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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 7, 2024 4:20pm-5:00pm MSK

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erbie north london. arthur. second level. at the 2024 olympic games in paris, only women will be able to participate in this sport. only one sport. in the twenty-fourth year it will be exclusively female. rhythmic gymnastics. at the 2024 olympic games in competition.
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congratulations on your victory, well, to be honest, hand on heart before the start of the fourth period, i personally wouldn’t bet on you, so a great game, a great fourth period, what can you say about it, i want to say that i succeeded to gather strength, a little luck accompanied me in such an uncompromising struggle with worthy opponents to win, many thanks to the organizers of this project, and we, in turn, thank our participants and give... gifts from the tv project heroes. the second season of the extreme sports and entertainment tv show heroes has reached a new level. now it includes the youth show heroes, in which teams from belarus, russia, uzbekistan and slovakia participate. and the adult extreme show heroes reboot, where for representatives of the show business, television, sports, and culture industries will compete for victory . the project will be hosted by a commentator on the belarus 5 tv channel, the famous russian
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sports commentator viktor gusev. the show, as before, includes four stages symbolizing water, air, fire and earth, as well as the main test - the tower of heroes. at each stage, participants need to collect crystals, showing not only strength and endurance, but also ingenuity. don’t miss the exciting exciting project heroes , watch on tv channel belarus 1. each sunday. this is where we will end our program. my name is gennady vaitovich, you watched the intellectual sports show, head game. pump up not only your body, but also your brain.
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since 1943, pyotr kupriyanov fought in the partisan detachment rodina brigada razgrom. in the first battle with the nazis, he got himself a weapon. the young partisan collected important intelligence data, penetrating the garrisons of the invaders, and took an active part in the rail war. marriage is manifested. in the fight against
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the fascist occupiers he was awarded a medal partisan of the patriotic war of the second degree. in july of forty-four, when the red army expelled the nazis from belarusian soil, peter volunteered to go to the front as a private in the third battalion of the 53rd motorized rifle brigade of the twenty- ninth tank corps. the young fighter died on november 2, 1944. this sacrificial feat helped his comrades in arms capture an unnamed height in the distant kruna region of latvia and move on victoriously, expelling the nazis from soviet soil. eighteen-year-old pyotr kupriyanov was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin, they have great significance, and in essence this is the shortest expression of our faith, faith...
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and
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the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find new places on the map of belarus that are definitely worth seeing. and also propose projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more is available in the ether 24x7 project. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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in the tudy it says i’m a jeweler, one of my friend’s
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acquaintances asked me to help. he showed me a sledgehammer, showed me a piece of cupronickel sheet , showed a stamp, a press, a hand press, well, there was a matrix, a stamp in which a certain number of parts had to be stamped under the press, in a week i stamped these parts using a sledgehammer and.. .
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interesting, i tried it, i became interested, and we worked like this for about a year. nineties, and i was already 30 years old then, so here we go, here we go. further more, then it became interesting, i already began to improve, to see what kind of jewelry there were, how it was done, and so i studied on my own, there was no information on where to learn the profession of a jeweler, then i didn’t even think about becoming a jeweler, well, it was just interesting to learn how to make this, this, this, this, this. what is a jeweler? first of all, i had a jeweler - he is a technician who
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works with something small, and i’m interested it was in these small forms, to achieve the required necessary result, i saw a picture, or they told me what should be or showed me some kind of sample, to do this in order to implement a technical project, let’s say, you need to be diligent first of all. you need diverse thinking, not focusing on one point, diverse technical solutions, one thing didn’t work out, another turned out, something else didn’t work out, a third one will work out, but of course it’s better to think about everything in advance, i didn’t start with precious metal, so...
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first technology, then the artist, perseverance, but somewhere the artist, yes, the artist must be present, otherwise you must like, like the end result, you must like to achieve this result, if you start with the simplest, there are the usual... to which everyone is used to, everyone understands, wedding rings, smooth,
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of some standard profiles, now different profiles are in fashion, when i started, there was one profile, the hemisphere differed only in width, weight, width, thickness, respectively weight, back in those days , which let's say, let's start there somewhere earlier, when i started, they were in fashion. but products, these are also traditionally hand-made things, when jewelry is made from thin wire, collecting component elements from this wire, some kind of scania, satin, satin - this is rolled round wire, rolled into a rod, filigree, this is thin wire , rolled into a braid, it can be rolled, you can... they don’t roll , small elements are made from these elements of things, then they are assembled, soldered,
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can be collected in pictures, that is, here you need to develop it, be able to draw something somewhere, be able to draw, but now not yes, now right now yes a jeweler needs to be able to draw, 3d printing, drawing, 3d printer, a picture is created on on a computer, a program uses a printer to make a model, a sub-model. the first model in some material, some material is usually wax, wax, well, not wax in the literal sense, but a polymer, which was then created from this polymer, printed by a printer, say a ring, uh, it is then replicated, shaped, molded with molding mixture, burned out, then poured into metal, poured into... then the pressed one turns out to be a pressed apoca, pours the metal in there and the product is already in
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some kind of metal, in silver, like as a rule, then this model is finished, it is still a preliminary model, it is finished, brought to an ideal state and rubberized, vulcanized, a rubber mold is created, this rubber mold can later be poured, wax models can be made. there, using an injector, melted wax, a rubber mold models are poured, say, 100 models are assembled - into a so-called christmas tree, well, it turns out, for example, there is a kilogram of rings. for one casting, well, of course, there is special equipment for this, modern technologies and the hands of a craftsman, yes, modern technologies help to make some complex thing, for example, a bunch of grapes or a voluminous, say, skull, by hand in metal and you can make it in
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wax by hand, carve it out of wax, but not everyone is given this, this is already a skill... sculptors should, and if the jeweler doesn’t have such, then what 3d printing is a casting, that is, some elements can be made using 3d printing, but combining them only later, of course, you need hands, experience and a vision of the final result, the hand of a master, but you can see, you can see the hand of a master, you can, you can to distinguish, that is , it is immediately clear where some elements are made by hand, the elements were not made by hand, the stones are fixed in this way, say, how the metal is cut, that it was done manually, done by hand, not by modern installations there, by master engravers, but traditional engraving tools that need
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to be sharpened by hand every day, or before an operation, before work, among old masters, and there are many acquaintances, among... there are also different weaves, and it’s not so easy to make all this, somewhere you have to guess how it’s done, where - you need something, you can come up with something new, at one time, for example, i became interested in how the weaving of chopards is made from round rings, wedding rings one at a time,
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only small, small, small, here’s how to do it manually , it is clear that there is machines. where everything is already thought out and these chains are printed, to do it manually, well, yes, i did it, now there is a technology that works in this direction, manual production of the chopard brand, manual production using stamps, a metal stamp, press, under pressure , say, rolled gold or silver and... any other metal, under a press, an image of something there is pressed into the flesh until the products are unwrapped , then further this is cut out by hand with a jigsaw - a completely manual production is assembled, when from a drawing or photograph or a sample is first made of a rolled product, a plate, a development or
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product elements are drawn on it, then everything is assembled and mounted by hand. as a separate profession, which assembles something, solders it, solders individual elements, assembles it into the final form, right down to the size of the product, there is such a direction, then transfers its work to, say, a fastener, if there are inserts, if there are no inserts , which means he does it completely to the end and gives it to the repositors, if there is such a thing. separation of jewelry works, well, when you do everything yourself you do it, then everything, everything from start to finish, like pouring the metal, yes, even in workshops where there is centralized melting, you still have to pour the metal yourself, and from start to finish, poured, rolled, plate, painted, or i drew it
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on paper or a photograph, glued it to metal, sawed it out, bent it. assembled, trimmed, if there were inserts, then secured, the most expensive and the one that i probably will not forget, i will never forget, it was a ring with a diamond, almost 8 mm in diameter, classic standard shape, cast, justified for the stone caste is called, made of white gold, fladium, everything, of course, is done by hand, on... which holds the stone, and they had to be secured somehow so that they would not bend, in general , to do it, i couldn’t think of anything else how put a whale on the paste, well, this is a type,
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something like sealing wax, sealing wax, well, a special paste for setting a mount, so i’m fastening the stone, i hear a crackling sound, a characteristic crunch, that’s it, i stopped for about 15 minutes, comprehended what had happened, thought that i broke it. the stone was like this with characteristic defects, inclusions inside, well, that’s it, it walked for a long time, i was worried, then to my friend, the workbench in front of my workbench, i said, sasha, i think i broke the stone, he started to worry, but then i calmed down a little, decided to take a look, took off the paste. i removed the stone, looked, everything is fine, everything is in order, pain goes away after a couple of weeks of working with, say, gold, you are no longer afraid, it becomes just
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a building material with which you work, everything else, then everything works out, the pinnacle of mastery, you look at products and don’t understand how it could have been done, and how much work needed to be put in, how much skill, experience, intuition. so that, so, so, so that this could be done, the art of jewelry was born, well, in ancient times, even... graves are excavated there for products of such a type that now you won’t think
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a thousand times how this can be done in the same conditions according to in our time, do it this way, as it was done then, what do you need in law for work? a workbench, a workbench is of a certain shape, it is a table with a cutout, for which there is a cutout, a cutout, a cutout so that it is convenient to collect everything that spills, everything that falls on workplace, finagel or goat's foot, yes, as a child i once heard ivir goat's foot, i thought what a goat's foot was, but this? here in this form a piece of wood, similar to a goat’s leg, is called finagel, wooden, here they saw, plane, in general they do everything that
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is needed for convenience on this piece of wood, a bedding, a sheet, usually made of leather, everything that is feasted here falls here , with a jigsaw, a file, drilling, for grinding polishing, a soldering apparatus, say, a torch, all sorts of devices for manual production, these are the cubes for
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called anka, hemispheres, balls, with the help of this they make a rolling machine, a microscope for setting, metal pins or edges for setting stones for... there are many tools used, even an anvil, for example, one of the main tools, the so-called rollers, a rolling machine , where rolled products are made, square profiles, etc., tools, a lot of tools are assembled all the time, almost constantly updated. is decreased, added, something is made independently,
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jewelry, of course, needs... to be looked after, i hope everyone does this, look at some ring or earrings, something is not very shiny, you can clean the whole thing yourself, or you can go to a workshop, they will do it for you and tell you how best to do it yourself in the future, usually products are simply washed in a soapy solution, but in the workshop there is a special...
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i left, one might say, by accident, before this incident, i, of course, knew what it was, i saw how it was done since childhood, i watched from hand at the work of a jeweler, but not i thought that someday i could also become involved in this craft of art, you always strive for the highest, to achieve even
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more. and in my opinion there is no limit to perfection in this profession, they are definitely gold, literally gold, i held the ring, touched it, and there were particles of gold left on my hands, they always remain. we are located in the well-known horse park, not far from my place of residence, i come here often, ride a bike, run, free from my main job, time, one might say, a hobby, cycling, running, if first my hobbies were football and the bathhouse, then
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somewhere... it sunk into my soul, and since then i ’ve been riding for 10 years, i’m trying to participate in some amateur competitions, we have a cycling track in the vicinity of zhdanovichi. such a counter racing, very rugged, very interesting, i train there, competitions were held there, now it has calmed down a little, but there are other formats, cycling marathons, one of the last was a cycling marathon, i even have a number left, besides sports, it surrounds me, since everyone in the family is musicians, then...
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a cymbarist, my daughter also studied dulcimer at the beginning of music school, then she began to learn a little about other instruments, guitar, now percussion instruments, and the older children also all went through music, through dulcimers. guitar -
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the eldest son played sports and by the way he brought me into a bicycle, a bicycle. and i got him interested in running, so we exchanged shelters, he liked to run, and i liked to ride, our family relaxes mainly at the dacha, in the village, in the village there is a house, nearby there are beautiful rivers, the neman and the sula, we like to swim and relax swim actively. sometimes mushrooms, if it’s already such a season that you can simply mow mushrooms with a scythe, well then mushrooms, dad is a jeweler, my daughter, when she was younger, about 10 years old, said, dad, how good it is that you’re a jeweler, with a hint that
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i’ll have here here here, and then, when she grew up, she chooses her own jewelry, and if i had in mind, for example, some kind of gift, then she suggested: what would she want, although if i do something, what interests me , then she likes it too, for me happiness is when everyone is healthy, when the children are healthy, when my family is healthy, when my friends are healthy, when everyone around me is healthy, this, perhaps, can be combined into the concept of what happiness means to me and change in life. well, move, move, develop, live, continue, so that there are even more, maybe some hobbies, develop those that exist,
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support, i am happy with what i have, with the opportunities that are open.
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in the braslav region, the sky is blue like the early sky, which is right in the racing forest, at the beginning of the evil dawns, creatures and light, and knowledge fall besses, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, smiling at the suns.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan salei prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league, and finally, mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation, beating mazaryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this quiz.
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poleshuks knew their region, their lands well, used them well in their lives, and mine my favorite pastime was to take a holey cat and walk like this through the grass and small crucian carp fell in there, i don’t know very well about the kashtouna people’s practices and they came out, the bee - this is my, this is my whole life with the bee, i’ve been since childhood, since childhood, i am a beekeeper, i live with a bee, there is not enough meat, which means two wild boars.
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