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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 9, 2024 4:25pm-4:56pm MSK

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and a day later the surrounding area was shaken by a series of explosions, a flax plant, a brick water pumping station, panic among the germans, then they could not even think that this was the work of local youth, if, returning from the partisan detachment with the next batch of min fruza, arkady borbashov had met. fruza, you can’t go to the village, volodya grichukhin, whom we considered our school friend, betrayed us, all of our people were arrested, this cannot be, you trusted him so much, he is ours, yours, many considered him a friend, and volodya izavitov, aka was his best friend, fruza. we must hurry,
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go back to the detachment, there are raids all around, they may be here soon. the drama took place on august 26, 1943, when punitive forces surrounded the villages of obol, zui, and the ushala bridge and arrested almost all members of the underground. on july 1, 1958, at the editorial office of the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia, the mood of the employees was high, and this despite the fact that they quickly had to change the material on... the page:
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wonderful, wonderful, on the first page a decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr was published on the conferment of the title hero of the soviet union efrasinia savelyevna zenkov for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against the fascist invaders during the war, with the presentation of the order of lenin and the gold star medal. our fellow countrywoman is a hero of the soviet union.
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material about the feat of the young avengers, which newspapers on a typewriter had already tapped out sensational , acted in the shumelinsky district of the vitebsk region during the war years and its leaders fruze zenkova. the lines of memories about her formed themselves. patriot, despite mortal danger, every 2 days brought it. reconnaissance information about the movement of enemy echelons to the front, carried out dozens of important complex tasks. title of hero of the soviet union. a member of the underground organization, zinaida portnova, was posthumously honored. 12 people were awarded the order of the red banner of battle and the order of the patriotic war, first degree, also posthumously.
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gaidaenko vladimir alekseevich, during the patriotic war, participant in the battles near moscow. at the beginning of 1942, he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in the bryansk region, where he supervised the counterwork.
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construction of defensive structures, and then became commissar of the partisan detachment. he carried out a raid on the dopinsky forests with the partisans. since 1944. mayer-engineer, commander of a sapper battalion. during the liberation of pinsk, he was part of the airborne sappers; he died while clearing mines from the building and streets of the city. a street in pinsk is named after vladimir alekseevich gaidaenko. we follow the sporting life of our country. this week, the volleyball player from minsk secured her eleventh championship for olga polchevskaya - this is the first gold medal in as the team's main coach. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1, the final score of the return
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match was 21:20 in favor of the gomel handball players. we are reviewing the most interesting event. 500 people in minsk alone. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, where they see more opportunities
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and make the most of them. have you moved from france to belarus? yes, you bake delicious, cool, traditional, real ones. sana has some secret to the test, love, well, of course, and patience and patience, love and patience, very ok, that is, kevin will not reveal the real secret, your grandmother was engaged in herbalism, your grandmother had traditional herbalism, and you are not a traditional herbalist, traditional herbalism, but something that every woman who lives in a rural area, she simply must know, yes how to cure.
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when your soul pushes you to move forward, and keep up with your heart, your stomach sings, and you have a thirst for travel and adventure, you love to eat somewhere along the way, always, food
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anywhere, belarusian cuisine is not only that. history, culture and character of the people, we see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and in polesie, we are going on a journey to draw up a gastronomic map of belarus. i continue my acquaintance. lands where they know that flour will not ruin a dish, but it is definitely possible to make a dish better, today i had a chance to try, belarusian dumplings, a real treasure in a pot, steamed pancakes, the taste is not what it seems
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at first glance. borscht is the standard of slavic cuisine. today lida is the second largest size. a city in the grodno region, it attracts tourists not only with its history, but also with the fact that several large industries, famous throughout belarus, operate on the territory of lida. the prefix litskaya can be considered. symbol of quality. this applies not only to things or monuments, but to food. flour is the only product that is consumed by people of absolutely all races, cultures and religions. therefore, the mill is a symbol of many states and cities. lida is no exception. it is here that the well -known flour production plant is located. his the history dates back to 1927, when a mechanized mill was built here. this building smells like bread, there are 20 floors of grain in it.
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the plant is truly huge, covering an area of ​​25 hectares. it includes several workshops, and the first of them is an elevator or , simply, a granary. it is here that grain is brought, unloaded, then dried, cleaned and passed on. you've probably seen a water pipe, and this is a flour pipe. it flows through these veins here. the flour, well, flows and moves with the help of special pneumatic mechanisms. one of the important stages of flour production is quality assessment. for this purpose, the plant has a special laboratory. every boy's favorite toy is the scoop magnet, but in the laboratory they have practical applications on how to use them. hello. hello, we use a magnet to isolate metal impurities from a sample. to say that with a simple magnet you can find metal in flour, of course, you can try, it’s possible, metal can get into
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the flour when grinding grain, and it’s not enough to check it once, mix the flour and check at least three or four times. okay, why do we need scoops, these strange devices, i saw what you did to mix the sample, so that the sample was evenly mixed, so i was lucky, and my magnet didn’t find anything, this means that in front of me flour of the highest quality, in general, the highest grade in flour does not mean the best, yes, it is suitable for good baking, but on the other hand, in wholemeal flour, for example, or another grade, there may be more vitamins, for what reasons same parameters we determine the quality of flour? so, whiteness - one, next, humidity, humidity, two, smell, smell, number of falling, number of falling where, on the floor? no, this is such an indicator, and... on which the rise of the dough depends, it’s clear, and another thing, gluten, in my opinion, yes,
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this is very important to show, okay, now you can send the flour for packaging, this one, it would seem , a simple process behind my back, called a carousel, bags are filled with flour, then sewn up and sent further along the conveyor. imagine, out of 500 tons of grain that falls to the mill, it turns out 360 tons of flour. then each package of flour begins its own story, because there are many different dishes where it is used. one flour will become the basis for pizza, and the other for donuts. and yet there are native belarusian dishes that use flour. today we will learn the recipe for one of them. together with alesya. we will prepare a simple, seemingly at first glance, national belarusian dish,
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it’s called kletski, what is kletski? dumplings are a very tasty belarusian dish, better than are dumplings different from such dishes as pyzy or, for example, zeppelin? our dumplings are made from raw potatoes, they are fried in our house and then stewed. okay, we’ll do all this now on yours. but first , the ingredients: we will need high-grade flour, other flour will not work: potatoes, chanterelles and onions. we'll start with it: cut our onion in half and chop it first lengthwise and then across it so that we get small cubes. after this, fry the onions with chanterelles, just look how beautiful it is, and how fragrant, then we need to grate the potatoes on a fine grater, an option for the lazy is to use a food processor, but we are not looking for easy
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ways, and what kind of potatoes are needed for dumplings, young or not young? in general, you need old potatoes, since they contain more starch and are not so watery. we have new potatoes, but this won’t spoil the taste of the dumplings, just rub a little more potatoes and squeeze out the excess liquid. now the grater passes into my hands, just like the potatoes. there is no need to grate the onion for our test. mix the resulting mass with potatoes and add a couple of spoons of sour cream so that our potatoes do not darken. dumplings, meat appeared on the table, inside one part is for you, the other is for me, we are ready to sculpt the filling, we will have meat, we make it as if
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it were a pancake like that, yeah, we take our minced meat and put it inside. i want to draw your attention to the fact that we put quite a lot of minced meat, cook it as if for ourselves, well, in fact, we cook it for ourselves, wrap the minced meat in dough , fold our palms into a boat, giving the shape of our dumpling, roll it in our hands until the surface becomes absolutely smooth, without cracks, as they say, expectation, reality, and now remember the main difference: we fry belarusian dumplings. if they are zeppelins, then we cook them, but if we bake them in the oven, we get just potato pies. fry our dumplings for a short time until a golden brown crust appears. the dumplings are ready and i ’ll eat them, okay? no, wait, we haven't fully cooked them yet. i see a pot here for a reason, what is the pot for?
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a pot so that we can bring the pyletski to full readiness, and of course, it looks like it’s ready, look, it’s a nice crust. my my favorite is potatoes, which takes 10 minutes and is ready, you can eat it, no, we have meat inside, which is not completely ready yet, that is, we carefully put these dumplings in a pot, dumplings in pots, and now mushrooms, here comes the devil frying, which we prepared earlier, we send it to the pot, filling it to the top, then fill it with cream, which should cover our dish completely, but such...
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tans and flour, after which we knead, divide the resulting dough into koloboks and roll into pancakes, wrap the minced meat in the dough, giving give it the shape of a boat, place the dumplings in a heated frying pan, frying until a golden brown crust appears, then transfer the dumplings to a pot, fill the frying onions with chanterelles to the brim and pour in cream, send the pot to the oven for 40 minutes, sprinkle with herbs before serving. our dumplings are ready, which means we can start tasting. what a beauty! and who prepared all this, i wonder? who, who? i did the cooking. i was cooking, i'll try it. the first thing
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i would like to note is the aroma, it smells divine. take the dumplings out too pot. it is necessary in a special way using a spoon in order not to damage the structure of our lump. by the way, the name dumplings somewhere far away came from the german word, which means a lump, so in principle their structure, texture and shape are very consistent with this word. in fact, many nations have an analogue of letsik. in the czech republic. this dish is called knegliki in italy gnjoki, in hungary you will be fed with gombovets. actually, there are dumplings, you don’t have to take them out of the pot, but i did it so that show you, and to be honest, so as not to get burned. the pot is really hot, but this is more of a plus than a minus, because it retains the heat longer. agree, cold
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dumplings are not the same at all. we combined all the ingredients very successfully, so the most important thing when tasting. be able to keep all the ingredients together, so cut a piece so that each of the ingredients goes into your mouth. here, each ingredient complements each other. look, potatoes, they carefully envelop and preserve the taste and juiciness of the minced meat. as for the mushrooms, they are such a flavor highlight in this dish. alesya and i prepared classic belarusian. letzki in my opinion, although you can experiment a little in your home kitchen, add some other seasonings, make a different filling instead of mushrooms, for example, melt them. very tasty cheese, bake them also in a pot, experiment, belarusian dumplings in your hands will be even tastier, and you can also
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go on a trip and find out how dumplings are prepared in different parts of belarus, then bring home the recipe that resonates most with you. minsk and moscow are not changing the course of integration, belarus and russia will cooperate more closely, and presidents lukashenko and putin confirmed this in minsk. we can confidently state that the economies of belarus and russia are developing dynamically, despite various kinds of obstacles. we don't need war, we are today. they talked only about peaceful prospects, but we keep our gunpowder in check. our potential in armies and weapons, all this constitutes a tremendous force, eat everything,
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for every taste, dessert, for export. slodych, as an example, today produces more than 100 types of products. it is made from natural raw materials, with love, we bring the best. cookies, candies, gingerbreads, marshmallows, waffles are waiting for us. the most delicious quality control. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. the year 1920 gave a very serious lesson to our country. we saw the logic of hostility and began to look at things differently. we wanted to show a belarusian morning in belarusian nature. the models have practically no there was makeup. as it is, this is nature, yes, because linen is a natural fabric, and female beauty, naturalness, well, it’s like it’s all in one concept, someone said, wow, for some it was very unexpected,
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it won’t the winners of this war, taking into account all that we have accumulated, from the point of view of nuclear weapons, will be enough to move the earth out of orbit several times, taking into account the half-life, life simply cannot continue, and i love my country very much when they told me, could you... to ever leave here, i say, definitely not forever, you can live well in any country, but if you yourself are worth something , you do something, tell me about the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel, they are loyal to my business, the land for me is a nurse, it gives us everything, bread and milk, without labor on it, well, nothing can be produced, i can’t imagine another job where... the battle is intended to carry out tasks of searching for investment graves
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of military personnel with the purpose of their further perpetuation. based on the results of field search work, information was established about more than 3,700 people who died during the great patriotic war, as well as during the first world war. watch on tv channel.
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i don’t want to brag, but i have one talent: i will always find the place where there is something to eat on seras, this is the agricultural town of belitsa. at first glance, belitsa is no different from many other agricultural towns, but it has one feature, all because the belitsa agricultural town. somehow got on the list intangible cultural heritage of our country, this is how teresa fedorovna will tell me: how, and very simply, every year in our cultural center they hold discover the taste of your cuisine, this is a bright and tasty event, whose goal is to return to the traditions of our ancestors to show belarusian cuisine in all its glory . we were there for one year, which means we have potato dishes. we thought for a long time, how could we surprise here, well, it must be something of its own , everyone from their locality brings their own dishes, we think, it means that the oldest residents
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ask, and then, that means, i... the director says: well, my mother cooks such delicious pancakes, they are called steamers and says: a long, long time ago, as if my mother had already cooked this for her, she says: come on, she says, let's go let’s ask our mothers, like, well, that’s it, and we asked her, we adopted this recipe, now this is our signature dish, beletskoe, draniki-steamers, i know what draniki are, you know what draniki are, and the whole country and the whole world knows what potato pancakes are, but what are steamed potato pancakes, that’s the truth curious. how does a regular potato pancake differ from a steamer pancake? i’ll tell you, well, there was a lot of nekali, well, dzetsey in the same place , we need to feed them, somehow people lived rather poorly, they also seemed to skimp on potatoes, well, they tried, how a little went, flour, how a little went, there ’s only a little bit turns out to be a lot, and due to what it turns out to be a lot, let’s say, let’s try the whole process, well , we peeled the potatoes, well, grated them, grated them, just on a grater, not with a blender in
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any case. at this time you need to put on fire to steam the cheese vodka. whey is the key word and the main character of our steamed pancakes, it is obtained when preparing cottage cheese, it contains no fat, but there is plenty of protein and carbohydrates. well , a little secret: it’s based not on cow’s milk, but on goat’s milk. what caused this swelling, why does whey have such an effect on potatoes, that from two potatoes you get something like this... that is, this is essentially the effect of yeast dough, and to bake such a plate of steamed potato pancakes you only need five potatoes while on it would take at least 15 potato pancakes, the benefit is obvious after pouring the whey over the potatoes , adding salt, egg, onion and flour, where would we be without it? the appearance is, of course, different,
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because... steamers are more similar to oladas, that is, in essence, in consistency, in structure, these are pancakes, but if it is difficult to distinguish steamers from pancakes by appearance, then the taste will definitely be different, but so we have to try it, let’s take the potato pancake, by the way, mind you, i take it with my hand so that it tastes better, of course, especially when there were children, when there were a lot of them, everyone thump-thump-thump i brushed it with my hand, that’s it, no, until with a fork, it seems to me, and not just potato pancakes , these steamers ended up in the intangible cultural heritage of our country, rather teresa fedorovna brought them there with her own hands, because potato pancakes, steamers with teresa fedorovna, they are much tastier, more colorful and more fun, it’s true, maybe, yes , it’s true, it’s true, there are steamers in a group that are really tastier than alone, this is understandable, because they are prepared for a large family,
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an amazing combination, in terms of texture, these are pancakes , but it tastes like real potato pancakes, yes with a seagull, and in good company, come to belitsa, you won’t regret it, yeah, besides belitsa, you should definitely visit the village of dvorishche, which is located 15 km from lida, because a real old mill has been preserved here, there are very few of them left in belarus, traditionally. belarusian hospitality is greeted with scraps and cracklings. zmitser and victoria will tell us how the free miller lives, apparently from his charming wife. zmitser, tell us the history of this mill. the history of this mill is very interesting. mill was always part of a large estate and brought in a very large income. the miller took about a fifth of the harvest, that is, he
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took 20% for grinding beech, so this. there was a very rich, wealthy man, accordingly, it was impossible to tolerate such a person nearby, the local residents were, and yes, that’s why the miller and the mill were not allowed to be installed in the populated area, in this case this tradition was observed, that is, the building of the yard is located on the other side of the road, and the mill with the miller's house is on this side of the road. due to the fact that the mill was located away from settlements and worked at the expense of the forces of nature, people believed that the millers were connected with the nechi. forces, and they themselves believed in it, for example, when it was frosty, they put a piece of lard under the mill wheel to appease the waterman, the river zhizhma, it is translated from the baltic dialects as zheka - this is a witch, and is translated as a witch’s river, so accordingly, so how the miller was very rich, very wealthy, all the locals said about him and they said that he was haunted by evil spirits, even if the miller lived in vodino...


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