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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 9, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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clearly understand what it is and how to start it, because in any case you need to be competent, this will need to be done in different tranches and different stages, we will need, that is, here on average it will take about a month to understand through which organizations, through which countries, through which structures can we get it, in any case , this money should go through some kind of structure, organization, yeah, well, of course, the issue of legalization, let’s say so, let’s probably study it. they talked about this, that
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there are points for discussion, so to speak, already theta-theta not through a video conference, unfortunately, so we have a visa to the european union, but no, well, of course, it would be in this case, in this case our tasks would be easier if we had such, such. ..
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she doesn’t appear on social networks, except perhaps in old lost ones, but the internet remembers everything. irina rudanova, the wife of the company, has been working at the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania for 11 years. the third is the secretary of the consular department, dealing with schengen national visas. from 2019, by the way, to 2021, she was responsible for these visas are available at the lithuanian consulate in minsk. she protects her husband and his shadowy illegal schemes, which is convenient, isn’t it, for both strizhak and rudan? the most ridiculous thing is that it is possible to be
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right for the baysol foundation, it is the right thing to do for the general prosecutor's office of the lithuanian republic, or the police of the lithuanian republic. in conclusion, this letter has been sent to the law enforcement agencies of lithuania and the european union. gentlemen, there are money mules under your noses. this was a project from the inside out ekaterina tikhomirova, vitaly soplitsa, see you again. and what categories of belarusian goods most in demand in foreign markets? and of course, these are the most, probably, we ourselves can always say that these are meat and dairy products, these are our products. tania and
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mechanical engineering enjoys great success, agricultural engineering attracts foreign partners, mtz, mass, belas are always at the top at any exhibition, confectionery products are also a huge success, and of course, scientific and technical developments, in your opinion, due to this do belarusian products compete successfully in foreign markets? v first of all, it’s quality, this year is the year of quality, yes, and i can say that at foreign events, at our exhibitions, products are presented that can rightfully be said to be of the highest quality, and if we talk about food products , especially in our country they monitor standards. with all the guests, so
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international partners appreciate this very highly, we have even more events planned for this year, and it will also be bright.
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jordan, also countries, exhibitions in countries in uzbekistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, in in general, all our already beloved partners, we always need to maintain contact with them, come to the exhibition, and of course, do not forget about new partners and look for them in these countries.
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we welcome everyone who is with us now, we are consolidating our positions in regions and countries where
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we have something to offer and where we ourselves see opportunities. in this sense, the president’s visit to mongolia, a country with which we have long-standing relations, is very interesting . mongolia was the first to officially declare that, for example, it is an ally of the ussr in the fight against fascism. but today it is the fastest growing economy in asia. it ranks second in the world in copper and uranium reserves, eleventh in coal reserves, in the innovation list of the world intellectual property organization, mongolia is recognized as the fastest growing country over the past 10 years. the visit was not only historical, but also simply friendly; the guests were greeted at the highest level.
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the gol people are doing their part of the work, we are ready to offer you options and contracts for the most technologically advanced enterprises, are you convinced? this the visit will open a new page in the good and trusting relations of our peoples and will become truly historic in strengthening our cooperative relations. these days we received very colorful images from mongolia. andrey evgenevich, if allow me to start with you, given that for many years you worked in the pool and accompanied the president in different parts of the world. but if we talk about the practical component, we have heard. the presidents are ready to the fullest, as for the context of the atmosphere, what did you note for yourself? mongolia is really great
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an important state in the heart of eurasia, and indeed, now it is to this state that all eyes are turned, first of all, of course, china, russia and we are trying to build our own subject subregion, which will allow us to economically, logistically and technologically close, as they say, many chains. and many breakthrough technologies, well, in particular, and this was also heard in mongolia, i know the preparation of documents for this visit, this includes medicine, including nuclear medicine, these are metals - and new materials that are now used everywhere from space to earth, this is energy, this is the training of specialists, because one of the tasks set by the mongolian leader, the mongolian government, is the accelerated training of specialists, here are high-class ... colleges, something that is highly developed in our country, something that we have preserved exactly
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from soviet times, and what we are investing in our future development, but this was also said, by the way, during the visit, the president somewhat emphasized the role of conditionally independent ones, it is important that we are not just going to seize resources, as many other countries did there, we
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are going there with our technologies, with our enterprises, with our production, and this is very important, something that will contribute to the further economic growth of mongolia, they all understand this and really welcomed our president, our delegation, i know firsthand, i talked with many managers, in particular the plant, i also found a point of application there, this is an important difference, it will... contribute to the fact that this game will be in long, and we will really find there, or rather we have already found an important reliable partner, well , i don’t know whether the mongolian partner expected this or not, but the belarusian president receives information every day from various sources on business trips, also about what the locals write, here in including the opposition, it turned out that on the eve of the parliamentary elections there were those who decided to hype up and convene an anti-belarusian rally in mongolia.
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strong, and with all my heart, from our entire delegation of the belarusian people, i wish you to be
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strong to survive in this world and to make the mongolian people deservedly rich and great. the great one, as i told you, genghis khan always taught that in order to achieve something, everyone needs to do their job in their place. power should be tough, firm, like a fist, no one holds power with outstretched fingers, this is the message to be strong in order to... survive - the president said, is relevant not only for belarus, mongolia, in general such a phrase is important for many now, as you look at her? in this situation, probably the words of our president are a certain leitmotif of the events that are taking place today in mongolia. please note that for decades mongolia has remained a treasure trove of the world, and this is not, so
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to speak, a pretentious phrase, this actually corresponds to reality, a country that... therefore, the call or message of our president is a clear understanding of how events can develop , including in this state, and we, the republic of belarus, having gone through this difficult path, and repeatedly, defending our sovereignty, we can lend a shoulder, it is no coincidence that the delegation included the chairman of our security council, and included
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security ministers, each in his own way, so to speak, in his own way. direction, solved certain problems in the interests of bilateral relations, and, probably, the example that you gave concerns attempts to play a role in this visit, to show the internal protest activity of the mongolian people, it shows that this region will play a very important role in the near future role in the international arena. except moreover, we should probably add to all this. the following message: the united states is transferring its vector of attention from the european region, as it has been for decades, precisely to the asian region, and here mongolia is located between china and the russian federation, next to korea, next to, next to japan, nearby are those states
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that are now trying unite within the framework of the generally new formation aksus. the constant development of this region from a military point of view, the transfer of efforts to this region in order to achieve their geopolitical tasks will force mongolia in the near future to defend its own sovereignty, if they want to remain a state, well, such a significant one, at least within the framework of the world, the world community to defend peacefully, well, look, after the ninetieth year in essence. after the soviet union withdrew its contingent from there, and just in case a whole army came out, plus about 100,000 more together with all the specialists, mongolia was left alone, well, with the very democracy we are talking about, and so are we we understand what it is it is rich in reserves, rich in resources, a good location just between two empires, as our head of state said, and of course
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, these same soros little by little began to penetrate there, corrupting local elites, including journalists. china's cooperation with the russian federation, then the basis of the third neighbor, of course, is the collective west, and this collective west is, first of all, the united states itself, so we are talking about their uranium deposits, one of the first places, who do you think is currently working on these deposits? uranus, of course, france, the first thing that was accepted was the open sky, since there is no access to the sea, today the americans conscientiously bring their imports there, exports, by the way, goods coming from the united states to mongolia are 30 times higher than those the goods that go, that is, exports and imports, are 30 times greater than mongolia and
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the united states, this also says something, in these conditions, if we look politically, of course everything was changed. system and structure, that is, they had formerly the mongolian people's revolutionary party, which today, by the way, has retained its position, it simply began to be called the mongolian people's party, and surl sukhn, the president, by the way, he was the first secretary of this party for a very long time, in essence, this as a prototype of the communist party in our country, here is the second democratic party of mongolia, that ’s what we are saying, in june they literally have elections, just for the parliament, and this is a parliamentary... republic and the parliament has much greater powers, how president, then it should be noted that from now on it will be the case that if previously there was a majoritarian system, yes, then in essence, now it is starting to be mixed. system, that is, he proposes to create an even greater multi-party system in order to take away this opportunity from this party, which has been in the leadership of this country for a long time, in essence, to take it away quietly,
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these were difficult negotiations with our president, taking into account all that context, here where does it all come from, the opposition appears this is exactly the pro-western one from there, that there are these same soros, and those other organizations of the united states, well, the entire collective west is already deep. took root, well, further, let 's see, even if we are talking about the economy, yes, china has a strong place here, about more than 85 billion dollars is trade with mongolia with china, more than 18 billion, in my opinion, is trade with russia, the united states there are only 2.6 states, but it is the united states that is trying to impose its policies there, again from this geopolitical provisions, and even if again we return to the armed forces of mongolia, because they actively took part. where in iraq and afghanistan as part of this multinational contingent, and also participated in many operations in africa, with a small contingent of 300 people, but
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the country itself is not very large, only 3.5 million, that is, it is very strong there today western vector, it was not for nothing that the head of state said, the main thing is not to make a mistake, the last thing i would like to focus on is that mongolia is still the only only an observer of the sco, and why? russia and china, and i think that in these conditions it is mongolia that the west will try to create these conditions in order to again shake up the situation, this is what my colleague, as a rule, said, and that the question here is about what will happen in the near future. in the asia-pacific region, from the point of view of this soft power , this creeping of the collective west and the united states primarily into mongolia, the situation now is still better than it was 10 and 5 years ago,
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5 years ago, together with our chinese and mongolian colleagues, we discussed this problem : well, the vast majority of young mongolian journalists do not study in mongolia, not in close russia, not in china, which is even closer, but they study in these western centers. and... the mongolian people, mongolian society have found the strength to build , among other things, a sovereign policy, to integrate, well, let’s say, into our belt and road media platform, which is now de facto, the largest global an association of journalists that has ever existed in history, so that mongolian journalism has a sovereign voice, and through this voice, so that mongolian society understands the situations that are happening around. of a sovereign state understood the importance, including the sco, because yes, that sarossyad part of journalists is hushing up all this, at the core of this elite, even about which we are talking
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today, that sorl sukh as president, that chairman zandar satan, yes, who is the chairman of the khural, the great state khural, these are those people who were still graduating from the mongolian soviet school, and if we are talking about the president, he was a political officer in the 152nd mongolian army, and in russian. said, be strong in order to survive, we look, we are talking about what the president is talking about how important it is to make in time
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the changes that you need to become strong, and how difficult it is to do this when the moment seems to have been missed . we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only crap, see for yourself, because the kitchen is it is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. hello, my roll, hello, eclair, hello, my potato, how i missed you, how i want to hug you all and, of course, eat you. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the dish is called. spanish from any language, potatoes, and even in south africa, potatoes turned out to be a very simple, understandable dish,
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just such food. we usually order in restaurants; we’ll show you what they eat in different parts of our country. tell me, what kind of desserts are these? on our holiday table? makovnik, mazurka and orhas. and these are all the dishes that are described in the poem pantadeus. i definitely need to re-read it. see the project. where is the food? on the tv channel belarus 24. russia is our main market; in 2 years we have grown export supplies there by $8.5 billion. settlements in national currencies between belarus and russia at the end of 23 years reached 92%. russia's investments in the belarusian economy exceeded $4 billion last year. someone wants to tell us that they will come here, take away our sovereignty, absorb our economy, but the russians don’t need it.
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georgia nevertheless adopted a law on bynogents, whoever is not with us is against us, this seems to be the main slogan of the west, we see how they are putting pressure on tbilisi for trying to defend the right to make sovereign decisions, and they are threatening with excommunication from
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the european body, but in georgia . it seems that prime minister kabakhidze, who is serious, will not insist on maidan in georgia. then, after the maidan , the ukrainian authorities were actually appointed from outside twice. ultimately, whoever appointed these authorities did not bear any responsibility for subsequent events. until 2013, ukraine was a state with territorial integrity and an economy of $200 billion. today ukraine has collapsed, again, no one is responsible for this. one more example. the west is constantly pressing, demanding that republika srpska support sanctions against russia, its president milorad dodik said in an interview with ria novosti, but he emphasized that at the level of bosnia and herzegovina there has not yet been a single decision on sanctions, they have not been officially introduced, the question arises that this is the wind such changes in the international agenda, now, valery anatorevich, well, we see that in reality there is a certain cutting off of the political elites - in these states, in particular in georgia, it is very
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important that today they are thinking about their own. after all, this act, it caused some indignation, people took to the streets of tbilisi, but they were not, so to speak, a split in society did not occur, it is very important that after the president imposed a veto, 84 members of parliament voted for the removal of this, for the repeal of the veto, only four for, that is, it's already shows that society is consolidating and consolidating at the level of political elites,
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and this is really very important, even if it’s not...
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to give it its due, that in this country, in georgia, as in many other states, there is an awareness of the need to preserve traditional values, this is that trend, so to speak, of rejection, perversion - this is generally a normal situation, these are people with a normal psyche, with normal historical values, who were brought up on a certain tolerance for the truth, yes,
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but it’s so easy to get away from the control under which they were, you will remember the phrase, if you compare this character of today’s head and saakashvili, a person who is absolutely all this... the question is before, or so to speak, overcoming the president’s veto, well, the president in this case is a puppet of georgia, we won’t say anything, unfortunately , western, and a former french citizen, as far as i remember, yeah, you’ll notice that they had enough internal
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cohesion for this most serious step, because today the united states has already talked about the sanctions that are being imposed against government, about personal. about the fact that this will reconsider political attitudes, and the worst thing is a blow to the lgbt community, this in general, this is simply unacceptable, but it turns out that today we understand that the world does not need this, this is a step to nowhere, the destruction of the people and people of the population, and in general how the georgians themselves talk about it, it’s beautiful, always poetic to listen to, that’s what for georgians? in his identity it is important: i am the son of my father, this means clan, i am georgian, i am orthodox, so these are the three fundamental components that yes they hold a person from the inside, and pay attention , when these things were imposed on me, in my
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opinion, and this is what many georgians say, demonstrations against this bill on agents gathered, according to various estimates , 20-25,000, but at the same time... in support of the georgian orthodox church, in support of the traditional values ​​of 3000 , these soros came out in the western media, which caused simply wild indignation in georgia, this was not reported, they tried to discredit as much as possible to show the absolute majority of georgian society, which means somehow, i’m even lgbt, well, what does lgbt have to do with it, georgia has its own christian tradition.
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we look at whose law is better, softer and in general what it provides for, they refused immediately, they refused immediately, this georgian opposition, which tried to use this law simply for another state rebellion to demolish the government , lost, but lost the first round, and the georgians themselves say that that a very difficult end of the year awaits them, when there will be just another attempt, not even a color revolution, but a rebellion and a coup d'etat. west for independence or so an attempt at independence for georgia. in general, why did the question of georgia arise as such? because the west has closed its borders, in fact, the possibility of free trade, free movement, today it
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is in the european continent, well , in general, in the european part of our continent and in general, it is in the hands of the collective west. france is creeping into armenia, supplying weapons. new ways. it’s clear, this is the great silk road of china, this is the north-south route, these are related issues precisely with this, and today only one georgia has access to the sea that is not blocked, through batumi and other ports that are being built there, and new ports, it is clear that in order to create conditions for normal trade today, everything is needed a state that has subjectivity, that’s what we’re talking about, irakli kabakhidze, who is today the head of the government, essentially... took a very correct position, and the first is this law, which overcame
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the veto of a citizen of this france, how nikolai evgenievich correctly said, yes, that salome zurabishvili is the second politician, the division will be between one second politician, not both are young, some represent purely the west, and the other represents these peoples of transcaucasia, yes, transcaucasia, that’s it first of all, this law is a question of subjectivity in order to understand who is for them and who is against them. this very georgia, it is neither pro-russian, nor pro-western, nor any other law, it is a purely pro-georgian law, but the second, as for the lgbt issue, it doesn’t matter, it was there, there were homosexuals, if there were not homosexuals in this georgia, fundamentally this does not affect politics in any way, it simply shows which vector georgia chooses, and georgia chooses which, pro-russian vector, pro-iranian vector.
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a prisoner.
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this means that the verdict for donald trump will be announced on july 11, pay attention to the screen, if you are looking now, take a closer look at this face, this is what a real politician looks like. it was a rigged shameful trial, the people will pronounce the real verdict on november 5, i am not a guilty person, i am fighting for our country for our constitution, our entire country is now being falsified, the biden administration is doing this to hurt the opponent, this is a shame, we will fight to the end and we will win, because our country is going to hell, not subtracting, not adding, but absolutely true, how long have americans been teaching the whole world that you can’t make fun of people? over political opponents, listen, this
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is not even just a political opponent, this is the former president of a superpower, this is a person behind whom stands a colossal amount of financial, industrial and any other military elite, and make him out of him, because they are trying to make him into a whipping boy, show him how to humiliate and trample a person, a politician, the leader of a significant part of the republican party. but what is important is that the whole world sees this tragic circus into which the american political system is turning, which they used to wave like a flag on the capitol and say that this is the land inhabited, that this is how it should be done, they are quite seriously discussing the option in the usa murders, so imagine, whoever won the november elections in the united states, and the other...
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we saw this in texas with armed groups: here is the national guard, here are the armed forces of the united states of america, here are the local militias, here is the society . american shooters, so the situation is very difficult, for the world, by the way, and the strength of the united states, its weakness and fragmentation are equally dangerous, because well, we see this in the example of sovereign states, as soon as the united states plunges into their internal politics, they incite
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conflicts along the entire perimeter, so as not to look weak against the backdrop of a general conflagration, and to gain time. trump is a strong figure, no one can say anything differently about this man, let’s not talk about his political preferences, about his characteristics, but about his seriousness about his sex life, he wanted precisely in political life to bring to the top
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what is in decent in general, it makes no sense for society to say, by and large, that he did such a thing? man, strong man, trying today prove that he is not a fool and in general that he, in the states, in europe, anywhere, and this strong man , as they call it, has the right to life, but that’s not even the point, he is a contender for the presidency of the united states, pay attention to this attention, once upon a time it was something like this unattainable, a person has already become president once, today he is fighting for the second time, so you will notice that there are two parallel trials against two presidents, the former and the current one, which means against the former , what is the essence of the accusations about that trump paid a woman with reduced social responsibility, and allegedly avoided taxes there, paid from the wrong fund,
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well, he paid from his own money, as for biden, biden’s son is starting to be tried for what he, having a drug addiction, illegally acquired. unpredictability, that a strong leader exists today, but may not be there tomorrow, and here you begin to remember what the shvabovites wrote about, you understand that they want to carry out a digital revolution, that is, to reset it so that the government is not strong leaders held on, and they are supposedly unpredictable and bring indiscriminate chaos to society, here
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andrei petrovich, you involuntarily begin to be a conspiracy theorist when you look at american politics, well, i would still like to start with trump, yes please, of course, it would be great if after all... they were put in prison, and there they began signing various documents directly from the cell, remember before there was a transfer behind glass, but here behind bars, where diplomats would come and give their credentials, all this in some kind of prison , well everything took on a completely different atmosphere , yes, but seriously, let’s put it this way, well, trump is not being tried because he had some kind of sexual relations, he is being tried and tried because he let money into the budget, took money and gave 300 there 400. that is, he is a thief, if you look at it objectively, a thief should be in prison, well, that is if we evaluate this according to the law, but there they have it, it’s not their justice for all and justice for everyone, yes, but it’s not for everyone, believe me, no one will put him in prison anywhere, he will continue to carry out theirs, they will come to an agreement between biden and
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trump, because as you correctly said, biden has his own, he’s rummaging through the cannon, and his son hunter biden is annealing him. no worse than everyone else, yes, let’s remember this burisma, where it was, then bribery, bribery of various of these, biden himself just said in an interview, i was in ukraine for a month, there was terrible corruption, when the vice president was soaking it, when he was holding this revolver , they’re also not judging him for waving it around drunk, even if it was in scope, it turns out he’s a drug addict and didn’t report it when he bought it - biden looks at such conversations and thinks, i wish i had your problem, i would have lived to see these elections, it would have been. we see here, this is just a show that is being played out for these people, it doesn’t matter who comes to power, maybe trump, even when he comes to power, he will most likely end up like a bull in a china shop, where they are already starting to work like watchmakers.
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which comes from washington today, we will continue, in a couple of minutes, stay with us, we continue, the pentagon confirmed
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that the biden administration has allowed kiev strike with weapons supplied by nato on russian territory. this decision stunned even seasoned politicians, and writes that this is a stunning step, given that the administration initially said that such an escalation. will lead to more direct us involvement in the conflict. the new york times adds that biden's decision appears to be the first time an american president has authorized a limited military response targeting artillery, missile bases and command centers along the border. enemy possessing nuclear weapons. here andrey petrovich, what kind of phase is this? this is a normal phase of pressure on russia. russia's success is obvious in ukraine, although the line. yes , it is not moving anywhere and will not move, because the goal of military defeat of ukraine is simply not worth it today, this goal of military
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defeat does not exist, the question is not even about ukraine at all, the question of changing the general political configuration of the world in its essence, therefore is not announced in russia no mobilization, no operations are carried out, that is, it’s like a consequence of the fact that the goals are somewhat different, this is what america is doing today, what britain and the rest of the collective west together are doing today. this is aimed solely at creating a crisis situation in which it will then be possible to bend russia to an agreement with it on something, well , let’s remember the same caribbean crisis , yes, that is, an attempt to ask questions related to libya, but every time it turned out somewhere a little bit, well, to bend russia, to negotiate with it in ultimately, in its own interests, the west, it always proceeds from a concept that was laid down a long time ago, this is a strategy...
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of the russians on russian air, and above all , we hear this very often today on the internet in the community, where this is being talked about more and more often , that the issue of prolonging the conflict is the interest , beyond any doubt, of the collective west in order to then resolve its own... question: will there be peace negotiations? i want to say, yes, there will be some kind of peace negotiations, but peaceful there will be no agreement, a priori, no one will sign it, ukraine, although it is not capable of an agreement today, and there we say that zelensky, he has the right to be president there, does not have the right to be president, no matter how you look at it, this is also purely political games, for some he is the president, for others he is not the president, that is, the objective factor is that in general this is unprincipled and zelensky’s signature...
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bc today appears to be russia, so this conflict will definitely be drawn out and it will last for many decades, let them be some kind of peace agreements, but they will be temporary, that is , agreements, not even agreements, agreements, on the principle that this one will drag both ukraine and russia into the conflict, this should continue indefinitely . because in this way it will be possible to control this entire region and keep one of the leading military states
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constantly on the hook from the point of view of the military system. and i won’t argue, i’m not even a military expert, well, from the point of view of the approach of the elites, but now take the elections in the european parliament, new people are coming, it’s not they who lost to russia, it’s those who left, lost, trump is coming, what can he say, it’s not me who lost, it’s biden who lost everything in ukraine, and he’s already saying it, but why did we decide , that they outplayed in ukraine, no, you said that they cannot afford to lose to russia, these i cannot. those who will come new, because russia plays not only on the military, military map, but on the military-political map, that is, it plays against this current kube of modern, the so-called leaders of the european union, in fact satellites in the united states, and the united states, let’s illustrate them, we will go further on the same topic, we are not moving away from it, but okay, americans, they are far away, these gentlemen understand what they can lead to their actions,
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france is preparing to announce the dispatch of its own. the czech republic, sweden, finland, and the baltic countries have no objection to this. the netherlands will allow kiev to use its f-16 fighter jets to strike military targets in russia, the minister of defense said kaisa olangra. you know, we need to look at these problems a little more broadly. not only from the point of view of the military component, not only from the point of view of politics, from the point of view of
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the geopolitical processes that are taking place in the world. and here the main thing must be said. that the world has already changed, this is the first thing, and westerners recognize this, remember borel’s words, he clearly said in his speech that the united states has lost its function as a hegemon, he said it, it wasn’t you and me who said it when speaking in great britain, it first moment second point, think tanks in the united states are already saying today that the task set in ukraine has not been completed. accordingly, we won’t talk about victory, but victory over russia within the specified timeframe that was planned was not achieved, what does this mean, that the world has changed, i want to emphasize this again, and today, let’s just figure it out further, well, they built russia and ukraine, they raised their military industry, everything
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they promised, starting with dzhevelinov, everyone said, it’s incredible. that’s right, and not only turkey, now there is a conversation about the development of the sco, about the emergence of new centers of power, the next point, because russia was an intermediate link, the united states believed that having finished with russia, they would turn over to china and solve the problem for china, taiwan is pumping up, yes, this chain, it should have been implemented, today it stalled in ukraine and it was supposed to complete this operation within a year, a year,
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there are various options, but this is the second one.
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this is what they are trying to push russia towards, that’s exactly what we said here about what the hegemon is losing, not losing, and what opportunities there are, look, russia today spends about 7% of gdp on the war in ukraine, the confrontation of the west, vladimirovich said a little less there, 5.6%, well, vladimir vladimir knows better, well, maybe maybe i was wrong in the numbers, okay, well, somewhere around this, ukraine spends about 35% of gdp, and the collective west 0.4%. 4%, that’s right, for her, in principle, this is not a price that is unaffordable, here the questions are a little different, what we said about the elections that will take place in the european parliament, yes related to the fact that it will become not just
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right-wing, but ultra-right, and nine states are definitely in first place, plus another two, third places, well, if we agree, even if we agree, we already clearly see what direction, that is, on the right and left, there is a division into patriots and globalists, globalism, globalism, it is beginning to not suit even the collective west, this is the basis of politics in general, this is the main instrument of the globalists, these are color revolutions, they give slippage everywhere, that is, by and large, how nikolay evgenievich said, yes, here it is, the west is slowly starting to leave as a hegemon, and the fact that today they are suddenly starting to talk about nuclear weapons more and more often, you understand, a year ago, 2 years ago they were even afraid to talk about it, so you look , as they approached, they clearly separated. strategic nuclear forces and non-strategic, tactical, and they already say so, you know, if in principle they are tactically nuclear, then they can be used, but i ’ll say this, such a gradation, as a rule, does not exist, if i attach the same
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bombs with a small charge to a strategic bomber, it automatically becomes a strategic nuclear force, you know, if this bomb falls in the center of paris, warsaw, or - it will be like dying.


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