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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 9, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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during this time, russians learned about all six regions of our country, and now the baton is in the hands of minsk. today we want to present from the seventh to the 28th all facets of our capital. this includes industry, investments and achievements in our cultural, healthcare, and medicine. minsk is a large industrial center; it is a leader in the production of refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and televisions; mechanical engineering occupies a special place. tractors.
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belarus, amkador timber loaders, trolleybuses, mas buses, visitors can see in miniature behind glass, but on the street there is a real surprise from the minsk automobile plant. mas are not only trolleybuses, buses and trucks, but they are sports cars. this handsome guy took part in the dakar rally in south america in 2018, then he took second place, now he is well-deservedly retired and this model can only be seen at exhibitions. an experienced man delivered it to moscow. here is alexander vasilevsky, who has participated in the dakar rally, the silk road, and the kagan’s gold. this machine literally knows every cog. we collect we make it manually, every detail, every unit, we make some changes, the designer, we finalize it, install it, check it, roll it, if something doesn’t fit, we remove it again, install it again, our car is competitive today, even the strongest kamaz team. a master who is
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a world leader, one might say, in this motor sport. minsk is a city of cycling. every second resident of the capital has a personal bicycle. and at the exhibition you can see the entire palette of the motorcycle plant, from a retro motorcycle from the fifty-first year of production to modern electric scooters. there is a very large export to the russian federation, more than 70%. this includes purchases from kazakhstan, uzbekistan, and neighboring countries. last year there was trade turnover between minsk and russia. dollars, we cooperate in mechanical engineering, construction, science, medical education, but tourism occupies a special niche here. minsk is a beautiful european city, with catholic and orthodox churches, wide avenues, theaters, museums, restaurants and cafes. today this direction is so popular among russian tourist that there is already talk about the construction of a high-speed railway between minsk and moscow. the journey will take 3 hours. daria, alexander lyubitelev,
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telenews agency, moscow. the us will change its nuclear weapons strategy with an emphasis on competition. biden has made changes to the conditions for america's use of nuclear weapons. according to his aide, this is due to strategic and geopolitical changes, as stated in the new conditions, states should take into account. the growth and diversity of china's nuclear arsenal. at according to the aide, there is a need to contain not only china, but also russia and north korea at the same time. accordingly, the new rules require washington to increase its stockpile of nuclear weapons, as well as the ability to respond more quickly to external threats. the new regulation on the use of nuclear weapons clearly marks a change in us military policy. experts definitely.
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and the state secretariat of the security council of belarus. in his speech, the head of the belarusian delegation alexander lvafovich drew attention to unprecedented aggravation of the situation in the eastern european region. also , the belarusian side announced some initiatives; in this busy schedule , a working meeting between aleksandrafovich and his russian colleague took place. details of the visit in an exclusive interview with our film crew in almaty right now. alexandrevich, on the topic, how the meeting went in a narrow format and now in an expanded format, here is your first impression. as a rule, on such forums a general analysis is always given. military-political situation in the zone responsibility, but what is interesting, probably, or valuable, is that this situation acquires characteristic aspects - for each country that is part of the collective security treaty organization, that is, more comprehensively, taking into account the interests of each party, today even a powerful state with serious
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potential, alone , probably cannot withstand the threats of our time, which today threaten primarily the security of countries, the belarusian country... being at such a forum, constantly, in general, puts forward initiatives, initiatives aimed at reducing the risks of aggravating the situation, it was noted that last year belarus very effectively mastered its chairmanship, a lot of initiatives were put forward by the president of our country last year as chairman of the organization and these initiatives are now being implemented, so today we also proposed start a dialogue on the formation of a new system of international security in the eurasian space in order to approach the forum of international organizations such as the cis, sco, svd, mda, here, taking into account their experience, taking into account their capabilities. the second proposal that the belarusian side put forward today is
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to consider the issue of forming a collective security strategy within the csto, here is a new one for the period until 2035, that is , a strategy that will last 10 years. the belarusian side also said that it is ready to present its proposals and begin this work, but of course, the main work will be carried out by the secretariat of the collective security treaty organization, by the way, the president spoke about this last year during chairmanship, that’s what such a document is needed, such a document, designed for 10 years, will allow, first of all, to determine strategic goals, objectives, set priorities, but 10 years is, well, taking into account the changing picture of the world, isn’t that such a long period for which it is being developed 10 year strategy. we kind of define such a bar, nothing prevents us from making additions, adjustments, because look, we have just completed work on the concept of national security of our country, yes, which was approved at the all-belarusian people's assembly, but the previous document worked for 14 years, but in general it has not yet
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fully exhausted itself, yes, so our concept was based on it, although it was supplemented very significantly, the most important thing is to know where to go, in which direction to move, that’s what make priorities. in our organizations we made informed, verified decisions, it was also noted that these threats in the field of security that are taking place today, they are characteristic of almost all countries included in the organization and even wider, therefore neutralizing these threats, influencing these threats can only be done through joint -
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developed systemic measures, decisions, but the next meeting in november, listeners understood this correctly, but it will be a meeting that will draw a line at the end of the year for kazakhstan. the country will report on what they have done, yes, within a year, well, they will pass the baton to the next country, the kyrgyz side must take the baton, the most important thing is that there is interaction, support, understanding, and yes, colleagues hear us, hear our proposal, with respect i relate to the belarusian apparatus of the security council and i believe that the apparatus of the security councils bears a great responsibility for developing these conceptual strategic decisions in the field of defense. the countries of the african continent are increasingly demanding an end to colonial and neo-colonial practices and obtaining maximum benefit from their rich resources. at the beginning of the year , burkina fasso, mali and niger announced their immediate withdrawal from the
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french-influenced organization ecovs. all, what africans get from the western and, as a rule, military presence is a deterioration in the humanitarian situation. today the official withdrawal of the next contingent of americans from niger began. today , 269 out of 946 military personnel and several tons of equipment left niger. this. us base 101 neame marks the beginning of a series of multiple wide corps rotations to repatriate personnel and equipment as agreed. the agreement under which an american uav base appeared in the north of africa was torn up by niger back in march. the republican authorities indicated that the agreement was imposed by washington and did not meet the interests of the people. a contingent of thousands of states must completely leave niger before... the largest parts of the world: asia,
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africa, europe, latin america, people, cities, enterprises where minsk is known, appreciated and respected. the authors have traveled more than 60 thousand kilometers and will tell you about the brightest points of the belarusian distant arc. who is against western domination, where? belarus is used as an example of why artificial barriers are not an obstacle to trade with real friends. answers in a joint project, tv news agency and the ministry of foreign affairs. well, the goal of this project is actually quite simple to show our audience the voice of the world, which wants a normal life, honest politics, economic development instead of homeless sanctions. and thanks to our representative offices, the camera is on a belarusian tv channel for the first time. visited the most remote corners of quite large countries, quite serious players on the geopolitical
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map, believe me, we were pleased to see and hear what people and leaders say about belarus, about belarusians, about our president, and what is constantly emphasized, take care of your independence, so big films about big people, where politics and economics are, and the most important thing is that the world is big, and despite the western... argentina , brazil, indonesia, vietnam, kenya, italy, and i am sure they were able to make sure that belarus knows our products. the peculiarities of our country’s work with countries
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will allow belarusian viewers to plunge into the distant arc. don't knock on closed doors. minsk works with those who are ready to build normal relations, respect the sovereignty of each other's national interests, create a. our relations are, first of all, a huge contribution from the presidents of belarus and brazil. our countries are building social policies, looking at the problems of ordinary people, and helping the poor. in this our leaders are very similar, and lukashenko and lula solve the real problems
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of their people, today the distance between countries is losing its influence, this also affects the building of strong ties between territorially distant countries. why is a multipolar world already the present, and what kind of joint future the partners of belarus, our technology, products and meanings have across the globe. clear politics, a great journey, four great videos. the first stop is latin america, this monday, after the panorama. hello belarus. hello belarus. hello belarus. there will be an assembly line for belarusian tractors. the departure of the unipolar
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world is an excellent chance for other countries to raise their heads. belarus can help us with food security. between us not just partnerships, but as friends. seeing how you work, one gets the impression of smart, knowledgeable people who understand agriculture. our relations are, first of all, a huge contribution of the presidents of belarus and brazil. lukashenko, that he is a man of the people, right? the fact that he really understands what it means to work, local farmers say: give us belarusian equipment, i would like to send all these flowers to belarus, belarusian equipment can work without problems even in the harshest conditions.
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we have been working with gomsilmash equipment for 10 years and are very pleased. we chose belarusian tractors because after studying we realized that this is the best offer on the market. we have many requests regarding imports from belarus. brazil always opposes sanctions. lukashenko is called a strong president in kenya. and he defends the sovereignty of his country and the interests of the people. he's a huge personality.
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there is something that other countries don’t have, and take care, the support of the governments of belarus and indonesia will help businesses operate efficiently. orders more and more on technology. street of the republic of belarus, one of the central ones in the city.
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considers the landing in normandy to be the only feat of his fellow tribesmen; it was in france that he laid wreaths the day before and made speeches, however, the first of the allied army soldiers to land in normandy, as historians have established, fell at the hands of a ukrainian ss man. who held the defense as part of hitler's troops. in fact, how the west celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the allied landings of normandy cannot be called anything other than a theater of the absurd, without belarus, without russia, but with ukraine, which demolishes monuments and makes heroes of the nazis, with biden, who believes that america saved the whole world, with macron, who
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does not seem to have studied history, is dragging the french into a new battle. yevgeny belousov observed all this sad spectacle. erase history, throw into oblivion the heroic feat of the soviet people in the great war. in april 79 years ago, not far from the german town of targao on the elbe river, two soldiers, a soviet american, met. they represented two different worlds, but were allies in the anti-hitler coalition, which opposed the spread of nazi ideology. this meeting foreshadowed the final defeat. germany could become a symbol of the unity of west and east. then no one could have thought that decades later, instead of friends, we would become not only rivals, but enemies. a little less than a year before this significant event , another, the so-called landing of the allied troops on the coast of normandy took place. and for some reason this particular operation in the west considered decisive in the victory over fascism.
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true, the allies were in no hurry to open a second front against hitler, which was so needed at the beginning of the war. and only when the victory of the ussr became obvious to everyone, fearing the expansion of the influence of the soviets throughout europe, the allies decided to carry out the landing in normandy, but those who now face the fact about the soviet union simply prefer to forget how biden, for example, survived two world wars , members of the greatest generation 80 years since we landed at normandy, liberated the continent and literally saved the whole world. gormandy was solemnly disembarked by the president of the united states, the king of great britain, and the canadian prime minister from russia and belarus, but in the company of the chancellor of germany and the ex-president of ukraine. looking
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at this possessed carnival, one feels somehow uneasy, because the main character there is not heroic memory, but zelensky. here is a veteran trying to kiss the hands of a ukrainian grave-killer, with which he gave a standing ovation to an ss man in canada. and the guest from the white house became so bored that, having found a foothold, he simply fell asleep. macron again salivating, i couldn’t find a better platform to promise to continue to sponsor the kiev regime. we are starting a new cooperation and announcing the transfer of french mirage fighters, which will allow ukraine to defend its airspace.
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the following fact makes us wonder whether poland is really so concerned about the problem of migrants or is it still beneficial for someone? footage has emerged of a polish soldier helping refugees cross a barbed wire fence to get into poland. where and when this was filmed is unclear, but it is definitely clear that this help is not at all disinterested; it is typical that it is happening in the country right now.
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and the fact that the polish side is actively involved in the illegal trafficking of migrants is indicated by more and more facts, this is the death of a soldier who was attacked by border violators and the shooting of polish border guards at illegal refugees, it is not by chance that the leadership is responsible for... all responsibility. the writers' union demanded the release of border guards from belarus, which is celebrating its ninetieth anniversary. the president congratulated the association, noting that its creation in june 1934 determined the main task - serving the fatherland and the belarusian people. there was kastouna, adzіnstva literary forces, dzarzhavyi and gramadstva, and these months of the era in view of the history of the ancient history of culture, many creations
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of the people of the 30s and the latest decades and now i express respect for the reader. the period of the slow-moving chinese war took place in the works of the writer, which itself was very active in the work of the razyma. at the reichstag stage they packed their autographs. kotka and pavlyuk granuza, our president noted. the writers' union was formed in 1934 in minsk at the first all-belarusian congress of writers. today it is one of the largest literary associations in the territory of the former ussr. the work of our authors is interesting all over the world, the book about the genocide of the belarusian people is read in various countries, i am from the fiery village of adamovich, bryl and kolesnik. the product of one of. the founders of the union of writers of the bssr yanka kupala are heard in more than 100 languages. over 10 novels by ivan shimyakin have been translated to china alone. modern
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a public association, the writers' union of belarus, was created in 2005 with the support of the head of state. it is the successor to the writers' union of the bssr. the team includes more than 600 poets, prose writers, publicists, local historians, and children's writers. the most numerous. branch in the capital of almost 300 people, second and third place for the minsk and gomel regions, respectively, almost fifty writers of the union, representatives of other states, for example iran, austria, spain, germany, sweden, by the way, in russia, the usa, israel, china and uzbekistan have erected monuments to our classics, kupala and kolos. over 90 years of activity, almost two poets of belarus have been awarded the title of people's writers. a dozen authors, including kupala, kolos, brovka, shimyakin, melish, nettle, our modern nikolai cherginets. the survey speaks about the effectiveness of the union. of all
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libraries in the country in 2021-23 there were more than 2 million requests for books by our writers, modern writers have been translated into 26 languages ​​and up to 300 books by authors from among the members of the writers' union are published annually belarus. olga medved spoke with the chairman of the public association. compassionately, for everything, they are associated with many nobles, talented, experienced, gifted, and young? of course, there are months for young people, and there are still such young people, young creative people, we are trying to learn from the process itself, from what we have any information that exists among writers and publications, that’s why the sunny writers and
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their works, the great lord. most sunny letters written about the present, ale geta the problem that is the main issue in literature, in literary processes, literary huncheys , is the current state of affairs . i 'm falling back to what happened a hundred years ago. a great book was published from the war, which we call the genacy of the people of belarus - the great aichyn war. it’s crazy, apparently, this is the velizarny pratsa, which the rightful institutions of the country, rightly told all these masters of russia, and this is competitiveness of the people of australia, i would say the character of the competitors is very important, the competitiveness of the paper and medical space, and the writers of the country are not allowed to be cured, but may be turned off z lichbavay prastory, not abavyazkova
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pasyabravac at the softened one. create your own work in social networks or in other resources, and work with the public as with the private propagandists of the chinese literature. do you read more classics and everyday stories? if you have a social network, then i have such a strong attitude, i think that it is padmatsavana facts, different tendencies, then of course one reads more of the classics. how do we know about this barozza, what a slave, if we bought daily taxes, we read, the lords have a simple recipe. good creations. union of writers of belarus - this, this more than 600 writers, writers, journalists, translators, literary scholars, writers, playwrights. the union of writers - this section in different types of literature. drama, prose, poetry, this advice for working with young people, this section of popular literature. and for the aposhnia we are two bastards
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vogule in minsk. we have created a whole network of festivals, it’s crazy, we haven’t achieved anything, we are very pleased with the library system of the ministry of culture, we are glad that there are meetings at these festivals schoolchildren are constantly working, and this is the most important task of the ministry of education of our country, so the task is now it’s not about developing competition, but about losing strength to propaganda. good man of the word. daily dzetsi, just daily technical taxes, like these technical technologies vykaristovae union of writers. these technical documents are very important, because they are very important words for those who do not touch the paper issued in their hands, for those who do not read the paper documents issued from the publications of the current belarusian people. ismennika. each of the regional affiliates of the union of writers has telegram channels. many letters.
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start your blogs, work in social networking networks, and it would be more important to know that different forms of vykarystovayutsya, here you have, for example, valyantsina drabysheevskaya, dzitsyachy prazaik, paet, yana came up with her quest and propagandizes not only her creativity, but with these quests she traveled all over the world. what is the role of writers in the community. what is our reality in this sunny hour, how do we define our groove? i would like to note that these are the latest bastards, perhaps, even more so since the 20th year, the role of our writers in the press has become clear, this is the rule of the journalists who work in the news industry. matsy and issue books.
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anniversary cultural and sports festival in itoki ends. at these moments , the final chords of the concert goal are heard on the main stage of the forum in pruzhany. there is still a disco and fireworks ahead. and in the afternoon. the largest part of the olympic quest festival took place; by the way, for the first time an unusual football match was played within the framework of vytokau. emotions of a sports festival in the story of stanislav libsky. six medalists of the main summer competition of the four years, the bogdanovich brothers, irina kurochkina, maxim nedosekov, yulia esterenko and ekaterina kastan, gave the start to the olympic quest in pruzhany. more than 25 sports locations at the twentieth festival in itoka hosted their own today.
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participants of the olympic quiz, depending on the gradation of prizes that they receive from the completed exercise, you receive either a gold mark, or a silver, or a bronze, depending on which color you have more on your card, you receive a prize for first place, you get smart watch, for the second position is a portable music speaker, and the award number three this year is a power bank and here the organizers are making a reference to the real olympics, where athletes compete for gold, silver and bronze medals. speaking of medals, two-time olympic champion
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ekaterina karstin today handed over her first olympic medal to the leg museum in belarus. i want people, children, athletes to see it and strive for it. such a success, and the first olympic champion of our country, in parallel, sergei makarenko, presented his autobiography. i am very proud that our country has become a huge country in terms of sports. yes i our president is amazing, and he has his own way of thinking, his own way of life, he is very much in love with physical culture and sports, and i am proud. pruzhan with its unique products, the brest regional center for innovation and technical
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creativity did not miss the opportunity to surprise. we are very glad that today colleges have the opportunity to carry out some kind of career guidance work, because there are a huge number of children, boys and girls who will become ours in the future. and of course, where would the national olympic committee be without its general sponsor, for the fourth year in a row, belgroprombank takes an active part in the festival in itoki for children, there are a variety of activities for children, a financial quiz, sports relay races, dance flash mobs, in addition to entertainment, belgroprombank employees also provide professional advice, and there was also a charity at the bank’s location terminal touch, everyone. anyone could make a charitable payment to the republican scientific and practical center for oncology, hematology and immunology in borovlyany. run-up, kick about football, after yesterday's friendly match between the national teams
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of belarus and russia, today veterans of belarusian football played against the olympic team in pruzhany. the olympians won in a penalty shootout, but entered regulation time 5:6. and at these moments a big one is taking place in pruzhany. concert, ahead of the guests there is a disco and a light pyrotechnic show. stanislav lipsky, alexey petrov and sergey korneev, television news agency. belarus is a sporting country, with a bright atmosphere; in one of the spanish districts of glusk , mogilev region, they opened today multifunctional sports ground. this is another facility that appeared thanks to the project of the presidential sports club “sport” for everyone. you can engage in various activities here at any time, and
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there is a suitable exercise machine for everyone, for fans of team sports, a basketball court. i liked the exercise machines, they were normal, made of good quality. well, we liked playing basketball, we... here you can play, have fun, get pumped up, today's youth, many people hangs out on social networks, looks at phones, but most of them have now become popular, like to play sports and keep in good, strong physical shape, for a healthy lifestyle, well, this is just an ideal, this is the first, second, this is what is presented here... the minimum that is necessary to do exercises, nothing prevents residents
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of the area from coming here before work for half an hour to warm up and leave in a good mood for the whole day, just like after work, i would like such a platform to be in every yard, talk to the locals residents, here they say, give us the next one there in another yard, the site, so to speak, is good, you see the performance is good, the children, well, they have fun and are healthy, this is the most important thing in our time. as part of the sport for all project, similar sites were opened in many regional centers and small towns of belarus. this year, for example, in norovlya and osipovichi, and next week the same gift awaits residents of the agricultural town of vishov, pelynichesky district. well, belarus is also a beautiful and picturesque country with very interesting places. agrotown belovezhsky, it’s calm, cozy, comfortable, everyone is local, like one big family. and... they know about it in different parts of the country and even abroad,
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all thanks to the farm of the same name, for which, in general , the agricultural town was built, and the first in belarus, about its place to live, with which it grew and developed, director of the belovezhskaya children's art school tatyana zagorovskaya. the first stone in the foundation of our belovezhsky was laid in 1982, it was a komsomol construction site, which my parents came to. i grew up with an agricultural town. and there was one street here, i remember and think,
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well, how could it be like this, i’m now coming out with so much beauty, our village is located around a park, it’s like the sun, the street diverges, and if you need to get to the center, mostly people go through the park , you walk by every morning and listen to the birds singing, it’s very inspiring. more than 2.0 people live in our agricultural town, but once upon a time about 200 young, brave guys came here and started construction. belovezhsky became the prototype for all agricultural towns of our belarus, it was, perhaps say pioneer, built around.
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once upon a time i myself went to first grade at this school, finished nine grades and went to study in minsk. now my children study here, i have three of them, our education is very high quality, we have many children entering higher education institutions. our children have the opportunity to develop creatively; we have an art school next door across the street . i am its temporary director. children have the opportunity to develop in a sports direction. recently here.
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i can say with confidence that beloverski - this is my place to live, because i feel confident here, there are a lot of my friends and loved ones here, everyone here is like one big friendly family, like an anthill, it’s cozy, quiet, calm, convenient, which
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is important, here, well, small heaven on earth.
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we have a huge number of projects, there is something called this. russian houses, that’s what people call them, but formally they are all beautifully called russian centers of science and culture, the most important, naturally, are located in minsk, they are all a kind of point attraction for people who come there, to different circles, to different seminars, to different conferences, film screenings, concerts,
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exhibitions, etc., etc., a huge number of all sorts of, as they say now, activities, activities, well, that’s just what is being done. in russian houses themselves, besides this there are a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from the central office, cooperation, exchange programs, internships, trips of young specialists to russia, educational programs, a lot of everything, there obvious dates for us associated with victory day, may 9, of course, is a holy day, various events are dedicated to this, such as a candle of memory, a garden of memory, a victory dictation,
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a convenient, wonderful, beautiful city, a deep bow to the city authorities, because we have twin cities of the same grodno, this is, as far as i remember, tambuv, it seems to me,
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vologda and there’s a whole list there, right up to sakhalin, so it seems to me that our colleagues need to come to grodno, see how it works, let’s go back to topic of russian centers of science and culture, recently appeared in grodno, what tasks do they perform , how many of these are there in belarus, well, we already have an agreement on the activities of these cultural centers. between russia and belarus , as far as i remember in 2009 , the first large cultural center was concluded, this is the so -called russian house in minsk, it opened in the tenth year, now we have a new one in grodna, there is a center in brest, there is a center in gomel, i hope that they will open again, they are in demand, we saw this from the number of people who came to the opening in grodno, this is a playground, a playground in...
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sports day is on air, andrey kozlov is with you. hello. the belarus national football team returned to its home arena after a long time. the day before, carlos alos' squad hosted the russian team in a friendly match. led by the legends of our eastern neighbors, coaches valery karpin and viktor onobka. but, as they say, not a single football breathed in the evening.


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