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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:36pm MSK

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i was bought at first at one price, then i bought a little more at another, at first it was very difficult with wood, then i don’t know for what reason it went up even more in price, almost reaching 300 rubles. the situation has changed thanks to the decree that you can take preferential timber for construction, that is , the difference, you feel there are 200-300 rubles and 70 rubles. this is a very big difference, wood with a profitability of 5% is the law for alishhozes, but for the population it is a gift, the contract is concluded if there are documents for the land plot and project estimate. from the moment of application until the purchase of wood is on average a month. for housing construction, for example, up to 70 cubic meters are provided. the volumes depend on the project itself. in case of renovation, housing or farm buildings, timber is offered up to 10 cubic meters. and, it would seem, the mathematics is simple, bonuses without pitfalls, but here too there were those who. screwed up the wood, if the stingy one
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pays twice, the cunning one will have to x3, such multiple fines are provided for inappropriate use, and so that the reduced cost of industrial wood does not equal low responsibility, the state control committee got involved, inspections and on-site monitoring were carried out in all regions, for example, in the mogilev region , about 700 people took advantage of the benefit, the control raid covered 95% of households. the owner of this stylish aframe, as shalash calls the triangular house, used all 30 cubes, a wooden fence, an aspen bathhouse, a terrace, the owner’s approach is correct. in addition to the employees of the state control committee, the financial police, the rural executive committee were involved, there were reasons for the leash. very few violations or misuse were identified, this is less than one percent of the people who applied; there were two cases. when
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people took on their land plots, on their real estate, gave it to relatives, there were cases when three people took, as it were , commercial wood for repairs, used it for firewood, which is unlikely, most likely they were used for other purposes, we established in in 2023, a new line, which allowed us to increase the volume of products and, accordingly... the volume processed wood. the wood processing workshop is being modernized, making money by exporting to china and turkey, azerbaijan, uzbekistan, but belarus is allowed to save a lot of money; 100 cubic meters of lumber are sold monthly. if we take the entire timber cost, then most of the applications for construction we accept, of course, are for round timber, this is both for construction and for the restoration of burnt or destroyed buildings, as well as for construction. repair and improvement
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of areas, according to this decree, wood is allocated on ready terms, the price for this timber in belniki forest ranges from 40 to 72 rubles, which is about 2 and a half times lower than the market value, hence the demand, if last year 59 preferential applications were received, this year the same number in just five months, people want to build, but not everyone knows about caring government innovations. it turned out that among our leaders who applied for preferential timber, these are residents of babruisk and babruisk district, understandably, yes, but here, for example, mogilev and mogilev district, the number of applicants almost two times less, i think, most likely the issue here is precisely in the explanatory work of advertising, in some areas, for example, krichiv, klimovich, in general people did not apply for such wood, then i also think that these are specifically minor shortcomings in in some places, there are enough resources for liskhozero and the executive committees to be a little more active. so to speak, the people, the people
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will naturally be interested in such suitable conditions, such attractive opportunities to obtain high-quality and inexpensive timber. litchansky village council is bad does not suffer from information, there are 3,500 local residents, 30 settlements, plus 28 gardening associations. five applications are already in progress, but the vitevsky district is still in anticipation.
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and the neighbors are catching up, using the example of the neighboring house, that the neighbors bought the house and saw how beautiful it was, they also want one nearby, not stone, not brick, just wood, our tree, which smells like home. we are moving to the neighboring beshenkovichi district, the village of malye pavloviche, this plot was bought through an auction by evgeniy simashko, a resident of vitebsk with many children, now, next door to his daughter and granddaughter, the man was told how to cut his expenses, the process has begun, well, probably spend his retirement here, to be honest, you come here for the weekend and you no longer want to leave here for the city. i'd like some advice, i'm glad because i 'm building for the first time, i've never done this before, when i started it was all very, very scary, going into the forest, hauling timber, i didn't even know how to do it, but it just turned out to be everything quite simple and fast. in total, last year
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the local forestry department received about 40 requests for 500 preferential cubic meters, izodorenki worked without a hitch. the customer says: i need this diameter, i need this length, i need... this kind of wood, accordingly we harvest, sort and offer him what he needs, also to individuals who take wood from us for construction and for repairs, we we also offer lumber, well , it’s always more profitable to buy from the forestry farm, because we are the first producer, the forest is cut down, but the chips still fly, in cases where industrial wood is released for construction in rural areas, for lishozes the tax cost is reduced by 90%, not everyone knows, it was also established that the forestry enterprises did not reduce the cost of timber, they were sold to citizens with a reduction in the tax cost, as provided for by law, the full cost was paid to the budget, recalculations were made only two forestry enterprises of the vitebsk region, after our
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intervention they all made a recalculation and they were credited more than 3,000 rubles. in order to exclude the gray turnover of commercial timber, it... where our citizens live, such they were not able to purchase at a reduced price, for the reason that the forest fund holder turned out to be a legal entity not subordinate to the ministry of forestry; we have such legal entities under the jurisdiction of the presidential administration, the national
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academy of sciences of belarus, and the ministry of education. for example, in the vitebsk region, residents of the braslovsky district purchased wood at full price from the braslov lake national park. even we have identified the fact that a citizen, in order to take advantage of the right to purchase at a cheaper price, acquired in the verkhnedvinsk forestry. complex logistics of 130 km and additional delivery costs, and even in such conditions, preferential timber turned out to be more profitable than own. this is far from the only case, some go to neighboring districts, others exchange forests of problems for other materials. i would immediately like to build, of course, a wooden one, but due to the high cost of wood in the national park they decided to build a block house, i would, of course, like to build another one in the future some small bathhouse, because they chose a plot in the countryside in a picturesque place, i only have the foundation poured,
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of course, i would like to get preferential timber, for a block house you also need wood, on social networks you watch videos of friends who buy preferential timber and how... it’s a little unfair that we live in the same belarus, in the same country, it turns out that we have different prices for wood, in the fall of the twentieth year my husband erected walls from a gas silicate block, and accordingly the matter it came to the roof, the roof turns out to be a rafter system, it’s all wood, they started calling, monitoring, every penny counts, in the end we didn’t buy it in the braslov region, it was very expensive for us, they found it in the dissinsky reskhoz, then we got it it was... about a thousand, let's say, belarusian rubles with delivery cheaper than buying here, people contact me as if they don’t understand why all the districts have such benefits, and why in our country we are like the braslov district, which occupies the entire territory of a national park , the forest fund turns out, we are the only holders of the forest fund, and
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unfortunately we do not have a preferential price for wood, if we are given the same conditions, then we are also ready to work like that, we have an estimated forest clearing, but not very large 6100 for the main use, as it were we can do it without any problem. role in the construction of wooden housing construction, today this
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is truly our belarusian resource, this is our ecological building material, and the fact that it is not used enough can be seen, so we continue we continue to move in this direction, the ministry of forestry has essentially opened a retail chain called forest house, today there are 16 retail outlets that are located throughout the country, from the usual board and abc. to a finished bathhouse and a summer house, all this with a minimal premium; moreover, preferential lending has recently been opened for wooden log houses at 4% for 3 years, which means your own home is not a dream, but already a reality.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. this week, the vinchanka volleyball team formalized its the eleventh championship, for olga polchevskaya - this is the first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1. the final score of the return match is 2120 in favor of the gomel handball players. let's look at the most interesting things. people in minsk alone, tens of thousands more in 15 countries around the world, a total of 189 thousand people were united by the international half marathon. the strongest team of the continent at the european youth wrestling championship was the belarusian women's team, as a result the belarusians seven medals, three of which are gold. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. minsk, as i have already said, has a very high-quality back line. a couple of foreign players, namely defenders, who really make the whole game. all
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this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. at that very second, the merchant decided to praise the gods on the nearby island; he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded the city of bereski. and we set off on an exciting journey, he, like a magician, controls light, stifles lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day, constant like the sun and the moon, you are entitled to a vacation or you have a double to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger, who she is is still unknown, the locals call her the patroness. towns, behind the walls of which these ruins remain, issues of national
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importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy church from everywhere trinity. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program "cities of belarus" on tv channel belarus 20. selection from latin means selection, the process that man has been engaged in for thousands of years, when he stopped eating everything , began to leave part of the collected material on... and left small animals for breeding, from this selection has begun,
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selection has begun, so selection has gone big a centuries-old path from collecting seeds, various plants, but the present time, when it has taken shape as a science, significant, essential for human life, my name is... sergei khaletsky. i am a leading scientific employee of the osa laboratory, a scientific and practical center for agriculture of the national academy of sciences of belarus. the scientists of our center have been working for almost 100 years. make a significant contribution to the development of agriculture in our country,
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scientific and practical center for agriculture. historically took place in 1927, when based on the unification of disparate territorial-regional experimental stations, research institutes and laboratories of various profiles , the belarusian institute of agriculture and forestry was created , the development of agricultural science was underway, which contributed to the intensification of agricultural production...
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because behind us are the producers of agricultural products, behind us is the keenness livestock farming, we have little food and meat, we have bread, what we grow up, what sartas we grow up, these will be cultivated agricultural producers, and our food security depends on them,
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our exports depend on them, thousands, even millions of people depend on them. entered the belarusian agricultural academy, although the teacher of physical education, one of my favorite subjects, was always agitating to enter a military school, and lagged behind, but i am a biologist, i cannot explain this, in the eightieth year i was assigned at the request of the institute here to the center, undoubtedly
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i should be, as we say, a love of one's culture.
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had many years of experience, when creating varieties of their propagation, the scientifically practical center for agriculture has at its disposal more than 1500 hectares of land, leveled ones are selected... in order to perform all these operations and produce seeds, we have a production site. in the field we did individual selection of panicles,
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oats, this takes place in the summer, then we prepare the seed material, from autumn to spring until planting, we thresh the panicles on a stump thresher and evaluate them. breeding material for at the initial stage of selection, from 5 to 10 thousand panicles are threshed, the best samples that we selected are in these bags, those that did not suit us, we discard them, from such bags we pour cassettes, then we place these cassettes on these are the plates, then we place them uh...
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for resistance to unfavorable factors, as an opportunity to realize oneself on various nutritional backgrounds, in this case the offspring of winter wheat are represented, which operates on the territory of our scientific institutions... growing breeding material of experimental
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samples allows us to obtain an additional two harvests per year, that is, one in natural conditions - field and two artificial ones within the framework of this fetotronic-cyclic complex. here you can see samples of leguminous crops, propagation of original plants, as well as hybridization, in which artificial pollination occurs between two parent forms, and this allows us to obtain a certain amount of variability, that is, the original hybrid material, which in the future we will further multiply. we accelerate the selection process, the greenhouse complex operates 24 hours a day, there are ground greenhouses, as well as... growing in
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vessels for special research. growing crops in the conditions of a setotron-greenhouse complex allows you to regulate the color regime, lighting duration, use a certain soil with certain acidity indicators, nutrient content and obtain seed material. in this case, the teeing ends flax and the formation of heads, at the same time certain crops are already harvested.
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the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, since with an increase in yield in some cases there is a dilution and a decrease in the amount of nutrients. checking the quality of manufactured products. here is one scientist, there is no such thing as one breeder, there is the concept of a team of professionals, we come to the aid of breeders, technologists and all researchers who work in our center. the present moment is our scientific
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an employee isolates dna from parental barley plants, we, together with breeders, are trying to obtain samples that will have a low content of fetic acid, its salts and fetates. if we manage to bring this work to the point of obtaining a variety, it will be a unique variety that will not exist throughout the cis in europe. the biotechnology laboratory has a variety of equipment that allows us to determine the quality indicators of the varieties being created. here we carry out very subtle analyzes of the chemical composition with using gas liquid chromatography methods to determine those substances whose concentration in our
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sample is very, very small. in rapeseed, for example, we control such a trait as the absence of rucic acid in the oil, because until recently rapeseed was not a food crop, only thanks to the efforts of our breeders, new ultra-modern varieties appeared, because few people know, but rapeseed oil is very close in fatty acid composition acids to olive oil, and although we don’t have our own olives in belarus, we have we have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed.
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before the test baking stage, that is , before submitting the variety to the state variety testing system, the breeder at all stages rejects their material not only in terms of chemical composition, but in terms of technological quality indicators. the baking strength of the flour is now determined. assessment of the baking qualities of wheat varieties is carried out not only by technological properties, but also organoletic properties are assessed, such as taste, color of bread, shape crust, very tasty, the smell is pleasant, and you can feel the difference between the samples.
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belarus in agriculture, this unique scientific object is a national treasure of the republic of belarus. this facility was put into operation in 2015. since 2000 , our institute has been actively
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working on the state program of plant genetic resources. collection samples are studied and seeds are concentrated in ours. in general, the gene bank contains more than 53,000 collection specimens; the specimens are unique, because the world’s the gene pool, the gene pool of our belarusian scientists, which is the basis of our collection, we can use it for exchange with other countries, and of course, we transfer everything to our breeders, three types of conditions have been created here: conservation of plant resources - this is long-term, medium-term and short-term seed storage . we are in the chamber
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where the active collection of our gentbank is stored; collection samples are stored at a temperature of 0 +. 3°, this collection is intended for exchange and for active use by our breeders. the collection vraziya is preserved for 15 years, does not require reseeding and the collection, about 15,000 collection specimens, is stored in this chamber in this storage. samples are registered under a certain number, coded, they... are entered into a database, where each sample has its own place, its own rack, its own shelf, so it is easy and simple for every employee of our gene bank to find this or that sample.
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this material is the basis for breeding activities for most crops cultivated in the country. it is from there that we get those signs that we... need, which nature has formed over centuries. but there is long-term preservation, this is a basic collection, which provides for the storage of a collection item for up to 40 years. this is the golden fund of our gene bank. the basic collection is preserved in this form; it is vacuum- packed, seeds that are stored for 40 years. you will see a number.
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undoubtedly, over the long period of operation of the institute about the subsequent scientific and practical center, there was an accumulation of material, this was the improvement of tools production, this is the development of methods, these are all signs of attention to scientists, we are. scientific and practical center of the national academy of sciences of belarus for agriculture. the opening of our museum took place in 2013 on the eve of the day of belarusian science. this project has collected a large amount of unique archival photographic materials that tell about our people.


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