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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 8, 2024 11:25pm-12:15am MSK

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so, yeah, two, four, six, two, four, five trucks. what kind of t98 combo is this? this is an armored car, okay, it’s a russian armored car transporting bananas in the ecuadorian steppes. look, he was late at work a couple of times, don't talk nonsense. that's it, sorry, denis, i'm here,
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bye, bye, hi, hi, tired, terrible, hungry, scared, i'll go wash up.
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m, let's talk, and you about the anniversary, everyone will be there, everyone has confirmed, no, i'm not talking about that, you're talking about the house, i'm hoping for a bonus, if everything works out, then at the end of the month we'll go see your dream, denis, i’m not talking about the house, i’m talking about us. is something happening, has something changed? no, what are you saying, are we okay? kiss me, alish, i'm sorry, i can't turn off my head, i'm sorry. there is a blockage at work,
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they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city life.
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in our country this is a very large-scale event, where people from the regions come, that is, indeed for young designers this is the only, perhaps even...
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yeah, our client! do you like working for us? do you like it, do you like the salary? yaklad, i like it, well, if you like i like everything, why did you bother with the documents then? i thought you and i understood each other,
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why did you need reports on cargo transportation? i submitted a request for reports. at the beginning of the month, and the fact that they were sent after our conversation was just a coincidence, that’s all, okay, but for the future, first ask me, and then do something, understand? yes, i understand.
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“kovrov denis sergeevich, yes, i, you will need to come with us, where, so it is necessary, let’s go, wait, where are you taking me, let’s go, come in. drug control committee, excuse me, the investigative committee lied, sit down,
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well, what did you manage to find out? having compared the company's financial documents, i discovered that the warehouse was... possibly with drugs, if i'm right, then the warehouse powder from the armored car was packed in a box with bananas, from there the cargo was sent by sea to finland, and only then the container on a tractor went to customs in pskov. then the truck with bananas went to your company's warehouse? exactly, is this the truck that was stolen? the fact of the matter is that no, they have been scattered here for a long time among clients, this is new, in other words,
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in at least two cases drugs were transported. tell me, denis, what happens when bananas reach a warehouse in moscow, i receive a flash drive from... george with the addresses of buyers, these are front companies with temporary addresses, i order transport and inform the warehouse, that’s all. is it possible to get information from a flash drive at the moment the cargo arrives, we would try to identify the buyers, i think it wouldn’t be difficult to organize, you’re wrong to think so, what’s this? “this is your georgy, he has been following you for a long time, how noisy you were in your
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investigation, and what to do now, now you need to die, die like you die, but you have a choice, die for real at the hands of your accomplices"? george, or fictitiously, having given us official testimony, hide under someone else's appearance. wait, what about my family? now you you risk not only yourself, but them too, you will die, you will see them from the threat, how much time do i have to think? yes , consider that you don’t have time, denis, be careful, keep it, this is for communication
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with me, yeah. , nothing, no, marusya, found, no, it doesn’t show up on the internet either, phone. unavailable, when was the last time you talked to her, i didn’t understand anything on the phone, in the afternoon at lunchtime, she said she was going home, she needs to call the police, oh well, maybe her phone just died, i’m calling the police, you think something- it’s serious, but i don’t know, what do you even know, you’re almost not at home, arish, now the most important thing is to find marusya. mom, i’m home, marus, marus, lord, my god,
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where were you, i was injured, i was walking down the street, some crazy person pushed me, come on in, yeah, come on, there was a long line in the injury, they said it was a sprain , why you are not i called, yes, the phone was dead, well, i told you, you should have asked someone, i really wanted to, sit down. but i forgot all the numbers, did i push you? promise that you will come on, marusenka, you really don’t remember who is more careful, but i’m careful, i promise, well, since the panic has subsided, arseny, wait, well again, i need to talk to you, let’s go, what hurts a little? what's going on with your exams? yes, everything is fine, right? if you fail the session, this is
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the army. fine? fine. i will serve my homeland and become a real man. the real ones are the ones who is responsible not only for himself, but for his women, for his family. you have to take care of your sister and mother, do you understand me? dad, somehow you don’t really care, you care about your mom, but marusya has such a character that she is the one she wants to take care of, arseny, i want you not to leave your mom and sister at a difficult moment, you can promise me that, well, yes, i can do that, thank you, okay, i’ll go, dad, yes, go, of course, yeah. yes,
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i’m sure that your daughter was pushed under the wheels by georgiy’s man, this is a warning, you are foolish, tomorrow you will die, not tomorrow i won’t i can, no, no, no. come on, in 3 days, can you hear yourself, 3 days, 3 whole days of danger for your entire family, through. we have a wedding anniversary in 2 days, 20 years, my wife has been preparing for it for six months, i can’t offend her, you ’ll offend her anyway, but everyone will be safe and sound, listen, give me 3 days, i’ll be careful,
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3 days, okay , but we’ll be there... “you, i’m sorry that i made a noise at you last time, i’ve been in this business for so many years, i understand something, you’re the one who realized me, i understand, it means, well, it's valuable, great." denis,
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denis, to the pub, sent the children to the cinema, so it’s our evening, oh, what kind of holiday? holiday of disobedience, remember how in the eleventh grade we ran away from the control movies? well, how can you remember this? of course i don't remember. that's when you kissed me for the first time, by the way, i love you.
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well, how do you like it, it’s beautiful, yes, yes, i also want, you know, to order some balloons there, white, blue, and i want a flower arrangement for the tables, i’m glad that you didn’t cancel the holiday, you know, somehow there was no reason, yes, there really is no reason, really, denis, so attentive, but i also want to ask them what options there are with tablecloths. tanya, what are you doing, tanya, do you think my life is a fairy tale, abroad, cars, clothes, yes, vitya has a lot of money, but i’m not made of iron either, i also want love, he has someone again,
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he always has there is someone, arina, always, you know, it’s so disgusting. tanya, tanya, leave him, you are so beautiful, you will find some, well, good man who will love only you alone, arina, all the good ones have long been taken away, but i can’t be a beggar, we follow our sports life. country this week, the menchan volleyball player won her eleventh championship for olga polchevskaya - this is the first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1, the final score of the return match was 21:20 in favor of the gomel handball players. we review the most interesting event. 1,500 people in minsk alone,
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tens of thousands more in 15 countries around the world. a total of 189. tv channel belarus 24, to become one of our own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, we as if we had arrived on some kind of sea.
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and a belarusian cowboy. we study the history of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslovskaya volodarka ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i see that your mother is still bothering you, come here, help, please. hold it, uh-huh, oh, carefully, higher, yeah, but at first i thought it was with the neighbors, it would be better to help, go change your sister, come on, come on, you can reach it, yes, certainly. yes, how many carpets do you need to hang one shelf? oh-oh-oh,
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thank you, i want to say a toast, come on guys! you are so wonderful and a role model, vitya won’t let you help but lie, every time we fight at home, i always say, denis would never do that, yes, in general, for you, for another 100 years together, thank you, thank you , be happy, thank you, let's be careful, happiness for you. well, it’s bitter, come on, let’s be bitter, 2, 3, 4, 5,
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6, 7, well done, how’s work going? dug up something criminal, but nothing, complete zero, it looks like i was just wedged out of this situation with the truck, which means everything is fine, georgy is happy, but how can you understand him, well, for you. let's go, dance, yes, yes, let's go, come on,
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well, we had fun yesterday, thank you, good. a new batch has arrived, uh-huh, today's point, uh-huh, now i'll order transport, here you go, uh-huh.
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yes, georgy nikolaevich, the carpet issue needs to be resolved today. got it, we'll do it.
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hello, arish, hi, i just missed you, well , come quickly, thank you, i have a surprise for you, hmm, pleasant, well, i hope, well ok, well, bye, bye, kiss.
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hello, yeah, what? “we will be walking for a long time, now i will invite relatives to identify personal things, but we were told that the identification will be like this, absolutely true, but the case has suffered greatly, so you will identify personal things, no, i
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have to see him.” show me, please, this is impossible, i repeat, your husband suffered very much, i ask you, show me, please, i need to see him, vitya, do something, let's resolve the issue, how much, remove him immediately, please, i really appreciate you please, please show me the body, i really beg you, i need to look at it, hear, it’s impossible, mom, please, also don’t understand, wait, mom, let’s see things, maybe they’re not even his, please, no, no, no, sorry, entry is only for relatives, smart guy, we’ll also order a dna examination, that’s your right.
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do you recognize the ring? arsyusha, this is daddy's ring. please take a look at the rest of the things. yes, these are things, denis. but i think that's all. my condolences. no, i, i don't believe it. maybe something stronger coffee will do just fine, like marisha, but
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she’s holding on, the children are helping her. if i had known that this would happen, i would never have agreed to it. denis, pull yourself together, pull yourself together. you understand that you really could have been lying there, and it wouldn’t have made it any easier for your wife. denis, remember how hard it was for us to put an employee behind the wheel of your car at the last moment. i understand, i understand everything, you still feel like a bastard, this is
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the news, denis, come in, you are dealing with ecuadorians, or interpol, we are in contact with the local police, it worked quite well, thank you, clear. is this what i will look like? like? but not very. what are you rich in? by the way, we will also change the voice, but not the eyes. will you wear contact lenses? well, are you ready? well, come on, say goodbye to denis kovrov.
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are you that worried? i don’t know, it’s somehow strange, nothing has changed inside, well, hello, igor frolov, that’s how it is. rodenta from st. petersburg, after college, he worked for a long time in a state office, at the moment he was transferred to a unit in the urals, it seems to me that with your experience you will easily master a new job, there will be no problems with this, but in general, read, remember,
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passport, insurance, license, everything is there, wait, where is mine, the real one, your real one? remained in the past, we will have it for now, okay, then what? i don’t know, take a walk around the city, sit in a cafe, but remember that you have a plane in the evening, this is the first day of your new life, you need to live it.
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i am belarusian, i am happy on this cossack land, between the woods and the bushes of centuries past. i am belarusian, i am a belarusian, because i call
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this name, and i know the good glory of belarus in the world for nothing, i am a belarusian, and i am happy that macimov gave me, because native songs i feel the rains and the closeness from a distance, i am belarusian, and even though the present day is too small, but i will say, i will be born from a tribe of non-pakornayas, and i will never... get rid of it. at first glance, it may seem that intelligence and erudition are far from sports, but we will prove that this is not at all the case. hello everyone, my name is gennady vaitovich, the intellectual and sports show “ head game” is on air. today
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sports fans will be playing with their heads in our studio, let’s get acquainted with the participants: oleg zatovka, the city of volkovysk, has 15 years of work in the ministry of emergency situations, loves his profession and, of course, sport, since it is an integral part of the life of a rescuer. at one time he played in the svistich football club in the second league of the belarusian championship, and was also the captain of the amateur hockey team. city of minsk, candidate of historical sciences, winner of a presidential scholarship and an award from a special presidential fund, as well as a passionate lover of sports and a healthy lifestyle, prefers football and running, participant in numerous races, including the minsk half marathon, is sure that high achievement sports is first of all the game head and andrey.
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and professional education and experience in the field of sports, do you think this will help you today? yes, of course, i believe that this will help and will be one of the main factors in my, i hope, success. well, our participants are motivated to win, friends, i wish you good luck, i remind you that there are four periods of the game ahead of us, during which i will ask you different questions from the world of sports, for correct answers you will earn points for...
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and the chief referee will resort to video replay. the correct answer is 5 points. wrong the answer is minus 5 points. the period lasts 4 minutes. in which athletics discipline is running prohibited? andrey, pushing, no, this is the wrong answer, the correct answer is more obvious, it’s right there in the rules, you can’t run, my friends, this is race walking, let’s continue, what object
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is used to designate the captain of a football team, oleg, captain’s armband, captain’s armband , everything is okay here. and activity woke up, great, let’s continue, what does the abbreviation pfht stand for? andrey, bfht, belarusian federation need an answer. i am forced to resort to sanctions, but can you give me a quick answer, t or d? p, f. ht. are there any options, friends? arthur. belarusian field hockey federation. field hockey. absolutely right. arthur, first five points. well, andrey, for now we’re only looking at the negatives. we will improve. let's continue. what sports tournament was founded by the french teacher
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pierre de cupertin? andrey. olympic games. olympic games. now everything is correct, they have corrected themselves. the first competition has passed. in athens in 1896. who won the italian cup football in 2023? in the questionnaires , everyone indicated that we were excellent at football. now we'll find out. inter won the italian cup in 2023, my friends defeated fiorentina in the final with a score of 2:1. let's continue. which volleyball club represents belarus in the russian super league? arthur was the first, viennese, we are talking about men's teams, correct yourself, correct yourself quickly, builder, this is the wrong answer, andrey was second, i thought a builder, but then, well, well
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, arthur already, arthur, in general, already opened for you are all dear, if not a builder, then essentially remains. one team, a contender for participation in such a major tournament. oleg, miner, miner, absolutely right, greco-roman or freestyle wrestling? what are the rules for women's competitions? oleg, freestyle wrestling, freestyle wrestling, absolutely right, women's wrestling is carried out according to the rules of freestyle wrestling. andrey, this is a spear, this is a spear, that’s right. what sports game did the crocodile gena from the famous soviet cartoon like to play? let's remember the classics. every evening, when i come home, i have an option,
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i’m afraid to make a mistake. he played this game with himself because he had... of his qualifying round, where he lost to the goal. my friends, this is the end of the first period, let’s sum it up. as we can see, oleg is jumping ahead, but andrey somehow stalled a little at the start, two wrong answers at the very
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beginning, andrey, what is the reason, the starting excitement had a little effect, so he got a little nervous and gave the wrong answer. but then they seemed to level out, i hope that further there will be only correct answers, yes, i hope so too. arthur is still behind, not very active yet, what is the reason? i’ve been harnessing for a long time, i’m going fast, let’s hope that i’ll still have time to catch up, but harness up faster, please, oleg, in general, for now i can say that everything is great, keep the same pace. it will be great, yes, thank you very much, well, we move on to the second period. players select a question topic from the list provided. in addition, each participant has several cards. with which you can get the right answer the question first: to temporarily suspend an opponent from the game or change the chosen topic, the player who is
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the fastest to turn on the lamp on his gaming stand answers. the correct answer is five points, the wrong answer is minus 5 points, the period lasts 5 minutes. second period, friends, the topics are in front of you, let's start with andrey. theme: sports and cinema theme. sports and cinema are not the most obvious option to start with, but let's try. so, pay attention, in 2020, the netflix platform released a series about this sport, called the queen's move. about what what kind of sport are you talking about? andrey, this is chess. this is chess. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. eh, great activity at the beginning of the second period, why keep it up? arthur, topic. belarus. belarus. and i'm the first. accept. name the sports complex in minsk that hosted the fed cup final between the national teams of belarus and the usa in 2017. tyazhovka arena. chezhovka arena. absolutely true, this is the correct answer.
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oleg, let's come to you. subject. let's start with hockey. rest and i'll go first. who's on vacation? oleg. in my opinion, arthur was the first to raise "get some rest" card, so his card works. oleg, the topic is hockey, but without you. which country's team won the world hockey championship in 2023? arthur, canada, canada, absolutely right, beat germany in the final with a score of 5:2. let's return to andrey, the topic, the topic is football, the topic is football, and i am the first, what is the name of the bundesliga trophy, and the silver salad bowl, the silver salad bowl, that's right, i was the first from andrey, so he answers, the silver salad bowl is the correct answer , the next five. arthur, uh, olympics. olympics. my friends, try to remember
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in what year all of humanity solemnly celebrated the centenary of the olympic movement. arthur. andrey, andrey, i'm sorry. e, 1996. unfortunately, this is the wrong answer. why? and i'll tell you very soon. maybe we have options. from the other participants, there are no options, the fact is that the centenary anniversary is celebrated not from the day of the first olympic games, but from the day of the formation of the international olympic committee, and its formation took place 2 years before the olympics, so we celebrate the centenary celebrated in 1994, here is such a question, let’s say, with a trick, and arthur chose the topic, if i’m not mistaken, yes, now it’s oleg’s turn, it will interfere. how many times has the belarusian national team for let's continue hockey, i'm the first, no one else in hockey, taken part in the olympic games?
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oleg, twice. unfortunately, oleg, this is the wrong answer. three times. nagana 98, the famous salt lake city 2002 and vancouver 2010. andrey, topic. sports and cinema. we change the topic, arthur didn’t like it, another topic, let’s go belarus, let’s go belarus.


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