, people don’t like it, in europe , what is important to understand, first of all , in... its insolvency, of course, they are interested overseas, they will inspire this, they will continue to put pressure on local governments, on local authorities, legislative bodies in the first place, so that these countries harmed themselves themselves, they brought down their own standard of living, the key production there, the same automobile ones that were in germany, went to the usa, because there are no cheap means of production from russia.
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the russian federation was the first country to recognize petra aleksievich poroshenko even before the official end of the vote count; unfortunately, the legitimacy ended then. sometimes it seems that there is no end to the ukrainian events, and the escalation only continues to grow. the overton window is opening wider; at first , supplies of western weapons to ukraine, but the echelons went, then they argued for a long time about tanks, like leopards and abrams at an exhibition of captured equipment. a new stage - long-range missiles hitting russian cities, more to come, but it is important to understand what is the driving force. this conflict did not begin in february of '22, it began.
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during the confrontation with russia , a colossal amount of reserves of armored vehicles and shells were unloaded, conditions were created for constant demand for products, which are literally immediately consumed. this is a war started by the military industry, it is an absolute disaster, part of an endless war machine that is impoverishing the american people and endangering the entire world. it could go nuclear. you pointed to the recent announcement by france and england that they might send troops to paris and that london has essentially given its consent to the use of country-provided weapons to attack
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targets in russia. incidental orders, new factories are growing like mushrooms after rain, the war economy not only makes it possible to delay the financial crisis and stagnation of the western model, but provides a comfortable life for lobbyists and congressmen. uncle sam launched a traditional profitable business. american congressmen turned out to be perhaps the most successful investors in the country. they
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actively invest directly and through their family members. to defense enterprises. lokit martin, ratin technologies and hanny well generate millions of dollars for their successful investors. shareholders include senator tommy taberwal, who sits on the armed services committee. he has a package the amount of 130,000 dollars. senator shelden whitehouse owns a stake worth $500,000. one of the largest investors is kevin hern. his total investment package exceeds one million dollars. quite by chance, he also heads the budget and expenses group. this structure constantly takes initiatives to increase defense spending. most of this money goes to five major american defense contractors to replace the weapons we have already sent to the ukrainians. that is, you know, if we we send them something that was released 10 years ago, now it costs four, five times more. so, again, this is a massive scam, paid for by the pentagon, which... does not
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know how to invest in a product cost-effectively, this does not change the outcome of battles. possessing insider information, american congressmen use their official position a day before the start of the military defense on the territory of ukraine; many congressmen rushed to buy shares of defense enterprises. when. nice people in expensive jackets assure that they will support ukraine as long as it will be necessary, they are absolutely sincere, because their own well-being primarily depends on this, while some are dying, others are getting rich. republicans and democrats are traditionally united in their desire to make money
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from the war. the only problem is their own citizens, who ask uncomfortable questions about billions of dollars of investment in the affairs of ukraine, when the us economy winks at prices at gas stations in grocery stores, it is for them that they stage a play about the confrontation between donkeys and elephants, organize heated debates and even delay new ones aid packages, but in reality there is no more consolidating issue for the two-party system than income from gray... schemes, we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science: people began to make the first weather forecasts back in ancient times, with the help of what modern technology and equipment do you are you making a weather forecast today? weather radar data,
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satellite data? they are literally ignited by cariary beetles, where does such a thing have so much strength , and after a lull of almost 10 years, even a small beetle? powerful mandibles allow they bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build passages inside the thickness. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. it is important to understand that if huge resources are invested in the production of weapons, new factories are established, the task is to create points of tension throughout... the whole world, of course, for us ukraine is one of the key trigger topics, so as it is literally next door, our destinies are intertwined by family ties, no matter what anyone says about this, but it is literally blazing and smoldering around the world, the middle east is one of the key regions where central events are unfolding. after the tragedy with the head of iran, special attention was focused on the country. let's discuss the situation with my colleague, an iranian journalist. good afternoon, in your opinion, why did iran not plunge into chaos after the tragedy with the head of state? iran, you can see that a person who is dressed in a modern uniform, there are torn pants and so on, well, when the question concerns the future
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country, the only country and a safe country, it is the youth who all unite protects his country, and we also witnessed, for example, about... the leader of iran ayatullah hamneh also made an emphasis in his speeches that the people should actively participate in the presidential elections and should choose a person who will solve internal problems , will also strengthen
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iran's economic policy as well as iran's foreign policy. the people of iran must actively participate in these you. how do you assess the internal situation in the country at the moment? of course, every family has shortcomings, problems, inside iran, too, yes , there are problems there, the dollar exchange rate and inflation, our late president ibrahim raisi worked very actively on this, will reduce inflation, and also reduce the dollar exchange rate, and it was clear that this policy was successful, i think that the future president it will also be...
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it will be, but it will be in a good direction, as when the tragic event of the collapse of our president’s helicopter occurred, then the supreme leader of the islamic republic of iran ayatullah hamnei spoke, he said that what was happening the event will not affect iran's foreign policy as well as iran's domestic policy. i talked to a high-ranking person two weeks ago. corps of the islamic republic of iran, mr. haji zadeh, i asked him what the current events would mean for relations with friendly allied countries, like russia and other countries, he answered my questions,
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there will be no change, on the contrary, there will be changes in a good direction , we will strengthen our relations even more and we will jointly implement many more projects, so... no need to worry. thank you for your opinion. on the night of may 18, a group of armed militants attacked the office of the president of the congo. they were led by one of the opposition leaders. for a long time he lived in the states and managed to form a government in exile, but his handwriting is simply painfully well known; he also actively met with high-ranking officials from the united states and the european union. and now you will smile, but the prominent political figure was treated with all sorts of awards and was even dedicated to the knights of the grand cross, the order of saints peter and pavel. molango ended his life in a shootout with
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well-known expert charles nener is sure that 2 billion people could die in the current military cycle; in his opinion, such cycles occur once every 120 years. has every chance of surpassing the consequences of all previous ones, taiwan certainly remains one of the key points of tension. the white house is making every possible effort to separate this territory from united china. what is taiwan? of course, this is a completely carnivalesque political entity. the native authorities consider it an island where real, correct china, unspoiled communism. if you take this on faith, then it was strange, that pre-revolutionary
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china, colorful, bright, theatrical, but extremely unsuitable for life. taiwan considers itself democratic, but this can be observed there quite often. taiwan considers itself to have entered the twentieth century and shaken off the dust of the old world, but it is coming. it's time for the new year's malebn; anyone who gets in the way of someone who wants to light a candle in the temple can consider himself dead. local elections it is proposed to be considered an apotheosis of real democracy, although it is a native democracy, as in most of the rest of the world, it is completely imitative. you are not really capable of believing that a company run like this can be serious.
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in fact, about the past, present and future
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of taiwan, all this gives a comprehensive picture, the island was supposed to capitulate to the landing of the people's liberation army, but general chiang kai-shek was saved at the last moment by the americans, since then they have been demanding from the locals authorities of countless, small, large services for every calorie of support fed. narrative: greater china is preparing to chew and swallow the small... basic democracy, the states designed it a long time ago, and they do not intend to abolish it, here is a quote from american newspapers exactly forty years ago. at such a moment, organizing an aggressive crusade against taiwan, the planned unification of the country, would promise beijing considerable benefits. and then, naturally, the newspaper demands not to give up positions and to continue the armament of taiwan. with from that time even a list. newspapers promising an imminent invasion have not changed, only that they
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are now not paper, but electronic, it cannot be said that taiwan is somehow especially dear to the states, no, they value taiwanese industry, now 60% of the most advanced chips sold on the planet are produced here 90% of world production is produced here. a year ago, the americans began moving technological lines to their state. taiwan will soon cease to play a significant role in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, in case china decides to invade the island, there has long been a plan. we must make it clear to the chinese that if they invade taiwan, we will immediately blow up the chip manufacturer in taiwan semiconductors. no, no, no, let's not bomb taiwan, that would cause $2 trillion in damage to the global economy. do not doubt, however,
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they will bomb, in fact, for the prc this alone deprives the armed conflict of any meaning, if they unite the ashes and firebrands by force - in addition, taiwan is perceived by continental residents precisely as part china, dear, lost, but one of our own, who risks cutting himself alive, the enemy can really be punished for taiwan. anyone who dares to separate taiwan from china will be smashed to pieces and cause their own destruction. taiwan certainly plays a huge but... auxiliary role in american foreign and domestic policy; it is convenient because it provides a moderated conflict with beijing; if necessary, the flame will be turned down, but if necessary, it will be increased. now kener easily wins economic competition the states, the newspapers are trumpeting about china, are ready to swallow the democratic island of babies.
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the conflict, however, is as inevitable as it was 40 years ago; to calm them down, it is enough for the white house to take a free bunch. american press. the western world's attempt to maintain its hegemony by destabilizing the situation around the world is having the completely opposite effect. the white house and london simply do not have time to effectively play on the global chessboard, and internal problems seriously distract and undermine the stability of governance. slowly, extremely slowly, but still the ear tilted and its movement towards collapse. it became obvious to everyone. the most important thing is that the fear and belief in the impunity of the frenzied gendarme disappeared. the world has a chance to become multipolar. that's all for today, it was the trends program. scattered facts packaged into a single concept. until next time.
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we sounded glad to the fractions, happy, feel the connection of the hour and heat, just respect. skin zen warehouse with tradition, sennya, year albo stagodze tamu, everything that is lichytstsa old-timers, it was so new, we ourselves do not respect it, we pass on the knowledge and experience of
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the heat of the moment, this is our smile, the stroke of our hand. and in such a dear way, from simple, happy moments, sacred traditions are formed. we are trying to save our products. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus. everything that you want to know is the right meaning of the holy rat, these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin faithful, my lord...


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