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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 9, 2024 6:25pm-7:01pm MSK

6:25 pm
belarus is not the absolute forests, the black rivers and the azers, the uncracked nature of hell, what a non-magchy adarvat vachey, and yashche belarus is the people, we are covering their forest for you. we carry traditional traditions, and at the same time we change our views on extraordinary speeches, and we work with this world, like a magician, belarusians are so different, and yet they are poisonous: any and their native land. belarus 26.
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vitold mikhailovich, soviet tanker as, participant in the great patriotic war. as part of the crew of the t-34 tank, they destroyed 21 enemy tanks, of which four were heavy tanks the tiger, as well as four enemy self-propelled guns, two tanks, one of them a panther, were captured serviceable during the battles, and 20 guns, 80 vehicles and more than
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a hundred enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. it is noteworthy that six tanks were destroyed in one battle. in total, during the war years, tank az vitold gintaft participated in more than 100 tank attacks, burned twice in the tank, changed combat vehicles three times, remaining in service. in april 1944, on the front line of the fight against the nazi invaders, sergeant major vitold gintovt after completing combat missions from the command , mikhailovich was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union with the order of lenin and the gold star medal.
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i am a very self-sufficient person, i know that i am.
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at this time, i have all the plots, they are in my head, and how barnes carries the work, on the ship philadelphia, pennsylvania, i have been working towards this for more than 30 years, so this is practically my whole life, and my life began in general during the soviet period, i grew up in a family of intelligent parents, they had a job that was not related to art in any way, my father... was a lawyer, my mother taught geography at the university, and they didn’t instill in me any such attraction to art, although it was a difficult period, it was the sixties, and a few years had passed since the great patriotic war, people still lived in memories. but i was drawn to art,
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drawn, why, because my grandmother had a small, but very collection... ultimately, when i became a graduate student, the passion for collecting beautiful paintings took possession of me, despite the fact that there was little money , but at the same time i was i was carried away, i was carried away, i went to various
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exhibitions, went to galleries, and if i managed to buy some works, then i can say that i acquired them, well, i will say... and was immediately a noticeable figure in terms of my destinies i found myself at the polytechnic institute for some economic innovations, proposals for improvement, for the implementation of scientific developments, and so on, i was introduced to the rector, and in the end i was in demand precisely... for the implementation of some technical know-how, i was invited by our young scientists who worked with steels in metallurgical production, i quickly joined their team,
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i can say this, after a very short period of time, these are months, and i headed this company, it was... the first at that time at the polytechnic institute, i headed this company, already after about 3-4 months we began to melt tool steel at our belarusian metallurgical plant, although before that scientists had been fighting about this topic, that is, about implementation for almost more than 10 years, you see, that is, this is how my basic science helped in implementation of scientific and technical developments associated with stalin. when i was already entering the world of business, the world of business, well, it didn’t arise, the opportunity arose to build my own individual house, at that time, it was the nineties, it was all very relevant and fashionable, every house should have had a fireplace, i’m very much a person
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so flexible in terms of some of his own inventions, this is interesting to me, we didn’t see fireplaces at that time, naturally... we didn’t have stone as such, there was no marble or granite, that is, we didn’t they knew, imagine, this is the nineties, at the same time there was a brick, my first production began with fireplaces, and for our individual needs such as brick, i developed them myself, invented them myself, these were open fireplaces, many then laughed at with this question, in particular, two french companies laughed the most, that is, representatives of these companies, jamini philip, as i remember now, and gadin, that is, they heard that some eccentric began the production of fireplaces from bricks, but this is open , open,
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open fireplaces, it was of course, and well, partly - well, amazing. our art, but there were already some elements of some of my finds and so on, but at that time we did not pose a threat to these french companies, but when 2 years later we opened our own salon, it was clear to the french that their end will soon come, and indeed it came in less than six months, we had already mastered marble, granite, we were breaking into... into the open spaces of processing stones, for us it was all new, we were looking, we were looking for equipment, we created a lot ourselves from this production, bought magazines, that is, we were hungry for everything that the discovery represented for us, in this case, everything of our own
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, we purposefully worked on the creation of kamina portals, new portals. they were small, how water is supplied, how stone is cut, that is, we acquired the first skills in cutting directly the material and granite, brick, from our domestic production, which was so quite simple, but it was already present in our metro and then my sons already went to italy to look at the equipment, study there, and so on, and
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returned here with new skills. i spent almost 24 hours at the enterprise from morning to evening, at a certain moment i was left alone, this circumstance prompted me to reflect on the life i had lived, which was already behind me, i very... deeply experienced this period during the transfer for more than one year, my table, my approach to life has changed, well, banal things seem to look like this, the table changes, the audience that sits at table, that is, i became a vegetarian, i became a vegetarian, i stopped any libations, you know? now this is an absolutely sober way of life, a sober way of life -
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this gives you even more free time to think about how to live on, because old habits go away and new habits are acquired, you know, and this is very difficult, and why? because there is a certain internal contradiction between your... consciousness and subconscious, through the subconscious the lord says that you must act this way and not otherwise. when i saw the lacherna icon, i realized that i could make it, this harmony between my inner world, between my subconscious and consciousness, was acquired, this is the icon, this is the harmony that i am ours... new, because the old thing is me was no longer captivating,
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personal life was not working out and there was no development, you know, but here i saw something new that shocked me, when we brought this icon, made under the leadership of the bishop, to the lyatsky monastery, we were met by thousands of pilgrims, parishioners, maybe this monastery, the monks hung this icon, it was all solemn, it made such a strong impression on me, and i realized that i would continue to devote my work only to these icons. i didn’t stop making icons until i heard in 1818 purely on the radio that patriarch kirill was coming to us, when i heard that kirill himself was coming, i made a decision for myself that we definitely needed to give our fat. icon to the patriarch, i was sure that our icon would make an impression on him, of course, well, it so happened that,
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at that time i was unknown to anyone, no one, it was the eighteenth year, the month of november, it was a call from some kind from above that i needed to present our already created icon to people, first of all to the hierarchs of the church, i came home, dialed... the telephone number of the zheroech monastery secretary asked me to present my works to guryu through a website on the internet. guri is archimadrid, the abbot of the zherovichi monastery, that is, well , he is a serious figure, so that he would pay attention, if my icons and our works could be the subject of conversation, i asked for an audience. through an hour later the call came back to me, where vladyka gury was. through the secretary he said: “come, vladyka is waiting for you tomorrow.”
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it was exactly the same lightning-fast entrance to vladyka paul. i presented our icons through one window and asked bishop paul to speak out on this matter. with the letter, i explained what our icons are, how they are made, how they differ from traditional icons, what they can do, and in general, ultimately this... and her, both territorial integrity and her sovereignty, so it's kind of unique a banner, moreover, all our neighbors have this banner, the belarusians seem to have it, but it is in such a way, as if still in motion, well, the poles have the chestokhowsky icon,
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the lithuanians have the starbrahm icon, which means ours... together however, it is significant in history, because where the icons ended, the orthodox world ended, we can say that icons are an outpost of the orthodox world, at the same time, today our zhirichi icon is very relevant, it will allow, if we give it
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the appropriate support , she will allow us to stretch... a certain an energy bridge to the whole world, so that it understands our blue-eyed belarus and its people. the topic was orthodoxy, and a prominent representative of the jewish diaspora came to me and asked me to do something similar, outlining roles, places, which means that the jewish diaspora in the life of the belarusian nation, its formation, and this is where mine began. work , a really very interesting collection of works was created, dedicated to the cold synagogue of minsk, this is the first stone building in minsk, this is a medieval defense synagogue that stood in minsk for 450 years, in this year is its anniversary, it was made with me from
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jerusalem trovertin, but there i already worked in the volume of. the windows are so long, they are made from onyx, it all glows, it spins, it represents an exact copy of that synagogue, this is a module on a scale of 1:10, which used to stand on the nimiga river for 450 years, then , in general, i’m somewhere... then it turned to the knowledge of judaism and other sacred values, which is overflowing, it should have been... belarus, sustin walked, their friend the model - these are modern artists, moreover, olympus, through which i could bring these sacred values ​​of judaism closer to our contemporaries, and, it seems, i succeeded.
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minsk and moscow are not changing the course of integration, belarus and russia will cooperate more closely, and the presidents, lukashenko and putin confirmed this in minsk. we can confidently state that the economies of belarus and russia are developing dynamically, despite various kinds of obstacles. we don’t need war, today we talked only about peaceful prospects, but in disputes we keep the schema.
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glory to the family of the platars, we here recognize the sweetheart, the platars and all the astatine cords of the past, their floating on the pharmaceutical economic centers of ukraine and a zillion of extraordinary people.
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ale yana z'yaulyajutstsa asnova for the velma jumper, dekaravanaga belt, which akalya this prastor. glyadzice on our tv channel. you and i are in one of the exhibition pavilions of our enterprise, where one of our collections is located, and or rather
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part of it, these are icons made of stone, this is the largest collection of icons made of stone in the world. the icons are presented in various techniques, these are, first of all, three-dimensional icons, heavy, temple icons, these are combined icons, all icons are made. made of natural stones, this is mainly marble, this is travertine, this is onyx, these are various quartzites, these icons were illuminated by metropolitan paul, we have enough icons, many, as i already said, there is no such collection, about a thousand icons, the central place in our collection is undeniable occupied by our beloved, miraculous zhiroite icon of the mother of god with a large.
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i was also present, this circumstance led me directly to the bible, sermon on the mount, i worked for a long time on
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the text of the sermon on the mount itself, i thought, somehow by chance, pay attention to the open book, i saw the lachernae icon of the mother of god, it is a three-dimensional icon for a stone worker, volume is extremely important, the plane does not attract - meters of my level , why? because it’s all simple, and the volume, when i saw it, i realized that we could make such an icon, this is the most complex icon that we could just start making, we started with it, the vlacher icon of the mother of god, inscribed icons, there quite strict color solutions, but for us the nature of the stone allowed us to present the icon in all its diversity, just imagine one iconographic... in front of you,
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it delights, i would say, is the delight of vision, and opens the soul to the glory of god, well, the center of ours, my, or rather my thoughts and general dream to make the largest icon in the world, this is first of all a heroic icon, which... we are in one of the museums of the history of minsk, for our subsequent creativity, you and i are a city museum, located on rakovskaya 17. there is a fairly large exhibition of works here, these are paintings in stone, and mazhi,
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they are dedicated to quite legendary artists. this is to the essence, madellane and our other compatriot, marc chagall. these hamazhi are based on my phantasmogorical stories about the life of these great meters of artistic olympus. amash, in itself, there is one version, this is partly plagiarism.
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is his portrait of heroes in belarus, he receives a letter from his mother who wants to ask to go with him, and we see smilovichi, we we see minsk, we see paris, that is, we see the whole history in which that artist lived, we see our belarus, in particular, what this artist never depicted. if we
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are talking about homages to soutine and madellan, then you can see the works of two artists in one work, that is, both soutine and madellan, how could you imagine these two artists in one work, but if you look, they are very harmonious, harmonious , because art critics who studied these two artists wrote about it, they they said that they have a kind of kinship of souls, quite a lot has been written about these artists, but no one has ever tried to do it, not in essence, but not in modeling, it was an idea that i fell ill with overnight, waking up in the morning, i had already practically seen 12 works, the remaining six i had already thought out and completed in my head, the fact is that our works are timeless, this is an obvious fact, say, am i a successful or unsuccessful
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master? i can say that this criterion can be many, let’s say, madegliani, he was unsuccessful during his lifetime, but today he the paintings are inferior only to a few, there is pablo picasso, leonardo da vinci, but i want to say the following: these works that we made about these artists, they will remain for centuries with people, 100, 200, 300, thousand years will pass, and these the works will be the same... testify to their skill in the same way as today on this day, their paintings, in general, are immortalized in our homages. all the last years, which i clearly remember, they were devoted to this creation, these collections, everything else turned out to be abandoned by me, i
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i didn’t devote any attention to this, i can give many concrete examples, starting from a house, an apartment, but not to mention such more sacred things as grandchildren and relatives and so on, but this art requires sacrifice, i had very little time to leaving a mark. we have created a whole methodology, and a method of how we can show any artist, any musician, through works of art in stone. all you need to do is create a new phantasmagoric story that is being born
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here. now, that’s all, exactly the same, if time allows me, i have an idea next to our sustin and madelyane, to visit them. good comrade picasso, you see, there things will come to a distance, i was constantly given to ideas, i moved all the time, being illuminated by this idea, you see, i was its bearer, i was the demiurge and the turn of the entire enterprise to a new one, you know, this is very it’s difficult, people don’t understand this, it’s already lost to catch up.
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it's all or nothing. i can say, i am a lonely person, in the full sense of the word, but in this solitude it is only possible to create, therefore significant things can only be created by being a concentrated, targeted object on the main goal. and now i have entered a new period of time, a very important one. where i feel a certain surge of strength, and i feel that things will work out, i sometimes have dreams, they are prophetic, once i dreamed of the mother of god, this turned out to be what it is, and
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recently i had another dream, probably it will also be in my hand, in short, look at us, look in the vastness of the world, i know where i’m going want. belarus has good relations with baku and yerevan. it seems to me that belarus intends to continue to maintain these good relations with both parties to this conflict, because we are generally for peace in the world. azerbaijan has achieved a lot in
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recent years and, above all, by solving its main problem, the return of lands that for a long time simply turned into desert.
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