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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 9, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the road, thank god, is long, be healthy, that one! after all, no one can live without the love of hope, oh kolya, happy to you!
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i am belarusian, i am naradzia.
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sennya yashche small, but i’ll say, i’ll be born into a tribe of non-natives and i won’t give a damn. everything you want to know is rightfully holy. these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin vernik, they have great significance. pa sutnasti.
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they happily come to classes, we have classes right here in the church, i thought it was right, necessary, because children need to breathe at least in the church air, about the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to the divine liturgy, when they take communion there, in some sense, in some sense , a certain sacrament of our unity with each other is being accomplished from from...
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we welcome everyone who now with us, we are consolidating our positions in regions and countries where we have something to offer and where we ourselves see opportunities. in this sense , the president’s visit to mongolia, a country with which we have long-standing relations, is very interesting. it was mongolia that was the first to officially declare that, for example, it is an ally of the ussr in the fight against fascism. but today it is the fastest growing economy in asia. it ranks second in the world in copper and uranium reserves, eleventh in coal reserves. in the innovation list of the world intellectual property organization, mongolia is recognized as the fastest growing country over the past 10 years. the visit was not only historical, but also simply friendly; the guests were greeted at the highest level, literally and figuratively. the basis of our relationship was, of course, created by our very close and warm relations during the existence of the soviet union. and we arrived today as
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goodwill ambassadors, as your friends, we are ready, if you wish, to do everything to... very colorful shots from mongolia, andrey evgenevich, let me start with you, given that you worked in the pool for many years and accompanied the president in different parts of the world, so if we talk about the practical component, we heard the president, we are ready to the fullest, as for the context
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of the atmosphere, what did you note for yourself? mongolia a truly super-important state, in the heart of eurasia, and indeed now it is to this state that all eyes are turned. first of all, of course, china, russia and we are trying to build our own subject subregion, which will allow us to close economically, logistically and technologically, as they say, many chains and many breakthrough technologies, well, in particular, and this was also said in mongolia, i i know the preparation of documents for this visit, this includes medicine, including nuclear medicine, these are metals - and new materials, which are used now... everywhere from space to earth, this is energy, this is the training of specialists, because one of the tasks set by the mongolian leader, the mongolian government, is the accelerated training of specialists, here are highly qualified specialists, white collar workers, the same doctors, engineers, designers, and so-called
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blue collar workers, this is our education, vocational college, something that is highly developed in our country, something that we have preserved precisely soviet.
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deservedly rich and great, great as i told you, genghis khan always taught that in order to achieve something, everyone needs to. arrives today in mongolia. please note, mongolia
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has remained the preserved treasure trove of the world for decades. and this is not, so to speak, not a pretentious phrase, it actually corresponds to reality. a country that has not developed its own resources in large quantities is approximately the level of individual african states that have storehouses today, but which, for various reasons, have not used them. therefore, in conditions when...
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transferring efforts to this region in order to achieve its geopolitical objectives will force mongolia to defend itself in the near future. and we understand that it is rich in reserves, rich in resources, a good location just between two empires, as our
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head of state said, and of course , little by little they began to penetrate there, including these same soros, to corrupt the local elites, of course, therefore we treat today towards mongolia as a country that is ready for any vector, no, it has clearly defined for itself three directions, they even have such a concept, a third neighbor, well, how interesting, and the fact that at the same time there is cooperation with china, cooperation with... from the united states to mongolia is 30 times greater than the goods that go, that is
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exports and imports are 30 times higher than mongolia and the united states, this also says something, in these conditions, if we look politically, of course the entire system and structure was changed, that is , they used to have the mongolian people's revolutionary party which today by the way, it retained its position, it simply became known as the mongolian people's party, and surl sukhn, the president, by the way, he was the first secretary for a very long time. this party, in its essence, is like a prototype of the communist party in our country, the second democratic party of mongolia has appeared, and that’s what we’re saying, literally in june ... they have elections to parliament, and this is a parliamentary republic , and the parliament has much greater powers than the president, it should be noted here that it was precisely from this there will be a moment, if before there was a majoritarian system, yes, then in essence, now a mixed system is beginning, that is , it is proposed to say even greater multi-party system in order to take away this opportunity for this party, which has been in the leadership
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of this country for a long time, according to take away their essence little by little, these were difficult negotiations with our president, taking into account the whole... that context, of course, that’s where it all comes from, the opposition, it appears like this, it’s pro-western, from where these things are soros himself, and those other organizations of the united states, well, the entire collective west have already taken deep roots, and then, let’s see, even if we are talking about the economy, but china’s strong place is here, about more than 85 billion dollars is trade with mongolia and china, more than 18 billion, i think, trade with russia. the united states is only 2.6, but it is the united states that is trying to impose its policies there, again from this geopolitical position, and even if again we return to the armed forces of mongolia, after all, they actively took part in iraq and afghanistan as part of this multinational contingent, and also participated in many operations in africa, with
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a small contingent of 300 people, but the country itself is not very large, only 3.5 million, that is, there... the western vector is very strong today, it’s not for nothing that the head of state said, the main thing is not to make a mistake, the last thing i would like to focus on is that mongolia is still just an observer of the sco, and why, and because it currently recommended by the united states for do not go beyond the limits of this observation, so that god forbid you do not lean towards the vector of these large states, like russia and china, and i think that in these conditions it is mongolia to try. the west will precisely create these conditions in order to again shake up the situation, in this, as a rule, my colleague said, yes, the question here is about what will happen in the near future in the asia-pacific region, but from the point of view of this soft power, this creeping of the collective west and the united states primarily into mongolia, the situation now is still better than
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it was 10 and 5 years ago, 5 years ago , together with our chinese and mongolian colleagues... we discussed this problem that the vast majority of young mongolian journalists do not study in mongolia, not in russia, which is close, not in china, which is even closer, but the soros are studying in these western centers, and the mongolian people, the mongolian society, have found the strength to build, including a sovereign policy, to integrate, well, let’s say, into our media platform belt and road, which is now up to jurassic and de facto the largest.
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sometimes they spoke with a smile, sometimes with a certain skepticism, in fact it was never soft, yes, it is not soft at all, over time it turns into a very hard one, the key word is force, yes, this component, it takes place not only in mongolia, it takes place in almost all corners of the world, let's continue this topic, now, look, we are talking about what the president said, to be strong
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in order to survive, we are talking about how important it is to make the changes that you need to become strong. and how difficult it is to do this when the moment seems to be lost. georgia nevertheless adopted a law on biological agents: whoever is not with us is against us. this seems to be the main slogan of the west, we see how they are putting pressure on tbilisi for trying to defend the right to make sovereign decisions. and they threaten us with excommunication from the european body. but in georgia , it seems that prime minister kabakhidze is serious, insists the maidan in... the thirteenth year was a state with territorial integrity and an economy of 200 billion dollars, today ukraine has collapsed and again, no one is
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responsible for this. another example, the west is constantly pressing, demanding the republic of sebskaya to support sanctions against russia, its president milorad dodzek said in an interview with ria novosti, however, he emphasized that at the level of bosnia and herzegovina there has not yet been a single decision on sanctions, they have not been officially introduced, emerging the question is, what kind of wind of change is this? financial system of the country from foreign the law is aimed at protecting the economic, influence, political system, socio-political relations from foreign influence, and these are not only non-profit organizations, but these are the media.
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minors and to protect family values, the speaker of parliament , shalva papuashvili, reports this, and then, look, it is proposed to establish a new public holiday in georgia, the day of
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family sanctity, on may 17, when the world celebrates the day of struggle against homophobia and transphobia, well, as in the world , in some of its progressive parts, i like georgian politicians more and more, i would like to draw your attention to ierakli, well, let’s say about the current head of government. let's call him that, look what he says, he is quite young, he was formed within the framework of today's situation, that is, he is not a native of the soviet union, he does not have, and he studied in western schools, but to give credit where it is due, in this country, in in georgia, as in many other countries, there is an awareness of the need to preserve traditional values, this is a trend that, probably, today we have been supporting in belarus for ten years.
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in general, a normal situation, these are people with normal psyche, with normal historical values, which are brought up on a certain tolerance for the truth, yes, but it’s so easy to get away from control, it’s very difficult, under which they were, you’ll remember the phrase if you compare this character of today’s head and saakashvili, the man who absolutely, he implanted all this into society and stopped at nothing, it occurs to me... and here people are finally saying loudly: in ukraine, two governments were installed from abroad,
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that is, they realize the danger that there is before their country, they understand that this needs to be counteracted, and, probably, most importantly, they are ready to go defend their country, this is a question before, or so to speak, overcoming the authority of the president, well, the president. in this case, a puppet of georgia, let’s not say anything, unfortunately, a western one, and a former french citizen, as far as i remember, yeah, you’ll notice, they had enough internal cohesion for this most serious step, because today the united states has already talked about sanctions , which are introduced against the government, oh personal, that this will reconsider political attitudes, and the worst thing: a blow to the lgbt community, in general, this is simply unacceptable, but it turns out that today we understand that this is not
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necessary. in the world, this is a step into nowhere, the destruction of the people and the people of the population, but in general, as the georgians themselves talk about it, it’s beautiful, always poetic to listen to, this is what is important for a georgian in his identity: i am the son of my father, this means clan, i am georgian , i am orthodox, so these are the three fundamental components that yes they hold a person from within, and pay attention, when these demonstrations imposed on me in my opinion and so say many georgians against this bill on foreign agents, according to various estimates , 20-25 thousand gathered there, but at the same time in support georgian orthodox church, 300,000 western media came out in support of traditional values, which caused wild outrage in georgia, this was not reported, they tried to discredit the absolute
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majority as much as possible.
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is located in the european continent, well, in general in general, the european part of our continent and in general, it is in the hands of the collective west, it is clear that france is tired of creeping into armenia, supplying weapons to ways, new ways, so such importance appears, this is georgia, precisely the issue of transcaucasia, yes it is for today the day comes to the first, the question comes to the first, to the first level, what does it come out in, why does it come out, i think it’s clear, this is the great silk road of china, this is
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the north-south path for her.
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the region today will be the main one and even, in all likelihood, much more significant than economic basis in this region, and this mongolia, precisely for all these countries, for russia, for us and for other states, we will now move on to geopolitics in the second part of the program, but before we leave, we are talking about how they don’t want and won’t easily let strangers go, under no circumstances, because they are clearly besieging them. of our own, which means that the verdict of donald trump will be announced on july 11, pay attention to the screen, if you are watching now, take a closer look at this face, this is what a real political prisoner looks like, it was falsified
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a shameful trial, the people will pronounce the real verdict on november 5, i am not a guilty person, i am fighting for our country, for our constitution, our entire country is now being falsified, the biden administration is doing this to hurt the opponent. him, because they will try to make him into such a whipping boy, to show him how one can humiliate and trample a politician, a leader, a significant part of the republican party maga, but what is important is that the whole world sees
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this tragic circus into which the american political system, which used to wave like a flag on the capitol and say that here is an inhabited land, that’s how it is. must be done, quite seriously, in the usa they are discussing the option of murder, so imagine, whoever wins the november elections in the usa, and the other part of society will accept this victory, come to terms with it, we, after all, we saw the first arrival of trump , a significant part of the elite did not come to terms with this, and trump was tied hand in hand, he could not carry out a single decision, his sovereign one, and now this... is no longer easy, this means that there is a split in the elites, now both the republican and democratic parties, they have broadcast their split into society, there the divide already runs along the state borders, we saw this in texas, in the armed
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forces, here is the national guard, here are the armed forces of the united states of america, here local militias, this american rifle society, that’s why the situation. i’ll continue a little, unfortunately, today the united states is trying to shift its internal problems onto the whole world, and the horror of this situation is as follows: they don’t want to see the reality that
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is happening, they are trying to create a virtual world, and this virtual world is filled with those images that are pleasant, well, either to the west or the united states in this situation. trump is a strong figure. no one can say anything differently about this man, let’s not talk about his political leanings, his characteristics, but his seriousness and his sex life, as during this process , it was biden who wanted, it’s impossible for life to be pulled up to the top what is about in decent in general, there is no point in talking about by and large, he did such a terrible thing in his life, nothing that ordinary voters did not do. in the united states, in europe, anywhere, and this strong man, a strong man, is trying today to prove that he is not a fool, and in general, that he, as they say, has the right to life, but that’s not even the point, he a contender for
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the presidency of the united states, pay attention to this, once it was something like this unattainable, this man has already become president once, today he is for the second time fights.
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the idea that power is always an element of unpredictability, that a strong leader is here today, but may not be tomorrow, and here you begin to remember what the shvabovites wrote about, you understand that they want to carry out a digital revolution, that is reset, so that the government does not hold on to strong leaders, but they allegedly do not... his chaos in society, here andrei petrovich, you involuntarily begin to be a conspiracy theorist when you watch american politics, well, i would still like to start with trump, yes please , of course, it would be great if they were sent to prison after all, and there they started signing various documents directly from the cell, remember before there was a transfer behind glass, but here behind bars, where diplomats would come, give credentials, all this in some kind of prison, well, everything took on a completely different setting. seriously, let 's say this, well, trump is not being tried because he
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had some kind of sexual relations, he is being tried because he spent money in the budget, took the money and gave 300, or 4,000, but in my opinion, to his assistant, that is, he is a thief, if you look at it objectively, a thief should be in prison, well, that is if we evaluate this according to the law, but there they have it is not their justice for all and justice for everyone, yes, but it is not for everyone, believe me, no one will put him anywhere. will he continue to carry out his duties, they will come to an agreement between biden and between trump, because as you correctly said, biden has his own, he is rummaging in the cannon, and his son hunter biden is annealing him, no worse than everyone else, yes, let’s remember this burisma where it is there was, then bribery, bribery i said these various things in an interview, i was in ukraine for a month, there was terrible corruption, when there was a deputy, he argued,
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and then it won’t be returned, all these aspects won’t be played out, so the most important thing will take place at the same time and the house of representatives to the senate, but they have elections, in this election to the house of representatives, it is no longer the republicans who win there, but the democrats, at least a little, but they will win, the same thing in the upper house in congress will also be supplemented, re-elected and so on and it’s a question of balance between republicans and democrats, nothing will change for them. be it biden, be it trump, fundamentally in politics,
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nothing will change, only shouting on the air will be added, yes, pounding on the table with a fist and nothing more, politics would be good if it didn’t happen, but it is quite likely a second storming of the capitol , yes, let's talk, let's talk about the fact that since nothing will change globally for the world, let's talk about what we need to see behind the statements that are coming out of washington today, let's continue, in a couple of minutes, stay tuned. we continue, the pentagon confirmed that the biden administration has allowed kiev to carry out strikes with weapons supplied by the nato bloc on russian territory. this decision stunned even the most seasoned. the politician's publication writes that this is a stunning step. given that the administration initially said that such an escalation of the war would lead to more direct us involvement in the conflict. new york times. adds that biden's decision appears to be the first
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time that an american president authorized a limited military response against artillery, missile bases, and command centers within the borders of a nuclear-armed adversary. here andrey petrovich, what kind of phase is this? this is a normal phase of pressure on russia. russia’s success is obvious in ukraine, although the front line is not moving anywhere and will not move, because the goals are military.
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well, every time it turned out to be a little bit, well, to bend russia, to come to an agreement with it, ultimately in one’s own interests. the west, it always proceeds from a concept that was laid down a long time ago, this the strategy of indirect actions has been described even without a word, yes, that is, if you cannot break it directly, that is, go around, come to an agreement, resolve the issue, they often say, the kremlin tower, the fifth column, we hear this very often today in russian, on russian air, first of all. in a community where they are talking about this more and more often, that the issue of prolonging the conflict is an interest beyond any, without any doubt, of the collective west, in order to then resolve these issues, whether there will be peace negotiations, i want to say, yes peaceful there will be some negotiations, but there will be no peace treaty, a priori,
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no one will sign it, ukraine, although it is not capable of making treaties today, and there we say that zelensky, he has the right to be there. the president does not have the right of the president, whichever way you look at it, these are also purely political games, for some he is the president, for others he is not the president, that is, the objective factor is that this is generally unprincipled, and the signature of zelensky or some other citizen of ukraine, it not fundamentally important, we need a guarantee more significantly significant subjects in politics, but is the west ready today to admit its defeat, that in the 21st century, some kind of century...
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some kind of peace agreements, but they will be temporary, that is , agreements, not even agreements, agreements on the principle that this will drag both ukraine and russia into the conflict, this should continue indefinitely, because in this way it will be possible to control this entire region and keep one and one of the leading military states constantly on the hook, tell us from the point from the point of view of the military system, and i won’t argue, i’m not even a military expert, well, from the point of view ...
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of the military map, but on the military-political map, that is, it plays against this current group of modern, so-called leaders and the european union, according to the fact of satellites of the usa, and the usa, let's illustrate them, we will go further on the same topic, we won't go anywhere from it, oh well, the americans, they are far away, these gentlemen understand what their actions can lead to, france is preparing to announce the sending their instructors to ukraine, as writes reuters, initially the french will send a limited one. the number of instructors to assess the conditions of the mission, and then several hundred more military personnel, the ukrainian military will be trained in demining, maintaining equipment and flying military aircraft, that is, the idea of ​​macron’s fix with sending troops is becoming a reality. another alarm bell: a growing number of countries are allowing ukraine
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to use supplied weapons to strike targets in russia. poland, czech republic, sweden, finland, the baltic countries do not object in any way against this. the netherlands will allow kiev to use its f-16 fighter jets to strike military targets in russia, defense minister kaisa olangara said. you know, we need to look at these problems a little more broadly, not only from the point of view of the military component, not only from the point of view of politics, from the point of view of the geopolitical processes that are taking place in the world, here we must say the main thing that the world has already changed, this is the first , and the west recognizes this. remember borel’s words, he clearly said in his speech that the united the states have lost their function as a hegemon, he said this, you and i did not say this. speaking in the uk, this is the first point, the second point, the analytical centers of the united states are already saying today that
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the task that was set in ukraine has not been completed, accordingly, we will not talk about victory, but victory over russia within the specified time frame that was planned, i couldn’t achieve what this means, that the world has changed, i want it again. russia has remained an independent state, with a growing economy, with new allies are appearing, brix, which
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is currently developing , new countries are emerging where, that’s right, and not only turkey, now there is talk about the development of the sco, about the emergence of new centers of power, the next moment, because russia was an intermediate link, the united states they believed that having finished with russia, they would move on to china and solve china’s problem of pumping up. yes, this chain, it should have been implemented, today it has stalled in ukraine, and it was supposed to complete this operation within a year, a year, there are various options, but this is already the second year, the third year has already begun, everything that is possible has been extracted from europe, the resources have been eaten up, the only thing that russia has achieved is that it has completely lowered europe from the point of view of the economy, from the point of view of political independence, not just
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as a country, which does not exist, but as a serious state, they are forced to obey, palestine has appeared, which has not been recognized for decades, the main ally of the united states, this very one, israel in this region, is losing its position, forces appear that support small palestine, but this is not palestine. this is a fetish, this is an indicator that, yes, an indicator that the tasks that the hegemon has always set for itself can be solved, today they cannot be solved when the houthis strike at the us aviation and carrier group, and they somehow cannot to neutralize this in full, this suggests that the process of, so to speak, the collapse of the empire has already begun, yes, but at the same time transforming. the world needs to understand that this is still not a chess game, these black swans in the form, for example, of the disaster with raisi and
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there are many other factors that we cannot predict, they, when you are at the nuclear red line, bring the world closer to the fact that one wrong step can lead to irreversible consequences, look, lavrov replies that russia will consider the delivery of f16 to kiev as a deliberate signal nato action. in the nuclear field, these aircraft have long been the main delivery vehicle for nato's so-called joint nuclear missions. and everyone understands perfectly well that here anyone’s hand, relatively speaking, will tremble, because that there is constant provocation from the western country. and one gets the feeling that a tactical nuclear strike is not just something they are not afraid of, it is something they are trying to push russia towards. that’s just us...
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the main globalists, these are color revolutions, and politicians in general, this is the tool they are giving slipping everywhere, that is
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, by and large, as nikolai evgenevich said, yes, here it is, the west is beginning to slowly leave. as a hegemon, and the fact that today suddenly more and more people are starting to talk about nuclear weapons, you understand, just a year ago, two years ago they were even afraid to talk about it, so look how they approached, clearly divided strategic nuclear forces and non -strategic, tactically, and they already say so, you know, if, in principle , tactically nuclear, then it can be applied, but i’ll say this, such a gradation, as a rule , does not exist if i attach the same bombs with a small charge to a strategic bomber. it automatically becomes a strategic nuclear force, you know, if this bomb falls in the center of paris, warsaw, or, of course, it will be unprincipled, yes, what it will be called, but look how they are starting to slowly change, that is, they are even offering to the same russia to provide for something radically to turn around, deploy, let’s tactical nuclear weapons, if you use it, in principle, nothing terrible will happen, but here is a very subtle step: if
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you start using tactical nuclear weapons today, today russia...
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the west and south are exactly the direction of the means of all this, this is the system that ensures security in what mode it should work, only god knows, yes, either in a dead hand system, or else how the automation will react, god only knows, and the fact that suddenly something didn’t happen, well , probably protection from a terrorist and from a fool is reliable, let's say, on the other hand, well , this was already an attempt to use it in mordovia before, there were slightly different systems, they were more mobile, the principle of application was a little bit different. different, but here this is a very serious aspect, that’s why russia is slowly they begin, they begin to figure out what kind of drone it is, and it turns out that it’s either portugal or britain, yeah, who benefits today from what’s in this region, again, these are questions related to the use of tactical, and strategic nuclear weapons, exercises that suddenly began to be carried out, this was in order to show that we were then at the moment of the arrival of this drone in this
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voronezh much closer to a nuclear war than. caribbean conflict, andrey petrovich, thank you for bringing this to light attention, this is the most important thing, this should be the most important focus of everyone’s attention today, we will live with this topic, probably throughout 2024, because they set themselves the task of air supremacy, therefore f16, and how can they provoke russia into nuclear response. valery anatolyevich, we are already approaching the end of the program, colleagues, let’s draw some conclusions, here are a few, that’s essentially the whole conversation we have with you, it boils down.
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to create some conditions for the sovereignty of countries, so that everyone is governed by on equal rights, in order to create the preconditions for the development, and in general, for humanity to continue to live, for any state. we will have to pay for our sovereignty for a very long time, this price will constantly rise, but we must understand that today not a single state in the world can stand alone, so today we really need to again create allies around ourselves, create a train of good neighborliness around ourselves, these are trips to azerbaijan, these are trips to mongolia, this is the vector that we have chosen so that our state can really withstand all the external factors that are pressing today ...
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it is going where it is called, this is a truth that does not need to be denied, to slightly paraphrase the greats classics, patriots of all countries unite, in the name of justice, time has chosen you. thank you for participating in this conversation, for the meanings with which you infused the topics that we observe when looking at news releases. what is information warfare? in 2020 we did you realize that the games are over? now there is
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an information war, first of all, at one time polish prime minister donald tusk questioned the quality of belarusian products. i showed your belarusian beef jerky, compared this packaging with polish beef, which contains an incredible amount of chemicals. he asked by what right i brought this piece of beef to the polish state, look how they take money, these belarusian parasites, to distort reality, lie to the poles at the same time time to lie to you, belarusians. be vigilant and selective about the information you consume. author. ksenia lebedeva’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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