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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 10, 2024 9:10am-10:46am MSK

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according to the german authorities, the flood rains caused the country material damage of 2 billion euros. the cause of the unprecedented flood is believed to be disruption during massive development. in both germany and austria, the rise in real estate prices led to the construction of a huge number of objects and during construction , hydraulic safety standards were neglected. the western regions of georgia were seriously damaged by storms and hail. rain and squally winds are forecast for the second day. after the storm, the ground was covered with an ice crust, the bad weather destroyed harvest of grapes and fruits. there were no fruits left on the trees, no leaves on the bushes. tasty and healthy import substitution, the minsk vegetable factory began to grow belarusian cherry tomatoes. the first batch has already been sold out in retail chains. in terms of care technology, the new product is practically no different from a regular tomato, but requires a lower temperature, and the yield
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, on the contrary, is higher, and most importantly, belarusian cherry tomatoes are more affordable, given the lack of logistics costs, and another new product is the belarusian iceberg lettuce . everyone is used to it that iceberg lettuce is a pumpkin, but in fact there is also leaf lettuce, and it is no worse, and how it differs from regular lettuce is in its taste, its crunchy properties. and more juicy, it is twice as rich in vitamins b, potassium, vitamin c, it also differs in that it can be stored a little longer, it is more cold-resistant, so it can stay in consumers’ refrigerators much longer. at the minsk vegetable factory they are working on new types of products; they also grow, collect and produce herbal herbal teas, dozens of items with a wide variety of tastes. recreation with an emphasis on patriotic
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education , a defense sports camp for schoolchildren from the brezsky district was opened at the base of the 115th anti-aircraft missile regiment. the guys spend their time as usefully as possible, study combat rifle training, compete in various competitions, and get acquainted with the military units of the bug region. every day is scheduled precisely minute by minute. tomashovka, swimming pool, that is. happens a day, sometimes we may have two trips, in the morning and after lunch, that is, we constantly on the move, we have had a lot go through our camp, and many of our students simply followed in the military footsteps, that is, they entered some kind of military service somewhere, we have such an institution and representatives, in total there are three shifts planned in the camp each will improve the health of 30 children, a rich palette of national heritage: in
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the art museum of belarus in one exhibition space the founders of professional art education on the territory of modern belarus, as well as their outstanding students, for artists-teachers yud lepen and yakov kruger, this year is an anniversary, painting vernissage, olga medved. the first teacher of marco chagall and the founder of the vitebsk private art school, yudel pen was a mentor. the most famous avant-garde artist, a native of belarus, was only 3 months old, but recognized the talent in the young chagall and invited him to study in his studio completely free of charge, and in such a short period instilled not only academic technique for the rest of his life, but also a love of art and vitebsk. shahal will not lose contact with the first teacher when will open a vitebsk art school and invite peno to the teaching staff. makes
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him a deputy, the head of the painting workshop, and will remember his mentor more than once in his biography, quotes from which complement the new exhibition. the paintings include both the famous yul pen and works from museum caches. no works were taken from the permanent exhibition for the temporary project. one of chagall's most famous portraits, the hands of pen, is still in the hall of belarusian art. this is such a team project, and today we can see a piece from the collection and national. art museum and from the collection of the vitebsk regional museum of local history, in particular the branch of the art museum of the city of vitebsk, and this project, after exhibiting here, will definitely be seen by vitebsk land. less publicized, but no less outstanding teacher of chaim sustin and ivan akhremchik. he is the first artist to receive the title of honored artist of the bssr, and the only painter with three personal... kruger years,
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there is no other artist in any collection, the paintings died in the war, like people. yakov kruger remained in the museum collections only due to the fact that at the beginning of the war, 1941, an exhibition was sent, which was called pen kruger alpirovich. this exhibition took place in vitebsk, and from vitebsk it was evacuated to saratov, and from saratov, it was preserved and returned here to minsk after the war. all the works that were here. unfortunately, they died in minsk. both artists were at the origins of professional art education in our country. yudel pen promoted the foundations of the russian school, after all, he graduated st. petersburg academy of arts. yakor kruger taught the basics of paris, and received
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education in europe for more than 10 years. their students are the cult names of our art: chagall, soutine, tsatkin, azgur, according to the work of twenty-three authors in the next room, and that’s only. part of the followers. olga medved, sergey matveychuk, telenews agency. and these are the main news of the tv news agency project. available on social networks in our mobile application qr code on the screen. watch the developments on the air at noon. lucky day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan,
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kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain. qatar - united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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hello, this week belarus visited the far corners of mongolia and our brotherly russia in irkutsk. the effect of alexander lukashenko’s visit is only. hospitality, the festival in grodno brought together dozens of peoples on one site, everyone somehow coexists peacefully and cheerfully, this does not fit into today’s western politics at all. from that shore there have been statements about a nuclear arms race, whoever declares this, if the leader there, every now and then becomes a laughing stock on social networks, along with his obedient european retinue, is there any limit to the permissiveness of such dependents, the old, weak border... with common sense, the guard even arranges garbage dumps on its own borders, trying
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to humiliate belarusians, poles, and lithuanians, but as is usually the case, only the authorities who invented these very sanctions look pitiful. this is the main broadcast, with you victoria senkevich and maxim uglyanitsa. watch today's program. they became even closer, as the president visited the mongols and irkutsk people. we summarize the results of the visits with...
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we work efficiently, without regard for dirt. belshina is already among the industry leaders. we produce high-quality mixtures, of course, we will compare before and after in our quality control , we will see what else the belarusian land can offer to our partners. 10 days, and this carrot will already be served on the shelves of our republic. joining shows from everyone will benefit from this. are forced to constantly modernize, to be competitive in foreign markets, they are people or animals, lithuania humiliates and turns border crossings into burial grounds with garbage, citing sanctions, with entire buses on their feet. in the future, if passengers have food with them and may be denied entry, in some cases, as i was warned, the buses may be turned away altogether, this is harmful in the blood of westerners, such slander against our athletes. sent to countries by the international olympic committee, ukrainians are here, these are the notebooks they collect
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for our athletes and carry them there, they carry them, because of the thick folders with denunciations, our athletes will miss the olympics, they could ban them, but they don’t give them, gifts from the pruzhany facility, the outflows continue to delight guests and residents, a very wonderful event, well, for this city, it’s just cool that grodno has gathered so many people of different nationalities under one roof. festival belarus is beautiful, rich, clean and independent. for culture and sports, everyone comes to visit us, match belarus russia and full house at dynamo stadium. the visit of president alexander lukashenko to mongolia is a step to strengthen the eurasian strategy of our country. this is exactly how experts evaluate the past negotiations. minsk has long headed for the east, this is a response to the challenges of time and...
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belarus and mongolia, in big politics this helps to quickly find a common language of common ground. why is alexander lukashenko’s visit to ulanbater called historic, where the belarusian president was aiming, as well as the role of truth and unexpected footage from... on the sidelines of the negotiations, our journalists tried to see more, time will tell everything , belarusian aircraft number one in mongolia. given and prepared responsibly while he was still in the air at the airport, they carefully polished the executive cars, honed
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the impeccable passage of the motorcade. the first impression is made by the weather of the visit, what is the sharply continental climate of mongolia, we feel it, it’s hot all day, but literally the sun has set behind the mountains, here it’s already getting really very chilly, you want to wear something warmer. the coldest capital the world greeted lukashenko warmly.
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there will be reactions and physical training. motorcyclists accompanying the auto leader is a rare case for mongolia, only if the guest is important. by the way, over the past couple of years , the french macron, the pope, the german president stanmayr and the well-known mrs. nulant from the american state department have visited here. food for thought for those who are still wondering: why is lukashenko going to mongolia? if only there was a presidential motorcade. during the daylight, it would be easier to see the local landscapes; yurts in the middle of a field are a common thing, but for this reason it would be premature to judge the country from the pictures. mongolia 30 years ago, when deputy lukashenko was still here, and today heaven and earth. yurts follow traditions and
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the historical way of life; they are even in the courtyard of the state palace. and even in the residence itself we are connected by long-standing friendly relations; the basis of our relations was certainly created by our very close and warm relations during the existence of the soviet union. let's say frankly that our trade and economic relations want, gently speaking, to be much better. we are ready, if you wish, to do everything to deliver. the treasury of the well-being of the mongolian people does its part of the work. only mongolia can compete with belarus for its unusual location on the planet. they, like us, have no access to the sea, but they do have access to the sea of ​​people. russia and china are eternal neighbors, on whom much depends. all gasoline comes from the north, goods and investments come from the south, beijing is
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the main buyer of mongolian coal. president khurelsuk went to the last elections with speaking. sandwiched between two empires, huge states, you very subtly and carefully conduct your foreign policy, balancing between these forces, i know how difficult it is for you to stay afloat and improve the well-being of your people. you have colossal resources, enormous wealth. this is your great good, but this good must be preserved, it must be protected, because the world today has gone crazy, only strength is respected, and in order to exist in this frenzied world, you need to be strong, power must be tough, firm, like a fist, clenched in
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this time the press was in a vice, we had to tell each other how belarus could be useful to mongolia, after all... there is no need to tell the mongols exactly what it means to be an empire, and even though more than one century has passed since the time of chengis khan, a company of honor guard and today one automatically assumes a pose of strength and confidence. in order to catch the most juicy shots, ceremonies and negotiations in the press , it was necessary to be on top that day, and sometimes fall to the ground, the presidents had to be in
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the field of view of the translators. simultaneous translation, protocol requirements. many people there know russian, they studied in soviet schools and universities, you need to react faster , first of all, listen to the president word for word and , accordingly, translate on the fly synchronously, if necessary, and if sequentially, then sequentially, and how long can a simultaneous interpreter work non-stop, you, for example, 4 hours, the presidents did not go for temporary records, as a result of the negotiations they agreed to cooperate and signed a road map. it may not be the most capacious market, but it is a promising point in our course - to the east. all this is part of minsk’s big eurasian strategy and movement towards the countries of the global south, we are looking for and finding friends not only in the eu, with which ulanbater dreams of
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signing a trade agreement, but in the sco and brix. the world is much larger than the usa and europe. the mongolian opposition tried to throw a fly in the ointment into the barrel of friendship; there is now real political heat here on the eve of the parliamentary elections. the biased media criticized minsk for its svo. and support for russia, i read the entire review, especially paid attention to the journalists of mongolia, and i see that they are simply biased by one side, they do not see that not everything is happening, individual journalists, this is being thrown into society, do not make us enemies of the mongolian people, we are your closest friends and brothers, and the president and i will prove in economics, that we can do a lot. do. the president did not remain silent on this topic. our national weapon really worked flawlessly. anti-belarusian rallies failed. why do the mongols today, having
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a parallel with genghis khan, condemn russia, and even more so belarus, which spoke out guarantor of peace negotiations. and we had three rounds of new negotiations. we agreed to end the confrontation and war.
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we signed almost 30 documents for one visit, and this means that we have a great need and interest to work from both
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sides, and we are very pleased that we have taken a big step forward and will work, during this visit there was a lot of informal communication , and even before the start of official negotiations, and while getting acquainted with the traditions of the eastern country, among the national games here is archery, wrestling horse racing superimposed you can easily see one like this in the courtyard of the most ordinary house, but of course it’s not quite usual, it’s more like a vip yurt, here everything is arranged in such a glamorous way, one might say, a carved table, an armchair, well, such a place to relax, of course, and not for housing, a glamorous gift from the president of mongolia, horses named mir and hoodki, fast breed, fast breed. yes, thank you, a very expensive gift, let's go, i 'll give you a more powerful horse, a traditional old
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mtz tractor with 880 horsepower, of course we will modernized, but it was sold all over the world in soviet times, it is more powerful, i don’t have one like that at home, i have... our people use a belarusian tractor, the oldest ones we have are about 50 years old, they work, they work, they still work, these are completely new
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modifications that are strong and fast. a feature of mongolia, let's take a look inside, oh, there's a scarf inside, so i'm taking home a piece of mongolian warmth. it was warmer than mongolian cashmere, except perhaps the meeting on irkutsk land, on siberian water, on baikal water, all the water here is baikal, belarusian chickens, oh, belarusian, belorrechensky, if
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it’s belarusian, we won’t be offended.
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the irkutsk aviation plant, which the president will visit, is working to have its own boeings and airbuses. belarusians are already helping their russian partners, but there are more opportunities. we want to be in the montage. your high-tech processes, aircraft manufacturing, rocket manufacturing, the second - this should be our common ground. belarus and russia should not be divided. this, as we often say, is a product of the union state.
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as was said, the anti-belossian attack in mongolia failed as an attempt to score political points in that country's parliamentary race. the local opposition was planning a rally. in the center of ulaanbaater with alarmist and biased theses addressed to minsk, about the northern military district, aggression and reproaches for supporting russia. alexander lukashenko was aware of this, aware of what was heard in the local press, and gave a full breakdown of the situation. he directly responded to what they wanted to do to stir up society, including the imposed statements about co-aggression. i noticed one thing: in mongolia, part of the population is negative
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perceived. our assistance to belarus, which we provided to the russian federation in connection with the conduct of a special military operation in ukraine, somehow sees this one-sidedly, i just wanted to tell you very briefly to the point, with parallels, i am a historian, so i understand something in history, i know what genghis khan is, and i know how he fought for his mongol empire. how he defended his people, what happened between ukraine and russia, and the same thing, such an empire as russia, the basis of the soviet union, the united states of america, the west dreamed of the collapse of the soviet union, and the collapse, had a hand in this, destroyed the soviet union at the expense of, first of all , the americans and the west, independent states emerged, sovereign ones, and agreed. that
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the west will not advance any power bloc to our borders, to the belarusian and russian ones, what happened, they began to create in ukraine. odessa, how russian people were burned there. people, russian society has begun to put pressure on president putin on power, you must protect them, and before that i was in minsk a witness, they call me a mediator there, but not a mediator, i was the organizer of negotiations
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between russia and ukraine through the mediation of the west, they agreed, there were good agreements, the presidents signed them, they didn’t fulfill them, the ukrainians, and the west said, and this is us... they made a special joke, you know, they gave ukraine time to delay the time so that they would arm themselves against russia, so how should russia have behaved, come to us, you can see the real situation in that region, then you will judge me less because i support russia, how could it be otherwise, this is our brotherly country, but i don’t want people to die, and we are doing and will do everything to ensure that there is peace there, if the americans agree to ensure that there is peace there there was peace, there will be peace tomorrow, but they don’t need it, so figure out who is to blame here, who is right? in mongolia, the principled position of minsk was heard, the anti-belarusian rally turned
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into zilch, paid for by the west for a couple of people, that’s all. of course, given that parliamentary elections will soon be held in mongolia, the local the opposition uses every opportunity to shake up the situation, which is why our president’s visit. immediately became the subject of struggle among various factions. according to the classics , there were some fakes and provocations, but our counter-weapons, the facts on the table, became so discouraging that people did not support any protest sentiments. moreover, we were pleasantly shocked by such openness of alexander lukashenko. our columnist ilona krasudskaya discussed the results of the visit and the entire background that accompanied it with a member of the house of representatives, general director of the national libraries of belarus, vadim gigin. indeed, our president’s business trip came at a very difficult time , as we are used to, yes, we are mostly immersed in our bilateral agenda, we received a very warm welcome and it was really colorful, so oriental, narrow composition, wide composition, but these
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are anti-belarusian sentiments, a very interesting gesture, the president spoke very clearly, in great detail, in fact, with mongolian citizens, explained the whole situation to them, there were clear answers to all these stereotyped statements about the fact that we are co-aggressors about...
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there is mongolia, there is russia, there is china, there are other countries, if you like, the mongolian authorities wanted to enlist the authority of our president, precisely the authority that has been developed over many years of struggle by the belarusians led by our leader for our values, for our history, for our sovereignty, for our choice, it is important to emphasize this, therefore the pro-western neoliberal opposition, which only a few years ago existed.
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says: look at our, our proposals, sometimes you say it yourself, listen, well, i, i come from culture, yes, i don’t represent the company anything, here’s a business card for a belarusian - this is lukashenko’s quality, everything is excellent, that is , you understand how good the image of our country is among most states, not only this, not this transatlantic community, it is they there in the west who think that they are the center of the world, they are the whole world, the world is much larger, the world is more diverse, but what this causes...
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mongolia has chosen this path today, its leadership, today on the side of justice world order, and of course, this lays the foundation for building close relations in all socio-economic spheres, humanitarian ones, and we see in what areas today there are agreements on the delegation that
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went together with the head of our state to mongolia, the heads of our ministries and departments, we roughly understand what areas of cooperation.
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journalist, i believe that this visit opens a new page in the history of relations between our two countries. in the development of new mongolia, belarusian investors, engineers and technical workers, as well as enterprises that work in the field of agriculture, played an important
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role, and we are confident that cooperation in these areas will develop. mongols know agricultural machinery well, belarusian-made machines, your combines from soviet times are still working with us, this is evidence of the high quality of belarusian agricultural machinery, and thanks to this visit, cooperation in the field of agriculture between our countries will develop intensively as cooperation. we are moving across the world map in all directions, despite the closed nature of individual countries that are accustomed to talking from a position of strength. the project clear politics has visited four continents, the big
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premiere is this monday on belarus 1, the authors have traveled more than 60 thousand km and will tell you. about the brightest points of the belarusian distant arc: the largest parts of the world - asia, africa, europe and latin america, people, cities, enterprises where minsk is known, appreciated and respected. who is against western domination, where belarus is used as an example, why artificial barriers are not an obstacle to trade with real friends? answers in a joint project of the telenews agency and the ministry of foreign affairs. well, the goal of this project is actually quite simple: to show our viewers the voice of the world, which wants a normal life, honest politics, economic development instead of homeless sanctions, and thanks to our educational representation, the camera of the belarusian tv channel for the first time visited the most remote corners of quite large countries,
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quite serious players in the geopolitical map, believe me, we were pleased to see and hear what people and leaders say about belarus. about belarusians, about our president, and what is constantly emphasized: take care of your independence, so big films are about big people, where politics and economics are, and most importantly, that the world is big, and despite western pressure, belarus is not is not isolated, belarus is not at all alone, we have quite a lot of partners in different parts of the world who share our views, who support us in difficult times time with whom you can and should work absolutely differently...
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to build each other, not to destroy, dozens of exclusive interviews, high politicians, diplomats, businessmen, journalists, experts, ordinary residents, about the modern world, the belarusian path of development and the geography of common contracts . and an example is what deserves respect and what distinguishes belarus, it is a country that forces you to respect itself and respect its people, because the geopolitical structure today is built like this: someone wants to respect, someone does not want to respect. individual countries allow themselves disrespect in relation to belarus, as an observer of world politics, i will say unequivocally: belarus is impossible not to notice, it has preserved and
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is developing healthcare, industry, government, you did not allow the country to be destroyed, you held it, this is a victory, this is one of the best examples, which we have after the collapse of the ussr. you are resisting pressure, it is obvious that president lukashenko is the target of western sabotage, which they do year after year, but you manage to give a worthy rebuff. belarus is good for example, you went through transformation in a difficult way and you know how to withstand pressure. why is a multipolar world already the present and what kind of joint future do belarus’ partners see? our technology and products reach all over the globe. clear politics - a big journey, four big videos. first stop: latin america, this monday, after the panorama.
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really understands what it means to work, local farmers say: “give us
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belarusian equipment, i would like to send all these flowers to belarus, belarusian equipment without problems can work even in the harshest conditions. we have been working with gom silmash equipment for 10 years, we are very satisfied, we chose it. belusian tractors, because after studying we realized that this is the best offer on the market. we have many requests regarding imports from belarus. brazil always opposes sanctions. lukashenko is called a strong president in kenya. and he defends the sovereignty of his country and the interests of the people. he's a huge personality. here they know and respect ours.
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the high level of friendly relations is confirmed by belarus and kazakhstan. in over the past few weeks we have seen an intensification of dialogue at various levels. exchange of government delegations, intergovernmental commission, which took place in minsk, negotiations on security issues and the work of parliamentarians. there is only one conclusion: the policies of western countries should not influence relations between belarus and kazakhstan, which are developing exclusively in the spirit of strategic partnership and alliance. the basis of any long-term.
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level at which we hope we will become full members of this organization, it is very important to note that in july the sco summit alexander grigoryevich lukashenko will participate, even this visit to a multilateral platform obliges the two parties to consolidate, including on a bilateral track, naturally we are working on tukaev’s visit to minsk, we are working on the visit of the prime minister of the republic of kazakhstan. on the eve of the visit, there is an agreement that we reached within the framework of the igc on making a separate business visit back in september of this year, the market dictates conditions in such a way that we are forced to constantly modernize, constantly to develop innovative products, to be competitive in foreign markets, and of course using the integration associations that we belong to, in particular
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the eurasian economic space, very...
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units per year, in the future also the production of a front axle. a new line was launched in kukshitau in the spring, they are also working on in-depth production, they have produced a trial batch of their own cabins for small equipment, and have already received the necessary quality certificates. belarusians have ambitious plans in the region. in the next 2 years in in kazakhstan, the assembly of a 500-horsepower tractor in a classic layout will be established.
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the market for passenger equipment and updates in this direction in kazakhstan, so we also offer our kazakh partners the opportunity to work in this direction, for example, belcommarш on trolleybuses, trams, electric buses, which they produce, which immediately suggests the next topic: the network of charging stations, which we also we have competence in belarus, at the intergovernmental commission the kazakh side once again expressed interest in creating construction industries. there is a very large market for materials, well, imagine about 17 million km of housing are built in kazakhstan every year, this is a very large market, therefore building materials are needed for it, furniture is needed for it, which, by the way, is in great demand in kazakhstan, if we talk about construction design , i’ll tell you a separate project that i would really like to implement and that we are also moving towards, this is the construction
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of a dairy farm, turnkey. we are actively developing a network of belarusian food stores already exist in all regional cities. belarusian products number one under such a big name have opened 270 branded stores
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throughout kazakhstan, plus they operate as a franchise. for example, in the kostonay region, belarusian food products are over 2.0 items and can be found in almost all retail outlets. the distributor does not hide his surprise. it's always very interesting to me. if about 10-11 million people live in belarus, in general, 10-11 million people can feed several cis countries, yes, europe, there is enough for everyone, and the products are really high-quality, worthy, beyond competition, one might even say so, the products of any plant, if you take the belarusian one, they are beyond competition with any other plant, it’s not for nothing that belarus is called an agricultural country, yes , they really are such workaholics, only 60 tons of products are shipped to the kostonai region every month, with about 40 tons of meat going out. sausages and milk are at the top, the preferences of local residents. we always use sour cream and butter, it’s much better than even well
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local, although there are a lot of local factories, wonderful products, high quality, this is definitely delicious. there are currently three branded stores with belarusian products in kostanay, but by the end of the year another 20 outlets will be opened. we are developing it all. we were literally in baikonur on the occasion of the ceremonial launch of our cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya, as part of a visit to baikonuri we agreed with the city administration that we will open one or two stores this year and there, we entered a large chain of hypermarkets, and not they just went on the shelf, stood up, and we are going through the creation of islands of belarusian products, the second direction, if we touched on trade and stores, is products. light industry, we are working to create such a multi-brand light industry store, there is a desire to do it in ostan and almaat, maybe with a certain sequence in the largest cities, in order to present
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belarusian products on a more, let’s say, scale in the assortment , identify the goods that are in greatest demand, and then move, let's say, into promotion, we followed the same strategy in relation to food products, so i said about stores, now we saw that... that confectionery products, they, there is already a need to isolate them into a separate business to create up to the point that the confectionery network for our products, we are now working out the possibility of holding a forum of regions between belarus and kazakhstan, and thus we will involve a very large layer of regional cooperation, we have signed about 25 agreements cooperation between the regions of belarus and kazakhstan, would you agree? a direct flight usually helps you develop more actively; after all, it’s much easier to fly non-stop. we currently operate five direct flights per week from minscan. in june
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, another flight is being added, that is, there will be direct flights 6 days a week, of course, this is a great convenience, but today we are talking with the kazakh aviation services about making the almaata-minsk flight a good one. its inspection at enterprises. this time went to belshina. once upon a time, an unprofitable enterprise was on the verge of stopping production, wages were low, the equipment was old, they wanted to sell it altogether. a typical
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story with the collapse of the soviet union for large enterprises. alexander lukashenko has a clear position on this matter - to preserve it. after all, these are both technologies and people who know their work. i managed to save it. now we cannot do without new challenges. in addition, you need to maintain your position in the market; the buyer is always strict. right now, look at the quality control section. our a technology that has proven itself on the world market, most people know that the tire is round and black, but it wasn’t that easy, i’ll tell you honestly, when i last visited you five years ago, i didn’t think that...
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the attitude towards belarusian rubber is, to be honest, ambiguous: some are in favor of the domestic manufacturer, others are against it, but to speak and eat is still not knowing how to understand how car tires are made, so we go to the plant itself. the only enterprise in the country with more than 300 models for cars, trucks, agricultural machinery, buses and electric vehicles.
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transport. quality control today for belarusian tires. even before we see the finished tire, several stages will go through; it all starts with the development of the mixture technology. the global trend is the burden on the environment, reducing co2 emissions, so we, too , seem to be moving with this trend on passenger tires. one mixture contains up to twenty components, each with a specific purpose.
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people are left without work, wages are low, equipment is old, debts continue to grow, businesses are on the verge of shutdown. we must develop large-sized tires as soon as possible - supply a tire for our belas. afterwards there will be the only factory of extra-large tires in the cis, but for now the task is not to lose the enterprise itself, although in 2006 the president admits that he did not have much hope. the plant was completely standing here. the question was who, where to get the technology for producing a new tire, and no one gave this technology, these specialists, plant designers, themselves created this machine and made the tire that we need, the line that is behind me, it is, one might say, the heart of our plant, production.
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by examining all this in this way, she determines the presence of all these defects and the level of these discrepancies has dropped significantly, that is, if earlier the indicators from the statistics were 95 96, then at the moment 99 tires pass from the first presentation, and it is also necessary to monitor engraving, size, model, speed category, everything is important in visual checking.
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are they critical or non-critical? well there are did you watch any moments? this is a good tire, there’s no way it can be, because they are mechanized on new machines. already at the final stage, the tire is sent for x-ray. to put it as simply as possible, this is a kind of mri. by the way, the equipment is unique, a pilot project by developers from st. petersburg, installed only 2 years ago, and it only takes 3-4 minutes to detect. for this tire, let's say 1820, it is practically used, well, in the region of 18-20 different parts to assemble a tire, otherworldly or negative. no, that is, everything is in place, there are no shifts, there is no failure, the tread, everything is in place, the tires are installed on the rim, which means that depending on the size and model of the tire,
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the technical loads are installed, a passenger tire, it rolls for an hour, yes, truck tire, the method of the fifty-fourth rule, it is implied, 48 hours in the regulatory documents, and we have a guarantee on our tires, in particular, this is 5 years from the date of manufacture, subject to the rules of operation, which means storage, or until the wear indicator. the commercial bloc held a number of negotiations with the far arc countries. of course, i wouldn’t like to talk in advance, but there are already certain agreements, and contracts and experience have been signed. supplies, we provide our domestic market, we work well in the foreign market, our tires are known in more than 60 countries, but there is always something to strive for, in march we defended our position, the sanctions imposed by the eu were lifted, so we will continue to work, the main thing so that our
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customer is satisfied, we have a belarusian-made car and tires, good you feel the car, well, it let you down, no, no, it didn’t let you down, there are no questions about belshina. international exhibition belagra. at the forum there are not only our farmers and industrialists, but also foreign colleagues. almost five thousand companies, 11 countries, about three dozen foreign delegations. on the territory of 32. m, the latest developments and advanced technologies used in agriculture. the venue
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needs to be expanded by next year, say the organizers. we have something to show. it’s not for nothing that belarus is among the top five exporters of milk and the top 15 exporters of meat. and the cars are under znakby travel in different parts of the world. scientists shared the latest developments from the national academy of sciences; fifty organizations alone presented their achievements. the food industry has collected all the delicacies under one roof, marked not only tasty, but natural. the ministry of industry presented more than 170 samples of equipment. yes, to some extent , everyone is a competitor here, but winning a buyer is much easier when your main trump card is quality. of course, without... not new, without science, it is impossible to move forward in any industry, and especially in agriculture. today we can completely abandon the import of agricultural machinery and equipment, completely switch to our own, and the ministry of industry offers us a full set of machines and mechanisms
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in order to do everything technologically in crop and livestock production. technologies use new trends, this is without. sugar with the least amount of fat, without salt, if these products concern baby food, with the maximum possible presence of natural ingredients that are found in the very raw materials are carefully processed technologically to preserve these natural qualities that we have become accustomed to since childhood. the abundance of goods on the shelves and prices attract people to belarus. neighbors from the former soviet republics, but the local authorities do not like this so much that they have already lost all decency and human face. another fact of the shameful practice of humiliation of ordinary people by the lithuanian authorities. at the beginning of the week, vilnius introduced a ban on the transport of food products of belarusian and russian
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origin. border guards leave people behind no water or snacks. this takes into account high temperatures and long hours of waiting at the border. direct evidence is a violation. the lithuanian side is clearly trying to offend ordinary belarusians and lithuanians who take advantage of the opportunity of visa-free entry into our country. what is this? an echo of fascism or an attempt to once again curry favor with western breadwinners? or maybe things are really so bad in lithuania that even such simple products are not available to their border guards? in mitvah.
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another stone towards the belarusian border, which has traditionally ricocheted , the lithuanian authorities did not come up with something to throw towards lithuanian citizens. the news about the ban on the transport of belarusian and russian products to the territory of lithuania took many by surprise right at the border, from zero on june 3, everything that you could eat and drink was actually taken from ordinary people from their hands. the last bottle of water, sandwich or juice for the child, the food dump in the inspection room of the lithuanian tamora grew with discontent. started asking what products we were carrying, what about 3 june, you can’t do anything at all, in general,
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we have sundaes, cookies and mineral water, a lot of sweets. in the future, if passengers have food with them and may be denied entry, in some cases, as i was warned, the buses may be turned away altogether. after 2 days of lawlessness on the belarusian-lithuanian border, lithuania began to look for excuses for its shame, saying that customs officers did not regard the latter in the same way. yes, but so far we haven’t felt anything, we haven’t really checked anything, we’ll see, but
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we know this law, so we haven’t done anything we’re carrying, we didn’t take a bottle of water with us , or, uh, there’s a bottle, but it’s open, and if anything happens, while we drive 3 meters to here, we’ll see, it doesn’t seem at all like it’s a little crazy, here it is, like without water, without water neither here nor there, yeah, you need some water, you’re bringing illegal stuff. our sausage is sour cream and the crows don’t know, no, they didn’t take anything, no, so have a snack, yeah, before you could have canned fish, now i don’t know, this is the first time i’m eating after these innovations, yeah, well, are you ready for them to clean it up and your rows are nutritious , well, sort of you were warned, so i didn’t take much, you took something tasty with you and take it from belarus, that’s right, sausage, yes, thank you, good, dear to you, all products were banned. from belarus, now buses don’t even go to duty-free, and from personal transport they only come for a cup
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of coffee, buyers come in, they look at the assortment and are simply afraid to buy, and what do people generally like, what can they take from belarusian here? in general, well, we actively always took with us absolutely everything, from chocolate to alcohol, now that can be, now they can only buy some water for themselves, just drink something and... eat, drink coffee in order to have time to eat before, yes, until i get to the lithuanian border. it is obvious that citizens who spend days in queues artificially created by the lithuanian side have the legal right to carry food and medicine for personal use. as a child, we went to belarusian stores for bread, for corn, i love belarusian bricks, some cookies, here.
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life is growing fierce and no, not lithuanians, the lithuanian authorities themselves are fed up with promises from overseas, therefore, as they say, neither to themselves nor to the people, another attempt to limit their own citizens, they say, eat at home and there is nothing to add to the piggy bank of the belarusians, however, such the habits of experienced travelers have been noticed for a long time, it happened that when it was allowed, they also unwrapped, unwrapped, threw it all away, forced it all into a container, and so on, that is, it all depends on how the mood of the shift is, now...
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you say, no, what will they tell you? belarus in in relations with its neighbors , it firmly adheres to its position, and its essence is eloquently expressed by the visa-free regime, which, by the way, baltic citizens use twice as actively as the poles, and it is quite obvious that the baltic political elite, which is deeply occupied by the west, is not capable of reciprocity. on the main broadcast, yulia alferova, vitaly selyavko
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and pavel poznyakov. these are anti-human methods, just a little bit. remember how people were simply washed out. brains through extremist telegram channels. now many of those who once i believed outright nonsense in 2020, we finally saw the light. thus, an interview with radical’s ex-wife, daria losik, is actively gaining views. all that her now ex-husband strived for was to be a popular influencer, without thinking about the ethics of his materials. igor losik was the author of one of the telegram channels involved in the preparation of the coup. his salary was $2.0.
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it catches the viewer, it gives publicity, and accordingly, perhaps someone is out there somewhere, some mystical, i don’t know, person behind border, he will do something and he will be released, it sounds something like this, well, in fact, it’s wildly vague and it’s unclear how at the age of 28-30 you can fall for this, i’m ready to voluntarily go to a belarusian prison and take all the criminal charges against igor in exchange for his freedom , if you really want, you can throw me a couple more criminal articles for... more pleasure, as i say, i imprisoned myself, if now he were right here somewhere, that is, standing in front of me, i would honestly, openly and told everything the same way, looking absolutely in the eyes, i didn’t iron, i can’t take it anymore, he has shozo pct again schizo pct, and so on endlessly, i say, i feel like a mother, a schoolboy has done something wrong, and mom should come, scold, put the brain in
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everything, we live as we lived, on august 1 daria comes out to freedom, where her five-year-old daughter paulina is waiting for her, do you hear who...
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is visiting everyone, and you can boast of this: they walked around the globe, and along the equator, it’s about 4000 km, they did it in just 3 days, and as it turned out, 50,000 steps, no restrictions with only a probe, the rain tried to make an adjustment, but we in general, they don’t mind, they say, for the money,
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they even had to start the entry with a slight delay, well, about 15 minutes, what is it like when there are people like that here... we are already citizens of your country , our country, our country. well, why did you decide to ground yourself in belarus? already married here to a belarusian. i’ve been living here for 31 years, it’s good, i’m happy with everything. belarus is wonderful, my wife is belarusian, my children are here, three sons, we have settled here for 45 years. our destinies are so closely intertwined, and does anyone have any doubt that the festival is not a family holiday, love literally reigned in air. uzbekistan, an invasion that is cozier than a carnival in rio, brought the bride and groom. wedding dances were taught in the armenian courtyard and around the city these are not images, life, a new union, roughly speaking, today the whole world is walking at
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your wedding, well, the whole of grodno at least, but there are so many nationalities here, well, yes, yes, that’s it, all the holidays are united , already where now, now there will be a wedding, the main value is to be with each other, because in the country, like in a family, the rear is calm, like...
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anyway, latvians and lithuanians are coming. teresa, now in the baltics they will think that you have the president's personal number. one could say it was a coincidence, but that would be if there was a different president. a month later, this is 2022, the president of belarus signed a decree. the poles were given no visas. so, thank you, and also latvians, this is the sister who said last time that thank you, this year i took it off.
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returning to the poles, who have already been helped once, there is a request to the team from ostrovets, which with the folk prefix, add polish to the beginning. yes, it happened, but it needs to happen again. in belarus they really don’t prohibit speak polish, we live with the same rights and have the same responsibilities, take care of our roots and love belarus. well, yes, the festival in grodnoy is about satiety of spirit and body. in every courtyard the tables were laden with national dishes. it’s good that i didn’t weigh myself before the festival. well, yes,
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belarus is, when the nomadic people are grounded, one of the loudest diasporas in the sandlag on the pedestrian street of grodno. belarusian gypsies. excellent production, medicine, but if we do not take care, value, preserve and increase what we have, then our grandchildren the cards say and great-grandchildren will ride horses, the third day of the festival today was hosted by the augustow canal, a specially protected unesco zone, one of the largest canals in europe, and it is also about the connection of
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belarus and poland. guests of our country and the belarusians themselves this weekend, as they say, even if you burst, there are many places where you could go and have a good time. 3 days, thousands of participating guests, a new sports facility and, of course, an ocean of emotions, this is only a small part of the cultural and sports festival in itoki. the anniversary forum was held in the first region, and specifically in pruzhany, the small town was plunged into the atmosphere of a big holiday, and hardly anyone was left indifferent during these 3 days? the festival started with the republican action vanruy otchuy nathnyaysya, and ended on the eve of the goal with a concert, disco and colorful fireworks. the highlight of the festival, as always, was the olympic quest. this year it was held under new rules. the organizers made a reference
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to real olympic medals. the legends of belarusian football surprised and delighted playing a friendly match with the olympic team. so, all the brightest and most important in the report of our sports columnist stanislav lipsky. 3 days of a bright holiday, more than 25 sports locations. a huge stage, great performances, and of course, fireworks is celebrating its anniversary this year, and the organizers truly never cease to amaze. already for the twentieth time, a large-scale forum was held; guests , especially the residents of pruzhany , are only happy about such a festival, the city is noticeably transformed, everything the action leaves no one indifferent. the festival has completely transformed our city, it’s very colorful, bright, a very wonderful event, well, for this city it’s just cool, chic, there’s no better emotion to be found.
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the festival started on thursday with a republican action. participants and guests of the holiday got acquainted with the sights of the pruzhany region , first of all they went to the palace complex in ruzhany, many probably know that it is called the belarusian versailles, the palace complex of the sapek family. the main state archives and treasury of the grand duchy of lithuania. one of the largest palace complexes in belarus was repeatedly completely destroyed during the great patriotic war. the restoration began 15 years ago, and the reconstruction of the theater building is currently ongoing. i think that any person, entering through this entrance gate, probably plunges into another era, and even if he was not immersed in history to some extent, then thanks to the excellent guide and guides in this place you are under the arches here of this museum complex for 3-4 centuries ago everything somehow you'll leave. the potential of the pruzhany region of the region, it is really
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very rich, is already here. god, as i say, has not been stingy. the most important creative component of the outflows was the art interactive from the arthu gallery. this year it is called start. everyone, together with a team of belarusian artists, completed the design of the site and slides for skating the new multi-profile roller skate park. and in these drawings our important national message is clearly visible. and it’s impossible to love your homeland, i don’t know it.
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lukashenko in the company of sports minister sergei kovalchuk, as well as management. region went to review the city's sports facilities, a delegation visited the children's youth sports school, water and ice palaces, the institutions received certificates for 10,000 rubles from the ministry of sports.
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now i wanted to. the olympic quest warmed up the residents and guests of pruzhany with a quiz from the olympic academy. this year we have such an innovation at the request of the workers, as they say.
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in 1960, i am very proud that our country has become a huge country in sports in terms of, yes, i am an amazing president of ours, and in his way of thinking, in his way of life, he is very much in love with physical culture and sports, and i am proud that our country is dotted with sports facilities, the legendary one has passed on its...


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