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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 9, 2024 3:25am-4:50am MSK

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something else helps us, and come on, oops, oops, you see, you see, you see, that’s it, it’s clear, everyone is charged today, the teams, you really show a very good result, if only in an extreme situation a superpower wakes up, it will help you in the next test, the element of earth, how about a quest in a dark dungeon? kilometers of intricate labyrinths, oppressive space and messages in bottles, time does not like to be wasted, act quickly, loading the next test, chosen against the elements of the earth. you are looking for crystals
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going to the underworld. the player must reach the main crystal in 3 and a half minutes and pick it up. to do this, you need to get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass a key through the pipeline and open the vendshaft with it. make your way through it, called muddy sands, end up at the vault to open the door to it, don’t miss the clues with numbers along the way. their sum is the code from. castle, you need to bypass the laser traps more than three times, don’t get caught in them, take the main crystal, run with all your might, you need to get out behind one and a half minutes, i wish you good luck, arak from the dragon team is already at the start of the earth element test, at the command post sapphira and spiro will guide him along the confusing roads, find all the clues. denis has a chance to show himself
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how fast he is, how team -oriented he is, and to prove that we can overcome this stage to earn such important crystals for us, which will then help him at the finish line to be higher, at least one, at least two steps, than ... our friends from the other team, round bold dots, this is ours hints, you see the view of the sphere, where they are, on this map you see where they are in height, there is the head, waist level, at floor level, it may be difficult in the air duct, yes, that is, to understand at what level it is inside the air duct, or when he jumps, he will be under it, with sand , take a closer look when he enters the room, we look at the time, or he goes to the main...
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segment there are supports of stiffening ribs, these are these structural ones where along the walls of this pipe i tell you i will command the first segment there second segment third fourth understood everything understood look at the inner part where the laser is also divided into three segments that we had at the beginning of the fan understood well everything in principle i will command you.
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the end of the third segment on the right hand, the place of the third segment on the right hand, excellent. the third segment is the right hand, where approximately, this is how it turns out in the area, i am in the third segment, now i understand, this is how it turns out in the third segment in the area, wait, it doesn’t match, where, where, where, in my opinion, in the area legs, but look, in my opinion, yes, wait, i don't
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i see, on the side, so found, found, found, found, found, 9, 6, 7, 9, 6, 7. yes, further, in the ventilation shaft, he will be at the end of the ventilation shaft, don’t jump right away, he will be there in at the very end, got it, one, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, yes. it is exactly in the center, exactly in the center, exactly in the center in the area of ​​​​the legs, yes, which part, where, exactly in the middle, on the right
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hand, found 9 8 7, 2, 0. seven se, quickly immediately, immediately behind the crystal, carefully , just behind the crystal, you have a minute left, below, concentrate. which one, second, second, come on, come on, faster, faster, 30 seconds, where are you, you can’t see him, so what?
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he wasn’t even visible, everything is fine, everything is fine, for which you apologize, everything is fine, well done, well done, everything is fine, in principle, i found everything quickly, yes. i really didn’t see it at the end, i look, at my level it’s there, above my head, i look, it’s not there anywhere, let’s see how our rivals go, well, 100 again, 25, okay, that’s normal, the same time, well, we have to it was just to be a little more careful, i tried, i’m just like james bond, only it looks
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a little bit, okay, let’s, let’s, 2, 3, 4, 5, it wasn’t easy, time is running out for you and you need to do it faster and not get caught, the first time it’s red, the second time it’s red, i was already starting to worry, i looked above me and didn’t see any lasers, i thought that i could easily get up, i didn’t even understand where i came across the laser, it was a shame that almost before the crystal i already had it, we’ll definitely win back, believe in the best and rely on ourselves. these projects are right here in the land of belarus, we are in the most beautiful place
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in belarus, the stolin region, here we have good track work, hardworking, persistent given goals.
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and have a great mood. dobroya ranitsa belarus. on the air of the tv channel belarus 24, the program “good morning belarus”. my name is svetlana barovskaya. how pretty you are. can i pet them? oh, what flowering trees, these are cherries, a new athlete is probably sneaking up on you, meeting amazing people, anatoly leonidovich, hello guys, hello, let's continue the lesson, oh, how big and beautiful you are, what a beauty, and many more useful and interesting things information, it was installed precisely in memory of the tank crews, who gave their lives in july of forty-one, one might say, becoming a shield and sword here during the tank battle. a brass band is a very difficult genre, it’s not
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amazing that you keep this orchestra, someone leaves, comes, i love passionate people, now the club of folklore lovers is on stage, if you remember, we met this group at the slavic bazaar dance tournament, say: mom, i don’t wander around the streets, i’m vonatoly, so i want to say, this is the third generation, look, every day we work on so that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find new ones. a place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth watching, as well as
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suggesting projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . the wizards team decided to send yuna to the dungeon and accompany her will be goodwin and merlin, they are in the command post. we will find out in just a couple of minutes how many crystals will appear in the team’s treasury. so i don’t understand anything yet, look, this is the windy one,
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in my opinion, yes, that’s where the pipe rises, this is it, this is from above, this is on the right, this is on the left, this is on the side, where on the right, this is where there is such a small protrusion, yes, that’s where it starts, this is one of the most difficult stages for coordination and intelligence, the most important thing here is your coherence as a team, be very careful. because it depends on how karina will go through this stage, all attention, yes to the screen, give clear instructions, where she goes, where she turns, where she looks for a clue, here our task is to take at least one crystal, okay, that’s it, i wish you good luck, we’ll do everything , come on, karina, come on, yes, the tapes will talk about. yeah, there i’ll say,
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well, the middle, the end, the beginning, like that, yeah, then you go down into the hatch, the box, let’s call it the box, if the bottom box, then it’s at the bottom, that’s where the pieces of iron are, yes, yes, yes, when you get out, there is this field to you were guided, yeah, and the numbers, you tell me the numbers, i’ll repeat them to you, yes, okay, let’s go... come on, good luck, everything is fine, one will be at the beginning of almost the wind blower. take it in parallel with the key, go at
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the beginning approximately at approximately at the beginning here approximately where you are now. look from above, i found, found, 3, 1, 4, 314, time 2:40. that's all for now, go calmly 241 314 314 everything go down or it will be in a box below or under ventilation or ventilation for sure definitely
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not a grille it's ventilation or under ventilation, crawl and climb, no, no, no, there, get up, get up, no , up, up, up, karin, 2 minutes, calm, leg is stuck, calm, calm, get up, one leg, two legs, that's it, crawl, look around just in case, hook. hook, hook, that's it, jump off carefully , secure yourself with your hands, look under the ventilation, a minute and a half, from above, look , from above, no, not there at all, in general, are you sure that she is here somewhere, yes, she should be there -look, there
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should be some black beams on top, on top, well, there, look what's around them? no longer, seriously, minute 6 8 9 6 8 9 314 6 8 9 the next one right next to the door should be 3 4 8 6 6 8 9 5 6 9 so 314 + 600 5 6 9 - this is - 11 02 plus three 500 and 500. did you remember the number i just said? thousand, thousand, 1.120, time is up, everything is fine, koset, why
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didn’t you remember the numbers, 31 4 the second number, what was it, karin, our joint, fine, you did everything well, our joint, fine, fine, we didn’t we're upset, everything's fine. everything will be fine, where was the first one, the first one is right above the pipe just like that, well that they messed up, that they couldn’t add up three sifras, well , there’s nothing funny, but we still agreed, how we put it together,
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everything is fine. ok, she would have calmly taken this crystal, she would have come out, and the timing is generally perfect, you know, but you couldn’t add up three numbers, all of you hee-hee-ha-ha, that’s what it brings to, well done, congratulations, focus on the next stage , please, because there you also have concentration and team competition, please be attentive, everyone was probably confused when i couldn’t find a clue, somehow i panicked, but for a while... move on, we ’ll recoup later, the secret dungeons
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remained unsolved, in this test there are dragons and... today there’s something completely wrong with the lasers , yes, why fire won’t touch real dragons, you can count on us next, seriously, what kind of statement, dragon? “ come on, let’s inflame everything here, guys, we need to get together, cheer up, because the game is only getting sharper, the next test is ahead,
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the elements of fire, of all the supernatural ones rivals, she is the most hot-tempered, you need to earn her protection in any way, even the most dangerous, dragons, this is our element, show your class, okay, right? justa, we are ready, you will lose, thinking only about yourself, those who will become one with the team will win. test, element of fire. the first players of the fire relay pass through. stones are passed to the second players, the hammer dives into a glass bowl and takes out a valve from it. the second players, having cut through
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the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap, stretch a fire hose through it and fill it water target so that third players can take the crystal out of the flask, and then climb the mast to secure it at the top. whoever goes down first will climb up. tatema's main crystal will bring victory to the team. well, it starts from the dragons team, arax and goodwin from the wizards team. the guys will give us a fire show at the very start, i’m sure. look how they are warming up, there is already a complete show, even without fire, moonwalk, look, performed by dudvin and... of course, we continue on the second section from the team the dragon spiro, uhu, and merlin from
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the wizards team, the guys are also in a good mood, they still have no idea what they will need to do today, they want not only to swim in cube today, but also in vaciach, the young woman from the wizards team will complete the relay , and from the team safira’s dragons, two beautiful ones. despite the injury received in the previous game, he continues to participate in the show. safira admitted to me that she is very worried about the young woman, they are very close friends, but i don’t know how good it is in the final stage at a difficult moment they didn’t will help each other. as they say, from love to hate, one mast, two masts, well, two masts and two crystals, i would also say that, or just a victory in the show hero?
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today we decided to carry out a small rotation in order to change the situation in this lane: denis will run first, in the second stage we have our reliable victor, a lot depends on this participant, well, in the final stage margot is strong, we tried our best with her technique. learn how to lift, i hope this will help her, let's believe in the team, this the most interesting type of competition, guys, i wish you to act as one well-coordinated mechanism and win back the previous loss, collect all the crystals. karina, i hope that you remember all my recommendations and will take them into account when you climb the log. this is a very important point. watch your knee,
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well, guys, they already put on a fire show at the very beginning, look at how they run, how they try, you just need to think about the crystals that you can earn.
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come on, come on, come on, the sweetness must play to our advantage, i really hope that you are medical, look, the teams already have water, no, why? wizards, conjure water for us, maybe it’s broken, maybe yes, i’ve got a fire in my hands, water isn’t flowing, apparently yes, that’s the whole problem, after all, there’s water, it’s already the time when the crystal is already in another command . let's go slowly, safira is in no particular hurry at all, because our match is polish, getting on it is not so easy, what if now yuna takes the crystal and knocks it around, and you think some kind of miracle will happen, that is, you do you think that if the wizard team will somehow help, although in fact it’s not excluded, margot, come on, it’s 100% here, our victory, i’m already
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sure of it, i... keep your hands down, hold your hands down, i’m so worried,
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i i think they are! girls, come on, come on, higher, push off, what a game, stopped, resting why, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, be patient, come on, come on, come on, come on, hands, trying to reach the end, well, just a little bit left , well, crawl over, maybe they ’ll agree on a draw, what kind of draw, what are you talking about?
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safira will probably try again, of course, she has no others, but just sit on it already, oh, it falls again, yours, everything, everything, everything, it seems to me that she, she won’t be able to, it’s evil, i can imagine that everything is clogged up, then you won’t be able to take it off, listen, right with the last of your strength, try, try, i don’t know, come on, that’s it, that’s it, it’s hanging, take it with your strength and let’s have a little bit left, margot, put your hands on it, come on, come on, come on, come on, margot, three dots must maybe there are three points of support, there’s a little bit left, well , just a little bit, be patient, let’s get a little bit, come on, well, there really is just a little bit left, barely, i hung it on my index finger.
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well, in my opinion, the match is over, but for your team, certainly yes, yes, everything remains now, now you need to go down, the third time the afira has fallen, quietly, quietly, hold on, and if you are tired, don’t burn your hands, don’t burn your hands please.
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so many hugs, in general so much joy from both teams, and this is a fantastic four, look at the guys, oh, how they are! we’re happy for the girls, we decided to cool ourselves off, look, we were so worried, that’s it, that’s it, you can exhale, you’re all great, we’re proud of you, bravo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, little girl, come with you.
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i pulled my back for a couple of seconds, caught my breath, then got up, tried again, decided to fight to the end, so i tried, tried, and gave up, irina is no less heroic than me, she is after an injury, so we are two heroines, my rival
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the water begins to flow faster, this flask with the crystal fills up faster, i suddenly panicked, i was very scared, i thought that this stage was really over, but i... that my guys succeeded, the water was filling up quickly, i'm taking this one crystal and quickly, quickly began to climb, we caught up with my rival, apparently i had a little more strength, she fell, her fortitude, well, very strong, she was able to get up , try to go through this stage again, with each of my roars, to get up above the pillar, i felt wildly tired, i realized that my strength was running out... and that i could have fallen like my rival, but i managed to climb first, secured the crystal, climbed down and took this last crystal of ours , i have him, he is with my team now, in this test the dragons are not
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were able to get out of the speckle. native element , the wizards calmed the fire, took two crystals, as i understand it, we know thanks to whom the incredible show is happening here, thank you, let’s pick her up, guys, let’s just heroin, carefully knee injury and throw it, let’s 1 2 3, us if only they had, to be honest, a little magic . just a little bit, but i know that where there are dragons, there are treasures, so let's organize this crystal for our team, well, it's necessary, let's go, dragons, go ahead, yes, hoo, really
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at the beginning we said that you would destroy this arena, but you just blew it up, wow, guys, it's true, wow, i agree, yes, yes, this is a new version of the russian fairy tale about wizards and dragons. yes, this arena has definitely never seen such a show before. right now we are approaching the final test. tower. which of you will make it to the third level of the game? which team will be stronger? let's not get ahead of ourselves and place bets. in our game indeed. anything is possible. teams, are you ready? yes, yusta, we are waiting for activation. the closer the junction, the more serious game. who will stay in the matrix
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of heroes? i announce the final test. tower. this is a decisive test, selected participants start from different heights, casting along a vertical wall with hidden holds.
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that we are one big team today, and this is probably the first time in history. this happens when we all just cheer for our wonderful players, and everyone cheers for everyone, one for all, all for one, such a magical fairy tale is happening today, then we wish good luck to our guys, show super cool guys, good luck! the last final stage for today
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will be run by denis, who is psychologically stable, there is a big load here, so he will try to climb the tower and bring us victory. we have very strong motivation, i worry about both teams, but let the strongest win. hush, hush morgo, otherwise they’ll break my ribs, please forgive me, and i ’ll break your shoulder out of fear, come on, guys, come on, guys, come on, kostya, come on, all the professionals are here, come on, come on, higher, higher , above, let's support, support, support, support, guys.
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turn around, turn around , turn around, turn around , turn around, turn around, come on, come on, come on, come on, great, great, come on, come on, push off, push off.
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still keeps it together, it’s very exciting, it’s like, come here, wow, well done, guys! well done, guys, you are cool, well done, here, here is the movement, at the start i seemed to have already come to terms with the fact that we would be second, the turn of events happened at all. rapidly, at some point denis caught up, walked neck and neck in this corridor and
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then he just makes some incredible throw, literally a hundredth of a second separated, even at the beginning i couldn’t believe it, how it all happened, they themselves don’t believe it, all the emotions even it is impossible to describe what i experienced and what the team experienced, i don’t have enough words to describe what i now... feel, what i think, to be honest, i had very little hope that i would succeed when i was getting ready for the tower, i wasn’t thinking about anything, just about how i could get to the top, we walked level. at the very top i didn’t even understand what happened, we climbed together at the same time , all i had to do was stretch my hand, i feel very much like a hero, i was able to do it, i had enough strength, confidence, the main thing was to just believe in ourselves, we are ready for the final, in everyone
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has a power that he doesn’t know about yet... the third level of the game goes to the dragon team. she will compete with team typhoon for the main prize, the title of heroes. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, hurry up already, even nobugut. congratulations, opening of the season sports. hero, hero, look into his eyes, look. in his eyes, cool, i have your pass in my hands, the finale, hold on, my dragons, dragons love jewelry, yes, yes,
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we watched an incredibly magical game today, this is a game. this will absolutely go down in the history of our show, two teams becoming one. the dragons today, of course, showed that they are not afraid of anything, and are ready to fight to the last, in order, of course, to pass the final of our game. don't miss the main battle of the season, the battle for the title heroes and the main prize from the presidential sports club. this is a game of heroes and it goes on. heroes, they are already next to you, just forward to the heroes, luck, reward, hero, victory is calling, a new day is ahead, boldly
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go towards it and take the first step. without a doubt, this is our finest hour, time has chosen us, don’t miss it, our time, friends are with you and wings behind your back and you just have to take it. now you are a hero, a hero, and is it really next to you, it will only shine for the heroes, luck is a reward, a hero, victory in the air, a hero, and not already next to
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you, only forward the hero, a successful reward, toi, victory will be achieved, they are already next to you, despite the long journey, the outcome of the game can be decided quickly, will the chosen ones be able to become heroes? welcome to the world where everything is real.
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i people, the sirs of the fantastic good land,
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we are holy, such efforts, we will heal the sick land, glory be to the land, our bright name, saved. bolotyrsky union, our beloved, matsi, radima, velshe ours, meladu, our beloved, matsi, for radia, long live. together, husband and wife, we are sheep, relatives, paron, vid
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i love you, i am waiting for you to achieve your goal, lay down the earth. our light is your name, saved the people, the prover union, our beloved mother, homeland, live forever, from the children of affairs, our beloved mother. the border of the ever-living belarus,
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the friendship of the people, the strength of the people, the blessed are the victorious, the glorious ways, since our fear is ever clear. faith may be joyful, holy, layer of earth, our bright name, words of the people, the ancestral union, our beloved mother, our enemies are our fashion. belarus, our beloved mother, without
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a car. this is a panorama, live broadcast, with you let's summarize the main results of saturday, june 8th. the global balance of power is shifting east. the asian century is coming. the task is to expand our relations on this circuit. we will highlight the highlights of the president’s state visit to mongolia and hear the opinions of experts on the prospects for the countries’ work. far arc. the decrepit hegemon raises the stakes for nuclear war. grandfather biden voiced the anglo-saxon plans
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for global escalation. the former head of the austrian foreign ministry also did this. sensational statement about nato’s plans, including the division of russia into parts and cutting off of kaliningrad. an unprecedented aggravation of the situation is being recorded. the secretaries of the security councils of the csto countries discussed countering challenges and threats in almaty. belarus has voiced a number of initiatives. see also in our issue. we went to a belarusian wedding at the festival of national cultures. on the second day there is a holiday in the farmsteads. ukrainians and russians. armenians and azerbaijanis on the same street, what were you surprised by? the tv news agency went to visit. we invite you. illegal business of a democratic regime of warsaw, they let you through for money without the means to bury you. poles filter refugees based on their finances. we will show you exclusive footage. construction, mechanical engineering, high
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technology, tourism have opened in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. minsk. the ukrainian authorities have completely degraded historically and are already demolishing even monuments from the mid-19th century, while europeans applaud the banderaites and immediately worship the victims of the ukrainian ss men. the olympic quest and the olympic quiz today are the focus of the vitogiy cultural and sports festival, more than 25 sports were given the opportunity to touch your art. how the olympic quest turned out and the emotions of the forum in the panorama report. a young, successfully developing belovezhsky and rassky corner for local residents, and its farm of the same name is among the leaders in the country. the first belarusian agricultural town today, from the perspective of the project, is a place to live. cooperation has no boundaries when the interests
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of peoples are at the forefront. exactly according to this principle.
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rapid economic growth in the region confirms that the global balance of power is shifting to the east. the asian century is coming, and yes, belarus does not hide that we have our own interests on this contour. firstly, the economy in the region has been significantly picking up pace in recent years, and secondly, here, unlike the west, they do not accept the language of sanctions. what is our strategy today , to cover as much of the country as possible, as far as possible? our strategy is provided for in accordance with the export development plan of the ministry of industry and we set ourselves the task in the coming years to increase exports to the countries of the far arc of the asian region at a level less than 25%. well, and most importantly, we go there to those countries where they are waiting for us and where our interests are. that is, our interests, including
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in mongolia, what are the prospects there? of course, mongolia is exactly the market where we have great prospects; since the times of the soviet union, many cities have been built by our belarusian builders, and today, for example, more than 200 mining dump trucks operate in this country. yes, lanbater is not exotic for us, as many might think, mongolia is one of the first countries that recognized our sovereignty and independence, established with us deep relations. over the past two years , the state's economy has made a tremendous leap forward, here... in china, in the united states, in japan,
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and in a number of other countries. in addition, we must pay attention to the fact that mongolia is a country that traditionally has a good relationship with the republic of belarus and the russian federation. therefore, it was not in vain that we went today. towards mongolia, the same step was made in relation to china a long time ago, belarus was not mistaken, our president was not mistaken, and today we have significant dividends from work in this direction. mongolia today is closely watched by key centers of power, there is a struggle of interests, and here all means are good. attempts to score points on anti-belarusian rhetoric failed, it seems like all cards are in hand in mongolia , the society is heterogeneous, there are dozens of western-oriented people in the country.
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when an agreement on friendship and cooperation is signed, because the world is so turbulent now, it is not so easy to find truly friends in this world, so belarus and mongolia signed this agreement on friendship and cooperation in these conditions. the belarusian-mongolian business forum also brought multimillion-dollar contracts. we only made agreements on the ministry of industry during this visit. relevant contracts amounting to more than $23 million, and this is just the beginning, today we are discussing with the leadership of the capital of ulaanbaater the issue of purchasing tractor and municipal equipment worth $6 million,
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with the prospect of another $10 million supply of such equipment next year, today such negotiations are underway not only by tractors, these are elevators, these are mining dump trucks, this is a significant volume of it. this is just a discussion for now. creation of a large service center, at the first stage from a household one, with subsequent localization. this center provides for the supply and service of tractors, combines, road construction and municipal equipment. also, if the elevator project goes well, we agreed that a joint venture will be created with a sufficient level of localization in mongolia, supplies for the entire construction complex, including replacement of the elevator equipment previously used in this country. in addition,
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we have additionally concluded a contract for $15 million for the supply of fire fighting equipment for the needs of the mongolian market. mongolia highly appreciated the quality of this equipment and these are the next deliveries that we have. in addition, as part of the visit, we laid a capsule for the construction of a dairy farm. and on the instructions of the president , another one will be built in the homeland of the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of mongolia. relevant and in demand the topic of veterinary medicine and of course. personnel training more than thirty mongolian citizens are currently receiving higher and vocational education in belarus. in the future there will be more of them, like mutual internships. in addition, the parties signed an agreement on mutual recognition of diplomas. there is a lot of work to be done between regions as well. by the way , belarus and mongolia have already started work without delay. guests from ulanbater nabilagra. the new modern dairy complex, which will be built by the belarusians, already has its first resident. present.
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from the minister of agriculture, record holder of the breed with a genetic potential of up to 16 tons of milk per year, raised on the gostelovskaya farm. today we signed a contract for the second complex, the first was like a new product for them, the second complex, when they saw our level of production, the level of our products, there is already talk that they are still being asked to design a dairy plant. development cooperation tactics of our cooperation with mongolia with...
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and also what the power of truth means in great politics and unexpected shots from the sidelines of the negotiations, our journalists tried to see more, everything will show, it’s first time, tomorrow on the main broadcast, heading east, a visit
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to the homeland of genghis khan, tasty, yes, very tasty, why you don’t need to fight, fight, but negotiate, the russians don’t want this... and what the president of mongolia gave to journalists, signed from president ukhnagiin khorousukha, it’s official, after all, a historical visit, and something that could have remained behind the scenes, but it came during the first one,
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the cultures of all countries united in grodno , the voices of thirty-four nationalities are heard at the national festival. it was from this courtyard of the textile workers’ palace that the festival of national cultures began, it was the year ninety-six, independent belarus was only 2 years old, society was in a storm, it was the grodno residents who realized that it was time to unite, they began to shine their interethnic canvas here, then there were 11
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nationalities, and now 33 , and here, as it may be, even the poles, living in belarus, they preserve their national polish code every day. good afternoon, international festival national cultures in grodno, wonderful atmosphere. representatives from 35 countries take part in the festival. this year the motto of the forum is family, in a broad sense - the people. grodno is located near the border of
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belarus and poland, where terrible things happen. polish border guards shoot at refugees, beat them, torture them, and do not even spare women and children. this is enough for the polish government. began negotiations, but the warsaw authorities do not have such a will, we are for purebred poles, lithuanians, ukrainians, who once became part of the belarusian people with soul and respect, there are no closed doors to broadcast their opinions of identity, we are completely tied with towels with our southern neighbors, spiritually. in recent years, you have not encountered any kind of negativity or oppression at all, absolutely, absolutely, we are all, the authorities always meet us halfway. yes, we are very happy, we are very grateful to our president, who allows us to do all this and promote our culture, allows us to develop and unite everyone through song, embroidery, and dance. and the lithuanians did not know grief until the blockade of the borders. we are already belarusian
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lithuanians, because well, my parents were also lithuanians, my daughter was there, and of course, it’s a shame, because well... what can you do, the politics are like that, she was driving, these lines are huge, crazy, people want to talk, grodno, for the fourteenth time , has again successfully created all the conditions for a dialogue of cultures, this is the initiative of our president, this is the fourteenth festival of cultures of peoples, which is sweeping across belarus, it once again unites, it gives opportunities to all people, every person. "no matter what faith he is, no matter what nationality, in our the country can calmly, beautifully, elegantly demonstrate its abilities in our united friendly." and
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there are no problems between peoples, sometimes the short-sighted policies of leaders lead to some difficulties in interstate relations, but in everyday communication, i don’t see any problems, we still have russians, ukrainians, poles, jews, belarusians, they all communicate here, it’s easy to bite, they came straight from greece, olives, olives from greece,
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even savor with tea when it’s hot, for your health, thank you, for your health. of all nations, thank you, this once again it proves that our people are tolerant, also azerbaijanis, this is tolerance, there are so many 154 nationalities, one of them - when i go to
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a performance with my team, we are georgian azerbaijanis, we have been living here for 20 years, and children were born here, we are in belarus, we have a second home and we are very well received, so we enjoy living here, look how literally the soul is walking in the russian courtyard and the audience will confirm this, hello, i see you are delighted with how the guys dance.
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words again. good evening. sergey grodno filled with all the shades of the festival,
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the aromas of national dishes and the music of different nations, but most importantly - the feeling of unity of people. yes, it’s so colorful and soulful. and of course, we spend this weekend as a family. and, of course, the head of the grodno branch of the russian society, alexander beryukov, and festival guests from fraternal russia, olga grishina, joined the conversation.
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after all, it acquires special value, absolutely, today, today in such a difficult time for us, we are talking about the fact that we again need to join forces in the fight against the increased nazism and such such a festival allows us to unite many peoples, tatars, bashkirs,
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yes, and we show the whole world that we are brothers and not only russia and belarus, many people live on the territory of belarus.
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very good results, and if we now correct this situation by holding these kinds of forums, meetings, developing this direction, these platforms, organizing, then i think that this is unconditional, i really want to say about the generational bridge that stretches here for all in grodno this was visible on every playground, the adult generation, and the kids too, all looking at each other. they admire everything, and i think that it will always be like this, it has always been like this, that by your example you can pass on some family values, some knowledge, and kindness, this care, at this holiday, this is probably, well, i guess i don’t know, i was at such a festival a long time ago, more than 20 years, then there weren’t so many people,
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now there are so many and there are more older generations, it’s so wonderful, souvenirs bought it, what will you bring it to do? from allied friends, from the russians, we will give our viewers a bright chord, you know, now there is such a popular song, i really like it, it is very warm, and if my colleagues support me, it will be wonderful, friends, we ask our guests, mother earth, white birch tree, for me holy russia, for others a pain in the ass. we sincerely thank our
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guests, thank you for taking the time to come to our studio, with such a bright, wonderful chord we are ending our festival telethon, it was very heartwarming, colorful, but how could it be otherwise in belarus, of course, we, polina shuba and pavel azovik, say, see you in grodno, and we pass the word to the studio, sergey! thanks to polino pavel for such wonderful and bright guests, the fourteenth festival of national cultures in grodno continues its work. in general, russia is a welcome and frequent guest with us, and this festival shows this. they welcome us, industrial, tourist and cultural. potential of minsk, presented at the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh in moscow. started here days of minsk, the program includes concerts, fashion shows, a test drive from motavel, a sports
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car that participated in the dakar rally, our big presentation will last 3 weeks. the entire exhibition program was studied by daria belousova-petrovskaya. today all the words of the songs are only about beloved minsk. the days of the capital of belarus conclude a large regional marathon, which started in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh at the beginning of the year. during this time.


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